Merge branch 'master' into xcircuit-3.10
[xcircuit.git] / lib / tcl / matgen.tcl
1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # matgen.tcl v0.7 --- An xcircuit Tcl extension for importing matlab
3 # postscript files
4 # Copyright (c) 2008 Wim Vereecken
5 #
6 #
7 #
8 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
19 # "lset" forward compatibility routine from"lset" is
20 # used in these routines, and was new with Tcl version 8.4.
22 if {[package vcompare [package provide Tcl] 8.4] < 0} {
23 proc tcl::K {a b} {return $a}
24 proc lset {listName index val} {
25 upvar $listName list
26 set list [lreplace [tcl::K $list [set list {}]] $index $index $val]
30 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
32 proc xcircuit::promptimportmatlab {} {
33 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
34 {matgen [.filelist.textent.txt get]; wm withdraw .filelist}
35 configure -data "ps"
36 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select file to import:"
37 .filelist.textent.txt delete 0 end
38 xcircuit::popupfilelist
41 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
43 proc matgen {argv} {
44 global XCOps XCWinOps
45 # PART 1: Command line parser_______________________________
46 # load-axes property is set
47 set axes 1
48 # set default scale factor
49 set scalefactor 0.2
50 # set default line width
51 set linewidth 1.00
52 # set default line width
53 set bold 0
54 # set default file name
55 set filenames {}
56 # set default text size
57 set matlab_textsize 100
58 # parse all command line args
59 puts "Checking options..."
60 foreach arg $argv {
61 # if -noaxes key is found, disable axes
62 if [string compare $arg "-noaxes"]==0 then {
63 set axes 0
64 puts " *** Axes are disabled"
66 if [regexp {\-scale=(\d+\.*\d*)} $arg matchresult sub1] then {
67 set scalefactor [expr $sub1*0.20]
68 puts " *** Scalefactor set to $scalefactor"
70 if [regexp {\-lw=(\d+\.*\d*)} $arg matchresult sub1] then {
71 set linewidth $sub1
72 puts " *** Linewidth set to $linewidth"
74 if [regexp {\-bold} $arg matchresult] then {
75 set bold 1
76 puts " *** Bold fonts are enabled"
78 if [regexp {(.*\.e?ps)} $arg matchresult sub1] then {
79 lappend filenames $sub1
80 set file [lindex $filenames [expr [llength $filenames]-1]]
84 if {[llength $argv] < 1} then {
85 puts " *** no arguments found...\n"
86 puts "matgen.tcl 0.7"
87 puts "Written by Wim Vereecken\n"
88 puts "Usage:"
89 puts " matgen \"\[options\] file.eps \[file2.eps\] ...\"\n"
90 puts "Options:"
91 puts " -noaxes: strip axes data"
92 puts " -scale=x: rescale by factor x"
93 puts " -lw=x: scale linewidth by factor x"
94 puts " -bold: use bold text labels\n"
95 puts "Example:"
96 puts " matgen \"-scale=0.7 -lw=3 file.eps\"\n"
97 return 0
100 # PART 2: Parse and process the source matlab eps file_______
101 # The extension of the source files that will be examined
102 puts "Checking for valid matlab postscript (eps) files..."
103 ## Search in the current directory for files with an .eps
104 ## extension. If the file is recognized as a matlab .eps
105 ## file, add the source file to @foundsources.
