Changed the calls to Tcl_GetVar2() to keep the compiler from issuing
[xcircuit.git] / asg / extern1.h
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <ctype.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <sys/time.h>
5 #include <sys/resource.h>
8 mlist *modules; /* M the set of all modules */
9 nlist *nets; /* N the set of all nets */
10 tlist *ext_terms; /* ST the set of all system terminals */
11 mlist *ext_mods; /* the modules associated with each element of ST */
13 /* NOT USED*/
14 tlist *int_terms; /* T the set of all inter-module terminals */
16 /* FOR THE ROUTER (only) */
17 int currentPartition;
18 tile **routingRoot[2];
20 int lcount = 0; /* number of input lines read */
21 int module_count = 0; /* number of modules/objects read in */
22 int node_count = 0; /* number of nodes/signals read in */
23 int terminal_count = 0; /* number of terminals read in */
24 int connected[MAX_MOD][MAX_MOD]; /* BIG array of connection counts */
25 info_type module_info[MAX_MOD];/* re-used array of inter module connections */
26 float partition_ratio=DEF_PARTITION_RATIO; /* -r qualifier, used for clustering */
27 /* command-line parameters: (see n2a.c---some settings here are overridden there) */
28 int compute_aspect_ratios = FALSE; /* -a flag, in parsing - compute aspect ratios*/
29 int Xcanvas_scaling = FALSE; /* -b flag (use XCanvas scaling) */
30 int max_partition_conn = MAX_PARTITION_CONN; /* -c qualifier, used for clustering */
31 int debug_level = 0; /* -d qualifier, sets the debug level */
32 int stopAtFirstCut = FALSE; /* -f flag; terminates GR early */
33 int congestion_rule = 2; /* -g qualifier, used for conGestion */
34 int do_hand_placement = FALSE; /* -h flag */
35 int includeSysterms = TRUE; /* -i flag; excludes system terminals */
37 int cc_search_level = CC_SEARCH_LEVEL; /* -l qualifier, limits cc search */
38 int matrix_type = UNSIGNED; /* -m qualifier, sets signal-flow style*/
39 int do_routing = TRUE; /* -n qualifier, inhibits routing */
40 FILE *outputFile; /* -o qualifier, opens an Output file */
41 int partition_rule = DEF_PARTITION_RULE; /* -p qualifier, used for clustering */
42 int recordStats = FALSE; /* -q flag; quality stats collection on*/
43 int max_partition_size = MAX_PARTITION_SIZE; /* -s qualifier, used for clustering */
44 int turn_mode = TIGHT; /* Used to choose the cornering alg */
45 int useSlivering = TRUE; /* -v flag; removes sliVer corrections */
46 int useAveraging = FALSE; /* -w flag; turns Weighted averaging on*/
47 int latex = FALSE; /* -x flag; modified PostScript header */
48 int recordTiming = FALSE; /* -y flag; turns time collection on */
49 int xcircuit= TRUE; /* -z flag;to launch spar into xcircuit*/
50 char *ivffilename; /* input file name */
51 FILE *stats; /* quality statistics file */
52 /* NOT USED MUCH */
53 mlist **boxes; /* the sets of boxes */
54 mlist **strings; /* the set of strings */
55 ctree **parti_stats; /* partition statistics */
56 int *str_length; /* the length of each string */
57 int *str_height; /* the height of each string */
58 int *x_sizes; /* the max x size of each partition */
59 int *y_sizes; /* the max y size of each partition */
60 int *x_positions; /* and their postions, after placement */
61 int *y_positions;
62 int xfloor, yfloor; /* the origin for the current partition */
64 mlist **partitions; /* the set of PARTITIONS (lists) of modules */
65 tile **rootTiles; /* The tile spaces that correspond to the partitions */
66 int partition_count; /* the total number of partitions created */