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[xcircuit.git] / asg / local_route.c
1 /************************************************************
2 **
6 **
7 ** This software is distributed on an as-is basis
8 ** with no warranty implied or intended. No author
9 ** or distributor takes responsibility to anyone
10 ** regarding its use of or suitability.
12 ** The software may be distributed and modified
13 ** freely for academic and other non-commercial
14 ** use but may NOT be utilized or included in whole
15 ** or part within any commercial product.
17 ** This copyright notice must remain on all copies
18 ** and modified versions of this software.
20 ************************************************************/
23 /*
24 * file local_route.c
25 * As part of MS Thesis Work, S T Frezza, UPitt Engineering
26 * February, 1990 - Major revision July, 1990 - Tuning for incremental route - Jan, 1991
28 * This file contains the global and local routing functions associated with the
29 * SPAR schematics placer. It is based on the data-structures created by the
30 * parser (parse.c) and the placer (place.c), and is thus dependent upon: */
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 #include <time.h> // For ctime()
34 #include <stdlib.h> // For getenv()
35 #include "route.h"
37 /* It is expected that all modules have been placed, and that global routes have been
38 * completed. A global route consists of a list of completed trails, as set in
39 * "terminate_expansion" in global_route.c, and are stored in the (common) trailist
40 * ->connections in each of the expansions that are listed in the ->expns list
41 * given in the net structure.
43 * Local Routing:
44 * Once all nets have arcs assigned to them, (The result of the global routing process)
45 * then the task remains to determine the corner points for jogs, angles, etc.. This
46 * is a process of routing within boxes, where some items are constrained, others are
47 * not, and some become constrained. For example, a net that turns a corner within a
48 * box is not completely constrained until the other corner of the net is reached.
50 * This is done by mapping each arc containing nets into a set of `constraints'.
51 * These constraints are structures that represent where corners are to be placed.
52 * They are linked by using common range structures, and are resolved when
53 * the ranges are reduced to single points. It is this resolution process that
54 * determines how the nets are ordered within a given area. Each constraint structure
55 * is then complete, and is individually mapped into the segments that are printed on
56 * the page.
58 * The constraint resolution process is not trivial, and is somewhat interesting in its
59 * own right. It is a heuristic process of seperating overlapping ranges such that the
60 * corners and connections within each box are nicely placed.
64 /* ---- Local Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
65 #define TRIED -2
67 #define X_SHIFT -50
69 #define Y_SHIFT -50
71 extern char net_under_study[];
73 extern net *Net; /* Used as a temporary global */
75 extern FILE *df, *vf, *hf; /* Where to dump the global route trace/debug info */
77 extern int currentPage; /* The current page on which insertions are being made */
79 static srange spanRange;
80 /* static int idx = 0; */ /* Used for printing edge visitation order */
82 int *levelMap; /* Array used to trace the dependency depth of ranges */
83 rnglist **reverseDepSets; /* Array used to trace reverse dependency (break cyles)*/
85 ilist *congestion = NULL; /* Indexed list of the tiles w/ worst congestion */
86 ilist *crossovers = NULL; /* Indexed list of the tiles w/ worst crossover */
89 /* --- forward reference -------------------------------------------------------------:*/
90 void write_local_route_to_file(FILE *f, nlist *nets);
91 void xc_write_local_route(XCWindowData *areastruct, nlist *nets);
92 void print_tile_spaces();
94 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
95 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
96 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
97 correct_overlap(a, aLen, b, bLen, beg, NewLen) /* Not Used */
98 int a, aLen, b, bLen, *beg, *NewLen;
100 int End; /* Wouldn't compile with "end" - something about type problems */
102 /* Don't ask - takes two line segments, as determined by an axis point and length pair,
103 * and resolves the overlap between the two of them [(a, aLen) and (b, bLen)] */
104 if ((a + aLen) >= (b + bLen)) End = b + bLen;
105 else End = a + aLen;
107 if (a >= b) *beg = a;
108 else *beg = b;
110 *NewLen = End - *beg;
112 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
113 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
114 /* Local Routing Stuff: */
115 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
116 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
117 int determine_entry_side(Parc, Carc, refX, refY)
118 asg_arc *Parc, *Carc;
119 int refX, refY; /* Reference point in HORZ coordinates */
121 /* This determines the side of entry when moving from <Parc> to <Carc>. */
122 int side;
124 if (Parc->page == VERT)
126 /* Check to see if the reference point is valid (contained in Parc): */
127 if ((refX < Parc->t->y_pos) ||
128 (refX > Parc->t->y_pos + Parc->t->y_len) ||
129 (refY < Parc->t->x_pos) ||
130 (refY > Parc->t->x_pos + Parc->t->x_len))
132 fprintf(stderr, "determine_entry_side : Bad reference point(%d, %d)\n",
133 refX, refY);
134 return(FALSE);
137 else if (Carc->page == VERT)
139 if (refX <= Carc->t->y_pos) return(LEFT);
140 else return(RIGHT);
143 else if (Carc->page == HORZ)
145 if (refY > Carc->t->y_pos) return(UP);
146 else return(DOWN);
150 else /* Parc->page == HORZ */
152 /* Check to see if the reference point is valid (contained in Parc): */
153 if ((refX < Parc->t->x_pos) ||
154 (refX > Parc->t->x_pos + Parc->t->x_len) ||
155 (refY < Parc->t->y_pos) ||
156 (refY > Parc->t->y_pos + Parc->t->y_len))
158 fprintf(stderr, "determine_entry_side : Bad reference point(%d, %d)\n",
159 refX, refY);
160 return(FALSE);
163 else if (Carc->page == VERT)
165 if (refX <= Carc->t->y_pos) return(LEFT);
166 else return(RIGHT);
169 else if (Carc->page == HORZ) /* may want to look at y_pos + y_len... */
171 if (refY > Carc->t->y_pos) return(UP);
172 else return(DOWN);
176 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
177 int find_intersection(x1, x2, X1, X2, res1, res2)
178 int x1, x2, X1, X2;
179 int *res1, *res2;
181 /* this resolves the intersection between two ranges. It does funny things
182 if they are non-overlapping ranges. */
184 int xEndsFirst = (int)(x2 < X2);
185 int xStartsFirst = (int)(x1 < X1);
187 if ((x2 < X1) || (x1 > X2))
189 fprintf(stderr, "find_intersection - NON-OVERLAPPING! (%d, %d) vs (%d, %d)\n",
190 x1, x2, X1, X2);
191 if (xEndsFirst && xStartsFirst)
192 { *res1 = X1; *res2 = x2; }
193 else
194 { *res1 = x1; *res2 = X2; }
196 return(FALSE);
198 if (xEndsFirst) *res2 = x2;
199 else *res2 = X2;
201 if (xStartsFirst) *res1 = X1;
202 else *res1 = x1;
204 return(TRUE);
206 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
207 range *create_range(srg, n)
208 srange *srg;
209 net *n;
211 /* This function serves the significant purpose of updating the tile/arc structure
212 to include the <srg> and what side it occurs on. This information is terribly
213 useful for figuring out how to resolve overlapping ranges. */
214 range *r = (range *)calloc(1, sizeof(range));
215 r->sr = srg;
216 r->n = n;
217 r->corners = NULL;
218 r->use = r->flag = NULL;
220 return(r);
222 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
223 range *quick_copy_range(oldR)
224 range *oldR;
226 /* Make a new copy of <oldR> */
227 range *r = (range *)calloc(1, sizeof(range));
228 r->sr = oldR->sr;
229 r->n = oldR->n;
230 r->corners = oldR->corners; /* Not quite right, but...*/
231 r->use = oldR->use;
232 r->flag = oldR->flag;
234 return(r);
236 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
237 range *copy_range(oldR)
238 range *oldR;
240 /* Make a new copy of <oldR> */
241 range *r = (range *)calloc(1, sizeof(range));
242 r->sr = create_srange(oldR->sr->q1, oldR->sr->q2, oldR->sr->orient);
243 r->n = oldR->n;
244 r->corners = NULL;
245 r->use = oldR->use;
246 r->flag = oldR->flag;
248 return(r);
250 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
251 int some_overlap_p(a1, a2, b1, b2)
252 int a1, a2, b1, b2;
254 if ((a1 <= b2) && (a2 >= b1)) return(TRUE);
255 else return(FALSE);
257 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
258 int midpoint(range *rng)
260 return( (rng->sr->q1 + rng->sr->q2 + 1) / 2 );
