max_hfx to diagnose computation of fgrnhfx around max
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / prolongation.m
1 function u=prolongation(uc,hzc,icl3,X,params)
2 % u=prolongation(uc,icl,X,params)
3 % Multiply by the prolongation matrix
4 % In:
5 %   uc      coarse grid vector
6 %   icl     cell array size 3, indices of coarse grid in the 3 directions
7 %   X       grid coordinates
8 %   params
10 % Out:
11 %   u      fine grid vector 
12     disp('start prolongation.m') 
13     n = size(X{1});   % grid size
14     nn = prod(n);     % number of grid points
15     [icl1,icl2]=hzc2icl(hzc,n);    
16     nc = [length(icl1),length(icl2),length(icl3)];
17     nnc = prod(nc);  % number of coarse grid points
19     u = zeros(n);  % allocate
20     disp('prolongation')
21     %h = fopen('mat.txt','wt');
22     for ic3=1:nc(3)           % loop over coarse layers    
23         if3=icl3(ic3);         % the fine number of the coarse layer
24         [ifs3,ife3]=ifse(ic3,icl3,nc(3)); % get start and end of support
25         % fprintf('vertical coarse layer %g at %g contributes to layers %g : %g\n',ic3,if3,ifs3,ife3)
26         for i3=ifs3:ife3
27         for ic2=1:nc(2)          
28             if2=icl2(ic2);  % fine grid index of the coarse point
29             [ifs2,ife2]=ifse(ic2,icl2,nc(2)); % get start and end of support
30                 for i2=ifs2:ife2            
31                     for ic1=1:nc(1)        % horizontal loops over coarse points
32                         if1=icl1(ic1);  % fine grid index of the coarse point
33                         [ifs1,ife1]=ifse(ic1,icl1,nc(1)); % get start and end of support
34                         % fprintf('coarse x1 %g at %g contributes to %g : %g\n',ic1,if1,ifs1,ife1)
35                         % fprintf('coarse x2 %g at %g contributes to %g : %g\n',ic2,if2,ifs2,ife2)
36                         % loop over fine points coarse point ic1 ic2 ic3 contributes to
37                         % coarse point ic1 ic2 ic3 is if1 if2 if3 on the fine grid
38                         % interpolating from between to (i1 i2 i3) from if1 if2 if3
39                         % and the next coarse
40                         for i1=ifs1:ife1
41                                 if i1>if1
42                                     q1=(X{1}(i1,i2,i3)-X{1}(ife1+1,i2,i3))/(X{1}(if1,i2,i3)-X{1}(ife1+1,i2,i3));
43                                 elseif i1<if1
44                                     q1=(X{1}(i1,i2,i3)-X{1}(ifs1-1,i2,i3))/(X{1}(if1,i2,i3)-X{1}(ifs1-1,i2,i3));
45                                 else
46                                     q1=1;
47                                 end
48                                 if i2>if2
49                                     q2=(X{2}(i1,i2,i3)-X{2}(i1,ife2+1,i3))/(X{2}(i1,if2,i3)-X{2}(i1,ife2+1,i3));
50                                 elseif i2<if2
51                                     q2=(X{2}(i1,i2,i3)-X{2}(i1,ifs2-1,i3))/(X{2}(i1,if2,i3)-X{2}(i1,ifs2-1,i3));
52                                 else
53                                     q2=1;
54                                 end
55                                 if i3>if3
56                                     q3=(X{3}(i1,i2,i3)-X{3}(i1,i2,ife3+1))/(X{3}(i1,i2,if3)-X{3}(i1,i2,ife3+1));
57                                 elseif i3<if3
58                                     q3=(X{3}(i1,i2,i3)-X{3}(i1,i2,ifs3-1))/(X{3}(i1,i2,if3)-X{3}(i1,i2,ifs3-1));
59                                 else
60                                     q3=1;
61                                 end
62                                 u(i1,i2,i3) = u(i1,i2,i3) + q1*q2*q3*uc(ic1,ic2,ic3);
63                                 %fprintf(h,'%g ',ic1,ic2,ic3,if1,if2,if3,ifs1,ifs2,ifs3,ife1,ife2,ife3,i1,i2,i3,q1,q2,q3,uc(ic1,ic2,ic3),u(i1,i2,i3));fprintf(h,'\n');
64                         end
65                     end
66                 end
67             end
68         end
69     end
70     %fclose(h);
71 end
74 function [ifs,ife]=ifse(ic,icl,ncn) 
75     if ic>1
76         ifs=icl(ic-1)+1; % from above previous coarse     
77     else
78         ifs=icl(ic);     % itself, there is no previous fine layer
79     end
80     if ic<ncn
81         ife=icl(ic+1)-1; % up to under next layer
82     else
83         ife=icl(ic);     % itself, there is no next layer
84     end
85 end