Overwriting Makefiles again after merging pull request #15 from
[xcircuit.git] / asg / n2a.c
1 /************************************************************
2 **
6 **
7 ** This software is distributed on an as-is basis
8 ** with no warranty implied or intended. No author
9 ** or distributor takes responsibility to anyone
10 ** regarding its use of or suitability.
12 ** The software may be distributed and modified
13 ** freely for academic and other non-commercial
14 ** use but may NOT be utilized or included in whole
15 ** or part within any commercial product.
17 ** This copyright notice must remain on all copies
18 ** and modified versions of this software.
20 ************************************************************/
23 /* file n2a.c */
24 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 * main file manipulation routines spl 7/89
27 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <ctype.h>
32 #include <string.h>
33 #include <sys/time.h>
34 #include <sys/resource.h>
36 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
37 * External functions
38 *---------------------------------------------------------------
41 #include "externs.h"
43 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
44 * Global Variable Definitions
45 *---------------------------------------------------------------
48 mlist *modules; /* M the set of all modules */
49 nlist *nets; /* N the set of all nets */
50 tlist *ext_terms; /* ST the set of all system terminals */
51 mlist *ext_mods; /* the modules associated with each element of ST */
53 /* NOT USED*/
54 tlist *int_terms; /* T the set of all inter-module terminals */
56 /* FOR THE ROUTER (only) */
57 int currentPartition;
58 tile **routingRoot[2];
61 int lcount = 0; /* number of input lines read */
62 int module_count = 0; /* number of modules/objects read in */
63 int node_count = 0; /* number of nodes/signals read in */
64 int terminal_count = 0; /* number of terminals read in */
65 int connected[MAX_MOD][MAX_MOD]; /* BIG array of connection counts */
66 info_type module_info[MAX_MOD];/* re-used array of inter module connections */
67 float partition_ratio=DEF_PARTITION_RATIO; /* -r qualifier, used for clustering */
68 /* command-line parameters: */
69 int compute_aspect_ratios = FALSE; /* -a flag, in parsing - compute aspect ratios*/
70 int Xcanvas_scaling = FALSE; /* -b flag (use XCanvas scaling) */
71 int max_partition_conn = MAX_PARTITION_CONN; /* -c qualifier, used for clustering */
72 int debug_level = 11; /* -d qualifier, sets the debug level */
73 int stopAtFirstCut = FALSE; /* -f flag; terminates GR early */
74 int congestion_rule = 2; /* -g qualifier, used for conGestion */
75 int do_hand_placement = FALSE; /* -h flag */
76 int includeSysterms = FALSE; /* -i flag; excludes system terminals */
78 int cc_search_level = CC_SEARCH_LEVEL; /* -l qualifier, limits cc search */
79 int matrix_type = UNSIGNED; /* -m qualifier, sets signal-flow style*/
80 int do_routing = TRUE; /* -n qualifier, inhibits routing */
81 FILE *outputFile; /* -o qualifier, opens an Output file */
82 int partition_rule = DEF_PARTITION_RULE; /* -p qualifier, used for clustering */
83 int recordStats = FALSE; /* -q flag; quality stats collection on*/
84 int max_partition_size = MAX_PARTITION_SIZE; /* -s qualifier, used for clustering */
85 int turn_mode = TIGHT; /* Used to choose the cornering alg */
86 int useSlivering = TRUE; /* -v flag; removes sliVer corrections */
87 int useAveraging = FALSE; /* -w flag; turns Weighted averaging on*/
88 int latex = FALSE; /* -x flag; modified PostScript header */
89 int recordTiming = FALSE; /* -y flag; turns time collection on */
90 int xcircuit= TRUE; /* -z flag;to launch spar into xcircuit*/
91 FILE *stats; /* quality statistics file */
93 /* NOT USED MUCH */
94 mlist **boxes; /* the sets of boxes */
95 mlist **strings; /* the set of strings */
96 ctree **parti_stats; /* partition statistics */
97 int *str_length; /* the length of each string */
98 int *str_height; /* the height of each string */
99 int *x_sizes; /* the max x size of each partition */
100 int *y_sizes; /* the max y size of each partition */
101 int *x_positions; /* and their postions, after placement */
102 int *y_positions;
103 int xfloor, yfloor; /* the origin for the current partition */
105 mlist **partitions; /* the set of PARTITIONS (lists) of modules */
106 tile **rootTiles; /* The tile spaces that correspond to the partitions */
107 int partition_count; /* the total number of partitions created */
109 #define USEC 1000000
111 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
112 /* record the time, and mark it in the <timingFile>: */
113 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
115 mark_time(tf, name, dTime)