262 /* NOTE: The "+1" is a hack to insure that narrow tiles that are saught via some
263 spanning range (See replace_corner_instance for an example) can be located
264 (has to do with the fact that the left edge of a tile does not 'locate' it,
265 whereas the right edge does - the SLIVER bug bites again!) */
266 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
267 int corner_falls_in_arc_p(c, a)
268 corner *c;
269 asg_arc *a;
271 int b1 = a->t->y_pos, b2 = a->t->y_pos + a->t->y_len;
272 int d1 = a->t->x_pos, d2 = a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len;
274 if ((a->page == HORZ) &&
275 ((some_overlap_p(b1, b2, c->cy->sr->q1, c->cy->sr->q2) == FALSE) ||
276 (d1 > c->cx->sr->q1) || (d2 < c->cx->sr->q2)))
278 return(FALSE);
280 else if ((a->page == VERT) &&
281 ((some_overlap_p(b1, b2, c->cx->sr->q1, c->cx->sr->q2) == FALSE) ||
282 (d1 > c->cy->sr->q1) || (d2 < c->cy->sr->q2)))
284 return(FALSE);
286 else return (TRUE);
289 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
290 int add_corner_to_arc(c, a)
291 corner *c;
292 asg_arc *a;
294 int b1 = a->t->y_pos, b2 = a->t->y_pos + a->t->y_len;
295 int d1 = a->t->x_pos, d2 = a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len;
297 if ((corner_falls_in_arc_p(c,a) == FALSE) || (a->mod != NULL))
299 if (a->mod != NULL)
301 fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to add corner of net %s to module %s rejected!!\n",
302 c->cx->n->name, a->mod->name);
304 if ((a->page == HORZ) && (debug_level > 0))
306 fprintf(stderr, "([%d,%d],[%d,%d])Corner addition screwed...HORZ\n",
307 c->cx->sr->q1, c->cx->sr->q2, c->cy->sr->q1, c->cy->sr->q2);
309 else if ((a->page == VERT) && (debug_level > 0))
311 fprintf(stderr, "([%d,%d],[%d,%d])Corner addition screwed...VERT\n",
312 c->cx->sr->q1, c->cx->sr->q2, c->cy->sr->q1, c->cy->sr->q2);
314 return(FALSE);
316 else
318 pushnew(a, &c->al);
319 pushnew(c, &a->corners);
320 pushnew(c->cx->n, &a->nets);
321 return(TRUE);
324 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
325 int pull_corner_from_arc(c, a)
326 corner *c;
327 asg_arc *a;
329 int b1 = a->t->y_pos, b2 = a->t->y_pos + a->t->y_len;
330 int d1 = a->t->x_pos, d2 = a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len;
332 if (corner_falls_in_arc_p(c,a) == TRUE)
334 if ((a->page == HORZ) && (debug_level > 0))
336 fprintf(stderr, "([%d,%d],[%d,%d])Corner removal screwed...HORZ\n",
337 c->cx->sr->q1, c->cx->sr->q2, c->cy->sr->q1, c->cy->sr->q2);
339 else if ((a->page == VERT) && (debug_level > 0))
341 fprintf(stderr, "([%d,%d],[%d,%d])Corner removal screwed...VERT\n",
342 c->cx->sr->q1, c->cx->sr->q2, c->cy->sr->q1, c->cy->sr->q2);
344 return(FALSE);
346 else
348 rem_item(a, &c->al);
349 rem_item(c, &a->corners);
350 rem_item(c->cx->n, &a->nets);
351 return(TRUE);
354 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
355 corner *create_corner(rX, rY, a, ter)
356 range *rX, *rY;
357 asg_arc *a;
358 term *ter;
360 tile *t;
362 corner *c = (corner *)calloc(1, sizeof(corner));
363 c->cx = rX;
364 c->cy = rY;
365 c->vertOrder = c->horzOrder = 5000;
366 c->al = NULL;
367 c->t = ter; /* Specialized use */
369 if (a != NULL) add_corner_to_arc(c, a); /* Add to the arc we expect <c> to be in. */
371 pushnew(c, &rX->corners);
372 pushnew(c, &rY->corners);
373 return(c);
375 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
376 corner *set_corner_point(n, curTile, prevTile, xlink, ylink, refX, refY)
377 net *n;
378 tile *curTile, *prevTile;
379 range *xlink, *ylink; /* Typically only one is set. */
380 int refX, refY;
382 /* This procedure analyzes how <curTile> overlaps with <prevTile>, and sets up
383 the ranges for the placement of the corner points (<cornerX>, <cornerY>).
384 If either link is set, it is tied in. */
386 /* The X and Y designations are relative to the HORZ page set. */
388 range *cornerX, *cornerY;
389 asg_arc *Carc = (asg_arc *)curTile->this, *Parc = (asg_arc *)prevTile->this;
390 int Cpage = Carc->page, Ppage = Parc->page;
391 int q1, q2, q3, q4, side;
393 side = determine_entry_side(Parc, Carc, refX, refY);
395 if (ylink != NULL)
397 if (xlink != NULL)
399 /* odd use... */
400 cornerX = xlink;
401 cornerY = ylink;
402 return(create_corner(cornerX, cornerY, Carc, NULL));
405 else /* Use the <ylink>, calculate the <cornerX>: */
407 if ((Cpage == HORZ) && (Ppage == VERT))
409 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
410 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
411 &q1, &q2);
413 else if ((Cpage == VERT) && (Ppage == HORZ))
415 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
416 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
417 &q1, &q2);
419 else if (Cpage == HORZ)
421 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
422 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
423 &q1, &q2);
425 else /* (Cpage == VERT) */
427 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
428 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
429 &q1, &q2);
431 cornerX = create_range(create_srange(q1,q2,Cpage), n);
432 cornerY = ylink;
433 return(create_corner(cornerX, cornerY, Carc, NULL));
437 else if (xlink != NULL)
439 /* Use the <xlink>, calculate the <cornerY>: */
440 if ((Cpage == VERT) && (Ppage == HORZ))
442 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
443 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
444 &q3, &q4);
446 else if ((Cpage == HORZ) && (Ppage == VERT))
448 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
449 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
450 &q3, &q4);
452 else if (Cpage == VERT)
454 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
455 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
456 &q3, &q4);
458 else
460 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
461 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
462 &q3, &q4);
464 cornerY = create_range(create_srange(q3,q4,Cpage), n);
465 cornerX = xlink;
466 return(create_corner(cornerX, cornerY, Carc, NULL));
469 else /* No links - create both corners... Also Strange usage...*/
471 if ((Cpage == HORZ) && (Ppage == VERT))
473 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
474 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
475 &q1, &q2);
476 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
477 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
478 &q3, &q4);
480 else if ((Cpage == VERT) && (Ppage == HORZ))
482 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
483 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
484 &q1, &q2);
485 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
486 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
487 &q3, &q4);
489 else if (Cpage == HORZ)
491 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
492 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
493 &q1, &q2);
494 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
495 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
496 &q3, &q4);
498 else /* (Cpage == VERT) */
500 find_intersection(curTile->y_pos, curTile->y_pos + curTile->y_len,
501 prevTile->y_pos, prevTile->y_pos + prevTile->y_len,
502 &q1, &q2);
503 find_intersection(curTile->x_pos, curTile->x_pos + curTile->x_len,
504 prevTile->x_pos, prevTile->x_pos + prevTile->x_len,
505 &q3, &q4);
508 /* sides get screwed up badly. ?? */
509 cornerX = create_range(create_srange(q1,q2,Cpage), n);
510 cornerY = create_range(create_srange(q3,q4,Cpage), n);
511 return(create_corner(cornerX, cornerY, Carc, NULL));
514 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
515 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
516 int map_net_into_constraint_sets(n)
517 net *n;
519 /* This function walks along the global route assigned to the given net, assigning
520 * constraints to the various corners detected. This involves the creation of srange
521 * structures that will be resolved into points.
523 * To determine which global route is to be used, check each expansion:
524 * If the expansions belonging to the net have been properly terminated, then
525 * there is a single (shared) list of trails that comprise the net.
527 * There is no guarantee that there is not any overlap abongst these trails */
530 /* There are several conditions for these jointArcs that determine how the
531 ranges should be set up and linked: First, a jointArc may be shared by
532 several (more than two) expansions (Rat's Nest condition);
533 Secondly, a joint arc may occur as a non-joint tile in the middle of another
534 path (T condition) and lastly a jointArc may be shared by two expansions
535 (Simple Connection).
