reading netcdf
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / fortran / femwind_wrfout.f90
1 program femwind_wrfout
3 use module_femwind
4 use module_utils
5 use module_common
6 use module_netcdf
7 use module_wrfout
9 implicit none
12 integer :: &
13 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire domain bounds
14 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! fire memory bounds
15 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
16 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts, jfte ! fire tile bounds
18 ! declarations of A, msize included from module femwind
20 ! variables read from wrfout
21 real, pointer:: u0_fmw(:,:,:), v0_fmw(:,:,:), w0_fmw(:,:,:), zsfe(:,:), ht_fmw(:), zsf_fmw(:,:), fwh_fmw(:,:)
23 ! variables allocated and computed here
24 real, pointer:: u0(:,:,:), v0(:,:,:), w0(:,:,:), hth(:)
25 real, pointer:: u(:,:,:), v(:,:,:), w(:,:,:), uf(:,:), vf(:,:), wh(:,:)
26 integer, pointer:: kh(:,:)
28 integer:: i, j, k, n(3), nx, ny, nz, nfx, nfy, nfz, iu=10
29 integer::ncid,sr(2),frame0_fmw,dims(3)
30 real:: rate,A(3,3),dx,dy,zx,zy
31 character(len=256)::filename, msg
33 ! params
34 integer :: &
35 frame = 1, & ! frame to use in the communication file
36 frame_terminate = -99, &
37 write_uvw_fmw = 1, &
38 mframe = 10, & ! send code to terminate and exit after this frame
39 write_debug = 0, &
40 call_femwind = 1, &
41 interpolate_uf_vf = 1
44 namelist /femwind_nl/ &
45 frame , &
46 frame_terminate , &
47 write_uvw_fmw , &
48 mframe , & ! send code to terminate and exit after this frame
49 write_debug , &
50 call_femwind, &
51 interpolate_uf_vf
53 !*** executable
55 filename = "" ! file to read from and write to
57 ! params from namelist
58 open(iu,file="namelist.femwind")
59 read(iu, femwind_nl)
60 close(iu)
61 write(*,femwind_nl)
63 !************************************
64 ! read static data
65 !************************************
67 call ncopen(filename,nf90_nowrite,ncid)
69 ! fire subgrid refinement ratio, 3d grid dimensions cell centered
70 call get_wrf_dims(ncid,sr,dims)
71 ! horizontal mesh spacing
72 dx = netcdf_read_att(ncid,"DX")/sr(1)
73 dy = netcdf_read_att(ncid,"DY")/sr(2)
75 ! height of the vertical layers above the terrain
76 call netcdf_read_array_wrf(ncid,"HT_FMW",frame=frame,a1d=ht_fmw)
78 ! fire mesh size in cells
79 nfx = dims(1)*sr(1)
80 nfy = dims(2)*sr(2)
81 nfz = size(ht_fmw,1)
83 ! terrain height at cell centers
84 call netcdf_read_array_wrf(ncid,"ZSF",frame=frame,a2d=zsf_fmw)
86 ! fire wind height to interpolate to at cell centers
87 call netcdf_read_array_wrf(ncid,"FWH",frame=frame,a2d=fwh_fmw)
89 call ncclose(ncid)
91 !************************************
92 ! process static data
93 !************************************
95 !construct mg data
97 params%A = reshape((/1.0,0.0,0.0, &
98 0.0,1.0,0.0, &
99 0.0,0.0,1.0 /), &
100 (/3,3/))
102 ! finest level 1
103 mg(1)%nx = nfx + 1 ! dimensions are vertex centered
104 mg(1)%ny = nfy + 1 ! dimensions are vertex centered
105 mg(1)%nz = nfz + 1 ! dimensions are vertex centered
107 call get_mg_dims(mg(1), & ! set bounds compatible with WRF
108 ifds, ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
109 ifms, ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms, jfme, &
110 ifps, ifpe, kfps,kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
111 ifts, ifte, kfts,kfte, jfts, jfte)
113 ! allocations persistent over the whole run
115 allocate(mg(1)%X(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
