1 function [] = L2_script()
3 prefix = '/bigdisk/james.haley/wrfcycling/wrf-fire/wrfv2_fire/test/TIFs/';
5 pl2 = sort_rsac_files(prefix);
6 if pl2.file{1}(end) == 't'
7 fprintf('TIF files selected \n')
11 num_files = length(pl2.file);
12 fprintf('Level 2 data selected \n')
13 fprintf('%d files in the data \n',num_files)
15 if mod(num_files,2) ~= 0
16 fprintf('Warning, odd number of files \n')
26 file2 = pl2.file{i+1};
27 fprintf('Set %d %s %s \n', set_num, file1(1:25), file2(1:25))
28 v(set_num) = readl2data(prefix,file1,file2);
35 % long = h5read('VNP03MODLL.A2013222.0848.001.2017280021857.h5','/HDFEOS/SWATHS/VNP_750M_GEOLOCATION/Geolocation Fields/Longitude');
36 % lat = h5read('VNP03MODLL.A2013222.0848.001.2017280021857.h5','/HDFEOS/SWATHS/VNP_750M_GEOLOCATION/Geolocation Fields/Latitude');
37 % mask = h5read('VNP14.A2013222.0848.001.2017280021837.nc','/fire mask')