538 expn *ex = (expn *)n->done->this;
539 trail *besTrail;
540 trlist *trl;
541 tilist *temp, *tl, *tll;
542 tile *lasTile, *thisTile;
543 asg_arc *ar, *lar;
544 range *xlink = NULL, *ylink = NULL;
545 corner *c;
546 int refX, refY;
548 for (trl = ex->connections; trl != NULL; trl = trl->next)
550 besTrail = trl->this;
551 ex = besTrail->ex;
553 /* Walk along the trail, starting at the source terminal: */
554 /* Need to maintain a reference point, and the link ranges <xlink> & <ylink> */
555 /* Assume that the starting tile (<lasTile>) has HORZonatal orientation. */
556 temp = (tilist *)rcopy_list(besTrail->tr);
557 lasTile = temp->this;
558 ar = (asg_arc *)lasTile->this;
559 refX = ex->t->x_pos + ex->t->mod->x_pos;
560 refY = ex->t->y_pos + ex->t->mod->y_pos;
561 /* This is a terminal point, and should not be added to the VERT tile space.. */
562 c = create_corner(create_range(create_srange(refX, refX, VERT), n),
563 create_range(create_srange(refY, refY, HORZ), n),
564 ar, ex->t);
565 push(c, &besTrail->used);
566 pushnew(lasTile, &n->route);
568 for (tl = temp->next; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
570 thisTile = tl->this;
571 ar = (asg_arc *)thisTile->this; lar = (asg_arc *)lasTile->this;
573 /* Standard Linkage control: */
574 if ( ((asg_arc *)(thisTile->this))->page == VERT )
576 ylink = c->cy; xlink = NULL;
578 else
580 xlink = c->cx; ylink = NULL;
583 /* At the intersection of <lasTile> & <thisTile>, set a corner point. */
584 c = set_corner_point(n, thisTile, lasTile, xlink, ylink, refX, refY);
585 refX = midpoint(c->cx);
586 refY = midpoint(c->cy);
587 add_corner_to_arc(c, lar);
588 push(c, &besTrail->used);
589 pushnew(thisTile, &n->route);
591 lasTile = thisTile; /* Advance the window... */
593 /* Now that the loop is done, <lasTile> should point to the the <joinTile>
594 for this trail. */
595 free_list(temp);
598 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
599 int in_congestion_order(t1, t2)
600 tile *t1, *t2;
602 asg_arc *a1 = (asg_arc *)t1->this, *a2= (asg_arc *)t2->this;
604 /* Return TRUE if <t1> has a higher congestion than <t2>. */
605 /* if (a1->congestion >= a2->congestion) return(TRUE); */
606 if (list_length(a1->corners) < list_length(a2->corners)) return(FALSE);
607 else if (a1->congestion >= a2->congestion) return(TRUE);
608 else return(TRUE);
610 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
611 int int_overlapped_p(min1, max1, min2, max2)
612 int min1, max1, min2, max2;
614 /* This returns true if there is overlap between the ranges r1 & r2: */
615 if (((max1 >= min2) && (min1 <= max2)) ||
616 ((min1 <= max2) && (max1 >= min2))) return(TRUE);
617 else return(FALSE);
619 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
620 int overlapped_p(r1, r2)
621 srange *r1, *r2;
623 /* This returns true if there is overlap between the ranges r1 & r2: */
624 if (r1->orient == r2->orient)
625 return(int_overlapped_p(r1->q1, r1->q2, r2->q1, r2->q2));
626 else return(FALSE);
628 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
629 corner *next_vert_corner(c)
630 corner *c;
632 /* return the next corner in the vertical direction. This is meant to be
633 pumped for info; If NULL is passed in, the last <c> given is used again.. */
634 static crnlist *cl = NULL;
635 static corner *oldC = NULL;
637 if ((int)c == VERT) return(oldC);
638 else if (c != NULL)
640 cl = c->cx->corners;
641 oldC = c;
643 else c = oldC;
645 for (; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
647 if (cl->this != c)
649 if(cl->this->cy->n == c->cy->n)
651 c = cl->this;
652 cl = cl->next; /* Advance <cl> so we can restart where we left off */
653 return(c);
657 return(c); /* Somethin's probably screwed... */
659 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
660 corner *next_horz_corner(c)
661 corner *c;
663 /* return the next corner in the horizontal direction.This is meant to be
664 pumped for info; If NULL is passed in, the last <c> given is used again.. */
665 static crnlist *cl = NULL;
666 static corner *oldC = NULL;
668 if ((int)c == HORZ) return(oldC); /* Special action */
669 else if (c != NULL)
671 cl = c->cy->corners;
672 oldC = c;
674 else c = oldC;
676 for (; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
678 if (cl->this != c)
680 if(cl->this->cx->n == c->cx->n)
682 c = cl->this;
683 cl = cl->next; /* Advance <cl> so we can restart where we left off */
684 return(c);
688 return(c); /* Somethin's probably screwed... */
690 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
691 int in_x_order(c1, c2)
692 corner *c1, *c2;
694 if (c1->cx->sr->q1 < c2->cx->sr->q1) return(TRUE);
695 else return(FALSE);
697 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
698 int in_y_order(c1, c2)
699 corner *c1, *c2;
701 if (c1->cy->sr->q1 < c2->cy->sr->q1) return(TRUE);
702 else return(FALSE);
704 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
705 corner *most_vert_corner(c)
706 corner *c;
708 /* return the next corner, that is highest in the vertical direction. */
709 corner *largest = c;
710 crnlist *cl = NULL;
712 if (c != NULL)
714 cl = c->cx->corners;
716 for (; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
718 if((cl->this->cy->n == c->cy->n) &&
719 (cl->this->cy->sr->q2 > largest->cy->sr->q2)) largest = cl->this;
721 return(largest);
723 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
724 corner *least_vert_corner(c)
725 corner *c;
727 /* return the next corner, that is lowest in the vertical direction. */
728 corner *smallest = c;
729 crnlist *cl = NULL;
731 if (c != NULL)
733 cl = c->cx->corners;
735 for (; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
737 if((cl->this->cy->n == c->cy->n) &&
738 (cl->this->cy->sr->q1 < smallest->cy->sr->q1)) smallest = cl->this;
740 return(smallest);
742 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
743 corner *most_horz_corner(c)
744 corner *c;
746 /* return the next corner, that is highest in the horizontal direction. */
747 corner *largest = c;
748 crnlist *cl = NULL;
750 if (c != NULL)
752 cl = c->cy->corners;
754 for (; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
756 if((cl->this->cx->n == c->cx->n) &&
757 (cl->this->cx->sr->q2 > largest->cx->sr->q2)) largest = cl->this;
759 return(largest);
761 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
762 corner *least_horz_corner(c)
763 corner *c;
765 /* return the next corner, that is lowest in the horizontal direction. */
766 corner *smallest = c;
767 crnlist *cl = NULL;
769 if (c != NULL)
771 cl = c->cy->corners;
773 for (; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
775 if((cl->this->cy->n == c->cy->n) &&
776 (cl->this->cx->sr->q1 < smallest->cx->sr->q1)) smallest = cl->this;
778 return(smallest);
780 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
781 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
782 int forms_T_p(c)
783 corner *c;
785 crnlist *cl;
787 /* This returns VERT if <c> is the center of a vertical T, and HORZ if it is
788 the center of a horizontal T. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. */
790 /* If <c> has multiple (3 or more) points at the same y value, and <c> is more
791 than just a single point: */
792 if ((list_length(c->cy->corners) > 2) && (list_length(c->cx->corners) > 1))
795 /* There is something worth looking at: */
796 cl = (crnlist *)sort_list(c->cy->corners, in_x_order);
798 if (cl->next->this == c)
800 return(TRUE);
803 for (cl = cl->next; ((cl != NULL) && (cl->this != c) && (cl->next != NULL));
804 cl = cl->next)
806 if ((cl->next->this == c) && (cl->next->next != NULL))
808 return(TRUE);
813 /* Not this axis, so now check the Y axis: */
814 /* If <c> has multiple (3 or more) points at the same x value, and <c> is more
815 than just a single point: */
816 if ((list_length(c->cx->corners) > 2) && (list_length(c->cy->corners) > 1))
818 /* There is something worth looking at: */
819 cl = (crnlist *)sort_list(c->cx->corners, in_y_order);
821 if (cl->next->this == c)
823 return(TRUE);
826 for (cl = cl->next; ((cl != NULL) && (cl->this != c) && (cl->next != NULL));
827 cl = cl->next)
829 if ((cl->next->this == c) && (cl->next->next != NULL))
831 return(TRUE);
835 return(FALSE);
837 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
838 int turns_up_p(c)
839 corner *c;
841 /* Returns TRUE iff this corner represents an upward turn. This is rather tricky,
842 and is highly dependent on the vaguarities of the "next_vert_corner" function. */
843 corner *nextY = next_vert_corner(c);
844 range *r, *nextR;
846 if (c == NULL) c = next_vert_corner(VERT); /* Get the old C for comparison */
847 if (c == nextY) return(FALSE); /* (No turns) */
849 r = c->cy;
850 nextR = nextY->cy;
852 /* if <r> is below <nextR> then return TRUE. */
853 if ((r == NULL) || (nextR == NULL))
855 fprintf(stderr, "Major screwup 'in turns_up_p'\n");
856 return(FALSE);
858 else if (r->sr->q2 < nextR->sr->q1) return(TRUE);
859 else return(turns_up_p(NULL)); /* Pump the "next_horz_corner" fn */
861 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
862 int turns_right_p(c)
863 corner *c;
865 /* Returns TRUE iff this corner represents an right turn. This is rather tricky,
866 and is highly dependent on the vaguarities of the "next_horz_corner" function. */
867 corner *nextX = next_horz_corner(c);
868 range *r, *nextR;
870 if (c == NULL) c = next_horz_corner(HORZ); /* Get the old C for comparison */
871 if (c == nextX) return(FALSE); /* (No turns) */
873 r = c->cx;
874 nextR = nextX->cx;
876 /* if <r> is below <nextR> then return TRUE. */
877 if ((r == NULL) || (nextR == NULL))
879 fprintf(stderr, "Major screwup 'in turns_right_p'\n");
880 return(FALSE);
882 else if (r->sr->q2 < nextR->sr->q1) return(TRUE);
883 else return(turns_right_p(NULL)); /* Pump the "next_horz_corner" fn */
885 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
886 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
887 int form_vertical_ordering(c1, c2)
888 corner *c1, *c2;
890 /* RULE 1: bends gravitate toward the corner in the direction of the turn.
