Merge branch 'fixf'
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / fortran / module_common.f90
1 module module_common
3 use module_utils
5 integer, parameter::msize=14
6 integer, parameter::max_levels=5
8 ! method parameters
9 type params_type
10 real:: minaspect=1./3.,maxaspect=3.
11 real:: A(3,3)=reshape((/1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1./),(/3, 3/))
12 integer:: coarsest_iter=100 ! to solve the coarse problem
13 integer:: maxit=50 ! total iterations
14 integer:: nsmooth=3 ! smoothing iterations before correction
15 integer:: nsmooth_coarse=2 ! smoothing iterations on coarse levels
16 integer:: maxit_coarse=8 ! on levels>1: 2 smoothing, coarse, 2 smoothing, coarse, 2 smoothing
17 integer:: debug_level=-1 ! multigrid level to debug up to
18 integer:: msglevel=1 ! type of messages to print
19 integer:: print_level=2 ! multigrid level to print messages up to
20 !logical:: check_relres=.true. ! check residual after every base iteration if to continue
21 logical:: check_relres=.false.
22 real:: restol=1e-5 ! residual tolerance to stop iterating
23 ! real:: restol=1e-6 ! residual tolerance to stop iterating
24 !logical:: check_reldif=.false. ! check difference after every base iteration if to continue
25 logical:: check_reldif=.true. ! check difference after every base iteration if to continue
26 ! real:: diftol_finest=1e-6 ! keep iterating while iterates change by this
27 real:: diftol_finest=1e-5 ! keep iterating while iterates change by this
28 real:: diftol_coarse=1e-1 ! keep iterating while iterates change by this on corse levels
29 real:: diftol_coarsest=1e-2 ! keep iterating while iterates change by this on corsest level
30 end type
32 type(params_type)::params
34 ! multigrid structure
36 type mg_type
37 real, dimension(3,3):: A ! penalty weight matrix
38 real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:):: X, Y, Z ! grid vertices
39 real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:):: & !
40 f, lambda, res ! multigrid variables
42 real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:):: Kglo ! global stiffness matrix
44 real:: dx,dy ! horizontal spacing, scalar
45 real, pointer, dimension(:)::dz ! vertical spacing of the layers
46 integer::nx,ny,nz,nn ! mesh size in terms of vertices
48 integer::level
50 integer:: cr_x, cr_y ! coarsening factors
51 integer, pointer, dimension(:):: icl_x, icl_y, icl_z ! coarsening indices
53 end type
55 type(mg_type):: mg(max_levels+1) ! the main multigrid structure
57 contains
59 subroutine read_params
60 real:: minaspect=1./3.,maxaspect=3.
61 real:: A(3,3)=reshape((/1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1./),(/3, 3/))
62 integer:: coarsest_iter=100 ! to solve the coarse problem
63 integer:: maxit=50 ! total iterations
64 integer:: nsmooth=3 ! smoothing iterations before correction
65 integer:: nsmooth_coarse=2 ! smoothing iterations on coarse levels
66 integer:: maxit_coarse=8 ! on levels>1: 2 smoothing, coarse, 2 smoothing, coarse, 2 smoothing
67 integer:: debug_level=-1 ! multigrid level to debug up to
68 integer:: msglevel=1 ! type of messages to print
69 integer:: print_level=2 ! multigrid level to print messages up to
70 !logical:: check_relres=.true. ! check residual after every base iteration if to continue
71 logical:: check_relres=.false.
72 real:: restol=1e-6 ! residual tolerance to stop iterating
73 !logical:: check_reldif=.false. ! check difference after every base iteration if to continue
74 logical:: check_reldif=.true. ! check difference after every base iteration if to continue
75 real:: diftol_finest=1e-6 ! keep iterating while iterates change by this
76 real:: diftol_coarse=1e-1 ! keep iterating while iterates change by this on corse levels
77 real:: diftol_coarsest=1e-2 ! keep iterating while iterates change by this on corsest level
79 namelist/params_nml/ &
80 minaspect, &
81 A, &
82 coarsest_iter, &
83 maxit, &
84 nsmooth, &
85 nsmooth_coarse, &
86 maxit_coarse, &
87 debug_level, &
88 msglevel, &
89 print_level, &
90 check_relres, &
91 restol, &
92 check_reldif, &
93 diftol_finest, &
94 diftol_coarse, &
95 diftol_coarsest
97 write(*,'(a)')'Default parameters:'
98 write(*,nml=params_nml)
99 open(8,file='params.nml',status='old',err=9)
100 read(8,nml=params_nml)
101 close(8)
102 params%minaspect=minaspect
103 params%A=A
104 params%coarsest_iter=coarsest_iter
105 params%maxit=maxit
106 params%nsmooth=nsmooth
107 params%nsmooth_coarse=nsmooth_coarse
108 params%maxit_coarse=maxit_coarse
109 params%debug_level=debug_level
110 params%msglevel=msglevel
111 params%print_level=print_level
112 params%check_relres=check_relres
113 params%restol=restol
114 params%check_reldif=check_reldif
115 params%diftol_finest=diftol_finest
116 params%diftol_coarse=diftol_coarse
117 params%diftol_coarsest=diftol_coarsest
118 write(*,'(a)')'Using modified parameters:'
119 write(*,nml=params_nml)
120 return
121 9 write(*,'(a)')'Cannot open file params.nml, using defaults'
122 end subroutine read_params
125 subroutine allocate_mg_level(mg) !allocate one multigrid level
126 type(mg_type),intent(inout)::mg !multigrid structure
127 !*** local
128 integer:: &
129 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
