comments to describe arguments
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / cycling / squish.m
1 function tign_new = squish(ps,ai)
2 %% ps is struct with paths, red, graph,distances, etc.
3 %% ps = graph_dets(w)
4 %% fs - analysis or ignitions start, ai = 1 ==> analysis
5 %             if ai == 1
6 %                 tign_flat(p_i-round(rm*rand):p_i+round(rm*rand),p_j-round(rm*rand):p_j+round(rm*rand)) = 0.5*(tign_new(p_i,p_j) + pts(p(j),3)-rt*rand);
7 %             end
9 %combine l2 time with detection points fixed to grid
10 pts = ps.grid_pts;
11 pts(:,3) = ps.points(:,3);
12 tign =;
13 [m,n] = size(tign);
14 idx = ps.idx;
15 fig_num = 23;
16 pts_length = length(ps.grid_pts);
17 max_l2_time = max(max(pts(:,3)));
18 if ai == 1
19     fig_num = fig_num+1;
20     tign_new =;
22     title_str = 'Analysis';
23 else
24     %max_l2_time = max(tign(:));
25     %flat tign_new
26     f_days=input_num('Days of forecast to produce? ',0);
27     tign_new=max_l2_time*ones(size(tign))+f_days;
28     if f_days > 0
29 = + f_days;
30     end
31     %tign_new = estimate_tign(ps);
32     figure(fig_num),mesh(,,tign_new)
33     title_str = 'Generated fire cone';
34 end
37 %mask = ones(size(tign));
38 %change back to z = tign
39 % if exist('','var')
40 %     figure(68),contour3(,,,20)
41 % else
42 %     figure(68),contour3(,,,20)
43 % end
44 % hold on
45 %lons =;
46 %lats =;
48 %make matrix of tign time for the points in the graph
49 t_times = zeros(pts_length,1);
50 for i = 1:pts_length
51     t_times(i) =,1),ps.idx(i,2));
52 end
54 %just squish the ignition point
55 %bigger k ==> more smoothing
57 norms=[];
59 %random multiplier, increase for larger grids
60 %perturbs points on path in x-y plane
61 % try computing this as a fraction of grid size
63 rm = 2;
65 % random multiplier, keep the same
66 % perturbs points downward in time to
67 rt = 0.5;
68 % weight for tign_new
70 %alhpa blends  estimate of tign at a point with old estimate
71 % new_estimate = alph*current_setimate + (1-alpha)*old_estimate
72 alpha = 0.5;
73 %constant for smooth in rls_shp
74 alpha_2 = 0.05; %smaller alph_2 ==> smoother
75 %number of loops to run
76 smoothings = 40;
77 for k = 1:smoothings
78     rm = max(round(smoothings/k),2);
79     figure(fig_num),mesh(,,tign_new)
80     title(title_str)
81     hold on,scatter3(ps.grid_pts(:,2),ps.grid_pts(:,1),ps.points(:,3),'*r'),hold off
82     pause(1/k)
83     for i = 1:length(ps.paths)
84         p = ps.paths(i).p;
85         %         figure(73),hold on
86         %         plot3(pts(p,2),pts(p,1),pts(p,3),'r')
87         %         hold off
88         %plot3(pts(p,2),pts(p,1),tign(idx(p,1),idx(p,2)),'g')
89         for j = 1:length(p)
90             tign_old = tign_new;
91             %mesh indices for path points, perturbed
92             p_i = idx(p(j),1);%+rm*round(randn);
93             p_j = idx(p(j),2);%+rm*round(randn);
94             near_bound = p_i-rm > 0 && p_i + rm < m & p_j + rm > 0 && p_j < n;
95             %%% make mean of old and new, in small ransdom size block around path point
96             if ~near_bound
97                 tign_new(p_i-round(rm*rand):p_i+round(rm*rand),p_j-round(rm*rand):p_j+round(rm*rand)) = alpha*tign_new(p_i,p_j) + (1-alpha)*pts(p(j),3)-rt*rand;
98             else %block of a signle pointmake small
99                 tign_new(p_i,p_j) = alpha*tign_new(p_i,p_j) + (1-alpha)*pts(p(j),3)-rt*rand;
100             end
101             %%%% alternate strategy., not working
102             %             if k == 1 && j > 1
103             %             t1 = min(tign_new(p_i,p_j),tign_new(p_i-1,p_j-1));
104             %             t2 = max(tign_new(p_i,p_j),tign_new(p_i-1,p_j-1));
105             %             dt12 = t2-t1;
106             %             dg = pts(p(j),3)-pts(p(j-1),3);
107             %             time_shift = 0.5*(dg-dt12);
108             %             t1 = t1-time_shift;
109             %             t2 = t2+time_shift;
110             %             tign_new(p_i,p_j) = max(t1,t2);
111             %             tign_new(p_i-1,p_j-1) = min(t1,t2);
112             %             end
113             if ai == 1
114                 if ~near_bound
115                     tign_flat(p_i-round(rm*rand):p_i+round(rm*rand),p_j-round(rm*rand):p_j+round(rm*rand)) = 0.5*(tign_new(p_i,p_j) + pts(p(j),3)-rt*rand);
116                 else
117                     tign_flat(p_i,p_j) = 0.5*(tign_new(p_i,p_j) + pts(p(j),3)-rt*rand);
118                 end
119             end
121             % interpolate new point between adjacent path detections
122             if j > 1
123                 %weighted average will move new point close to that with
124                 %higher FRP
125                 %                 frp1 = ps.points(p(j-1),5);
126                 %                 frp2 = ps.points(p(j),5);
127                 %                 w1 = frp1/(frp1+frp2);
128                 %                 w2 = frp2/(frp1+frp2);
129                 w1 = 0.5;
130                 w2 = 0.5;
131                 %assign tign for all in small, block around midpoint
132                 %             frp1 = ps.points(p(j-1),5);
133                 %             frp2 = ps.points(p(j),5);
134                 %             w1 = frp1/(frp1+frp2);
135                 %             w2 = frp2/(frp1+frp2);
136                 new_lat = w1*pts(p(j-1),1)+w2*pts(p(j),1);
137                 new_lon = w1*pts(p(j-1),2)+w2*pts(p(j),2);
138                 new_t = w1*pts(p(j-1),3)+w2*pts(p(j),3);
139                 [new_i,new_j,new_lat,new_lon]= fixpt(,[new_lat,new_lon]);
140                 %flatten area around new pt
141                 %tign_new(new_i-round(rm*rand):new_i+round(rm*rand),new_j-round(rm*rand):new_j+round(rm*rand)) = new_t-rt*rand;
142                 % why do it again?
