1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
2 <addon id="game.controller.mouse"
5 provider-name="Team Kodi">
6 <extension point="kodi.game.controller" library="resources/layout.xml"/>
7 <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
8 <platform>all</platform>
10 <icon>resources/icon.png</icon>
12 <summary lang="da_DK">Computermus</summary>
13 <summary lang="de_DE">Computermaus</summary>
14 <summary lang="en_GB">Computer Mouse</summary>
15 <summary lang="es_ES">Ratón de Ordenador</summary>
16 <summary lang="fi_FI">Tietokoneen hiiri</summary>
17 <summary lang="fr_FR">Souris d'ordinateur</summary>
18 <summary lang="it_IT">Mouse del computer</summary>
19 <summary lang="pl_PL">Mysz komputerowa</summary>
20 <summary lang="ru_RU">Компьютерная мышь</summary>
21 <summary lang="zh_CN">电脑鼠标</summary>
22 <description lang="da_DK">En standardmus med to knapper og et hjul i midten.</description>
23 <description lang="de_DE">Eine Standardmaus mit zwei Tasten und einem Mausrad.</description>
24 <description lang="en_GB">A standard mouse with two buttons and a middle wheel.</description>
25 <description lang="es_ES">Un ratón estándar con dos botones y una rueda central.</description>
26 <description lang="fi_FI">Tavallinen kahdella painikkeella ja keskirullalla varustettu hiiri.</description>
27 <description lang="fr_FR">Une souris standard avec deux boutons et une molette centrale.</description>
28 <description lang="it_IT">Un mouse standard con due pulsanti e una rotellina centrale.</description>
29 <description lang="pl_PL">Standardowa mysz z dwoma przyciskami i środkowym kółkiem.</description>
30 <description lang="ru_RU">Стандартная компьютерная мышь с двумя кнопками и с колесом посередине.</description>
31 <description lang="zh_CN">带有两个按钮和中间滚轮的标准鼠标。</description>