3 \page skin_controls Controls
4 \brief Controls are the substance of your skin. They define everything from
5 buttons, to text labels, to visualization placement. This portion of the
6 manual will explain each and every control in detail.
8 - \subpage Addon_Rendering_control - Control where rendering becomes performed from add-on
9 - \subpage skin_Button_control - a standard push button control.
10 - \subpage Color_button_control - used for creating push buttons in Kodi with a box for color preview.
11 - \subpage EPGGrid_control - used to display the EPG guide in the PVR section.
12 - \subpage skin_Edit_control - used as an input control for the osd keyboard and other input fields.
13 - \subpage Fade_Label_Control - used to show multiple pieces of text in the same position, by fading from one to the other.
14 - \subpage Fixed_List_Container - used for a list of items with a fixed focus. Same as the \ref Wrap_List_Container "Wrap List Container" except it doesn't wrap.
15 - \subpage Game_Control - used to display the currently playing game, with optional effects, whilst in the GUI.
16 - \subpage Game_Controller - used to display a game controller, with optional effects
17 - \subpage Game_Controller_List - used to give special behavior to a list of Game Controller controls
18 - \subpage Group_Control - used to group controls together.
19 - \subpage Group_List_Control - special case of the group control that forms a scrolling list of controls.
20 - \subpage Image_Control - used to show an image.
21 - \subpage Label_Control - used to show some lines of text.
22 - \subpage List_Container - used for a scrolling lists of items. Replaces the list control.
23 - \subpage Mover_Control - used in the calibration screens.
24 - \subpage MultiImage_Control - used to show a slideshow of images.
25 - \subpage Panel_Container - used for a scrolling panel of items. Replaces the thumbnail panel.
26 - \subpage Progress_Control - Used to show the progress of a particular operation.
27 - \subpage RSS_feed_Control - used to display scrolling RSS feeds.
28 - \subpage Ranges_Control - Used to show multiple range blocks.
29 - \subpage Radio_button_control - a radio button control (as used for on/off settings).
30 - \subpage Resize_Control - used to set the pixel ratio in Video Calibration.
31 - \subpage Scroll_Bar_Control - used for a implementing a scroll bar.
32 - \subpage Settings_Slider_Control - used for a slider control in the settings menus.
33 - \subpage Settings_Spin_Control - used for cycling up/down controls in the settings menus.
34 - \subpage Slider_Control - used for a volume slider.
35 - \subpage Spin_Control - used for cycling up/down controls.
36 - \subpage Text_Box - used to show a multi-page piece of text.
37 - \subpage skin_Toggle_button_control - a toggle on/off button that can take 2 different states.
38 - \subpage Video_Control - used to display the currently playing video whilst in the GUI.
39 - \subpage Visualisation_Control - used to display a visualisation while music is playing.
40 - \subpage Wrap_List_Container - used for a wrapping list of items with fixed focus.