3 % PostScript prolog for output from xcircuit
6 % Electrical circuit (and otherwise general) drawing program
8 % Written by Tim Edwards 8/5/93--4/12/16 (tim@opencircuitdesign.com)
9 % The Johns Hopkins University (1993-2004)
10 % MultiGiG, Inc. (2004-2012)
11 % Open Circuit Design (2012-2016)
13 %%BeginResource: procset XCIRCproc 3.9 1
15 % supporting definitions --- these are the primary xcircuit types.
18 /topmat matrix currentmatrix def
20 /fontslant
{ /slant exch def
[1 0 slant
1 0 0]
21 exch findfont exch makefont dup length dict
/ndict exch def
22 { 1 index
/FID ne
{ ndict
3 1 roll put
} { pop pop
} ifelse
} forall
23 ndict definefont pop
} def
24 /ul
{ count
0 gt
{ dup type
/stringtype eq showflag
1 eq and
{ gsave
25 currentpoint topmat setmatrix
0 0 moveto
2 index stringwidth
pop (_
26 false charpath flattenpath pathbbox grestore exch pop
1 index
27 sub setlinewidth exch pop currentpoint
3 -1 roll add moveto
28 rlineto stroke moveto
} if
} if
} def
29 /ol
{ count
0 gt
{ dup type
/stringtype eq showflag
1 eq and
{ gsave gsave
30 currentpoint topmat setmatrix
2 index stringwidth pop
3 index
31 true charpath flattenpath pathbbox grestore exch pop
32 exch pop topmat
setmatrix (_
) true charpath pathbbox grestore
33 exch pop
1 index sub setlinewidth exch pop currentpoint
34 exch
4 1 roll exch sub add moveto pop
0 rlineto stroke
35 moveto
} if
} if
} def
36 /stW
{ gsave currentpoint newpath moveto
true charpath flattenpath
37 pathbbox pop exch pop sub grestore
} def
38 /Ts
{mark Tabs aload pop counttomark
1 add array astore
/Tabs exch def Tabs
39 0 currentpoint pop put
} def
40 /Tbn
{mark Tabs aload pop counttomark dup
2 add
1 roll cleartomark
1 sub
} def
41 /Tb
{ 0 1 Tbn
{Tabs exch get dup currentpoint pop lt
42 {currentpoint exch pop moveto exit
} {pop
} ifelse
} for
} def
43 /Tf
{ Tbn
-1 0 {Tabs exch get dup currentpoint pop gt
44 {currentpoint exch pop moveto exit
} {pop
} ifelse
} for
} def
45 /qS
{ (aa
) stW (a a
) stW sub
4 div
0 Kn
} def
48 /cf0
{ scalefont setfont
} bind def
49 /Kn
{ dup kY add
/kY exch def rmoveto
} bind def
50 /ss
{ /fscale fscale
0.67 mul def currentfont
0.67 cf0
0 fscale0 fscale mul
52 /Ss
{ /fscale fscale
0.67 mul def currentfont
0.67 cf0
0 fscale0 fscale mul
54 /ns
{ 0 kY neg Kn
0 def
1.0 def xfont0
1.0 cf0
} def
55 /MR
{ /twidth exch def
} def
57 /CR
{ ns
0 /Bline Bline fscale0 neg add def Bline moveto CRx
} def
58 /cf
{ dup type
/realtype ne
{1.0} if exch findfont exch kY
0 eq
59 { 40 mul dup
/fscale0 exch def cf0
/xfont0 currentfont def
60 {fscale0 mul fscale mul cf0
} ifelse
} def
61 /ctmk
{ counttomark dup
2 add
-1 roll pop
} bind def
62 /label
{ gsave translate
0 0 moveto dup scale neg
63 /rotval exch def
100000 def
/just exch def just
128 and
64 0 gt
} def
} {/mshow
} def
} ifelse just
16 and
65 gt
{gsave rotval rotate
0 1 dtransform gsave pagemat setmatrix
66 idtransform exch grestore
1 0 dtransform gsave pagemat setmatrix
67 idtransform exch grestore dup abs
