started adding of wind profile
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / femwind_main.m
1 function params=femwind_main(params)
2 % usage:
3 % params=femwind_main    output params structure and exit
4 % femwind_test(params)   run with params specified and copy to output
6 %           *** WARNING ***
7 % DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE to set params or add outputs.
8 % Instead, call the function to get the params, add or delete any fields you need, and call it again.
9 % Debugging outputs can be added to the params structure as additional field.
11 %   *** all_test must pass fter any edits and before any merge ***
13 %           *** WARNING ***
16 if ~exist('params','var') | isempty(params)
17     params = params_defaults
18     return 
19 end
21 if params.save_files >= 0
22     diary(['femwind_',params.save_file_prefix,'_diary.txt'])
23 end
24 disp('femwind_main')
25 format compact
27 if isfield(params,'mesh_top')
28     if params.mesh_top>0
29         disp('given params.mesh_top>0, computing params.expand') 
30         nz = params.nelem3(3); % elements in the vertical direction
31         a = params.mesh_top/params.h(3); % desired height as multiple of first layer
32         params.expand = findq(a,nz);
33     end
35 end
37 params
40 for sc2 = params.sc2_all
41     for sc = params.sc_all
42         sc,sc2
44         disp('setting up test case')
46         nel = sc*params.nelem3;  % elements in the 3 directions
47         nel(1:2)=nel(1:2)*sc2
48         h = params.h/sc;
49         fprintf('mesh of %ix%ix%i cells\n',nel(1),nel(2),nel(3))
50'%ix%ix%i',nel); % to pass around 
51         string_diag_A=sprintf('%g %g %g',params.a); % for figure titles
52         A = diag(params.a.^2);
54         % creating the grid
55         expand=params.expand;
56         X = regular_mesh(nel,h,params.expand^(1/sc));
57         X = add_terrain_to_mesh(X,...
58             params.terrain_shape,params.terrain_top,params.terrain_height);
59         [CX,CH] = center_mesh(X); % get midpoints of elements
61         % initial wind at the centers of the elements
62         rng(1);
63         switch params.initial_wind
64             case 'uniform'
65                 disp('initial wind uniform in x direction')
66                 U0={ones(nel),zeros(nel),zeros(nel)};
67             case 'random-z'
68                 % to test iterative methods with non-smooth initial error
69                 disp('initial wind uniform in x direction random in z direction')
70                 U0={ones(nel),zeros(nel),randn(nel)};
71             case 'random-xz'
72                 % to test iterative methods with non-smooth initial error
73                 disp('initial wind uniform in x direction and z direction')
74                 U0={ones(nel),zeros(nel),ones(nel)};
75             case 'log'
76                 disp('initial wind log profile in x direction')
77                 U0={log(max(1,CH/params.roughness_height)),zeros(nel),zeros(nel)};
78             otherwise
79                 error(['unknown initial wind ',params.initial_wind])
80         end
81         if>0
82             disp('graphics: problem setup')
83             % show mesh
84             figure(1),clf
85             plot_mesh_3d(X)
86             axis equal
87             title('The wind mesh, wind vector in centers, lambda in corners')
88         end
90         if>0
91             % show initial wind
92             figure(2),clf
93             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1)+1,1,nel(2)+1,1,1]), hold on, 
94             plot_wind_3d(CX,U0)
95             hold off
96             axis equal
97             title('Initial wind')
98         end
100         if>1
101             % show initial wind
102             figure(3),clf
103             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1),1,nel(2)+1,1,1]), hold on, 
104             plot_wind_3d(CX,U0,1)
105             hold off
106             axis equal
107             title('Initial wind lowest layer')
108         end
110 %         Plot initial streamlines
111         if > 2
112             figure(4), clf
113             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1)+1,1,nel(2)+1,2,2])
114             hold on
115             wind_streamlines(X, CX, U0, params);
116             hold off
117         end
118         diary; diary
120         % solve
121         if params.run_fortran && params.run_matlab
122                 [W,rate(sc,sc2)]=femwind_fortran(A,X,U0,params);
123                 [Wm,rate(sc,sc2)]=femwind_solve(A,X,U0,params);
124                 for i=1:3, err_compare(i)=big(W{i}-Wm{i})/big(W{i});end
125                 err=max(err_compare);
126                 fprintf('relative max error matlab vs fortran %g\n',err)
127                 if err>1e-4,
128                     warning('error too large')
129                 end
130         elseif params.run_fortran
131                 [W,rate(sc,sc2)]=femwind_fortran(A,X,U0,params);
132         else
133                 [W,rate(sc,sc2)]=femwind_solve(A,X,U0,params);
134         end
136         if>1
137             disp('graphics: solution')
139             % plot resulting wind
140             figure(5),crate(sc,sc2)
141             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1)+1,1,nel(2)+1,1,1]), hold on, 
142             plot_wind_3d(CX,W)
143             hold off
144             axis equal
145             title(['Final wind a=',string_diag_A])
147             figure(6),clf
148             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1)+1,1,nel(2)+1,1,1]), hold on, 
149             plot_wind_3d(CX,W,1)
150             hold off
151             axis equal
152             title(['Final wind lowest layer a=',string_diag_A])
154             figure(7),clf
155             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1)+1,1,nel(2)+1,1,1]), hold on, 
156             plot_wind_3d(CX,W,1:2)
157             hold off
158             axis equal
159             title(['Final wind lowest layers a=',string_diag_A])
161         end
163         if>0
164             disp('graphics: wind_at_h')
166             figure(8),clf
167             height=10;
168             bbox=[min(X{1}(:)),max(X{1}(:)),...
169                 min(X{2}(:)),max(X{2}(:)),...
170                 height,height];
171             [XH,WH]=wind_at_h(X,CX,W,[20,20,1],bbox);
172             plot_wind_3d(XH,WH)
173             hold on
174             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1)+1,1,nel(2)+1,1,1])
175             hold off
176             axis equal
177             title(['Final wind with a=',string_diag_A,' at ',num2str(height),' above terrain'])
178         end
179         if > 2
180             figure(9),clf
181             plot_mesh_3d(X,[1,nel(1)+1,1,nel(2)+1,2,2])
182             hold on
183             wind_streamlines(X, CX, W, params)
184             hold off
185         end    
186         params.rate=rate;
187         if params.save_files>1,
188             sfile=[params.save_file_prefix,'_workspace.mat'];
189             disp(['saving workspace to ',sfile])
190             save(sfile,'-v7.3') 
191         end
192         if params.save_files>0,
193             sfile=[params.save_file_prefix,'_params.mat'];
194             disp(['saving params to ',sfile])
195             save(sfile,'params','-v7.3') 
196         end
197     end