1 function red=subset_domain(w,varargin)
3 % find rectangular domain around fire with some user guidance
4 % and convert fire arrival time to datenum
6 % input: w structure with fields
7 % fxlat, fxlong - latitude, longitude
8 % tign_g - fire arrival time
9 % nfuel_cat - fuel categories
10 % times - time at simulation end as string
12 % ouput: red structure with fields
13 % ispan,jspan - list i,j indices selected
14 % fxlat,fxlong - coordinates on submesh
15 % tign_g - fire arrival time on submesh
16 % min_lon,max_lon,min_lat,max_lat - selected box
17 % time - times as datenum
18 % max_tign_g - max fire arrival time in w, corresponds to times
19 % tign - tign_g as datenum
22 % base_time - base time for displays
24 % Changes made %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
25 % original had red=subset_domain(w,red)
26 % changed to red=subset_domain(varargin)
29 % comment out bounds, take default_bounds{2}
39 %for lots of evaluations of a single fire:
42 sim.min_lat = min(w.fxlat(:));
43 sim.max_lat = max(w.fxlat(:));
44 sim.min_lon = min(w.fxlong(:));
45 sim.max_lon = max(w.fxlong(:));
46 sim.min_tign= min(w.tign_g(:));
47 sim.max_tign= max(w.tign_g(:));
48 act.x=find(w.tign_g(:)<sim.max_tign);
49 act.min_lat = min(w.fxlat(act.x));
50 act.max_lat = max(w.fxlat(act.x));
51 act.min_lon = min(w.fxlong(act.x));
52 act.max_lon = max(w.fxlong(act.x));
53 margin=input_num('relative margin around the fire',0.5,force);
54 min_lon=max(sim.min_lon,act.min_lon-margin*(act.max_lon-act.min_lon));
55 min_lat=max(sim.min_lat,act.min_lat-margin*(act.max_lat-act.min_lat));
56 max_lon=min(sim.max_lon,act.max_lon+margin*(act.max_lon-act.min_lon));
57 max_lat=min(sim.max_lat,act.max_lat+margin*(act.max_lat-act.min_lat));
59 default_bounds{1}=[min_lon,max_lon,min_lat,max_lat];
60 default_bounds{2}=[sim.min_lon,sim.max_lon,sim.min_lat,sim.max_lat];
61 default_bounds{3}=[-112.75414 -112.43779 40.27268 40.50655]
62 for i=1:length(default_bounds),fprintf('default bounds %i: %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n',i,default_bounds{i});end
64 bounds=input_num('enter bounds [min_lon,max_lon,min_lat,max_lat] or number of bounds above (1)> ',2,force);
65 if isempty(bounds),bounds=1;end
67 bounds=default_bounds{bounds};
69 %take the second default_bounds
70 %bounds = default_bounds{2};
71 [ii,jj]=find(w.fxlong>=bounds(1) & w.fxlong<=bounds(2) & w.fxlat >=bounds(3) & w.fxlat <=bounds(4));
72 ispan=min(ii):max(ii);
73 jspan=min(jj):max(jj);
74 if isempty(ispan) | isempty(jspan), error('selection empty'),end
78 red.max_tign=sim.max_tign;
81 red.fxlat=w.fxlat(ispan,jspan);
82 red.fxlong=w.fxlong(ispan,jspan);
83 red.tign_g=w.tign_g(ispan,jspan);
84 %not all w.mat files will have fmc_g, nfuel_cat
85 if isfield(w,'nfuel_cat')
86 red.nfuel_cat=w.nfuel_cat(ispan,jspan);
89 red.fmc_g = w.fmc_g(ispan,jspan);
92 red.fhgt = w.fhgt(ispan,jspan);
96 w.ros = ones(size(w.tign_g));
98 red.ros = w.ros(ispan,jspan);
100 red.min_lat = min(red.fxlat(:));
101 red.max_lat = max(red.fxlat(:));
102 red.min_lon = min(red.fxlong(:));
103 red.max_lon = max(red.fxlong(:));
105 % convert tign_g to datenum
108 red.end_datenum=datenum(char(w.times(:))'); % this time step end
109 %red.end_time=w.dt*w.itimestep; % time from simulation start in seconds
112 % for reading wrfinput file
113 if isempty(red.end_time)
114 red.end_time = max(red.tign_g(:));
116 red.start_datenum=red.end_datenum-red.end_time/(24*3600);
118 fprintf('simulation start seems to be %s\n',datestr(red.start_datenum,'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS'));
120 red.max_tign_g=max(w.tign_g(:));
121 %red.tign=(red.tign_g - red.max_tign_g)/(24*60*60) + red.time;
122 red.tign=time2datenum(red.tign_g,red); % the tign array, in datenum
123 red.min_tign=min(red.tign(:));
124 red.max_tign=max(red.tign(:));