1 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
4 # Export these so that we run the locally installed autotools when building
5 # from a bootstrapped git tree.
13 my-html-tok.h: gen-myhtmltags Makefile.am common/Tokeniseise.pm myhtmlparse.tokens
14 $(PERL) -I'$(srcdir)/common' '$(srcdir)/gen-myhtmltags' '$(srcdir)' < '$(srcdir)/myhtmlparse.tokens'
16 # Recover from the removal of $@. A full explanation of this is in the
17 # automake manual under the heading "Multiple Outputs".
19 @if test -f $@; then :; else \
20 trap 'rm -rf "$(stamp)-lck" "$(stamp)"' 1 2 13 15; \
21 if mkdir '$(stamp)-lck' 2>/dev/null; then \
23 $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) '$(stamp)'; \
24 result=$$?; rm -rf '$(stamp)-lck'; exit $$result; \
26 while test -d '$(stamp)-lck'; do sleep 1; done; \
31 multitarget_begin = @rm -f $@-t; touch $@-t
32 multitarget_end = @mv -f $@-t $@
35 mimemap.h docs/inc/ignored.rst docs/inc/mimetypes.rst: $(stamp)
37 $(stamp): gen-mimemap Makefile.am common/Tokeniseise.pm mimemap.tokens
39 $(PERL) -I'$(srcdir)/common' '$(srcdir)/gen-mimemap' '$(srcdir)' < '$(srcdir)/mimemap.tokens'
42 namedents.h: gen-namedents Makefile.am common/Tokeniseise.pm
43 $(PERL) -I'$(srcdir)/common' '$(srcdir)/gen-namedents' '$(srcdir)'
45 BUILT_SOURCES = extra/omegascript.vim my-html-tok.h mimemap.h namedents.h
47 MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = my-html-tok.h mimemap.h mimemap.stamp namedents.h
50 common/Tokeniseise.pm \
51 extra/omegascript.vim \
52 extra/omegascript.vim.in \
66 templates/opensearch \
69 templates/inc/anyalldropbox \
70 templates/inc/anyallradio \
71 templates/inc/toptermsjs \
112 -I$(top_srcdir)/common \
113 -DCONFIGFILE_SYSTEM=\"$(sysconfdir)/omega.conf\" \
114 -DPKGLIBBINDIR=\"$(pkglibbindir)\"
117 pkglibbindir = $(pkglibdir)/bin
118 pkglibbin_PROGRAMS = omega
119 dist_pkglibbin_SCRIPTS = mhtml2html outlookmsg2html rfc822tohtml vcard2text
120 bin_PROGRAMS = omindex scriptindex omindex-list
121 dist_bin_SCRIPTS = dbi2omega htdig2omega mbox2omega
123 check_PROGRAMS = atomparsetest csvesctest htmlparsetest jsonesctest md5test urlenctest utf8converttest
124 dist_check_SCRIPTS = omegatest sourcetest
125 TESTS = atomparsetest$(EXEEXT)\
127 htmlparsetest$(EXEEXT)\
128 jsonesctest$(EXEEXT)\
133 utf8converttest$(EXEEXT)
135 omegadatadir = $(datadir)/omega
136 dist_omegadata_DATA = htdig2omega.script mbox2omega.script
138 dist_sysconf_DATA = omega.conf
140 noinst_HEADERS = omega.h query.h cgiparam.h index_file.h mime.h\
141 myhtmlparse.h htmlparse.h utils.h configfile.h date.h datetime.h\
142 commonhelp.h cdb.h cdb_int.h failed.h fields.h hashterm.h jsonescape.h\
143 loadfile.h md5.h md5wrap.h xmlparse.h metaxmlparse.h values.h utf8convert.h\
144 namedents.h pkglibbindir.h datevalue.h sample.h strcasecmp.h\
145 utf8truncate.h diritor.h runfilter.h freemem.h xpsxmlparse.h transform.h\
146 weight.h expand.h svgparse.h tmpdir.h urldecode.h urlencode.h unixperm.h atomparse.h\
147 xlsxparse.h opendocparse.h msxmlparse.h sort.h timegm.h csvescape.h\
148 portability/mkdtemp.h portability/strptime.h
150 # headers maintained in xapian-core
152 common/append_filename_arg.h\
155 common/msvc_dirent.h\
163 common/safesysselect.h\
164 common/safesysstat.h\
165 common/safesyswait.h\
167 common/safewindows.h\
168 common/safewinsock2.h\
175 # We want to compile transform.cc with PCRE2_CFLAGS, but if this adds a -I for
176 # a directory with a different version of iconv, then we get problems (this
177 # has been reported on macOS). We solve this using a technique suggested by
178 # the automake manual: compile each of transform.cc and utf8convert.cc into
179 # its own convenience library so each only gets its own CPPFLAGS.