130 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! memory dimensions
131 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
132 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts, jfte ! tile dimensions
134 !*** executable
135 call get_mg_dims(mg, &
136 ifds, ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
137 ifms, ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms, jfme, &
138 ifps, ifpe, kfps,kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
139 ifts, ifte, kfts,kfte, jfts,jfte)
141 if (.not.associated(mg%X))allocate(mg%X(ifms: ifme, kfms: kfme, jfms: jfme))
142 if (.not.associated(mg%Y))allocate(mg%Y(ifms: ifme, kfms: kfme, jfms: jfme))
143 if (.not.associated(mg%Z))allocate(mg%Z(ifms: ifme, kfms: kfme, jfms: jfme))
144 allocate(mg%F(ifms: ifme, kfms: kfme, jfms: jfme))
145 allocate(mg%lambda(ifms: ifme, kfms: kfme, jfms: jfme))
146 allocate(mg%res(ifms: ifme, kfms: kfme, jfms: jfme))
148 end subroutine allocate_mg_level
150 subroutine get_mg_dims(mg_level, &
151 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
152 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! memory dimensions
153 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
154 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts, jfte) ! tile dimensions
155 implicit none
156 type(mg_type),intent(in)::mg_level
157 integer, intent(out):: &
158 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
159 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! memory dimensions
160 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
161 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts, jfte ! tile dimensions
162 character(len=256)::msg
164 ifds = 1
165 ifde = mg_level%nx-1 ! dimension in elements
166 jfds = 1
167 jfde = mg_level%ny-1
168 kfds = 1
169 kfde = mg_level%nz-1
171 ifts = ifds
172 ifte = ifde
173 jfts = jfds
174 jfte = jfde
175 kfts = kfds
176 kfte = kfde
178 ifps = ifds
179 ifpe = ifde
180 jfps = jfds
181 jfpe = jfde
182 kfps = kfds
183 kfpe = kfde
185 ifms = ifps - 1
186 ifme = ifpe + 2 ! need +1 for vertex grid, and +1 for zero strip
187 jfms = jfps - 1
188 jfme = jfpe + 2
189 kfms = kfps - 1
190 kfme = kfpe + 2
191 write(msg,*)"get_mg_dims: domain",ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde
192 call message(msg)
193 write(msg,*)"get_mg_dims: memory",ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme
194 call message(msg)
195 write(msg,*)"get_mg_dims: patch ",ifps, ifde, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe
196 call message(msg)
197 write(msg,*)"get_mg_dims: tile ",ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts, jfte
198 call message(msg)
200 end subroutine get_mg_dims
202 subroutine write_3d(mg,l,var,name,v)
203 ! write array in text file for debugging
204 implicit none
206 !*** arguments
207 type(mg_type),intent(in)::mg(:) !multigrid structure
208 integer,intent(in)::l !level
209 real, intent(in)::var(:,:,:) !the array
210 character(len=*),intent(in)::name
211 character(len=1),intent(in)::v !'v' or 'e'
213 !*** local
214 integer:: &
215 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
216 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! memory dimensions
217 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
218 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts, jfte ! tile dimensions
219 integer::ie,ke,je
220 character(len=2)::lc
222 !*** executable
224 call get_mg_dims(mg(l), &
225 ifds, ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
226 ifms, ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms, jfme, &
227 ifps, ifpe, kfps,kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
228 ifts, ifte, kfts,kfte, jfts,jfte)
230 write(lc,'(i2.2)')l
232 if(v.eq.'v')then
233 ie = snode(ifte,ifde,+1) ! vertex based
234 je = snode(jfte,jfde,+1)
235 ke = snode(kfte,kfde,+1)
236 elseif(v.eq.'e')then
237 ie=ifte
238 je=jfte
239 ke=kfte
240 else
241 call crash('write_3d: bad v')
242 endif
244 call write_tight(var) ! write dereferenced
246 contains
248 subroutine write_tight(varr)
249 real, intent(in)::varr(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme)
250 ! for element/cell/midpoint based arrays, like fmw winds
251 ! open(iu,file='varr.dat',form='unformatted',status='unknown')
252 ! write(iu)varr(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte)
253 ! close(iu)
254 call write_array(varr(ifts:ie,kfts:ke,jfts:je),name//lc)
255 end subroutine write_tight
257 end subroutine write_3d
259 subroutine print_mg_dims(mg,l)
260 type(mg_type),intent(in)::mg(:) ! multigrid level
261 print *,'level ',mg(l)%level
262 if(associated(mg(l)%X))print *,'X memory shape ',shape(mg(l)%X)
263 if(associated(mg(l)%Y))print *,'Y memory shape ',shape(mg(l)%Y)
264 if(associated(mg(l)%Z))print *,'Z memory shape ',shape(mg(l)%Z)
265 print *,'grid size nx=',mg(l)%nx,' ny=',mg(l)%ny,' nz=',mg(l)%nz, &
266 ' total ndof=',mg(l)%nn
267 print *,'dx=',mg(l)%dx,' dy=',mg(l)%dy
268 if(associated(mg(l)%dz))then
269 print *,'dz shape',shape(mg(l)%dz)
270 if(product(shape(mg(l)%dz))>0) then
271 print *,'size ',size(mg(l)%dz)
272 print *,'dz=',mg(l)%dz
273 endif
274 endif
275 end subroutine print_mg_dims
277 end module module_common