3 This is the Work Request Management System created for the internal use of Catalyst IT.
8 - PostgreSQL 8.0 or higher (only client is required if a remote database is used)
9 - PHP / Postgres interface
10 - Andrew's Web Libraries 0.20 or higher
11 (see http://andrew.mcmillan.net.nz/projects/awl)
13 ---- Build Dependencies ----
15 - sudo aptitude install php-pear
16 - sudo pear install phpdocumentor
18 ---- Installation ----
20 The best way to install this is by building and installing the Debian package. This can be done easily with the commands:
22 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
23 sudo dpkg -i ../wrms_<version>_all.deb
25 You will then need to create a Postgres user called 'general' for the WRMS and run
27 /usr/share/wrms/scripts/create-database.sh
29 to create the database. It will tell you the password generated for the 'admin' account. The account name for the WRMS to use is hard-coded to 'general' but can be renamed after the database creation script has finished. Your new database will be called 'wrms'.
31 If the database is on a different server you must set the PGHOST and/or PGPORT environment variables before running the script. The user 'general' can now be renamed to anything you like.
33 To configure the WRMS you will also need to copy the config/config-example.php file to /etc/wrms/wrms.<host>-conf.php and edit it to add your database and site details.
35 ----- Installation on Apache 2 -----
37 /usr/share/wrms/html should be served as a normal directory with PHP enabled. This is an example site configuration that can be edited appropriately and placed in /etc/apache2/sites-available:
40 ServerName wrms.your.site
41 DocumentRoot /usr/share/wrms/html
44 <Directory /usr/share/wrms>
45 php_value include_path ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/wrms/inc:/usr/share/awl/inc"
48 The php_value line is required to ensure that the appropriate includes are accessible. To enable the site, create a symlink to this file under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.
50 ----- Installation on Other Web Servers -----
52 Your web server must be configured to use PHP. Your configuration for this site must allow the use of PHP and must add the directories /usr/share/wrms/inc and /usr/share/awl/inc to PHP's include path. The directory /usr/share/wrms/html contains the HTML and PHP files to be publicly served.