1 function [t,phi]=prop_ls(phi0,time0,time1,vvx,vvy,r,dx,dy)
2 % this version always propagates in the normal direction
3 % the normal direction is approximated by gradient of level function
4 % wind is projected into the rate of spread
5 % but this does not work well for the windmill..
7 % a jm/mkim version of propagate
8 % follows Osher-Fedkiw and Mitchell toolbox
10 % phi level function out
11 % phi0 level function in
12 % time0 starting time
14 % vx component x of velocity field
15 % vy component y of velocity field
16 % r propagation speed in normal direction
17 % dx mesh step in x direction
18 % dy mesh step in y direction
21 phi=phi0; % allocate level function
23 t=time0; % current time
33 while t<time1-tol & istep < msteps
35 % one-sided differences
36 [diffLx,diffRx,diffLy,diffRy,diffCx,diffCy]=get_diff(phi,dx,dy);
37 % Godunov scheme for normal motion
38 flowLx=(diffLx>=0 & diffCx>=0);
39 flowRx=(diffRx<=0 & diffCx<0);
40 diff2x=diffLx.*flowLx + diffRx.*flowRx; %
41 flowLy=(diffLy>=0 & diffCy>=0);
42 flowRy=(diffRy<=0 & diffCy<0);
43 diff2y=diffLy.*flowLy + diffRy.*flowRy; %
44 grad=sqrt(diff2x.*diff2x + diff2y.*diff2y);
46 %tbound_n(1)=max(abs(r.*sqrt(diff2x(nz)))./grad(nz))/dx; % time step bnd
47 %tbound_n(2)=max(abs(r.*sqrt(diff2y(nz)))./grad(nz))/dy;
48 %tbound_np=r.*(abs(diff2x)./dx+abs(diff2y)./dy); % pointwise time step bnd
49 %tbound_n=max(tbound_np(nz)./abs(grad(nz))); % worst case
50 %tend_n =-r.*grad; % the result, tendency
51 tbound_n=0; tend_n=0;
52 % replace wind by normal advection
54 % scale [diffCx,diffCy] to normal vector
55 scale=sqrt(realmin+diffCx.*diffCx+diffCy.*diffCy);
56 nvx = diffCx ./ scale;
57 nvy = diffCy ./ scale;
59 % given spread rate plus size of velocity field projected on the normal direction
60 spread_rate=ros(r,vvx,vvy,nvx,nvy);
61 % empirical correction
62 spread_rate=max(0,spread_rate - 0.5*max(dx,dy)*scale);
64 % get the advection size in the normal direction:
65 % project [vx,vy] on the normal vector
66 vx = nvx .* spread_rate;
67 vy = nvy .* spread_rate;
68 % standard upwinding for advection
69 tend_a=-(diffLx.*max(vx,0)+diffRx.*min(vx,0)+...
70 diffLy.*max(vy,0)+diffRy.*min(vy,0));
71 tbound_a=max(abs(vx(:)))/dx+max(abs(vy(:)))/dy;
72 % complete right-hand side
73 tend=tend_n + tend_a;
74 % complete time step bound
75 tbound = 1/(tbound_n+tbound_a+realmin);
76 % decide on timestep
77 dt=min(time1-t,0.5*tbound);
78 % trailing edge correction - do not allow fireline to go backwards
81 %tend(ins)=min(tend(ins),-0.5);
87 fprintf('prop_ls: %g steps from %g to %g\n',istep,time0,t)
88 end % of the function prop_ls
90 function spread_rate=ros(r,vx,vy,nvx,nvy)
91 % get the spread rate from wind vector and
92 % fireline normal vector
93 spread_rate=max(r+vx.*nvx+vy.*nvy,0);