1 function fuel_fraction=fuel_burnt(lfn,tign,tnow,fd,fuel_time)
2 % lfn - level set function, size (2,2)
3 % tign - time of ignition, size (2,2)
5 % fd - mesh cell size (2)
6 % fuel_time - time constant of fuel
8 % output: approximation of
11 % fuel_burnt = ---------- | ( 1 - exp( - ----------- ) ) dxdy
12 % fd(1)*fd(2) | fuel_time
17 % where R is the rectangle [0,fd(1)] * [0,fd(2)]
18 % T is given by tign and L is given by lfn at the 4 vertices of R
20 % note that fuel_left = 1 - fuel_burnt
23 % exact in the case when T and L are linear
24 % varies continuously with input
25 % value of tign-tnow where lfn>0 ignored
26 % assume T=0 when lfn=0
28 for i=figs,figure(i),clf,hold off,end
31 % nothing burning, nothing to do - most common case, put it first
33 elseif all(lfn(:)<=0),
35 % T=u(1)*x+u(2)*y+u(3)
36 % set up least squares(A*u-v)*inv(C)*(A*u-v)->min
41 v=tnow-tign(:); % time from ignition
43 u = lscov(A,v,rw); % solve least squares to get coeffs of T
44 residual=norm(A*u-v); % zero if T is linear
46 uu = -u / fuel_time;
47 fuel_fraction = 1 - exp(uu(3)) * intexp(uu(1)*fd(1)) * intexp(uu(2)*fd(2));
48 if(fuel_fraction<0 | fuel_fraction>1),
49 warning('fuel_fraction should be between 0 and 1')
52 % part of cell is burning - the interesting case
53 % set up a list of points with the corresponding values of T and L
54 xylist=zeros(8,2); % allocate list of points
57 xx=[-fd(1) fd(1) fd(1) -fd(1) -fd(1)]/2; % make center (0,0)
58 yy=[-fd(2) -fd(2) fd(2) fd(2) -fd(2)]/2; % cyclic, counterclockwise
59 ii=[1 2 2 1 1]; % indices of corners, cyclic, counterclockwise
63 lfn0=lfn(ii(k),jj(k));
64 lfn1=lfn(ii(k+1),jj(k+1));
67 xylist(points,:)=[xx(k),yy(k)]; % add corner to list
68 Tlist(points)=tnow-tign(ii(k),jj(k)); % time since ignition
73 % coordinates of intersection of fire line with segment k k+1
74 %lfn(t)=lfn0 + t*(lfn1-lfn0)=0
76 x0=xx(k)+(xx(k+1)-xx(k))*t;
77 y0=yy(k)+(yy(k+1)-yy(k))*t;
78 xylist(points,:)=[x0,y0];
79 Tlist(points)=0; % now at ignition
80 Llist(points)=0; % at fireline
83 % make the lists circular and trim to size
84 Tlist(points+1)=Tlist(1);
85 Tlist=Tlist(1:points+1);
86 Llist(points+1)=Llist(1);
87 Llist=Llist(1:points+1);
88 xylist(points+1,:)=xylist(1,:);
89 xylist=xylist(1:points+1,:);
90 for k=1:5,lfnk(k)=lfn(ii(k),jj(k));end
92 plot3(xx,yy,lfnk,'k')
94 plot3(xylist(:,1),xylist(:,2),Tlist,'m--o')
95 plot3(xylist(:,1),xylist(:,2),Llist,'g--o')
97 plot(xylist(:,1),xylist(:,2),'-.r+')
98 legend('lfn on whole cell','tign-tnow on burned area',...
99 'lfn on burned area', 'cell boundary','burned area boundary')
100 patch(xylist(:,1),xylist(:,2),zeros(points+1,1),250,'FaceAlpha',0.3)
101 patch(xylist(:,1),xylist(:,2),Tlist,100,'FaceAlpha',0.3)
102 hold off,grid on,drawnow,pause(0.5)
103 % set up least squares
104 A=[xylist(1:points,1:2),ones(points,1)];
109 dist(j)=norm(xylist(i,:)-xylist(j,:));
111 dist(j)=max(fd); % large
114 rw(i)=1+min(dist); % weight = 1+min dist from other nodes
116 u = lscov(A,v,rw); % solve least squares to get coeffs of T
117 residual=norm(A*u-v); % should be zero if T and L are linear
118 nr=sqrt(u(1)*u(1)+u(2)*u(2));
121 Q=[c, s; -s, c]; % rotation such that Q*u(1:2)=[something;0]
123 errQ=ut(2); % should be zero
124 ae=-ut(1)/fuel_time;
125 ce=-u(3)/fuel_time; % -T(xt,yt)/fuel_time=ae*xt+ce
126 xytlist=xylist*Q'; % rotate the points in the list
127 xt=sort(xytlist(1:points,1)); % sort ascending in x
130 % integrate the vertical slice from xt1 to xt2
132 plot(xytlist(:,1),xytlist(:,2),'-o'),grid on,hold on
135 plot([xt1,xt1],sum(fd)*[-1,1]/3,'y')
136 plot([xt2,xt2],sum(fd)*[-1,1]/3,'y')
137 if(xt2-xt1>100*eps*max(fd)), % slice of nonzero width
138 % find slice height as h=ah*x+ch
141 for s=1:points % pass counterclockwise
142 xts=xytlist(s,1); % start point of the line
144 xte=xytlist(s+1,1); % end point of the line
145 yte=xytlist(s+1,2);
146 if (xts>xt1 & xte > xt1) | (xts<xt2 & xte < xt2)
147 plot([xts,xte],[yts,yte],'--k')
148 % that is not the one
149 else % line y=a*x+c through (xts,yts), (xte,yte)
150 a=(yts-yte)/(xts-xte);
151 c=(xts*yte-xte*yts)/(xts-xte);
152 if xte<xts % upper boundary
155 plot([xts,xte],[yts,yte],'g')
159 else % lower boundary
162 plot([xts,xte],[yts,yte],'m')
167 if(lower~=1|upper~=1),
168 error('slice does not have one upper and one lower line')
173 patch([xt1,xt2,xt2,xt1],...
