fixing call hexa in test, prints
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / fortran / module_lin_alg.f90
1 module module_lin_alg
3 use module_utils
5 contains
7 subroutine inv3(M, M_inv)
8 !Purpose: Calculate the inverse of a 3X3 matrix
9 !In:
10 !M 3X3 matrix
11 !Out:
12 !M_inv Inverse of M
13 implicit none
14 real,intent(in), dimension(3,3):: M
15 real,intent(out), dimension(3,3):: M_inv
17 !Local Variables
19 real :: detM
22 ! Compute M_inv
23 detM = (M(1,1)*M(2,2)*M(3,3) - M(1,1)*M(2,3)*M(3,2)-&
24 M(1,2)*M(2,1)*M(3,3) + M(1,2)*M(2,3)*M(3,1)+&
25 M(1,3)*M(2,1)*M(3,2) - M(1,3)*M(2,2)*M(3,1))
27 if(abs(detM).lt.10.0*tiny(detM))then
28 print *,'detM=',detM
29 call crash('The matrix is numerically singular')
30 endif
32 detM = 1.0/detM
34 M_inv(1,1) = +detM * (M(2,2)*M(3,3) - M(2,3)*M(3,2))
35 M_inv(2,1) = -detM * (M(2,1)*M(3,3) - M(2,3)*M(3,1))
36 M_inv(3,1) = +detM * (M(2,1)*M(3,2) - M(2,2)*M(3,1))
37 M_inv(1,2) = -detM * (M(1,2)*M(3,3) - M(1,3)*M(3,2))
38 M_inv(2,2) = +detM * (M(1,1)*M(3,3) - M(1,3)*M(3,1))
39 M_inv(3,2) = -detM * (M(1,1)*M(3,2) - M(1,2)*M(3,1))
40 M_inv(1,3) = +detM * (M(1,2)*M(2,3) - M(1,3)*M(2,2))
41 M_inv(2,3) = -detM * (M(1,1)*M(2,3) - M(1,3)*M(2,1))
42 M_inv(3,3) = +detM * (M(1,1)*M(2,2) - M(1,2)*M(2,1))
44 end subroutine inv3
46 subroutine print_matrix(name,A)
47 character(len=*)::name
48 real :: A(:,:)
49 integer i,j
50 print *,'Matrix ',trim(name),lbound(A,1),':',ubound(A,1),' by ', &
51 lbound(A,2),':',ubound(A,2)
52 do i=lbound(A,1),ubound(A,1)
53 print *,(A(i,j),j=lbound(A,2),ubound(A,2))
54 enddo
55 end subroutine print_matrix
57 end module module_lin_alg