891 RULE 2: T's are placed on the side of the off-angle.
892 RULE 3: Throughs & jogs gravitate toward the center of the area.
894 /* Returns TRUE iff <c1> should be placed above <c2> in the same box. This
895 fact depends on the context in which <c1> occurs within it's net, and <c2>
896 occurs within its net. */
898 range *r1, *r2;
899 corner *nextC1, *nextC2;
900 int hOrder;
901 int c1LeftMost, c1RightMost, c2LeftMost, c2RightMost;
903 if (c1 == NULL) return (FALSE);
904 else if (c2 == NULL) return (TRUE);
905 else
907 r1 = c1->cy;
908 r2 = c2->cy;
910 /* Ignore corners beloning to the same net */
911 if (r1->n == r2->n) return(FALSE);
913 /* First, check the simple case that there is no overlapp to resolve: */
914 if (overlapped_p(r1->sr, r2->sr) == FALSE)
916 if (r1->sr->q1 > r2->sr->q1) return(TRUE);
917 else return(FALSE);
920 /* OK, there is vertical overlap to deal with, so... */
921 /* Check to see if they turn in opposite directions: */
922 c1RightMost = turns_up_p(most_horz_corner(c1));
923 c1LeftMost = turns_up_p(least_horz_corner(c1));
924 c2RightMost = turns_up_p(most_horz_corner(c2));
925 c2LeftMost = turns_up_p(least_horz_corner(c2));
927 if ((c1RightMost == TRUE) && (c2RightMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
928 else if ((c1RightMost == FALSE) && (c2RightMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
929 else if ((c1LeftMost == TRUE) && (c2LeftMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
930 else if ((c1LeftMost == FALSE) && (c2LeftMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
931 else /* They both turn the same way */
933 /* special case for T's */
935 /* look again... */
936 /* Look along the X Axis to see where the next corners are. If the turn
937 of the next corners is opposite, that is one turns up, while the other
938 turns down, then the resolution is complete. The net that turns up gets
939 placed above the net that turns down. */
941 nextC1 = next_horz_corner(c1);
942 nextC2 = next_horz_corner(c2);
944 if ((nextC1 == c1) && (nextC2 == c2))
946 /* Terminal points; look the other way */
947 nextC1 = next_vert_corner(c1);
948 nextC2 = next_vert_corner(c2);
950 if ((nextC1 != c1) && (nextC2 != c2))
952 return(form_vertical_ordering(nextC1, nextC2));
954 else if (c1->cx->sr->q2 < c2->cx->sr->q1) return(FALSE);
955 else return(TRUE);
957 else
959 /* Check to see if they turn in opposite directions: */
960 c1RightMost = turns_up_p(most_horz_corner(nextC1));
961 c1LeftMost = turns_up_p(least_horz_corner(nextC1));
962 c2RightMost = turns_up_p(most_horz_corner(nextC2));
963 c2LeftMost = turns_up_p(least_horz_corner(nextC2));
965 if ((c1RightMost == TRUE) && (c2RightMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
966 else if ((c1RightMost == FALSE) && (c2RightMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
967 else if ((c1LeftMost == TRUE) && (c2LeftMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
968 else if ((c1LeftMost == FALSE) && (c2LeftMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
969 else
971 /* The next corners also both turn the same way */
972 if (debug_level > 2)
974 fprintf(stderr, "recursion in form_vertical_ordering ");
975 fprintf(stderr, "<%s>([%d, %d],[%d,%d]) and ", c1->cx->n->name,
976 c1->cx->sr->q1, c1->cx->sr->q2,
977 c1->cy->sr->q1, c1->cy->sr->q2);
979 fprintf(stderr, "<%s>([%d, %d],[%d,%d])\n", r2->n->name,
980 c2->cx->sr->q1, c2->cx->sr->q2,
981 c2->cy->sr->q1, c2->cy->sr->q2);
983 hOrder = form_horizontal_ordering(nextC1, nextC2);
984 if (c1RightMost == TRUE) return( NOT(hOrder) );
985 else if (c1LeftMost == TRUE) return( NOT(hOrder) );
986 else return (hOrder);
992 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
993 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
994 int form_horizontal_ordering(c1, c2)
995 corner *c1, *c2;
997 /* RULE 1: bends gravitate toward the corner in the direction of the turn.
998 RULE 2: T's are placed on the side of the off-angle.
999 RULE 3: Throughs & jogs gravitate toward the center of the area.
1002 /* Returns TRUE iff <c1> should be placed to the left of <c2> in the same box. This
1003 fact depends on the context in which <c1> occurs within it's net, and <c2>
1004 occurs within its net. */
1005 range *r1, *r2;
1006 corner *nextC1, *nextC2;
1007 int vOrder;
1008 int c1TopMost, c1BotMost, c2TopMost, c2BotMost;
1010 if (c1 == NULL) return (FALSE);
1011 else if (c2 == NULL) return (TRUE);
1012 else
1014 r1 = c1->cx;
1015 r2 = c2->cx;
1017 /* Ignore corners beloning to the same net */
1018 if (r1->n == r2->n) return(FALSE);
1020 /* First, check the simple case that there is no overlapp to resolve: */
1021 if (overlapped_p(r1->sr, r2->sr) == FALSE)
1023 if (r1->sr->q1 > r2->sr->q1) return(FALSE);
1024 else return(TRUE);
1027 /* OK, there is vertical overlap to deal with, so... */
1028 /* Check to see if they turn in opposite directions: */
1029 c1TopMost = turns_right_p(most_vert_corner(c1));
1030 c1BotMost = turns_right_p(least_vert_corner(c1));
1031 c2TopMost = turns_right_p(most_vert_corner(c2));
1032 c2BotMost = turns_right_p(least_vert_corner(c2));
1034 if ((c1TopMost == TRUE) && (c2TopMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
1035 else if ((c1TopMost == FALSE) && (c2TopMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
1036 else if ((c1BotMost == TRUE) && (c2BotMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
1037 else if ((c1BotMost == FALSE) && (c2BotMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
1038 else /* They both turn the same way */
1040 /* special case for T's */
1042 /* look again... */
1043 /* Look along the Y Axis to see where the next corners are. If the turn
1044 of the next corners is opposite, that is one turns up, while the other
1045 turns down, then the resolution is complete. The net that turns up gets
1046 placed above the net that turns down. */
1048 nextC1 = next_vert_corner(c1);
1049 nextC2 = next_vert_corner(c2);
1050 if ((nextC1 == c1) && (nextC2 == c2))
1052 /* Terminal points; look the other way */
1053 nextC1 = next_horz_corner(c1);
1054 nextC2 = next_horz_corner(c2);
1056 if ((nextC1 != c1) && (nextC2 != c2))
1058 return(form_horizontal_ordering(nextC1, nextC2));
1060 else if (c1->cy->sr->q2 < c2->cy->sr->q1) return(FALSE);
1061 else return(TRUE);
1064 else
1066 /* Check to see if they turn in opposite directions: */
1067 c1TopMost = turns_right_p(most_vert_corner(nextC1));
1068 c1BotMost = turns_right_p(least_vert_corner(nextC1));
1069 c2TopMost = turns_right_p(most_vert_corner(nextC2));
1070 c2BotMost = turns_right_p(least_vert_corner(nextC2));
1072 if ((c1TopMost == TRUE) && (c2TopMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
1073 else if ((c1TopMost == FALSE) && (c2TopMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
1074 else if ((c1BotMost == TRUE) && (c2BotMost == FALSE)) return(TRUE);
1075 else if ((c1BotMost == FALSE) && (c2BotMost == TRUE)) return(FALSE);
1076 else
1078 /* The next corners also turn the same way */
1079 /* dangerous */
1080 if (debug_level > 2)
1082 fprintf(stderr, "recursion in form_horzontal_ordering ");
1083 fprintf(stderr, "<%s>([%d, %d],[%d,%d]) and ", c1->cx->n->name,
1084 c1->cx->sr->q1, c1->cx->sr->q2,
1085 c1->cy->sr->q1, c1->cy->sr->q2);
1087 fprintf(stderr, "<%s>([%d, %d],[%d,%d])\n", r2->n->name,
1088 c2->cx->sr->q1, c2->cx->sr->q2,
1089 c2->cy->sr->q1, c2->cy->sr->q2);
1091 vOrder = form_vertical_ordering(nextC1, nextC2);
1092 if (c1TopMost == TRUE) return (vOrder);
1093 else if (c1BotMost == TRUE) return (vOrder);
1094 else return( NOT(vOrder) );
1100 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1101 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1102 int in_vert_order(c1, c2)
1103 corner *c1, *c2;
1105 if (c1->vertOrder >= c2->vertOrder) return(TRUE);
1106 else return(FALSE);
1108 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1109 int in_horz_order(c1, c2)
1110 corner *c1, *c2;
1112 if (c1->horzOrder <= c2->horzOrder) return(TRUE);
1113 else return(FALSE);
1115 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1116 int best_vert_order(cl)
1117 crnlist *cl;
1119 crnlist *cll;
1120 int min = 5000;
1121 for (cll = cl; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
1123 min = MIN(min, cll->this->vertOrder);
1125 return(min);
1127 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1128 int best_horz_order(cl)
1129 crnlist *cl;
1131 crnlist *cll;
1132 int min = 5000;
1133 for (cll = cl; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
1135 min = MIN(min, cll->this->horzOrder);
1137 return(min);
1139 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1140 int in_reasonable_vert_orderR(r1, r2)
1141 range *r1, *r2;
1143 /* indicates <r1> belongs above <r2> */
1144 crnlist *cl1 = r1->corners, *cl2 = r2->corners;
1145 int o1 = best_vert_order(cl1);
1146 int o2 = best_vert_order(cl2);
1148 if ((o1 >= o2) && (r2->sr->q2 > r1->sr->q1)) return(TRUE);
1149 else return(FALSE);
1151 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1152 int in_reasonable_horz_orderR(r1, r2)
1153 range *r1, *r2;
1155 /* indicates <r1> belongs to the left of <r2> */