116 allocate(mg(1)%Y(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
117 allocate(mg(1)%Z(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
118 allocate(u0(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme)) ! vector components called u v W
119 allocate(v0(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
120 allocate(w0(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
121 allocate(u(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme)) ! vector components called u v W
122 allocate(v(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
123 allocate(w(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
124 allocate(uf(ifts:ifte,jfts:jfte))
125 allocate(vf(ifts:ifte,jfts:jfte))
126 allocate(kh(ifts:ifte,jfts:jfte))
127 allocate(wh(ifts:ifte,jfts:jfte))
128 allocate(zsfe(ifts-1:ifte+1,jfts-1:jfte+1))
130 write(msg,*)"shape(uf)=",shape(uf)
131 call message(msg)
132 write(msg,*)"shape(vf)=",shape(vf)
133 call message(msg)
135 ! X Y Z are corner based, upper bound larger by one
137 ! copy interior
138 zsfe(ifts:ifte,jfts:jfte)=zsf_fmw
139 ! extrapolate on sides
140 zsfe(ifts-1,jfts:jfte)=1.5*zsfe(ifts,jfts:jfte)-0.5*zsfe(ifts+1,jfts:jfte)
141 zsfe(ifte+1,jfts:jfte)=1.5*zsfe(ifte,jfts:jfte)-0.5*zsfe(ifte-1,jfts:jfte)
142 zsfe(ifts:ifte,jfts-1)=1.5*zsfe(ifts:ifte,jfts)-0.5*zsfe(ifts:ifte,jfts+1)
143 zsfe(ifts:ifte,jfte+1)=1.5*zsfe(ifts:ifte,jfte)-0.5*zsfe(ifts:ifte,jfte-1)
144 ! extrapolate at domain corners
145 zsfe(ifts-1,jfts-1)=1.5*zsfe(ifts,jfts)-0.5*zsfe(ifts+1,jfts+1)
146 zsfe(ifte+1,jfts-1)=1.5*zsfe(ifte,jfts)-0.5*zsfe(ifte-1,jfts+1)
147 zsfe(ifts-1,jfte+1)=1.5*zsfe(ifts,jfte)-0.5*zsfe(ifts+1,jfte-1)
148 zsfe(ifte+1,jfte+1)=1.5*zsfe(ifte,jfte)-0.5*zsfe(ifte-1,jfte-1)
149 ! interpolate to cell corners
150 mg(1)%Z(ifts:ifte+1,kfts,jfts:jfte+1) = 0.25 * ( &
151 zsfe(ifts:ifte+1,jfts:jfte+1) + &
152 zsfe(ifts-1:ifte,jfts:jfte+1) + &
153 zsfe(ifts:ifte+1,jfts-1:jfte) + &
154 zsfe(ifts-1:ifte,jfts-1:jfte) )
156 ! (X,Y) is the same uniform grid on all levels
157 do j=jfts,jfte+1
158 do k=kfts,kfte+1
159 do i=ifts,ifte+1
160 mg(1)%X(i,k,j) = (i-1)*dx
161 mg(1)%Y(i,k,j) = (j-1)*dy
162 enddo
163 enddo
164 enddo
166 ! add top of levels above terrain to Z(:,kfts,:)
167 print *,'debug ht_fmw=',ht_fmw
168 do j=jfts,jfte+1
169 do k=kfts+1,kfte+1
170 do i=ifts,ifte+1
171 mg(1)%Z(i,k,j) = mg(1)%Z(i,kfts,j) + ht_fmw(k - kfts)
172 enddo
173 enddo
174 enddo
176 ! mesh spacing
177 mg(1)%dx = dx
178 mg(1)%dy = dy
179 allocate(mg(1)%dz(mg(1)%nz-1))
180 do k=kfds,kfte
181 mg(1)%dz(k)=mg(1)%Z(1,k+1,1)-mg(1)%Z(1,k,1)
182 enddo
184 ! heights of wind nodes in cell centers
185 allocate(hth(0:kfte))
186 hth(0)=0
187 hth(1)=ht_fmw(1)*0.5
188 do k=2,kfte
189 hth(k)=0.5*(ht_fmw(k-1)+ht_fmw(k))
190 enddo
192 ! indices to interpolate to fwh_fmw
193 do j=jfts,jfte
194 do i=ifts,ifte
195 do k=1,kfte
196 if (hth(k) .ge. fwh_fmw(i,j))then
197 kh(i,j)=k
198 wh(i,j) = (hth(k) - fwh_fmw(i,j))/(hth(k) - hth(k-1)) ! weight 0 if at the top
199 ! write(msg,*)'i,j=',i,j,'k=',k,'hth=',hth(k),hth(k-1),'fwh=',fwh_fmw(i,j),'wh=',wh(i,j)
200 ! call message(msg)
201 goto 1
202 endif
203 enddo
204 call crash('did not find interpolation layer')
205 1 continue
206 enddo
207 enddo
209 deallocate(hth,ht_fmw,zsfe) ! no longer needed
211 if(
212 call message('calling femwind_setup')
213 call femwind_setup(mg)
214 call message('femwind_setup done')
215 endif
217 if(
218 ! write coordinates for debug/display, even if the caller knows
219 call write_average_to_center(mg(1)%X,'X_c')