174 [alow*[xt1,xt2]+clow,aupp*[xt2,xt1]+cupp,],k*10)
175 axis equal,drawnow, pause(0.5)
177 x=[xt1:(xt2-xt1)/100:xt2];
178 plot(x,1-exp(ae*x+ce),x,ah*x+ch,x,...
179 (ah*x+ch).*(1-exp(ae*x+ce)),[xt1,xt2],[0,0],'+k')
180 xlabel x,legend('burned frac','slice height','height*burned','dividers')
181 hold on,grid on,drawnow,pause(0.5)
182 % integrate (ah*x+ch)*(1-exp(ae*x+ce) from xt1 to xt2
183 % numerically sound for ae->0, ae -> infty
184 % this can be important for different model scales
185 % esp. if someone runs the model in single precision!!
186 % s1=int((ah*x+ch),x,xt1,xt2)
187 s1=(xt2-xt1)*((1/2)*ah*(xt2+xt1)+ch);
188 % s2=int((ch)*(-exp(ae*x+ce)),x,xt1,xt2)
190 s2=-ch*exp(ae*(xt1+ceae))*(xt2-xt1)*intexp(ae*(xt2-xt1));
191 % s3=int((ah*x)*(-exp(ae*x+ce)),x,xt1,xt2)
192 % s3=int((ah*x)*(-exp(ae*(x+ceae))),x,xt1,xt2)
193 % expand in Taylor series around ae=0
194 % collect(expand(taylor(int(x*(-exp(ae*(x+ceae))),x,xt1,xt2)*ae^2,ae,4)/ae^2),ae)
195 % =(1/8*xt1^4+1/3*xt1^3*ceae+1/4*xt1^2*ceae^2-1/8*xt2^4-1/3*xt2^3*ceae-1/4*xt2^2*ceae^2)*ae^2
196 % + (-1/3*xt2^3-1/2*xt2^2*ceae+1/3*xt1^3+1/2*xt1^2*ceae)*ae
197 % + 1/2*xt1^2-1/2*xt2^2
199 % coefficient at ae^2 in the expansion, after some algebra
200 a2=(xt1-xt2)*((1/4)*(xt1+xt2)*ceae^2+(1/3)*(xt1^2+xt1*xt2+xt2^2)*ceae+(1/8)*(xt1^3+xt1*xt2^2+xt1^2*xt2+xt2^3));
203 % since ae*xt1+ce<=0 ae*xt2+ce<=0 all fine for large ae
204 % for ae, ce -> 0 rounding error approx eps/ae^2
205 s3=(exp(ae*(xt1+ceae))*(ae*xt1-1)-exp(ae*(xt2+ceae))*(ae*xt2-1))/ae^2;
206 % we do not worry about rounding as xt1 -> xt2, then s3 -> 0
208 % coefficient at ae^1 in the expansion
209 a1=(xt1-xt2)*((1/2)*ceae*(xt1+xt2)+(1/3)*(xt1^2+xt1*xt2+xt2^2));
210 % coefficient at ae^0 in the expansion for ae->0
211 a0=(1/2)*(xt1-xt2)*(xt1+xt2);
212 s3=a0+a1*ae+a2*ae^2; % approximate the integral
215 fuel_fraction=fuel_fraction+s1+s2+s3;
216 if(fuel_fraction<0 | fuel_fraction>(fd(1)*fd(2))),
217 fuel_fraction,(fd(1)*fd(2)),s1,s2,s3
218 warning('fuel_fraction should be between 0 and 1')
222 fuel_fraction=fuel_fraction/(fd(1)*fd(2));
224 for i=figs,figure(i),hold off,end
227 function s=intexp(ab)
228 % function s=intexp(ab)
229 % s = (1/b)*int(exp(a*x),x,0,b) ab = a*b
231 if eps < abs(ab)^3/6,
232 s = (exp(ab)-1)/(ab); % rounding error approx eps/(a*b) for small a*b
234 s = 1 + ab/2+ab^2/6; % last term (a*b)^2/6 for small a*b