1 function [ output ] = plot_slice( w,g )
2 %output = plot_slice(tign)
3 % function plots a vertical slice(s) of the fire arrival time cone
5 % w - struct with tign_g, fxlat,fxlon
6 % g - sturct with detection data
10 %%% create list of fires
16 %fprintf('Granule %i \n',i)
17 data = g(i).data >= 7;
18 fire_lats = [fire_lats; g(i).xlat(data)];
19 fire_lons = [fire_lons; g(i).xlon(data)];
20 fire_times = [fire_times; g(i).time*ones(size(g(i).xlat(data)))];
23 % work with smaller domain
25 red = subset_domain(w,force);
27 [ig_lat,ig_lon] = find(red.tign_g == min(red.tign_g(:)));
28 ns = red.tign_g(:,ig_lon);
29 ew = red.tign_g(ig_lat,:);
32 %plot(red_lat(2,:),ns)
34 %axis([red.min_lat red.max_lat red.min_tign red.max_tign_g])
35 title('North-South slice through ignition point')
41 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
42 % block below was first attempot %%
43 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
45 %plot slices through the ignition point, aligned NS and EW
46 % [ig_lat,ig_lon] = find(tign == min(tign(:)));
47 % mask = tign < max(tign(:));
48 % % [m,n] = find(mask);
54 % red_tign = w.tign_g(m);
55 % red_lon = w.fxlong(m);
56 % red_lat = w.fxlat(m);
57 % lon_min = min(red_lon(:));
58 % lon_max = max(red_lon(:));
59 % lat_min = min(red_lat(:));
60 % lat_max = max(red_lat(:));
61 % t_min = min(tign(:));
62 % t_max = max(tign(:));
63 % bounds = [lon_min lon_max lat_min lat_max t_min t_max];
65 % % figure, contour(tign(m_min:m_max,n_min:n_max));
67 % ns = tign(:,ig_lon);
68 % ew = tign(ig_lat,:);
72 %plot(red_lat(2,:),ns)
74 %axis([lat_min lat_max t_min t_max])
75 %title('North-South slice through ignition point')
78 % % plot(red_lon(:,2),ew)
79 % % title('East-West slice through ignition point')