[WASAPI] use silent buffer flag for initial silent frames.
[xbmc.git] / addons / webinterface.default / lang / en / help-overview.html
1 <h2 id="what-is-chorus-">What is Chorus?</h2>
2 <p>Chorus is a web interface for controlling and interacting with <a href="http://kodi.tv">Kodi</a>. It is hosted by your
3 Kodi installation so anything that can run Kodi should have no problems with Chorus.</p>
4 <p>With a web interface you could potentially be controlling a Kodi player from the other side of the world.
5 But more likely, you will be controlling a local Kodi player in your home or office.</p>
6 <h3 id="who-made-this-thing-">Who made this thing?</h3>
7 <p>Chorus was created by <a href="http://jez.me">Jeremy Graham</a>, a Kodi team member who has been obsessed with
8 Kodi since its original inception as Xbox Media Player many years ago. He has invested thousands of hours in
9 the pursuit of the perfect Kodi web interface, all of which has lead to what you are using right now.</p>
10 <p>To say thanks to Jeremy for making Kodi great to use via a browser or maybe just some encouragement to make it
11 even better? You can <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&amp;business=ZCGV976794JHE&amp;lc=AU&amp;item_name=Chorus%20Beer%20Fund&amp;currency_code=AUD&amp;bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted">buy him a beer or 2</a>.</p>
12 <h3 id="who-made-it-possible-">Who made it possible?</h3>
13 <ul>
14 <li>Kodi, and the thousands of awesome people who contribute to it. <a href="http://kodi.tv/get-involved/">If you love it, support it.</a></li>
15 <li>These <a href="https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/graphs/contributors">wonderful people</a> who gave a helping hand.</li>
16 <li>All the great tools available, which are really too many to list, but if you have anything to do with
17 the contents of <a href="https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/tree/master/src/lib">this folder</a> then cheers!</li>
18 <li>The amazing photographers who have submitted their images to <a href="https://unsplash.com">unsplash</a> and
19 <a href="https://www.pexels.com">pexels</a> with a CC0 license.</li>
20 </ul>
21 <h2 id="bugs-and-features">Bugs and Features</h2>
22 <h3 id="is-something-broken-">Is something broken?</h3>
23 <p>It happens, it could also be a &quot;Cool idea&quot;? Chorus is a complex app and Kodi is way more complex. For Chorus issues
24 you can <a href="https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/issues">create an issue on Github</a>. It is important that you provide
25 as much information as possible. Great things to include are:</p>
26 <ul>
27 <li>Information from &quot;Status report&quot; on this page.</li>
28 <li>Any errors that show up in the console of your browser.</li>
29 <li>Detailed description including steps to replicate and screen shots if applicable.</li>
30 <li><strong>And if you are an amazing person</strong> a patch in a pull request to fix it :)</li>
31 </ul>
32 <h3 id="cool-ideas">Cool ideas</h3>
33 <p>Got neat addition or a feature wish list for Chorus? You can add them to the <a href="https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/issues">Github</a>
34 page or even better, send through a pull request..</p>
35 <h2 id="tell-me-more">Tell me more</h2>
36 <p>View the <a href="#help/app-readme">readme</a> for an overview, the <a href="#help/app-changelog">changelog</a>
37 lists notable changes between versions or maybe you can help with <a href="#help/app-changelog">translations</a>.</p>