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[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / smoothing.m
1 function x=smoothing(K,F,X,x,params)
2 % x=smoothing(K,F,X,x)
3 % one smoothing iteration
4     n = size(X{1}); 
5     it_type=sprintf('level %g smoothing',params.levels);
6     switch params.smoothing
7         case {'horizontal planes'}
8             % disp('red-black vertical, planes horizontal')
9             for rb3=1:2
10                 for i3=rb3:2:n(3)
11                         [planex,planey]=ndgrid(1:n(1),1:n(2));
12                         planez = i3*ones(n(1),n(2));
13                         % solving horizontal layer
14                         ix = sub2ind(n,planex,planey,planez); 
15                         x(ix) = x(ix) - K(ix,ix)\(K(:,ix)'*x - F(ix));
16                 end
17             end
18         case {'vertical lines'}
19             % disp('red-black relaxation horizontal, lines vertical')
20             for rb1=1:2
21                 for rb2=1:2
22                     for i1=rb1:2:n(1)
23                         for i2=rb2:2:n(2)
24                             % solving horizontal location i1 i2 and vertical line
25                             ix = sub2ind(n,i1*onez,i2*onez,colz); 
26                             x(ix) = x(ix) - K(ix,ix)\(K(:,ix)'*x - F(ix));
27                         end
28                     end
29                 end
30             end
31         case {'vertical sweeps'}
32             % disp('red-black relaxation horizontal, down to up sweep vertical')
33             x = vertical_sweeps(K,F,X,x);
34         case '3D red-black'
35             for rb1=1:2
36                 for rb2=1:2
37                     for rb3=1:2    
38                         for i1=rb1:2:n(1)
39                             for i2=rb2:2:n(2)
40                                 for i3=rb3:2:n(3)
41                                     ix = sub2ind(n,i1,i2,i3); 
42                                     x(ix) = x(ix) - K(ix,ix)\(K(:,ix)'*x - F(ix));
43                                 end
44                             end
45                         end
46                     end
47                 end
48             end
49         otherwise
50             error(['smoothing ',params.smoothing,' unknown'])
51     end
52 end