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[xbmc.git] / addons / webinterface.default / lang / en / developers.html
1 <h1 id="developers-information">Developers information</h1>
2 <p>Do you want to help with making Chorus even better? Find help below...</p>
3 <p>This page contains information about getting your dev environment up and running so you can build and test your
4 changes without the hassle of setting up all the required dependencies.</p>
5 <h2 id="docker-dev-environment">Docker dev environment</h2>
6 <p>Included in this repo is a <code>Dockerfile</code> which builds the Chorus 2 dev environment image. If you wanted to develop
7 <em>without</em> using docker, this is a good reference as to what you need installed on your pc.</p>
8 <p>If you want to make your live much easier, just install docker then grab the pre-built image from docker hub.</p>
9 <pre><code>docker pull jez500/chorus2<span class="hljs-attribute">-dev</span>:latest
10 </code></pre><h3 id="installing-dev-dependencies">Installing dev dependencies</h3>
11 <p>Once you have the docker dev image, you can use this to do all your development related tasks. The first of these should
12 be installing all the nodejs/ruby dependencies.</p>
13 <pre><code>docker run <span class="hljs-attribute">-tiP</span> <span class="hljs-attribute">-v</span> <span class="hljs-string">`pwd`</span>:/app jez500/chorus2<span class="hljs-attribute">-dev</span>:latest <span class="hljs-built_in">.</span>/build<span class="hljs-built_in">.</span>sh install
14 </code></pre><p>This will run <code>npm install</code> and <code>bundle install</code> inside the dev container.</p>
15 <p>You should only need to do this once, unless... <code>package.json</code> or <code>Gemfile</code> are updated</p>
16 <h3 id="building-compiling-the-project">Building/Compiling the project</h3>
17 <p>If you have made changes to some coffee script or sass, you can build those changes via executing commands inside
18 the dev container. To get a command line in the container:</p>
19 <pre><code>docker run <span class="hljs-attribute">-tiP</span> <span class="hljs-attribute">-v</span> <span class="hljs-string">`pwd`</span>:/app jez500/chorus2<span class="hljs-attribute">-dev</span>:latest bash
20 </code></pre><p>Once inside the dev container, you can do the following:</p>
21 <h4 id="build">Build</h4>
22 <p>This will build languages, documentation, js and css.</p>
23 <pre><code>grunt build
24 </code></pre><h4 id="watch-for-changes-continuously-build-">Watch for changes (continuously build)</h4>
25 <p>This will only build js and css.</p>
26 <pre><code>grunt
27 </code></pre><h2 id="committing-your-changes">Committing your changes</h2>
28 <p>As a rule of thumb, you should not commit any compiled files unless you are building a release. Eg. only commit files
29 in the <code>src</code> folder.</p>