[PVR][Estuary] Timer settings dialog: Show client name in timer type selection dialog...
[xbmc.git] / xbmc / rendering / dx / DeviceResources.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
3 * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6 * See LICENSES/README.md for more information.
7 */
9 #pragma once
11 #include "DirectXHelper.h"
12 #include "HDRStatus.h"
13 #include "guilib/D3DResource.h"
15 #include <functional>
16 #include <memory>
18 #include <concrt.h>
19 #include <dxgi1_5.h>
20 #include <wrl.h>
21 #include <wrl/client.h>
25 struct VideoDriverInfo;
27 namespace DX
29 interface IDeviceNotify
31 virtual void OnDXDeviceLost() = 0;
32 virtual void OnDXDeviceRestored() = 0;
35 // Controls all the DirectX device resources.
36 class DeviceResources
38 public:
39 static std::shared_ptr<DX::DeviceResources> Get();
41 DeviceResources();
42 virtual ~DeviceResources();
43 void Release();
45 void ValidateDevice();
46 void HandleDeviceLost(bool removed);
47 bool Begin();
48 void Present();
50 // The size of the render target, in pixels.
51 winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size GetOutputSize() const { return m_outputSize; }
52 // The size of the render target, in dips.
53 winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size GetLogicalSize() const { return m_logicalSize; }
54 void SetLogicalSize(float width, float height);
55 float GetDpi() const { return m_effectiveDpi; }
56 void SetDpi(float dpi);
58 // D3D Accessors.
59 bool HasValidDevice() const { return m_bDeviceCreated; }
60 ID3D11Device1* GetD3DDevice() const { return m_d3dDevice.Get(); }
61 ID3D11DeviceContext1* GetD3DContext() const { return m_deferrContext.Get(); }
62 ID3D11DeviceContext1* GetImmediateContext() const { return m_d3dContext.Get(); }
63 IDXGISwapChain1* GetSwapChain() const { return m_swapChain.Get(); }
64 IDXGIFactory2* GetIDXGIFactory2() const { return m_dxgiFactory.Get(); }
65 IDXGIAdapter1* GetAdapter() const { return m_adapter.Get(); }
66 ID3D11DepthStencilView* GetDSV() const { return m_d3dDepthStencilView.Get(); }
67 D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL GetDeviceFeatureLevel() const { return m_d3dFeatureLevel; }
68 CD3DTexture& GetBackBuffer() { return m_backBufferTex; }
70 void GetOutput(IDXGIOutput** ppOutput) const;
71 void GetAdapterDesc(DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC *desc) const;
72 void GetDisplayMode(DXGI_MODE_DESC *mode) const;
74 D3D11_VIEWPORT GetScreenViewport() const { return m_screenViewport; }
75 void SetViewPort(D3D11_VIEWPORT& viewPort) const;
77 void ReleaseBackBuffer();
78 void CreateBackBuffer();
79 void ResizeBuffers();
81 bool SetFullScreen(bool fullscreen, RESOLUTION_INFO& res);
83 // Apply display settings changes
84 void ApplyDisplaySettings();
86 // HDR display support
87 HDR_STATUS ToggleHDR();
88 void SetHdrMetaData(DXGI_HDR_METADATA_HDR10& hdr10) const;
89 void SetHdrColorSpace(const DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE colorSpace);
90 bool IsHDROutput() const { return m_IsHDROutput; }
91 bool IsTransferPQ() const { return m_IsTransferPQ; }
93 // DX resources registration
94 void Register(ID3DResource *resource);
95 void Unregister(ID3DResource *resource);
97 void FinishCommandList(bool bExecute = true) const;
98 void ClearDepthStencil() const;
99 void ClearRenderTarget(ID3D11RenderTargetView* pRTView, float color[4]) const;
100 void RegisterDeviceNotify(IDeviceNotify* deviceNotify);
102 bool IsStereoAvailable() const;
103 bool IsStereoEnabled() const { return m_stereoEnabled; }
104 void SetStereoIdx(byte idx) { m_backBufferTex.SetViewIdx(idx); }
106 void SetMonitor(HMONITOR monitor);
107 HMONITOR GetMonitor() const;
109 void SetWindow(HWND window);
110 #elif defined(TARGET_WINDOWS_STORE)
111 void Trim() const;
112 void SetWindow(const winrt::Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow& window);
113 void SetWindowPos(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Rect rect);
115 bool IsNV12SharedTexturesSupported() const { return m_NV12SharedTexturesSupport; }
116 bool IsDXVA2SharedDecoderSurfaces() const { return m_DXVA2SharedDecoderSurfaces; }
118 // Gets debug info from swapchain
119 DEBUG_INFO_RENDER GetDebugInfo() const;
121 private:
122 class CBackBuffer : public CD3DTexture
124 public:
125 CBackBuffer() : CD3DTexture() {}
126 void SetViewIdx(unsigned idx) { m_viewIdx = idx; }
127 bool Acquire(ID3D11Texture2D* pTexture);
130 HRESULT CreateSwapChain(DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 &desc, DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC &fsDesc, IDXGISwapChain1 **ppSwapChain) const;
131 void DestroySwapChain();
132 void CreateDeviceIndependentResources();
133 void CreateDeviceResources();
134 void CreateWindowSizeDependentResources();
135 void UpdateRenderTargetSize();
136 void OnDeviceLost(bool removed);
137 void OnDeviceRestored();
138 void HandleOutputChange(const std::function<bool(DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC)>& cmpFunc);
139 bool CreateFactory();
140 void CheckNV12SharedTexturesSupport();
141 VideoDriverInfo GetVideoDriverVersion();
142 void CheckDXVA2SharedDecoderSurfaces();
144 HWND m_window{ nullptr };
145 #if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS_STORE)
146 winrt::Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow m_coreWindow = nullptr;
147 #endif
148 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIFactory2> m_dxgiFactory;
149 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIAdapter1> m_adapter;
150 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIOutput1> m_output;
152 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Device1> m_d3dDevice;
153 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext1> m_d3dContext;
154 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext1> m_deferrContext;
155 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> m_swapChain;
156 #ifdef _DEBUG
157 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Debug> m_d3dDebug;
158 #endif
160 CBackBuffer m_backBufferTex;
161 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11DepthStencilView> m_d3dDepthStencilView;
162 D3D11_VIEWPORT m_screenViewport;
164 // Cached device properties.
165 D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL m_d3dFeatureLevel;
166 winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size m_outputSize;
167 winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size m_logicalSize;
168 float m_dpi;
170 // This is the DPI that will be reported back to the app. It takes into account whether the app supports high resolution screens or not.
171 float m_effectiveDpi;
172 // The IDeviceNotify can be held directly as it owns the DeviceResources.
173 IDeviceNotify* m_deviceNotify;
175 // scritical section
176 Concurrency::critical_section m_criticalSection;
177 Concurrency::critical_section m_resourceSection;
178 std::vector<ID3DResource*> m_resources;
180 bool m_stereoEnabled;
181 bool m_bDeviceCreated;
182 bool m_IsHDROutput;
183 bool m_IsTransferPQ;
184 bool m_NV12SharedTexturesSupport{false};
185 bool m_DXVA2SharedDecoderSurfaces{false};