1156 crnlist *cl1 = r1->corners, *cl2 = r2->corners;
1157 int o1 = best_horz_order(cl1);
1158 int o2 = best_horz_order(cl2);
1160 if ((o1 <= o2) && (r2->sr->q2 > r1->sr->q1)) return(TRUE);
1161 else return(FALSE);
1163 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1164 int merge_sranges(sr1, sr2)
1165 srange **sr1, **sr2; /* sranges associated that overlap */
1167 /* This resolves <sr1> and <sr2> to the (same) smallest subset of the two. */
1169 int min1 = (*sr1)->q1, min2 = (*sr2)->q1;
1170 int max1 = (*sr1)->q2, max2 = (*sr2)->q2;
1171 int min = MAX(min1, min2), max = MIN(max1, max2);
1172 srange *temp;
1174 /* if there is overlap, then do something... */
1175 if (((min1 >= min2) && (min1 <= max2)) ||
1176 ((min2 >= min1) && (min2 <= max1)))
1178 (*sr1)->q1 = min;
1179 (*sr1)->q2 = max;
1180 temp = *sr2;
1181 *sr2 = *sr1;
1182 my_free(temp);
1183 return(TRUE);
1185 return(FALSE);
1187 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1188 int divide_sranges(sr1, sr2)
1189 srange *sr1, *sr2; /* sranges associated with each net that overlap */
1191 /* This puts <sr1> to the right of <sr2> */
1192 int midPoint;
1193 int min1 = sr1->q1, min2 = sr2->q1;
1194 int max1 = sr1->q2, max2 = sr2->q2;
1196 if (min1 == max1) /* Handle the point cases - these are the most common */
1198 if ((min2 == max2) && (min1 != min2)) return(TRUE);
1199 else if ((min2 == max2) && (min1 == min2)) return(FALSE); /* Real Problem! */
1201 if (max2 > min1)
1203 if (min2 >= min1)
1205 sr2->q1 = MAX(min1 + 1, min2); /* Not good */
1206 return(FALSE);
1208 else sr2->q2 = min1 - 1;
1210 else sr2->q2 = MIN(min1 - 1, max2);
1211 return(TRUE);
1213 else if (min2 == max2)
1215 if (max1 >= min2)
1217 if (min1 <= min2) sr1->q1 = min2 + 1;
1218 return(TRUE);
1220 return(FALSE);
1222 else
1224 /* Is there any overlap? */
1225 if ((max1 < min2) || (min1 == max2)) return(FALSE);
1226 else if ((min1 > max2) || (max1 == min2)) return(TRUE);
1228 midPoint = (max1 + min2) / 2;
1230 /* Set the beginning/end points of the sranges: */
1231 if (max1 < midPoint)
1233 sr1->q1 = max1;
1234 sr2->q2 = max1 - 1;
1236 else if (min2 > midPoint)
1238 sr1->q1 = min2;
1239 sr2->q2 = min2 + 1;
1241 else if ( ((midPoint - 1) < min2) || ((max1 - min1) >= (max2 -min2)) )
1243 sr1->q1 = MAX(min1, midPoint + 1);
1244 sr2->q2 = MIN(midPoint, max2);
1246 else
1248 sr1->q1 = MAX(min1, midPoint);
1249 sr2->q2 = MIN(midPoint - 1, max2);
1251 return(TRUE);
1255 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1256 int ranged_overlap_p(r1a, r2a, r1b, r2b)
1257 srange *r1a, *r2a, *r1b, *r2b;
1259 /* This returns true if there is overlap between the line from [r1a to r2a] and
1260 the line from [r1b to r2b]: */
1261 int a1 = MIN(r1a->q1, r2a->q1), a2 = MAX(r1a->q2, r2a->q2);
1262 int startA = MIN(a1, a2), endA = MAX(a1, a2);
1263 int b1 = MIN(r1b->q1, r2b->q1), b2 = MAX(r1b->q2, r2b->q2);
1264 int startB = MIN(b1, b2), endB = MAX(b1, b2);
1266 if ((endA < startB) || (startA > endB)) return(FALSE);
1267 else return(TRUE);
1269 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1270 int segments_overlapped_p(c1, c2, orient)
1271 corner *c1, *c2;
1272 int orient;
1274 /* check to see if these two corners overlap in the given direction. If so,
1275 return TRUE. */
1277 crnlist *cl = (orient == Y) ? c1->cx->corners : c1->cy->corners;
1278 crnlist *cll, *clll = (orient == Y) ? c2->cx->corners : c2->cy->corners;
1279 srange *srA1, *srA2, *srB1, *srB2;
1281 if (orient == X)
1283 srA1 = c1->cx->sr; srB1 = c1->cx->sr;
1284 if (overlapped_p(srA1, srB1) == TRUE) return(TRUE);
1286 else /* (orient == Y) */
1288 srA1 = c1->cy->sr; srB1 = c2->cy->sr;
1289 if (overlapped_p(srA1, srB1) == TRUE) return(TRUE);
1292 for(; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
1294 srA2 = (orient == X) ? cl->this->cx->sr : cl->this->cy->sr;
1295 for(cll = clll; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
1297 srB2 = (orient == X) ? cll->this->cx->sr : cll->this->cy->sr;
1298 if (ranged_overlap_p(srA1, srA2, srB1, srB2) == TRUE) return(TRUE);
1301 return(FALSE);
1303 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1304 /* Should check for function round() in configure. . . */
1307 int round(f)
1308 float f;
1310 int d = (int)f;
1311 if (f - (float)d > 0.5) return(d + 1);
1312 else return(d);
1316 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1317 int set_step_size(orderedRanges, newStep)
1318 rnglist *orderedRanges; /* These should be ordered l->r, or b->t */
1319 float *newStep;
1321 /* Look through the entire set of <orderedRanges> to see if there is an
1322 uncoupleable condition (overlapped fixed points, start/end screwed up...)
1323 This also dynamically resizes the step size...
1325 Want to find the minimum step size for the rangelist, assuming that the
1326 first element on the list is the one that will use the result.
1328 int n = list_length(orderedRanges);
1329 range *last = (range *)nth(orderedRanges, n);
1330 rnglist *rl;
1331 float min = (float)orderedRanges->this->sr->q1, max = (float)last->sr->q2;
1332 float step = (max - min - (float)n + 1) / n;
1334 n = 2;
1335 for (rl = orderedRanges->next; (rl != NULL); rl = rl->next)
1337 max = (float)rl->this->sr->q2;
1338 if ((round(max) - round(min)) < (n - 1)) return(TRUE);
1339 step = MIN(MAX(((max - min - (float)n + 1) / n), 0.0), step);
1340 n += 1;
1342 *newStep = step;
1343 return(FALSE);
1345 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1346 void decouple_ordered_ranges(orderedRanges)
1347 rnglist *orderedRanges; /* These should be ordered l->r, or b->t */
1349 int n = list_length(orderedRanges);
1350 range *r, *nextR, *last;
1351 rnglist *rl, *rll;
1352 float min, max, step, next;
1354 if ((debug_level >= 2) && (n > 1))
1356 fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to Decouple ");
1357 dump_ranges(orderedRanges);
1360 /* The first range should be limited to [min...min+step] or its current limit,
1361 whichever is smaller. The process repeats until all ranges have been
1362 allotted non-overlapping slots. */
1364 form_into_decoupleable_order(orderedRanges, list_length(orderedRanges));
1367 /* As the call to "form_into_decoupleable_order" may rearange <orderedRanges>,
1368 the following must be set after the call: */
1370 last = (range *)nth(orderedRanges, n);
1371 min = (float)orderedRanges->this->sr->q1;
1372 max = (float)last->sr->q2;
1373 step = MAX(((max - min - (float)n + 1) / n), 1.0);
1374 next = min;
1377 if (n > 1)
1379 for (rl = orderedRanges; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
1381 r = rl->this;
1382 if (set_step_size(rl, &step) == TRUE)
1384 /* Serious problems */
1385 fprintf(stderr, "Cannot decouple ranges ");
1386 dump_ranges(rl);
1387 break;
1390 /* Advance the <min> and <next> pointers... */
1391 min = (r->sr->q1 > round(next)) ? (float)r->sr->q1 : next;
1392 next = (round(min + step) > r->sr->q2) ? (float)r->sr->q2 : min + step;
1394 if (rl->next != NULL) /* Lookahead to avoid needless constraint */
1396 nextR = rl->next->this;
1398 if (r->n == nextR->n)
1400 /* No need to constrain <r> as much. This allows <r> and <nextR>
1401 to coincide. */
1402 next = (next < round(r->sr->q2)) ? next + step : (float)r->sr->q2;
1403 nextR->sr->q1 = (round(min) > nextR->sr->q1) ? round(min) :
1404 nextR->sr->q1;
1407 else /* find the appropriate <next> point (where to end <r>) and set
1408 the beginning point for <nextR>: */
1410 if (round(next) < (nextR->sr->q1 - 1))
1412 if ((nextR->sr->q1 - 1) <= r->sr->q2)
1413 next = (float)nextR->sr->q1 - 1.0;
1415 else if (round(next) >= nextR->sr->q2)
1417 /* Problem */
1418 next = (float)nextR->sr->q2 - 1.0;
1419 nextR->sr->q1 = nextR->sr->q2;
1421 else if (round(next + step) >= nextR->sr->q2)
1423 /* problem... Should reset (shrink) the step size */
1424 step = MAX(((max - (float)nextR->sr->q1 - (float)n + 1.0)
1425 / (n - 1)), 1.0);
1426 nextR->sr->q1 = round(next) + 1;
1428 else
1430 nextR->sr->q1 = round(next) + 1;
1434 else
1436 next = max;
1438 r->sr->q2 = round(next);
1439 n -= 1;
1442 if (debug_level >= 2)
1444 fprintf(stderr, " Resulted in ");
1445 dump_ranges(orderedRanges);
1448 else if (debug_level >= 2)
1450 r = orderedRanges->this;
1451 fprintf(stderr, "Skipping <%s>[%d,%d] \n", r->n->name, r->sr->q1, r->sr->q2);
1454 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1455 void decouple_ranges(r1, r2)
1456 range *r1, *r2;
1458 int flag;
1459 /* <r1> goes to the (bot/right) of <r2>: */
1460 flag = divide_sranges(r2->sr, r1->sr);
1462 if ((flag == FALSE) && (debug_level >= 2))
1463 fprintf(stderr, "<%s> range [%d,%d] cannot go to left of <%s> range [%d,%d]\n",
1464 r1->n->name, r1->sr->q1, r1->sr->q2,
1465 r2->n->name, r2->sr->q1, r2->sr->q2);
1467 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1468 rnglist *old_rev_decoupleable_p(orderedRanges, stopAt)
1469 rnglist *orderedRanges; /* These should be ordered l->r, or b->t */
1470 int stopAt;
1472 /* Look through the entire set of <orderedRanges> to see if there is an
1473 uncoupleable condition (overlapped fixed points, start/end screwed up...)