116 FILE *tf;
117 char *name;
118 long *dTime;
120 double t;
121 int cTime, maxMemory = 0;
122 struct rusage ru;
124 getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
125 cTime = USEC * ru.ru_utime.tv_sec + ru.ru_utime.tv_usec;
126 maxMemory = MAX(ru.ru_maxrss, maxMemory);
127 t = (double)(cTime - *dTime)/(double)USEC;
128 *dTime = cTime;
130 fprintf(tf, "%s time = %f, time elapsed = %f\n",
131 name, t, (double)cTime/(double)USEC);
134 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
135 /* Given a list of modules, count the number of terminals contained */
136 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
138 int count_terminals(mods)
139 mlist *mods;
141 int c = 0;
142 mlist *ml;
143 for (ml = mods; ml != NULL; ml = ml->next)
144 c += list_length(ml->this->terms);
145 return(c);
148 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
149 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
151 int allocate_globals(p)
152 int p; /* Number of partitions */
154 x_sizes = (int *)calloc((p+1), sizeof(int));
155 y_sizes = (int *)calloc((p+1), sizeof(int));
156 x_positions = (int *)calloc((p+1), sizeof(int));
157 y_positions = (int *)calloc((p+1), sizeof(int));
158 partitions = (mlist **)calloc((p+3), sizeof(mlist *));
159 rootTiles = (tile **)calloc((p+1), sizeof(tile *));
162 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
163 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
165 int separate_systerms(intModules, sysModules, sysNets)
166 mlist **intModules, **sysModules;
167 nlist **sysNets;
169 mlist *ml, *sysMods = NULL;
171 /* First, Do some of the background work done in "place.c" */
172 allocate_globals(currentPartition);
173 partitions[0] = partitions[1] = partitions[2] = NULL;
175 for (ml = modules; ml != NULL; ml = ml->next) {
176 if ((!strcmp(ml->this->type, INOUT_TERM)) ||
177 (!strcmp(ml->this->type, INPUT_TERM))) {
178 push(ml->this, sysModules);
179 push(ml->this, &partitions[2]);
181 else if (!strcmp(ml->this->type, OUTPUT_TERM)) {
182 push(ml->this, sysModules);
183 push(ml->this, &partitions[1]);
185 else push(ml->this, intModules);
187 partitions[0] = *intModules;
190 for (ml = *sysModules; ml != NULL; ml = ml->next) {
191 /* Collect the nets that connect to the system terminals: */
192 /* Assume there is only one terminal for each system terminal: */
193 push(ml->this->terms->this->nt, sysNets);
197 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
198 /* Routine to set the debug level from an external routine. */
199 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
201 int SetDebugLevel(int *level)
203 if (level != NULL)
204 debug_level = *level;
205 return debug_level;
208 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
209 /* Route -- */
210 /* */
211 /* This method is used to route all the modules.... */
212 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
214 void Route(XCWindowData *areastruct, Boolean bIsSparmode)
216 FILE *timingFile;
217 int c, errflg = 0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
218 nlist *nl = NULL, *systermNets = NULL;
219 mlist *modulesJustPlaced, *ml;
220 mlist *systerms = NULL, *internalModules = NULL;
222 /* for date and time */
224 long starTime, diffTime;
225 tile *r;
226 extern int optind;
227 extern char *optarg;
228 int collapseNullModules = FALSE;
229 int useBlockPartitioning = FALSE;
231 outputFile = stdout;
233 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
234 mark_time(timingFile, "parse", &diffTime);
236 /* place */
238 if (do_hand_placement == FALSE) {
239 fprintf(stderr,"Placing internal modules...");
240 if (useBlockPartitioning == FALSE)
241 partition_count = partition();
242 else partition_count = blockPartition();
244 if (collapseNullModules == TRUE) clip_null_gates();
246 erase_systerms();
247 place_first_strings();
248 box_placement();
249 placement_prep();
250 modulesJustPlaced = partition_placement();
251 /* Setup the bounding box */
252 systerms = make_room_for_systerm_placement(&systermNets, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
253 fprintf(stderr,"\nAutomatic placement ");
255 fprintf(stderr, "completed.\n");
257 if (includeSysterms == TRUE) {
259 /* routing */
260 if (do_routing == TRUE) {
262 currentPartition = 0;
263 for(ml = systerms; ml != NULL; ml = ml->next) pull_terms_from_nets(ml->this);
264 routingRoot[VERT] = (tile **)calloc(partition_count + 2, sizeof(tile *));
265 routingRoot[HORZ] = (tile **)calloc(partition_count + 2, sizeof(tile *));
267 fprintf(stderr,"Routing for Systerm Placement...");
269 create_routing_space(modulesJustPlaced, currentPartition,
270 x_sizes[currentPartition], y_sizes[currentPartition],
271 xfloor, yfloor);
273 nl = first_global_route(modulesJustPlaced, currentPartition,