143                 if ai == 1
144                     if ~near_bound
145                         tign_new(new_i-round(rm*rand):new_i+round(rm*rand),new_j-round(rm*rand):new_j+round(rm*rand)) = new_t-rt*rand;
146                     end
147                 end
148                 %mask(new_i,new_j)=0;
149             end
150         end
151     end
152     %size of local averaging to apply aoutomate by grid size?
153     patch = 6;
155     %smooth the tign
156     %tign_new = smooth_up(,,tign_new);
157     tign_new = rlx_shp(tign_new,alpha_2,patch);
158     if ai == 1
159         tign_flat = rlx_shp(tign_flat,alpha_2,patch);
160         %tign_flat = smooth_up(,,tign_flat);
161     end
162     %collect information about tign at the detection points
163     for i = 1:pts_length
164         t_times(i) = tign_new(ps.idx(i,1),ps.idx(i,2));
165         if ai ==1
166             flat_times(i) = tign_flat(ps.idx(i,1),ps.idx(i,2));
167         end
168     end
169     norms(k,1) = norm(t_times-ps.points(:,3),2);
170     % blend flat start with forecast start for analysis
171     if ai == 1
172         %tign_flat = smooth_up(,,tign_flat);
173         tign_flat = rlx_shp(tign_flat,alpha_2,patch);
174         norm_flat = norm(flat_times-ps.points(:,3),2);
175         norm_tign_new = norms(k,1);
176         if (norm_flat > norm_tign_new)
177             %fprintf('blending flat start with forecast \n')
178             tign_new = 0.5*(tign_new+tign_flat);
179         end
180     end
181     %only do norm for times before final detection time
182     time_mask = tign_new < pts(end,3);  %max(max(pts(:,3)));
183     norms(k,2) = norm(tign_new(time_mask)-tign_old(time_mask));
184 %     figure(fig_num+3);plot(norms(1:k,1));
185 %     tstr = sprintf('Norm of difference between successive \n TIGN after each interpolation');
186 %     title(tstr)
187 %     figure(fig_num+4);plot(1:k,norms(1:k,2))
188 %     tstr = sprintf('Norm of difference between times of \n detections and TIGN at detectionon locations');
189 %     title(tstr);
190 %     xlabel('Iterations of Interpolation')
191     temp_var(k) = min(tign_new(:));
192     %figure(fig_num+5);plot(1:k,temp_var(1:k)*24),title('Change in ignition time'),xlabel('iteration'),ylabel('hours')
193     fprintf('Loop %d complete norm of diff = %f \n', k,norms(k))
194     if k > 2 && norms(k,1) > norm(k-1,1) && norms(k,1) > norms(k-2,1)
195         fprintf('graph norm increase \n')
196         break
197     end
199 %final smoothin after iterations
200 tign_new = smooth_up(,,tign_new);
201 figure(fig_num),mesh(,,tign_new)
202     title(title_str)
203     hold on,scatter3(ps.grid_pts(:,2),ps.grid_pts(:,1),ps.points(:,3),'*r'),hold off
204 %tign_new = [];
205 if ai == 1
206     figure(fig_num+2),mesh(,,
207     title('Forecast')
208     hold on,scatter3(ps.grid_pts(:,2),ps.grid_pts(:,1),ps.points(:,3),'*r')
212 function new_mask = expand_mask(mask,border)
213     [n,m] = size(mask);
214     [ix,jx] = find(mask(border:n-border,border:m-border)==0);
215     for i = 1:length(ix)
216         mask(ix(i)-border:ix(i)+border,jx(i)-border:jx(i)+border)=1-1/border;
217     end  
218     new_mask = mask;