1475 The object is to return a list pointer to the range who's ordering screws
1476 up the range set. (Or return NULL)
1478 This is the parallel to "decoupleable_p", in that it works by starting
1479 with the list and trims from the front to find the error. zb. The list now
1480 starts 1-2-3-4, 2-3-4, 3-4, 4 until the removal of a range fixes the problem.
1481 When the removal of a range fixes the problem, this is the list pointer
1482 to return.
1485 int n = stopAt + 1;
1486 range *last = (range *)nth(orderedRanges, stopAt);
1487 rnglist *rl, *rLast = orderedRanges;
1488 int min, max;
1490 if (stopAt == 1) return(orderedRanges);
1492 /* Step forward through the list [1-2-3-4, 2-3-4, 3-4, 4] */
1493 max = last->sr->q2;
1494 for (rl = orderedRanges; ((rl != NULL) && (n-- > 0)); rl = rl->next)
1496 min = rl->this->sr->q1;
1497 if ((max - min) >= (n - 1)) /* Someone's not fouled up */
1499 return(rLast);
1501 if (rl != orderedRanges) rLast = rLast->next;
1503 return(NULL);
1505 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1506 rnglist *rev_decoupleable_p(orderedRanges, stopAt)
1507 rnglist *orderedRanges; /* These should be ordered l->r, or b->t */
1508 int stopAt;
1510 /* Look through the entire set of <orderedRanges> to see if there is an
1511 uncoupleable condition (overlapped fixed points, start/end screwed up...)
1513 The object is to return a list pointer to the range who's ordering screws
1514 up the range set. (Or return NULL)
1516 This is the parallel to "decoupleable_p", in that it works by starting
1517 with the list and trims from the front to find the error. zb. The list now
1518 starts 1-2-3-4, 2-3-4, 3-4, 4 until the removal of a range fixes the problem.
1519 When the removal of a range fixes the problem, this is the list pointer
1520 to return.
1523 /* There is a strange sub-problem that exists when one of the internal elements
1524 has a smaller <max> than the end of the list; This breaks the problem into
1525 similar subproblems at that point; The hard part is keeping the left-hand
1526 list pointers straight with the number of elements that must be fit between
1527 the <min> (defined by the LH list pointer) and the <max>, which may be
1528 in the middle of the list somewhere.
1531 int maxIndex, i1 = 0, i2 = 0, n, works = TRUE;
1532 range *last = (range*)nth(orderedRanges, stopAt);
1533 rnglist *rLast = orderedRanges;
1534 rnglist *RHs, *LHs = orderedRanges;
1535 int min = LHs->this->sr->q1, max = last->sr->q2;
1538 if (stopAt == 1) return(orderedRanges);
1540 /* Set the <max> for the full list: (may not be at <last>) */
1541 for (RHs = orderedRanges; ((RHs != NULL) && (i1++ < stopAt)); RHs = RHs->next)
1543 if (max < RHs->this->sr->q2)
1545 max = RHs->this->sr->q2;
1547 /* Step forward through the list [1-2-3-4, 2-3-4, 3-4, 4] */
1548 for (; ((LHs != NULL) && (i2++ <= i1)); LHs = LHs->next)
1550 min = MAX(min, LHs->this->sr->q1);
1551 n = i1 - i2 + 1; /* Number of ranges to fit in */
1553 /* Found a problem already, and Someone's not fouled up */
1554 if ((works == FALSE) && ((max - min) >= (n - 1))) return(rLast);
1555 else if ((max - min) < (n - 1))
1557 works = FALSE; if (LHs != orderedRanges) rLast = rLast->next;
1559 else if (LHs != orderedRanges) rLast = rLast->next;
1561 /* At this point --> ((LHs == RHs) && (n == 0)) should be the TRUE. */
1565 n = stopAt - i2 + 1;
1566 for (; ((LHs != NULL) && (n-- > 0)); LHs = LHs->next)
1568 min = LHs->this->sr->q1;
1570 /* Found a problem already, and Someone's not fouled up */
1571 if ((works == FALSE) && ((max - min) >= (n - 1))) return(rLast);
1572 else if ((works == TRUE) && ((max - min) < (n - 1)))
1574 works = FALSE; if (LHs != orderedRanges) rLast = rLast->next;
1576 else if (LHs != orderedRanges) rLast = rLast->next;
1579 return(NULL);
1581 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1582 rnglist *decoupleable_p(orderedRanges, stopAt)
1583 rnglist *orderedRanges; /* These should be ordered l->r, or b->t */
1584 int stopAt;
1586 /* Look through the entire set of <orderedRanges> to see if there is an
1587 uncoupleable condition (overlapped fixed points, start/end screwed up...)
1589 The object is to return a list pointer to the range who's ordering screws
1590 up the range set.
1592 This works by starting at the beginning of the list and working
1593 forward through the list (1, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4, etc.) checking to see
1594 if the addition of any particular range destroys the decoupleability of the
1595 range set. If no error is found, then NULL is returned.
1599 int n = 1, idx = 1;
1600 range *last = (range *)nth(orderedRanges, stopAt);
1601 rnglist *rl, *fixup, *rLast = orderedRanges;
1602 int min, max;
1604 if (stopAt == 1) return(NULL);
1606 /* Search forward through the list [1, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4] */
1607 min = orderedRanges->this->sr->q1;
1608 for (rl = orderedRanges->next; ((rl != NULL) && (idx++ < stopAt)); rl = rl->next)
1610 n++;
1611 max = rl->this->sr->q2;
1613 if (rl->this->sr->q1 > min) /* reset <min> if a more stringent */
1614 { /* constraint is found */
1616 /* Tough example: { [137..150], [137..150], [137..150], [138..150], etc..} */
1618 if ((rl->this->sr->q2 - min) < (n - 1))
1619 { /* Someone doesn't fit the new constraints... */
1620 fixup = rev_decoupleable_p(orderedRanges, idx);
1621 if ((fixup == NULL) || (fixup == orderedRanges))return(rLast);
1622 else return(fixup);
1624 else if ((rl->this->sr->q1 - min) < (n - 1))
1625 { /* Need to be careful how the min is reset */
1626 min = rl->this->sr->q1 + (n - 1) - (rl->this->sr->q1 - min);
1628 else /* Don't need to be careful how min is reset */
1629 min = rl->this->sr->q1;
1630 n = 1; /* Everything fits; restart the count */
1633 if ((max - min) < (n - 1)) /* Someone's fouled up */
1635 fixup = rev_decoupleable_p(orderedRanges, idx);
1636 if (fixup == NULL) return(rLast);
1637 else return(fixup);
1639 rLast = rLast->next;
1641 return(NULL);
1643 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1644 int form_into_decoupleable_order(orderedRanges, maxRecDepth)
1645 rnglist *orderedRanges;
1646 int maxRecDepth;
1648 /* step through the given ordered set of ranges; correct defaults by
1649 swapping. keep track of the recursion depth to avoid serious problems.
1652 range *temp;
1653 rnglist *rl, *badSpot = NULL;
1654 int i, r;
1656 if (maxRecDepth-- <= 0)
1658 fprintf(stderr, "Cannot reform ");
1659 dump_ranges(orderedRanges);
1660 return(FALSE);
1663 for (i = 1; i <= list_length(orderedRanges); i++)
1665 badSpot = decoupleable_p(orderedRanges, i);
1666 if (badSpot != NULL)
1668 /* swap some elements, and try again */
1669 temp = badSpot->this;
1670 badSpot->this = badSpot->next->this;
1671 badSpot->next->this = temp;
1673 break;
1676 if (badSpot != NULL) r = form_into_decoupleable_order(orderedRanges, maxRecDepth);
1678 if ((debug_level >= 2) && (badSpot != NULL))
1680 fprintf(stderr, "Reordered list into ");
1681 dump_ranges(orderedRanges);
1683 return(TRUE);
1685 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1686 int in_length_order(l, ll)
1687 list *l, *ll;
1689 /* Return TRUE if <l> is longer than <ll>: */
1690 if (list_length(l) >= list_length(ll)) return(TRUE);
1691 else return(FALSE);
1693 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1694 void perpendicular_expanse(r, min, max)
1695 range *r;
1696 int *min, *max;
1698 /* This walks through all of the corners associated with <r>.