274 TRUE, congestion_rule);
275 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
276 mark_time(timingFile, "central global route", &diffTime);
278 /* Create a local route to use to locate the system terminals */
279 local_route(systermNets, currentPartition, FALSE);
280 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
281 mark_time(timingFile, "central local route", &diffTime);
282 fprintf(stderr,"placing systerms...");
284 /* Add the system terminals (systerms) to the diagram: */
285 modulesJustPlaced = fine_systerm_placement(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
286 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
287 mark_time(timingFile, "systerm placement", &diffTime);
289 fprintf(stderr,"completed. \n");
292 if (do_routing != TRUE) {
293 gross_systerm_placement(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
294 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
295 mark_time(timingFile, "gross systerm placement", &diffTime);
298 /* Add the system terminals back to their respective nets: */
300 for (ml = systerms; ml != NULL; ml = ml->next)
301 add_terms_to_nets(ml->this);
303 fprintf(stderr,"System Terminals being added to diagram...\n");
305 /* finish the routing */
307 if (do_routing == TRUE) {
308 fprintf(stderr,"Adding systerms to routing space, "
309 "Global Routing commenced...");
311 /* Deal with resetting the boundaries to include the system terminals: */
313 reset_boundaries(routingRoot[HORZ][currentPartition], x1, y1, x2, y2);
314 reset_boundaries(routingRoot[VERT][currentPartition], y1, x1, y2, x2);
315 xfloor = x1;
316 x_sizes[currentPartition] = x2 - x1;
317 yfloor = y1;
318 y_sizes[currentPartition] = y2 - y1;
320 nl = incremental_global_route(modulesJustPlaced, modules, nl,
321 currentPartition);
323 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
324 mark_time(timingFile, "complete global route", &diffTime);
326 fprintf(stderr,"completed...Local Routing commenced...");
327 local_route(nets, currentPartition, TRUE);
328 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
329 mark_time(timingFile, "complete local route", &diffTime);
330 fprintf(stderr,"completed.\n");
333 else if (do_routing == TRUE) {
335 /* TEST! Tim 4/30/2012 --- put a large buffer area around the */
336 /* area. Area calculation seems to assume that lower bound is */
337 /* zero and _sizes seem to be calculated from zero to max so */
338 /* that negative numbers are not represented. Below is just a */
339 /* hack---we need to calculate the bounding box of the space */
340 /* needed for the routing, correctly. */
342 xfloor = yfloor = -72;
344 /* No terminals are to be placed, hence no incremental routing. */
346 routingRoot[VERT] = (tile **)calloc(partition_count + 3, sizeof(tile *));
347 routingRoot[HORZ] = (tile **)calloc(partition_count + 3, sizeof(tile *));
349 fprintf(stderr,"Adding modules to routing space, Global Routing commenced...");
351 create_routing_space(modulesJustPlaced, currentPartition,
352 x_sizes[currentPartition] - xfloor,
353 y_sizes[currentPartition] - yfloor,
354 xfloor, yfloor);
356 nl = first_global_route(modulesJustPlaced, currentPartition,
357 FALSE, congestion_rule);
358 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
359 mark_time(timingFile, "complete global route", &diffTime);
361 fprintf(stderr,"completed...Local Routing commenced...");
362 local_route(nets, currentPartition, TRUE);
363 fprintf(stderr,"completed.\n");
364 if (recordTiming == TRUE)
365 mark_time(timingFile, "complete local route", &diffTime);
368 if (recordStats == TRUE) print_distance_matricies();
370 /* Finish up */
372 if (debug_level > 20) {
373 print_modules(stderr);
374 print_nets(stderr);
375 print_info(stderr);
376 print_strings(stderr);
379 if (do_routing != TRUE) {
380 draft_statistics();
381 print_module_placement(currentPartition, outputFile);
383 else {
384 if (turn_mode != TIGHT)
385 print_global_route(outputFile);
386 else
387 // Dump the spar structures into Xcircuit
388 xc_print_local_route(areastruct, nets);
390 if (recordStats == TRUE) {
391 draft_statistics();
392 collect_congestion_stats(currentPartition);
395 fprintf(stderr, "\n %d Lines read, %d Modules, %d Nodes, %d Partitions\n",
396 lcount, module_count, node_count, partition_count);
397 fprintf(stderr, "\nMax partition size: %d Max Connections: "
398 "%d Ratio: %-5.3f Rule #%d\n",
399 max_partition_size, max_partition_conn,
400 partition_ratio, partition_rule);
402 if (recordTiming == TRUE) {
403 mark_time(timingFile, "Generation time", &diffTime);
404 fprintf(timingFile,"%d Modules, %d Nets, %d Terminals, %d partitions\n\n",
405 list_length(modules), list_length(nets),
406 count_terminals(modules), partition_count);
407 fclose(timingFile);