107 set validfiles {};
108 foreach file $filenames {
109 if [regexp {e?ps} $file matchresult] then {
110 # try to open $file
111 if [catch {open $file r} result] {
112 puts "Warning: $result"
113 return -1
114 } else {
115 set fp $result
116 set data [read $fp]
117 close $fp
119 # split data in seperate lines
120 set data [split $data "\n"]
121 # read every line and search for "Creator: MATLAB"
122 foreach line $data {
123 # check if the source is a matlab eps
124 if [regexp {Creator: MATLAB} $line matchresult] then {
125 lappend validfiles $file
126 puts " *** $file is a valid Matlab plot";
127 # break searching here
128 break
134 # exit with message when no source files are found
135 if [llength $validfiles]<1 {
136 puts " *** No valid matlab .eps files found. Bye!";
137 return -1
140 # PART 3____________________________________________________
141 foreach file $validfiles {
142 puts "Processing $file...";
143 # open each matlab eps file
144 if [catch {open $file r} result] {
145 puts "Warning: $result"
146 return -1
147 } else {
148 set fp $result
149 set data [read $fp]
150 close $fp
152 # the stack emulator
153 set source_stack ""
154 # the xcircuit output vector
155 set xcircuit_output ""
156 # the xcircuit lib definitions
157 set xcircuit_libdefs ""
158 # the color definitions library
159 set colordefs ""
161 # split data in seperate lines
162 set data [split $data "\n"]
163 set object_list {}
164 foreach line $data {
165 append source_stack "\x0a$line"
166 # Skip first part of matlab $source_stack if noaxes is set
167 if [regexp {\/c8} $line matchresult] then {
168 if {$axes == 0} then {
169 # clear output
170 set xcircuit_output ""
171 } else {
172 # select all items in page, make object, and deselect
173 if {[llength $object_list] > 0} then {
174 select $object_list
175 set axes_object [object make "axes"]
176 deselect $axes_object
180 # Extract polylines from the matlab $source_stack
181 if [regexp {(\d+)\s*MP\sstroke} $line matchresult sub1] {
182 # extract the number of vertices of the polyline
183 set num_vertices $sub1
184 # the number of arguments to read is thus 2*num_vertices
185 set num_args [expr $num_vertices*2]
186 # extract the vertices list of the polyline
187 set re "\\x0a+\\s*((?:\-?\\d+\\x20*\\x0a*)+?)\\s+$num_vertices\\s+MP\\sstroke"
188 if [regexp $re $source_stack matchresult sub1] then {
189 # replace 1+ spaces by the ":" separator
190 regsub -all {\s+} $sub1 ":" sub1
191 # split $sub1 based on the ":" separator
192 set polyline_vertices [split $sub1 ":"]
193 # the polyline_vertices list contains all vertices
194 # --> {<undefined data> x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn}
195 } else {
196 puts "Error in polyline regular expression. Exiting..."
197 return -1
199 # convert the arguments to the xcircuit coordinate format.
200 # The matlab polyline coordinates are relative to each other,
201 # starting for the last value of the postscript stack.
202 # XCircuit needs absolute coordinates for the polyline vertices.
203 # Some recalculation is thus needed to obtain absolute coordinates.
204 for {set i [expr $num_args-4]} {$i>=0} {incr i -2} {
205 # calculate x-coordinates
206 set prev_point_x [lindex $polyline_vertices $i]
207 set current_point_x [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+2]]
208 lset polyline_vertices $i [expr $prev_point_x+$current_point_x]
209 # calculate y-coordinates
210 set prev_point_y [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+1]]
211 set current_point_y [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+3]]
212 lset polyline_vertices [expr $i+1] [expr $prev_point_y+$current_point_y]
214 # Rescaling feature. Should be re-implemented in a decent way
215 for {set i 0} {$i<$num_args} {incr i 1} {
216 lset polyline_vertices $i [expr int([lindex $polyline_vertices $i]*$scalefactor)]
218 # Flip the y-axis coordinates. XCircuit's coordinate system seems to use
219 # the left hand rule.
