1 function e = forecast_ellipse(r,t)
3 %function e = detection_ellipse(r,t)
4 % function returns eigenvectors for ellipse containg fire detections
6 % r struct, fire structure from subset_domain
7 % t scalar, t = g(n).time, time of final sateliite data
9 % e struct with eigenvectors for ellipse contining forecast
13 %fprintf('Forecast are ~= %d \n',sum(f_mask(:)));
14 f_lons = r.fxlong(f_mask);
15 f_lats = r.fxlat(f_mask);
16 forecast = [f_lons,f_lats];
19 e = ellipse_fit(forecast,ci);
20 e.area = sum(f_mask(:));
21 e.ellipse_area = det(e.d);