1 function [ detect_prob ] = detection_probability(tign)
2 %[ detect_prob ] = detection_probability(pixel_heat)
3 %returns the probability of detection based on logistic curve of validation
6 % tign : time since fire arrival
9 % detect_prob : proability of satellite detection at that pixel
10 detect_prob = zeros(size(tign));
12 % use exponential increase in heat
15 %for new burn model, set to zero for old model
16 % length of time heat is maximum, constant
19 %needed for computing with time instead of heat
21 heat = zeros(size(tign));
24 m3 = tign >= const_time;
28 heat(m1) = exp(100*decay*tign(m1));
30 tign_shift = tign-const_time;
31 heat(m3) = exp(-decay*tign_shift(m3));
33 heat(m2) = exp(-decay*tign(m2));
40 %a = 100; %controls shape of curve 20 for patch
41 %b = 2.2; %controls false positive rate 2.2 for patch
43 %can comput false pos rate as
45 b = log(false_rate/(1-false_rate));
48 p = 0.30; % percent detection prob at time t
49 t = 24; % hours since fire arrival
50 h_t = exp(-decay*t);
51 a = (log(p/(1-p))-b)/h_t;
56 % for exponential heat-up...
57 detect_prob = 1./(1+exp(-a*heat-b));
59 %without exponential heat-up
62 detect_prob(m1) = 1./(1 + exp(-b));
63 detect_prob(m2) = 1./(1 + exp(-a*heat(m2) - b));