220 for {set i 1} {$i<$num_args} {incr i 2} {
221 lset polyline_vertices $i [expr [lindex $polyline_vertices $i]*-1]
223 # create the tcl command and draw the polygon
224 set prev_point_x 0
225 set prev_point_y 0
226 set num_vertices 0
227 set tcl_command ""
228 eval "fill 0"
229 for {set i 0} {$i<$num_args} {incr i 2} {
230 # the number of vertices xcircuit can handle is limited to 250
231 if {$num_vertices == 200} then {
232 eval "lappend object_list \[polygon make 200 $tcl_command\]"
233 set prev_point_x 0
234 set prev_point_y 0
235 set num_vertices 0
236 set tcl_command ""
237 # resume last point in next polyline
238 incr i -2
240 # extract the current x- and y-coordinates
241 set current_point_x [lindex $polyline_vertices $i]
242 set current_point_y [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+1]]
243 # drop the current vertex if distance from previous point is too small
244 if { abs([expr $current_point_x - $prev_point_x]) < 1
245 && abs([expr $current_point_y - $prev_point_y]) < 1} then {
246 # drop the current vertex
247 continue
248 # add the current vertex to the tcl_command string
249 } else {
250 # increase the number of vertices in the tcl_command
251 incr num_vertices 1
252 # append the current vertex to the tcl_command string
253 # format: "polygon make N {x1 y1} {x2 y2} ... {xn yn}"
254 append tcl_command "\{$current_point_x $current_point_y\} "
255 # save the current vertex for future reference
256 set prev_point_x $current_point_x
257 set prev_point_y $current_point_y
260 # Evaluate the tcl_command
261 eval "lappend object_list \[polygon make $num_vertices $tcl_command\]"
262 # flush stack
263 set source_stack ""
264 set line ""
266 # Extract filled polylines from the matlab $source_stack
267 if [regexp {(\d+)\s+MP} $line matchresult sub1] {
268 set num_vertices $sub1
269 set num_args [expr $num_vertices*2]
270 # extract the vertices list of the polyline
271 set re "\\x0a+\\s*((?:\-?\\d+\\x20*\\x0a*)+)\\s+$num_vertices\\s+MP"
272 if [regexp $re $source_stack matchresult sub1] then {
273 # replace 1+ spaces by the ":" separator
274 regsub -all {\s+} $sub1 ":" sub1
275 # split $sub1 based on the ":" separator
276 set polyline_vertices [split $sub1 ":"]
277 # the polyline_vertices list contains all vertices
278 # --> {<undefined data> x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn}
279 } else {
280 puts "Error in filled polyline regular expression. Exiting..."
281 return -1
283 # convert the arguments to the xcircuit coordinate format.
284 # The matlab polyline coordinates are relative to each other,
285 # starting for the last value of the postscript stack.
286 # XCircuit needs absolute coordinates for the polyline vertices.
287 # Some recalculation is thus needed to obtain absolute coordinates.
288 for {set i [expr $num_args-4]} {$i>=0} {incr i -2} {
289 # calculate x-coordinates
290 set prev_point_x [lindex $polyline_vertices $i]
291 set current_point_x [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+2]]
292 lset polyline_vertices $i [expr $prev_point_x+$current_point_x]
293 # calculate y-coordinates
294 set prev_point_y [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+1]]
295 set current_point_y [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+3]]
296 lset polyline_vertices [expr $i+1] [expr $prev_point_y+$current_point_y]
298 # Rescaling feature. Should be re-implemented in a decent way
299 for {set i 0} {$i<$num_args} {incr i 1} {
300 lset polyline_vertices $i [expr int([lindex $polyline_vertices $i]*$scalefactor)]
302 # Flip the y-axis coordinates. XCircuit's coordinate system seems to use
303 # the left hand rule.