1e-9 lt
{pop mul
0 gt
} {3 1 roll
68 pop pop
0 lt
} ifelse grestore
{-1 /rotval rotval neg def
/just just
69 dup
3 and
1 ne
{3 xor
} if def
} {1} ifelse exch
-1e-9 lt
{-1 /rotval
70 rotval neg def
/just just dup
12 and
4 ne
{12 xor
} if def
} {1}
71 ifelse scale
} if
0 def
/fspc pspc def
0 def
72 /numlines
0 def
0 array def
0 array def
73 /fscale
1.0 def
0 def gsave
{ linewid padding
74 aload pop numlines
1 add dup
/numlines exch def array astore
75 /padding exch def
0 def
} def dup
1 add copy dup
1 0
76 dtransform exch
atan rotate
{exch dup type
/stringtype eq
{gsave dup
77 gsave newpath
0 0 moveto
true charpath flattenpath pathbbox pop exch
78 pop exch pop grestore currentpoint pop add dup
/linewid exch def twidth
79 ge
{grestore CR exch
1 add dup
2 add
} exch
1 roll exch
} {grestore
80 ifelse
true charpath flattenpath
} {dup type
/arraytype eq
} {12
81 string cvs
true charpath flattenpath
} ifelse
} ifelse
} repeat
82 CRx
{padding aload pop just
1280 and
0 gt
{blockwid exch sub just
83 1024 and
0 gt
{0.5 mul
} if
} {pop
0} ifelse
0 rmoveto numlines
1 sub
84 dup
/numlines exch def array astore
/padding exch def
} def exch pop
85 pathbbox grestore
4 copy pop exch pop exch sub
/blockwid exch def
86 3 -1 roll pop
3 1 roll just
1 and
0 gt
2 and
87 0 gt
{exch pop neg fspc sub
} {exch sub
0.5 mul neg
} ifelse
} {pop neg
88 fspc add
} ifelse exch Bline exch just
4 and
0 gt
8 and
0 gt
89 {exch pop neg fspc sub
} {add
0.5 mul neg
} ifelse
} {pop neg fspc add
90 ifelse rotval rotate Kn currentpoint translate
1 def
91 0 def
0 array def
1.0 def
0 def CRx
{dup type
92 /stringtype eq
} {dup type
/arraytype eq
} {12 string cvs
93 mshow
} ifelse
} ifelse
} repeat grestore endclip
} def
94 /pinlabel
{ 4 index
32 and
0 ne hlevel
0 eq or
{ /pspc
10 def label
95 /pspc
0 def
} { pop pop pop pop pop
} repeat } ifelse
} def
96 /pinglobal
{ pinlabel
} def
97 /infolabel
{ pinlabel
} def
98 /graphic
{ gsave
4 index cvx exec
/DataSource get resetfile translate
0 0
99 moveto neg rotate dup scale cvx exec image grestore endclip
} def
101 /scb
{ setrgbcolor
} bind def
{ defColor aload pop scb
} bind def
102 /cRedef
{/defColor currentcolor
3 array astore def
} def
103 /begingate
{dup type
/dicttype ne
{1 dict
} if begin
% default params
104 dup type
/dicttype ne
{1 dict
} if begin
% instanced params
105 /hlevel hlevel
1 add def
/defColor currentcolor sce
3 array astore
106 def gsave sce dup type
/nametype eq
{ pop
} if translate
0 0 moveto
107 neg rotate dup type
/nametype eq not
{ dup abs currentlinewidth exch
108 div setlinewidth
} { pop
} ifelse dup abs scale clipped
1 and
1 eq
109 {/clipped clipped
1 add def
} if
} bind def
110 /endgate
{ /hlevel hlevel
1 sub def grestore defColor aload pop cRedef
111 scb end end endclip
} bind def
114 /endclip
1 and
1 eq
/clipped clipped
1 sub def
} if
} def
115 /tmpa
[1 0 0 1 0 0] def
116 /gar
{8 8 true tmpa
{<c0 c0
00 00 0c
00 00>} imagemask
} bind
117 {8 8 true tmpa
