1 package Search
8 use Search
12 our @ISA = qw( DynaLoader Search::Xapian::Weight);
14 # In a new thread, copy objects of this class to unblessed, undef values.
21 if (scalar(@_) == 0) {
23 } elsif (scalar(@_) == 1) {
26 Carp
("USAGE: $class->new(), $class->new(k)");
29 bless $weight, $class;
39 Search::Xapian::TradWeight - Traditional Probabilistic Weighting scheme.
43 Traditional Probabilistic Weighting scheme, as described by the early papers
44 on Probabilistic Retrieval. BM25 generally gives better results.
52 Constructor. Either takes no parameters, or a single non-negative parameter k.
53 If k isn't specified, the default value used is 1.
60 L<Search::Xapian::Enquire>