220 call write_average_to_center(mg(1)%Y,'Y_c')
221 call write_average_to_center(mg(1)%Z,'Z_c')
222 endif
224 !************************************
225 ! loop over time steps
226 !************************************
228 do frame0_fmw=1,mframe
230 ! read initial velocity field, loop until delivered
231 call read_initial_wind(filename,u0_fmw,v0_fmw,w0_fmw,frame0_fmw,frame=frame)
233 ! copy the input data to tile sized bounds
234 ! initial wind is at cell centers, indexing was already switched to ikj in reading
235 u0(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte) = u0_fmw
236 v0(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte) = v0_fmw
237 w0(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte) = w0_fmw
239 ! save memory while solver is running
240 deallocate(u0_fmw,v0_fmw,w0_fmw)
242 ! compute/update mass consistent flow
244 if(
245 write(*,'(a)')'calling femwind_solve'
246 call femwind_solve( mg,&
247 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire domain bounds
248 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! fire memory bounds
249 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
250 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts,jfte, & ! fire tile bounds
251 u0, v0, w0, & ! input arrays
252 u, v, w, & ! output arrays
253 rate)
254 write(*,'(a)')'femwind_solve done'
255 else
256 u=u0
257 v=v0
258 w=w0
259 write(*,'(a)')'femwind_solve skipped'
260 endif
262 if(
263 ! interpolate u,v to fire height
264 do j=jfts,jfte
265 do i=ifts,ifte
266 k=kh(i,j)
267 if(k>1)then
268 uf(i,j) = wh(i,j) * u(i,k,j) + (1.0 - wh(i,j)) * u(i,k-1,j)
269 vf(i,j) = wh(i,j) * v(i,k,j) + (1.0 - wh(i,j)) * v(i,k-1,j)
270 else
271 uf(i,j) = u(i,k,j)
272 vf(i,j) = v(i,k,j)
273 endif
274 enddo
275 enddo
276 else
277 call message('TESTING ONLY: copying lowest level of input to uf vf')
278 uf = u0(ifts:ifte,1,jfts:jfte)
279 vf = v0(ifts:ifte,1,jfts:jfte)
280 endif
282 ! write_fire_wind(filename,frame0_fmw,uf,vf,u_fmw,v_fmw,w_fmw,frame)
283 if(
284 call write_fire_wind(filename,frame0_fmw,uf,vf, &
285 u(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte), &
286 v(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte), &
287 w(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte), frame=frame)
288 else
289 call write_fire_wind(filename,frame0_fmw,uf,vf,frame=frame)
290 endif
292 if(
293 ! write output as is in 3D but with tight dimensions
294 call write_array(u(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte),'u')
295 call write_array(v(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte),'v')
296 call write_array(w(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte),'w')
297 call write_scalar(rate,'rate')
298 endif
300 enddo
302 call write_fire_wind(filename,frame_terminate,uf,vf)
304 print *,'femwind end'
306 contains
308 subroutine write_average_to_center(F,name)
309 ! average and return with tight bounds
310 implicit none
311 !*** arguments
312 real, intent(in)::F(ifms:ifme, kfms:kfme, jfms:jfme)
313 character(len=*)::name
314 !*** local
315 real, allocatable::Fm(:,:,:)
316 integer::ii,kk,jj
317 real::s
318 !*** executable
319 allocate(Fm(ifts:ifte,kfts:kfte,jfts:jfte))
320 do j=jfts,jfte
321 do k=kfts,kfte
322 do i=ifts,ifte
323 s = 0.
324 do ii=0,1
325 do kk=0,1
326 do jj=0,1
327 s = s + F(i+ii,k+kk,j+jj)
328 enddo
329 enddo
330 enddo
331 Fm(i,k,j) = s/8
332 enddo
333 enddo
334 enddo
335 call write_array(Fm,name)
336 end subroutine write_average_to_center
338 end program femwind_wrfout