1699 The extent of the ranges seen among the corners associated with <r> is
1700 returned; */
1702 crnlist *cl = r->corners;
1703 range *oppRange = (cl->this->cx == r) ? cl->this->cy : cl->this->cx;
1705 *min = oppRange->sr->q1;
1706 *max = oppRange->sr->q2;
1709 for (; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
1711 oppRange = (cl->this->cx == r) ? cl->this->cy : cl->this->cx;
1712 *min = MIN(oppRange->sr->q1, *min);
1713 *max = MAX(oppRange->sr->q2, *max);
1716 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1717 int check_sranges(sr, r)
1718 srange *sr;
1719 range *r;
1721 if (r->sr == sr) return(TRUE);
1722 else return(FALSE);
1724 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1725 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1726 int by_length(l1, l2)
1727 list *l1, *l2;
1729 /* return TRUE if list_length(<l1>) > list_length(<l2>) */
1731 if (list_length(l1) > list_length(l2)) return (TRUE);
1732 else return(FALSE);
1734 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1735 int subset_p(s, set)
1736 list *s, *set;
1738 int i, len = list_length(s);
1739 list *l;
1741 if (len > list_length(set)) return(FALSE);
1742 for (l = s; l != NULL; l = l->next)
1744 if (member_p(l->this, set, identity) == FALSE) return(FALSE);
1746 return(TRUE);
1748 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1749 int subset_of_any_p(s, setOfSets)
1750 list *s, *setOfSets; /* a list, and a list of lists */
1752 list *l;
1754 for (l = setOfSets; l != NULL; l = l->next)
1756 if (subset_p(s, l->this) == TRUE) return(TRUE); /* <s> is subset of <l>->this */
1758 return(FALSE);
1760 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1761 int copy_of_list_p(l1, l2)
1762 list *l1, *l2;
1764 int i, len = list_length(l1);
1765 list *lptr1 = l1, *lptr2 = l2;
1767 if (len != list_length(l2)) return(FALSE);
1768 for (i = len; i >0; i--)
1770 if (lptr1 == lptr2)
1772 if (lptr1 == NULL) return(TRUE);
1773 lptr1 = lptr1->next;
1774 lptr2 = lptr2->next;
1776 else if (lptr1->this != lptr2->this) return(FALSE);
1778 return(TRUE);
1780 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1781 int seen_by_others_p(range *r,rnglist *path)
1784 /* Return TRUE if this range <r> depends on any ranges that are yet unseen */
1785 /* The additional caveat is that for the unseen 'viewer' to qualify, it must be a
1786 part of the given <path> */
1787 rnglist *rl;
1788 for(rl = reverseDepSets[r->use]; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
1790 if ((rl->this->flag == UNSEEN) &&
1791 (member_p(rl->this, path, identity) == TRUE)) return(TRUE);
1793 return(FALSE);
1795 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1796 int lowest_level_seen_at(pr, cr, dChains)
1797 range *pr, *cr;
1798 rnglist **dChains;
1800 /* Return the lowest level at which the child range <cr> is used in the chain
1801 containing the given parent range <pr>. */
1802 int pi = pr->use, ci = cr->use, lowest, bottomNotReached = TRUE;
1803 range *r = pr;
1804 rnglist *rl;
1806 if (member_p(cr, dChains[pi], identity) == TRUE)
1808 lowest = levelMap[pi];
1809 while (bottomNotReached == TRUE)
1811 for(rl = dChains[r->use]->next; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
1813 r = rl->this;
1814 if (member_p(cr, dChains[r->use]->next, identity) == TRUE)
1816 lowest = MIN(levelMap[r->use], lowest);
1818 if ((r == cr) ||
1819 (dChains[r->use]->next == NULL)) bottomNotReached = FALSE;
1822 return(lowest);
1825 /* The default case: */
1826 else return(levelMap[ci]);
1829 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1830 rnglist *enumerate_dependencies(parentRange, dChains, status, soFar)
1831 range *parentRange;
1832 rnglist **dChains;
1833 int *status;
1834 rnglist **soFar;
1836 /* Depth-first traversal of the dependencies. This just builds, and marks.
1837 It does not distinguish that a graph is redundant, saving that the status will
1838 never change to TRUE.
1840 The graph is built up from the bottom of a recursion chain, and a graph
1841 will be built if somewhere in the chain a previously-unseen range is included. */
1843 int i = parentRange->use, currentLevel, noneSeen = TRUE;
1844 range *nextParent;
1845 rnglist *rl, *growingChain = NULL;
1847 /* simple-case: bad chain */
1848 if (dChains[i] == NULL) return(NULL);
1850 /* No dependencies */
1851 else if (dChains[i]->next == NULL)
1853 if ((parentRange->flag == UNSEEN) || (*status == TRUE))
1855 /* Start building a chain - there's something worth building */
1856 if (parentRange->flag == UNSEEN) *status = TRUE;
1857 if (seen_by_others_p(parentRange, *soFar) == FALSE) parentRange->flag = SEEN;
1858 push(parentRange, &growingChain);
1859 return(growingChain);
1861 else return(NULL); /* There's nothing worth building */
1864 else /* There are Mulitple Dependencies... */
1866 /* Note the status: */
1867 if (parentRange->flag == UNSEEN)
1869 *status = TRUE;
1870 if (seen_by_others_p(parentRange, *soFar) == FALSE) parentRange->flag = SEEN;
1873 /* Check all of the dependents to see if they should be selected for
1874 branching. To qualify, they can only branch on UNTRIED nodes */
1875 nextParent = dChains[i]->next->this; /* default = Depth-first */
1876 currentLevel = levelMap[i];
1877 for (rl = dChains[i]->next; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
1879 if ((rl->this->flag != TRIED) &&
1880 (currentLevel == lowest_level_seen_at(parentRange, rl->this, dChains)))
1882 nextParent = rl->this;
1883 push(nextParent, soFar);
1885 /* See if this was successful: */
1886 growingChain = enumerate_dependencies(nextParent, dChains,
1887 status, soFar);
1888 if (growingChain != NULL) /* It Worked */
1890 push(parentRange, &growingChain); /* Add to the chain */
1891 return(growingChain);
1893 else pop(soFar); /* It didn't */
1896 parentRange->flag = TRIED; /* The possibilities have all failed */
1897 return(growingChain);
1900 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1901 int in_depth_order(r1, r2)
1902 range *r1, *r2;
1904 if (levelMap[r1->use] < levelMap[r2->use]) return (TRUE);
1905 else if (r1->use < r2->use) return(TRUE);
1906 else return (FALSE);
1908 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1909 int dependence_level(idx, dChains)
1910 int idx;
1911 rnglist **dChains; /* Deeply recursive */
1913 /* Find the maximum dependence level from this set of chains */
1914 rnglist *rl, *chain = dChains[idx];
1915 int lev = 0;
1917 if (list_length(chain) <= 1) return(0);
1919 for (rl = chain->next; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
1921 lev = MAX(lev, dependence_level(rl->this->use, dChains));
1923 return(1 + lev);
1925 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1926 int help_setup_dependence_levels(idx, level, dChains)
1927 int idx, level;
1928 rnglist **dChains; /* Deeply recursive */
1930 /* Find the maximum dependence level from this set of chains */
1931 rnglist *rl, *chain = dChains[idx];
1932 int deepest = 0;
1934 chain->this->flag = MAX(level, chain->this->flag);
1936 for (rl = chain->next; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
1938 if (rl->this->flag >= level + 1)
1940 deepest = MAX(deepest, rl->this->flag);
1942 else
1944 rl->this->flag = level + 1;
1945 deepest = MAX(help_setup_dependence_levels(rl->this->use, level + 1, dChains),
1946 deepest);
1949 return(MAX(deepest, chain->this->flag));
1951 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1952 int setup_dependence_levels(count, dChains)
1953 int count;
1954 rnglist **dChains; /* Deeply recursive */
1956 /* Set the ->flag fields to contain the maximum depth of the
1957 given range in the graph set. */
1959 rnglist *rl, *chain;
1960 int idx;
1962 for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
1964 chain = dChains[idx];
1965 for (rl = chain->next; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
1967 help_setup_dependence_levels(rl->this->use,
1968 MAX(1, rl->this->flag), dChains);
1972 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1973 list *form_dependency_graph(orderedRanges)
1974 rnglist *orderedRanges;
1976 /* This returns a list of range lists, such that each list is a subgraph of the
1977 dependency graph for the given ranges. The ordering is the left->right/bottom->
1978 top ordering for the given set of ranges.
