added arrays to read_fmw_wrfout.m
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / vis3d / plot_wind_at_h.m
1 function plot_wind_at_h(p,iheights,levels,alpha,timestep,windscale,heightscale)
2 x=p.xlat;
3 y=p.xlong;
4 clf
5 if ~exist('timestep','var'),
6     timestep=1;
7 end
8 if ~isscalar(timestep),
9     error('timestep must be scalar')
10 end
11 hgt=p.hgt(:,:,timestep); % terrain height
12 % wind at given height
13 for i=iheights(:)'
14     z=p.heights(i)*ones(size(x));
15     ws=sqrt(p.uch(:,:,i,timestep).^2 + p.vch(:,:,i,timestep).^2);
16     print_layer_msg(i,z,ws)
17     surf(x,y,z+hgt,ws,'EdgeAlpha',alpha*0,'FaceAlpha',alpha)
18     hold on
19 end
20 for i=levels(:)'
21     z=p.altitude(:,:,i,timestep)-hgt;
22     ws=sqrt(p.uc(:,:,i,timestep).^2 +,:,i,timestep).^2);
23     print_layer_msg(i,z,ws)
24     surf(x,y,z+hgt,ws,'EdgeAlpha',alpha*0,'FaceAlpha',alpha)
25     hold on
26 end
27 caxis([0,windscale])
28 title({'Horizontal wind speed',p.times{1}},'Interpreter','none')
29 xlabel('m'), ylabel('m')  % for now, ideal only
30 h=colorbar
31 xlabel(h,'m/s')
32 axis('image')
33 a=[min(x(:)),max(x(:)),min(y(:)),max(y(:)),0,heightscale]; % var limits
34 axis(a);     % set var limits
35 xysize=max([a(4)-a(3),a(2)-a(1)]);
36 zsize=a(6)-a(5);
37 daspect([1,1,3*zsize/xysize]);
38 hold off, drawnow
39 end
41 function print_layer_msg(i,z,ws)
42     fprintf('level %i height %g to %g median %g horizontal wind speed %g to %g median %g\n',...
43        i,min(z(:)),max(z(:)),median(z(:)),min(ws(:)),max(ws(:)),median(ws(:)) )
44 end