304 for {set i 1} {$i<$num_args} {incr i 2} {
305 lset polyline_vertices $i [expr [lindex $polyline_vertices $i]*-1]
307 # create the tcl command and draw the polygon
308 set prev_point_x 0
309 set prev_point_y 0
310 set num_vertices 0
311 set tcl_command ""
312 for {set i 0} {$i<$num_args} {incr i 2} {
313 # the number of vertices xcircuit can handle is limited to 250
314 if {$num_vertices > 200} then break
315 # extract the current x- and y-coordinates
316 set current_point_x [lindex $polyline_vertices $i]
317 set current_point_y [lindex $polyline_vertices [expr $i+1]]
318 # drop the current vertex if distance from previous point is too small
319 if { abs([expr $current_point_x - $prev_point_x]) < 2
320 && abs([expr $current_point_y - $prev_point_y]) < 2} then {
321 # drop the current vertex
322 continue
323 # add the current vertex to the tcl_command string
324 } else {
325 # increase the number of vertices in the tcl_command
326 incr num_vertices 1
327 # append the current vertex to the tcl_command string
328 # format: "polygon make N {x1 y1} {x2 y2} ... {xn yn}"
329 append tcl_command "\{$current_point_x $current_point_y\} "
330 # save the current vertex for future reference
331 set prev_point_x $current_point_x
332 set prev_point_y $current_point_y
335 # Evaluate the tcl_command. Only write if we have a valid color,
336 # different from white (white color index is 1 in xcircuit)
337 if {[color get] != 1} then {
338 eval "fill 100"
339 eval "lappend object_list \[polygon make $num_vertices $tcl_command\]"
340 eval "fill 0"
342 # flush stack
343 set source_stack ""
344 set line ""
346 # Extract lines from the matlab $source_stack
347 set re "(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+mt\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\sL"
348 if [regexp $re $line matchresult sub1 sub2 sub3 sub4] then {
349 set x1 [expr int($sub1*$scalefactor)]
350 set y1 [expr int(-$sub2*$scalefactor)]
351 set x2 [expr int($sub3*$scalefactor)]
352 set y2 [expr int(-$sub4*$scalefactor)]
353 # Create the tcl command and draw the line
354 eval "lappend object_list \[polygon make 2 {$x1 $y1} {$x2 $y2}\]"
355 # clear the source stack
356 set source_stack ""
357 set line ""
359 # Extract points from the matlab $source_stack
360 set re "(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+PD"
361 if [regexp $re $line matchresult sub1 sub2] then {
362 set x1 [expr int($sub1*$scalefactor)]
363 set y1 [expr -int($sub2*$scalefactor)]
364 set dotsize [expr int(15*$scalefactor)]
365 # concatenate all lines in one vector
366 eval "fill 100"
367 eval "lappend object list \[arc make \{$x1 $y1\} $dotsize\]"
368 eval "fill 0"
369 # clear the source stack
370 set source_stack ""
371 set line ""
373 # Extract axes labels from the matlab $source_stack
374 set re "(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+mt\\s*\\n\\((.*)\\)"
375 if [regexp $re $source_stack matchresult sub1 sub2 sub3] then {
376 set x1 [expr int($sub1*$scalefactor)]
377 set y1 [expr -int($sub2*$scalefactor)]
378 set labeltext $sub3
379 # some experimental rescaling. Should be reimplemented in the future
380 set textsize [expr $matlab_textsize*4*$scalefactor/168]
381 # concatenate all text in one vector
382 # also remove empty labels (causes segfault in xcircuit-3.4.26)
383 if {$bold == 1 && [regexp {[^\s]+} $labeltext]} then {
384 eval "label style bold"
385 eval "label scale $textsize"
386 eval "lappend object_lsit \[label make normal \"$labeltext\" \{$x1 $y1\}\]"
387 } elseif [regexp {[^\s]+} $labeltext] {
388 eval "label scale $textsize"
389 eval "lappend object_list \[label make normal \"$labeltext\" \{$x1 $y1\}\]"
391 # clear the source stack
