[Windows] Fix buffer size for registry read
[xbmc.git] / system / keymaps / customcontroller.SiriRemote.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- This file contains the mapping of keys (gamepad,remote and keyboard) to actions within XBMC -->
3 <!-- The <global> section is a fall through - they will only be used if the button is not        -->
4 <!-- used in the current window's section.  Note that there is only handling                     -->
5 <!-- for a single action per button at this stage.                                               -->
6 <!-- For joystick/gamepad configuration under linux/win32, see below as it differs from xbox     -->
7 <!-- gamepads.                                                                                   -->
9 <!-- The format is:                                                                              -->
10 <!--    <device>                                                                                 -->
11 <!--      <button id=""#>xbmc action</button>                                                    -->
12 <!--    </device>                                                                                -->
14 <!-- To map keys from other remotes using the RCA protocol, you may add <customcontroller name="SiriRemote"> blocks -->
15 <!-- In this case, the tags used are <button id=""#> where # is the original button code (OBC) of the key -->
16 <!-- You set it up by adding a <customcontroller name="SiriRemote"> block to the window or <global> section:        -->
17 <!--    <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">                                                                        -->
18 <!--       <button id="45">Stop</button>                                                         -->
19 <!--    </customcontroller>                                                                       -->
21 <!-- Note that the action can be a built-in function.                                            -->
22 <!--            eg <button id="6">ActivateWindow(FavouritesBrowser)</button>                     -->
23 <!-- would bring up Favourites when the button with the id of 6 is press. In this case, "Menu"   -->
25 <!--                                                                                             -->
26 <!--  Button Ids:                                                                                -->
27 <!--  'id' is the button ID used by SDL. The key ids recognized from your remote appears      -->
28 <!--  in /var/log/syslog on the ATV2 for each button pressed and when debug mode is enabled      -->
29 <!--  Use your log to discover and map custom buttons to actions.                                -->
31 <keymap>
32   <global>
33     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
34       <!-- Siri/IR remotes up                       --> <button id="1">Up</button>
35       <!-- Siri/IR remotes down                     --> <button id="2">Down</button>
36       <!-- Siri/IR remotes left                     --> <button id="3">Left</button>
37       <!-- Siri/IR remotes right                    --> <button id="4">Right</button>
38       <!-- Siri remote select                       --> <button id="5">Select</button>
39       <!-- Siri remote menu                         --> <button id="6">Back</button>
40       <!-- Siri remote hold select                  --> <button id="7">ContextMenu</button>
41       <!-- Siri remote swipe up                     --> <button id="8">Up</button>
42       <!-- Siri remote swipe down                   --> <button id="9">Down</button>
43       <!-- Siri remote swipe left                   --> <button id="10">Left</button>
44       <!-- Siri remote swipe right                  --> <button id="11">Right</button>
45       <!-- Siri remote play/pause                   --> <button id="12">PlayPause</button>
46       <!-- IR remote/iDevice Now Playing play       --> <button id="13">Play</button>
47       <!-- IR remote/iDevice Now Playing pause      --> <button id="14">Pause</button>
48       <!-- IR remote stop                           --> <button id="15">Stop</button>
49       <!-- IR remote/iDevice Now Playing next track --> <button id="16">SkipNext</button>
50       <!-- IR remote/iDevice Now Playing prev track --> <button id="17">SkipPrevious</button>
51       <!-- IR remote seek forward                   --> <button id="18">FastForward</button>
52       <!-- IR remote seek backward                  --> <button id="19">Rewind</button>
53       <!-- Siri remote hold play/pause              --> <button id="20">Stop</button>
54       <!-- Siri remote double play/pause            --> <button id="21">noop</button>
55       <!-- Siri remote double select                --> <button id="22">noop</button>
56       <!-- Siri remote pan up                       --> <button id="23">Up</button>
57       <!-- Siri remote pan down                     --> <button id="24">Down</button>
58       <!-- Siri remote pan left                     --> <button id="25">Left</button>
59       <!-- Siri remote pan right                    --> <button id="26">Right</button>
60       <!-- Apple TV remote iPhone/iPad channel up   --> <button id="27">ChannelUp</button>
61       <!-- Apple TV remote iPhone/iPad channel down --> <button id="28">ChannelDown</button>
62     </customcontroller>
63   </global>
64   <Home>
65     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
66       <button id="6">ActivateWindow(FavouritesBrowser)</button>
67     </customcontroller>
68   </Home>
69   <FullscreenVideo>
70     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
71       <button id="1">VolumeUp</button>
72       <button id="2">VolumeDown</button>
73       <button id="3">StepBack</button>
74       <button id="4">StepForward</button>
75       <button id="5">Pause</button>
76       <button id="6">Stop</button>
77       <button id="7">OSD</button>
78       <button id="8">noop</button>
79       <button id="9">noop</button>
80       <button id="10">noop</button>
81       <button id="11">noop</button>
82     </customcontroller>
83   </FullscreenVideo>
84   <FullscreenLiveTV>
85     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
86       <button id="3">ChannelDown</button>
87       <button id="4">ChannelUp</button>
88       <button id="8">noop</button>
89       <button id="9">noop</button>
90       <button id="10">noop</button>
91       <button id="11">noop</button>
92     </customcontroller>
93   </FullscreenLiveTV>
94   <FullscreenRadio>
95     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
96       <button id="3">ChannelDown</button>
97       <button id="4">ChannelUp</button>
98     </customcontroller>
99   </FullscreenRadio>
100   <Visualisation>
101     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
102       <button id="1">VolumeUp</button>
103       <button id="2">VolumeDown</button>
104       <button id="3">SkipPrevious</button>
105       <button id="4">SkipNext</button>
106       <button id="5">Pause</button>
107       <button id="6">Fullscreen</button>
108       <button id="7">OSD</button>
109     </customcontroller>
110   </Visualisation>
111   <SlideShow>
112     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
113       <button id="1">ZoomIn</button>
114       <button id="2">ZoomOut</button>
115       <button id="3">PreviousPicture</button>
116       <button id="4">NextPicture</button>
117       <button id="6">Stop</button>
118       <button id="7">Info</button>
119     </customcontroller>
120   </SlideShow>
121   <ScreenCalibration>
122     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
123       <button id="5">NextCalibration</button>
124     </customcontroller>
125   </ScreenCalibration>
126   <VideoOSD>
127     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
128       <button id="7">Back</button>
129     </customcontroller>
130   </VideoOSD>
131   <VideoMenu>
132     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
133       <button id="5">Select</button>
134       <button id="6">Stop</button>
135       <button id="7">OSD</button>
136     </customcontroller>
137   </VideoMenu>
138   <Videos>
139     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
140       <button id="7">ContextMenu</button>
141     </customcontroller>
142   </Videos>
143   <PictureInfo>
144     <customcontroller name="SiriRemote">
145       <button id="3">Left</button>
146       <button id="4">Right</button>
147     </customcontroller>
148   </PictureInfo>
149 </keymap>