1 Moderation Rules - Originally posted by Kib on the forum.
3 With great power comes great responsibility, and it is important to not misuse the power we have received.
4 Below are a set of basic rules for the forum moderation that we have come up with.
5 In case a rule is missing that you think should be added, feel free to discuss.
7 **Writing posts or replies**
8 - Be civil, no matter how infuriating other persons are.
9 - Unsure what to do? Ask a fellow moderator or the team in this forum!
12 - Never edit posts without explaining that you did so in your edit.
13 - Editing to remove harmful content is OK.
14 - Editing broken links or confusing misspelling to fix them is OK
15 - Editing posts because you do not agree with what was said, is NOT ok.
17 **Deleting posts or whole threads**
18 - Don't. It's much more preferred to move them to the garbage or edit the offending bits out (See above)
19 - For spam: use the stopforumspam link in the top right of the post, or ask an admin when that is not possible.
22 - When moving threads, when possible leave a non-permanent redirect for a number of days. 7 is a good number, but 3 works as well. Use your own intuition. Wink
23 - Reply to the thread stating that you moved it, ergo "Moved to support section because this does not belong in Android development"
25 **Sticking / Unsticking threads**
26 - When in doubt, don't stick or unstick
27 - Only sticky threads that will be valid for a long time.
28 - Do not sticky many threads, it gets in the way of browsing the forum
29 - If many threads are stickied, it is usually better to consolidate the information by making a reference sticky that points to all the threads
30 - Contact the author before unstickying threads