180 noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libtransform.la libutf8convert.la
182 libtransform_la_SOURCES = transform.cc
183 libtransform_la_CPPFLAGS = $(PCRE2_CFLAGS)
184 libtransform_la_LIBADD = $(PCRE2_LIBS)
186 libutf8convert_la_SOURCES = utf8convert.cc
187 libutf8convert_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(INCICONV)
188 libutf8convert_la_LIBADD = $(XAPIAN_LIBS) $(LTLIBICONV)
190 omega_SOURCES = omega.cc query.cc cgiparam.cc utils.cc configfile.cc date.cc\
191 cdb_init.cc cdb_find.cc cdb_hash.cc cdb_unpack.cc jsonescape.cc loadfile.cc\
192 datevalue.cc common/str.cc sample.cc sort.cc urlencode.cc weight.cc expand.cc\
193 csvescape.cc timegm.cc
194 # Not currently used, and we ought to handle non-Unix perms too: unixperm.cc
195 omega_LDADD = $(XAPIAN_LIBS) libtransform.la
197 omindex_SOURCES = omindex.cc myhtmlparse.cc htmlparse.cc index_file.cc mime.cc\
198 common/getopt.cc commonhelp.cc utils.cc hashterm.cc loadfile.cc md5.cc\
199 md5wrap.cc xmlparse.cc metaxmlparse.cc sample.cc diritor.cc\
200 runfilter.cc freemem.cc common/msvc_dirent.cc xpsxmlparse.cc common/str.cc\
201 pkglibbindir.cc svgparse.cc tmpdir.cc urlencode.cc atomparse.cc xlsxparse.cc\
202 opendocparse.cc common/keyword.cc msxmlparse.cc common/safe.cc timegm.cc\
205 omindex_SOURCES += portability/mkdtemp.cc
207 omindex_LDADD = $(MAGIC_LIBS) $(XAPIAN_LIBS) $(ZLIB_LIBS) libutf8convert.la
209 scriptindex_SOURCES = scriptindex.cc myhtmlparse.cc htmlparse.cc\
210 common/getopt.cc common/str.cc commonhelp.cc utils.cc hashterm.cc loadfile.cc\
212 common/keyword.cc timegm.cc datetime.cc
214 scriptindex_SOURCES += portability/strptime.cc
216 scriptindex_LDADD = $(XAPIAN_LIBS) libutf8convert.la
218 omindex_list_SOURCES = common/getopt.cc omindex-list.cc
219 omindex_list_LDADD = $(XAPIAN_LIBS)
221 atomparsetest_SOURCES = atomparsetest.cc atomparse.cc htmlparse.cc\
222 myhtmlparse.cc common/keyword.cc datetime.cc timegm.cc
223 atomparsetest_LDADD = $(NO_INSTALL) $(XAPIAN_LIBS) libutf8convert.la
225 htmlparsetest_SOURCES = htmlparsetest.cc myhtmlparse.cc htmlparse.cc\
226 common/keyword.cc datetime.cc timegm.cc
227 htmlparsetest_LDADD = $(NO_INSTALL) $(XAPIAN_LIBS) libutf8convert.la
229 md5test_SOURCES = md5test.cc md5wrap.cc md5.cc
230 md5test_LDADD = $(NO_INSTALL)
232 utf8converttest_SOURCES = utf8converttest.cc
233 utf8converttest_LDADD = $(NO_INSTALL) $(XAPIAN_LIBS) libutf8convert.la
235 urlenctest_SOURCES = urlenctest.cc urlencode.cc
236 urlenctest_LDADD = $(NO_INSTALL) $(XAPIAN_LIBS)
238 csvesctest_SOURCES = csvesctest.cc csvescape.cc
239 csvesctest_LDADD = $(NO_INSTALL)
241 jsonesctest_SOURCES = jsonesctest.cc jsonescape.cc
242 jsonesctest_LDADD = $(NO_INSTALL) $(XAPIAN_LIBS)
245 dist_man_MANS = omindex.1 scriptindex.1 omindex-list.1
250 omindex.1: omindex$(EXEEXT) makemanpage
251 ./makemanpage ./omindex $(srcdir)/omindex.cc omindex.1
253 scriptindex.1: scriptindex$(EXEEXT) makemanpage
254 ./makemanpage ./scriptindex $(srcdir)/scriptindex.cc scriptindex.1
256 omindex-list.1: omindex-list$(EXEEXT) makemanpage
257 ./makemanpage ./omindex-list $(srcdir)/omindex-list.cc omindex-list.1
261 extra/omegascript.vim: extra/omegascript.vim.in query.cc configure.ac
262 $(PERL) $(srcdir)/gen-omegascript-vim "$(srcdir)" "$(PACKAGE_VERSION)"
268 $(MAKE) check SCRIPTINDEX='${bindir}/scriptindex' OMEGA='${pkglibbindir}/omega'