{<30 70 60 02 03 07 06 20>} imagemask
} bind
118 {8 8 true tmpa
0c c0 e1 e1 c0
>} imagemask
} bind
119 {8 8 true tmpa
0f f0 f0 f0 f0
>} imagemask
} bind
120 {8 8 true tmpa
{<3f f3 e1 e1 f3
>} imagemask
} bind
121 {8 8 true tmpa
{<df cf
9f fd fc f8 f9
>} imagemask
} bind
122 {8 8 true tmpa
3f ff ff f3 f3 ff
>} imagemask
} bind
7 array astore def
123 /ppaint
{ gsave clip tmpa dup setmatrix pathbbox neg exch neg
4 2 roll
124 neg
4 -1 roll
2 copy gt
} if
8 div ceiling
8 mul
4 2 roll neg
2 copy
125 gt
} if
8 div ceiling
8 mul
3 -1 roll
-8 5 -1 roll
126 { 3 index exch
5 exch put dup
-8 3 index
{ 3 index
127 exch
4 exch put
3 index exec
} for
} for pop pop pop pop grestore
} bind def
129 currentlinewidth mul setlinewidth
/style exch def style
2048 and
0 gt
130 clipped
1 and
0 eq and
{clip newpath
/clipped clipped
1 add def
} {
131 style
1 and
0 gt not
} if
132 style
1024 and
0 gt
{2 setlinecap
0 setlinejoin
} if
133 style
2 and
0 gt
4 mul dup
2 array astore
0 setdash
} if
134 style
4 and
0 gt
{0.5 currentlinewidth
4 mul
2 array astore
0 setdash
} if
135 gsave style
16 and
0 gt
{ style
224 and
-5 bitshift style
256 and
0 gt
136 7 exch sub
8 div dup
1 exch sub currentrgbcolor
3 array astore
137 {3 copy mul add
4 1 roll pop
} forall pop pop setrgbcolor eofill
138 {dup
7 lt
{gar exch get ppaint
} {pop eofill
} ifelse
} ifelse
139 {style
256 and
0 gt
{1 setgray eofill
} if
} ifelse grestore style
8 and
0 gt
140 style
512 eq or
} {stroke
} ifelse grestore endclip
} ifelse
} def
142 /addtoy
{exch dup dup
2 mul
3 add
1 roll
-1 1 { 4 1 roll dup
4 1 roll add
143 4 -1 roll
2 mul
1 add index
2 mul
2 add
2 roll
} for pop
} def
144 /addtoy1
{1 exch addtoy pop
} def
145 /addtoy3
{3 exch addtoy pop
} def
146 /addtoy4
{4 exch addtoy pop
} def
147 /addtox
{exch dup dup
2 mul
3 add
1 roll
-1 1 { 4 1 roll dup
4 1 roll
3 -1 roll
148 add exch
4 -1 roll
2 mul
1 add index
2 mul
2 add
2 roll
} for pop
} def
149 /addtox1
{1 exch addtox pop
} def
150 /addtox3
{3 exch addtox pop
} def
151 /addtox4
{4 exch addtox pop
} def
152 /polygon
{ gsave
/num exch def moveto num
1 sub
} repeat setstyles
} def
153 /xcarc
{ gsave newpath arc setstyles
} def
154 /elb
{ matrix currentmatrix
7 -1 roll
7 -1 roll translate
5 1 roll
4 -1 roll
155 3 index div
1 scale
} def
156 /ele
{ 0 4 1 roll
0 4 1 roll
} bind def
157 /ellipse
{ gsave elb newpath ele arc setmatrix setstyles
} def
158 /pellip
{ elb ele arc setmatrix
} def
159 /nellip
{ elb ele arcn setmatrix
} def
160 /spline
{ gsave moveto curveto setstyles
} def
161 /polyc
{ {lineto
} repeat } bind def
162 /beginpath
{ gsave moveto
} bind def
163 /endpath
{ setstyles
} bind def
164 /bop
{ 1 setlinecap
2 setlinejoin
6 setmiterlimit
0 0 0 scb cRedef
166 /psinsertion
{/PSobj save def
{} def
} def bop
167 rotate translate dup scale
} def
168 /end_insert
{PSobj restore
} def
169 /setpagemat
{/pagemat matrix currentmatrix def
} def
170 /inchscale
0.375 mul dup scale
} def
171 /cmscale
0.35433071 mul dup scale
} def