392 set source_stack ""
393 set line ""
395 # Extract color definitions from the matlab $source_stack
396 set re "(\\/c\\d+\\s+\\{\\s\\d+\\.\\d+\\s+\\d+\\.\\d+\\s+\\d+\\.\\d+\\s+sr\\}\\sbdef)"
397 if [regexp $re $source_stack matchresult sub1] then {
398 # add color definition to library
399 append colordefs $sub1
400 # clear the source stack
401 set source_stack ""
402 set line ""
404 # Extract the text size from the matlab $source_stack
405 set re "(\\d+) FMSR"
406 if [regexp $re $line matchresult sub1] then {
407 set matlab_textsize $sub1
408 append colordefs $sub1
409 # clear the source stack
410 set source_stack ""
411 set line ""
413 # Retrieve the color specified on the matlab $source_stack
414 set re "(c\\d+)"
415 if [regexp $re $line matchresult sub1] then {
416 # extract color from the library
417 set re "\\/$sub1\\s+\\{\\s(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s+sr\\}\\sbdef"
418 if [regexp $re $colordefs matchresult sub1 sub2 sub3] then {
419 set red [expr int($sub1*255)]
420 set green [expr int($sub2*255)]
421 set blue [expr int($sub3*255)]
422 set rgb [dec2rgb $red $green $blue]
423 # add color to xcircuit output
424 set color_index [eval "color add $rgb"]
425 eval "color set $color_index"
426 # clear the source stack
427 set source_stack ""
428 set line ""
431 # Extract grayscale colors from the matlab $source_stack
432 set re "(\[0-9\]*\\.\[0-9\]+|\[0-9\]+)\\ssg"
433 if [regexp $re $line matchresult sub1] then {
434 set greylevel [expr int($sub1*255)]
435 set rgb [dec2rgb $greylevel $greylevel $greylevel]
436 # add color to xcircuit output
437 set color_index [eval "color add $rgb"]
438 eval "color set $color_index"
439 # clear the source stack
440 set source_stack ""
441 set line ""
443 # Extract solid/dotted linestyle ftom the matlab $source_stack
444 set re "((?:SO)|(?:DO)|(?:DA)|(?:DD))"
445 if [regexp $re $line matchresult sub1] then {
446 if {$sub1 == "DO"} then {
447 eval "border dotted"
448 } elseif {$sub1 == "SO"} then {
449 eval "border solid"
450 } elseif {$sub1 == "DA"} then {
451 eval "border dashed"
452 } elseif {$sub1 == "DD"} then {
453 eval "border solid"
455 # clear the source stack
456 set source_stack ""
457 set line ""
460 puts " *** $file import OK";
461 # >> end of foreach file
463 # >> end of proc matgen
466 # PART 4____________________________________________________
467 # Extract from util-color.tcl
468 # Copyright (c) 1998 Jeffrey Hobbs
470 # dec2rgb --
472 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
473 # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
476 # Takes a color name or dec triplet and returns a #RRGGBB color.
477 # If any of the incoming values are greater than 255,
478 # then 16 bit value are assumed, and #RRRRGGGGBBBB is
479 # returned, unless $clip is set.
481 # Arguments:
482 # r red dec value, or list of {r g b} dec value or color name
483 # g green dec value, or the clip value, if $r is a list
484 # b blue dec value
485 # clip Whether to force clipping to 2 char hex
486 # Results:
487 # Returns a #RRGGBB or #RRRRGGGGBBBB color
489 proc dec2rgb {r {g 0} {b UNSET} {clip 0}} {
490 if {![string compare $b "UNSET"]} {
491 set clip $g
492 if {[regexp {^-?(0-9)+$} $r]} {
493 foreach {r g b} $r {break}
494 } else {
495 foreach {r g b} [winfo rgb . $r] {break}
498 set max 255
499 set len 2
500 if {($r > 255) || ($g > 255) || ($b > 255)} {
501 if {$clip} {
502 set r [expr {$r>>8}]; set g [expr {$g>>8}]; set b [expr {$b>>8}]
503 } else {
504 set max 65535
505 set len 4
508 return [format "#%.${len}x%.${len}x%.${len}x" \
509 [expr {($r>$max)?$max:(($r<0)?0:$r)}] \
510 [expr {($g>$max)?$max:(($g<0)?0:$g)}] \
511 [expr {($b>$max)?$max:(($b<0)?0:$b)}]]