1979 This is not easy. Start with an ordered list of ranges, ordered bottom->top.
1980 Then start with the bottom-most range, and sweep up the list; The sweep front
1981 has the width of the last range encountered, and every range that overlaps the
1982 sweep-front is picked up. This process continues until all the list has been
1983 checked once, and produes one dependency graph (stored in <temp>)
1985 Next, start over, to see if there are more... */
1987 rnglist *rl, *rll, *graph, *temp = NULL, *scratch = NULL, **dependenceSets;
1988 list *nonOverlap = NULL;
1989 int i = 0, min, max, rMin, rMax, tot = list_length(orderedRanges);
1990 int maxLevel, maxIndex, notDone = TRUE, status = FALSE;
1992 /* create an array to hold the dependency chains : */
1993 dependenceSets = (rnglist **)calloc(tot, sizeof(rnglist *));
1995 /* Assign the global pointer to the depth map: */
1996 levelMap = (int *)calloc(tot, sizeof(int));
1997 reverseDepSets = (rnglist **)calloc(tot, sizeof(rnglist *));
1999 /* Set up the chain of dependencies : */
2000 for (rl = orderedRanges; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
2002 perpendicular_expanse(rl->this, &rMin, &rMax); /* The parent extent */
2003 temp = NULL;
2004 for (rll = rl->next; rll != NULL; rll = rll->next)
2006 perpendicular_expanse(rll->this, &min, &max); /* Wavefront Extent */
2007 if (int_overlapped_p(min,max,rMin,rMax) == TRUE) /* overlap */
2009 push(rll->this, &temp); /* These are sorted later */
2012 push(rl->this, &temp);
2013 dependenceSets[i] = temp;
2014 rl->this->use = i++; /* Save the idx */
2015 rl->this->flag = 0; /* Assume everyone starts at level 0 */
2018 /* From the dependence set, create the level map: */
2019 maxIndex = tot - 1;
2020 maxLevel = 0;
2022 setup_dependence_levels(tot, dependenceSets);
2023 for(i = tot - 1; i >= 0; i--)
2025 /* OLD-> levelMap[i] = dependence_level(i, dependenceSets); */
2026 levelMap[i] = dependenceSets[i]->this->flag;
2027 if (levelMap[i] > maxLevel)
2029 maxIndex = i;
2030 maxLevel = levelMap[i];
2034 for (rl = orderedRanges; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
2036 rl->this->flag = UNSEEN; /* Used to distinguish a unique graph */
2038 /* sort the chains in dependency order */
2039 sort_list(dependenceSets[rl->this->use], in_depth_order);
2041 /* Set up the reverse dependency lists */
2042 for (rll = dependenceSets[rl->this->use]->next; rll != NULL; rll = rll->next)
2044 push(rl->this, &reverseDepSets[rll->this->use]);
2048 /* From the dependence set and the level map, create the dependency graph: */
2049 for(rl = orderedRanges; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
2051 if (rl->this->flag == UNSEEN)
2053 notDone = TRUE; /* Start a new search */
2055 /* enumerate into a set of complete graphs: */
2056 while (notDone == TRUE)
2058 /* Make the next dependency graph: */
2059 graph = enumerate_dependencies(rl->this, dependenceSets,
2060 &status, &scratch);
2061 scratch = (rnglist *)free_list(scratch);
2062 if ((status == TRUE) && (graph != NULL))
2064 push(graph, &nonOverlap); /* Keep it */
2065 status = FALSE;
2067 else if (graph == NULL)
2069 notDone = FALSE; /* Quit looking */
2070 /* Clear the TRIED flags set */
2071 for(rll = orderedRanges; rll != NULL; rll = rll->next)
2072 if (rll->this->flag == TRIED) rll->this->flag = SEEN;
2074 else free_list(graph); /* Scrap it */
2079 return(nonOverlap);
2081 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2082 int range_exits_top(r, a)
2083 range *r;
2084 asg_arc *a;
2086 /* This function returns TRUE if any of the corners along this range (assumed
2087 to be representative of a y-segment) are at or beyond the top of the given
2088 tile. */
2089 int y = (a->page == HORZ) ? a->t->y_pos + a->t->y_len :
2090 a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len;
2091 corner *c;
2092 crnlist *cl;
2094 for (cl = r->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2096 for (c = next_vert_corner(cl->this);(c != cl->this); c = next_vert_corner(NULL))
2098 if (cl->this->cy->sr->q1 >= y) return(TRUE);
2100 if (cl->this->cy->sr->q1 >= y) return(TRUE);
2102 return (FALSE);
2104 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2105 int range_exits_bottom(r, a)
2106 range *r;
2107 asg_arc *a;
2109 /* This function returns TRUE if any of the corners along this range (assumed
2110 to be representative of a y-segment) are at or beyond the bottom of the given
2111 tile. */
2112 int y = (a->page == HORZ) ? a->t->y_pos : a->t->x_pos;
2113 corner *c;
2114 crnlist *cl;
2116 for (cl = r->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2118 for (c = next_vert_corner(cl->this);(c != cl->this); c = next_vert_corner(NULL))
2120 if (c->cy->sr->q2 <= y) return(TRUE);
2122 if (c->cy->sr->q2 <= y) return(TRUE);
2124 return (FALSE);
2126 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2127 int range_exits_right(r, a)
2128 range *r;
2129 asg_arc *a;
2131 /* This function returns TRUE if any of the corners along this range (assumed
2132 to be representative of an x-segment) are at or beyond the right side of the
2133 given tile. */
2134 int x = (a->page == HORZ) ? a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len : a->t->y_pos + a->t->y_len;
2135 corner *c;
2136 crnlist *cl;
2138 for (cl = r->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2140 for (c = next_horz_corner(cl->this); (c != cl->this); c = next_horz_corner(NULL))
2142 if (c->cx->sr->q1 >= x) return(TRUE);
2144 if (c->cx->sr->q1 >= x) return(TRUE);
2146 return (FALSE);
2148 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2149 int range_exits_left(r, a)
2150 range *r;
2151 asg_arc *a;
2153 /* This function returns TRUE if any of the corners along this range (assumed
2154 to be representative of an x-segment) are at or beyond the left side of the
2155 given tile. */
2156 int x = (a->page == HORZ) ? a->t->x_pos : a->t->y_pos;
2157 corner *c;
2158 crnlist *cl;
2160 for (cl = r->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2162 for (c = next_horz_corner(cl->this);(c != cl->this); c = next_horz_corner(NULL))
2164 if (c->cx->sr->q2 <= x) return(TRUE);
2166 if (c->cx->sr->q2 <= x) return(TRUE);
2168 return (FALSE);
2170 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2171 int natural_break_p(r1, r2)
2172 range *r1, *r2;
2174 if ((r1->sr->q2 <= r2->sr->q1) ||
2175 (r2->sr->q2 <= r1->sr->q1)) return(TRUE);
2176 else return(FALSE);
2178 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2179 int follow_natural_break(r1, r2)
2180 range *r1, *r2;
2182 /* There is a 'natural' break, so return it */
2183 if (r1->sr->q2 <= r2->sr->q1) return(TRUE);
2184 else return(FALSE);
2186 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2187 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2188 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2189 int exits_right_p(c) /* Not very bulletproof. */
2190 corner *c;
2192 corner *nextC = next_horz_corner(c);
2193 corner *otherNextC = next_horz_corner(NULL);
2195 if (nextC->cx->sr->q1 >= c->cx->sr->q2) return(TRUE);
2196 else if ((otherNextC != c) &&
2197 (otherNextC->cx->sr->q1 >= c->cx->sr->q2)) return(TRUE);
2198 else return(FALSE);
2200 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2201 int exits_top_p(c)
2202 corner *c;
2204 corner *nextC = next_vert_corner(c);
2205 corner *otherNextC = next_vert_corner(NULL);
2207 if (nextC->cy->sr->q1 >= c->cy->sr->q2) return(TRUE);
2208 else if ((otherNextC != c) &&
2209 (otherNextC->cy->sr->q1 >= c->cy->sr->q2)) return(TRUE);
2210 else return(FALSE);
2212 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2213 int share_bound_p(r1, r2, boundC1, boundC2)
2214 range *r1, *r2;
2215 corner **boundC1, **boundC2;
2217 /* This returns TRUE if any terminus of <r1> overlaps that of <r2> */
2218 /* As a useful side-effect, return the pointers to the corners from which the
2219 determiniation was concluded... */
2220 crnlist *cl, *cll;
2221 srange *t1, *t2;
2222 int orient = r1->sr->orient;
2224 *boundC1 = r1->corners->this;
2225 *boundC2 = r2->corners->this;
2227 for(cl = r1->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2229 for(cll = r2->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
2231 if (orient == HORZ)
2233 t1 = cl->this->cx->sr;
2234 t2 = cll->this->cx->sr;
2236 else
2238 t1 = cl->this->cy->sr;
2239 t2 = cll->this->cy->sr;
2241 if ((overlapped_p(t1, t2) == TRUE) &&
2242 (t1->q1 == t1->q2) && (t2->q1 == t2->q2))
2244 *boundC1 = cl->this;
2245 *boundC2 = cll->this;
2246 return(TRUE);
2250 return(FALSE);
2252 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2253 int share_lower_bound_p(r1, r2, minC1, minC2)
2254 range *r1, *r2;
2255 corner **minC1, **minC2;
2257 /* This returns TRUE if the lesser terminus of <r1> overlaps that of <r2> */
2258 /* As a useful side-effect, return the pointers to the corners from which the
2259 determiniation was concluded... */
2260 crnlist *cl;
2261 srange *min1, *min2, *temp;
2262 int orient = r1->sr->orient;
2264 min1 = (orient == HORZ) ? r1->corners->this->cx->sr : r1->corners->this->cy->sr;
2265 min2 = (orient == HORZ) ? r2->corners->this->cx->sr : r2->corners->this->cy->sr;
2267 *minC1 = r1->corners->this;
2268 *minC2 = r2->corners->this;
2270 for(cl = r1->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2272 temp = (orient == HORZ) ? cl->this->cx->sr : cl->this->cy->sr;
2273 if (temp->q1 < min1->q1)
2275 min1 = temp;
2276 *minC1 = cl->this;
2279 for(cl = r2->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2281 temp = (orient == HORZ) ? cl->this->cx->sr : cl->this->cy->sr;
2282 if (temp->q1 < min2->q1)
2284 min2 = temp;
2285 *minC2 = cl->this;
2289 /* Now compare <min1> to <min2>: The lower bound is considered to be shared
2290 whenever the two overlapp, and are restrictive... */
2291 if ((overlapped_p(min1, min2) == TRUE) &&
2292 (min1->q1 == min1->q2) && (min2->q1 == min2->q2)) return(TRUE);
2293 else return(FALSE);
2295 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2296 int find_lowest_exits(r1, r2, minC1, minC2)
2297 range *r1, *r2;
2298 corner **minC1, **minC2;
2300 /* As a useful side-effect, return the pointers to the corners which exit the
2301 right/top side at the smallest (lowest/left-most)points. */
2302 crnlist *cl;
2303 srange *min1, *min2, *temp;
2304 int orient = r1->sr->orient;
2306 min1 = (orient == HORZ) ? r1->corners->this->cx->sr : r1->corners->this->cy->sr;
2307 min2 = (orient == HORZ) ? r2->corners->this->cx->sr : r2->corners->this->cy->sr;
2309 *minC1 = r1->corners->this;
2310 *minC2 = r2->corners->this;
2312 for(cl = r1->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2314 temp = (orient == HORZ) ? cl->this->cx->sr : cl->this->cy->sr;
2315 if ((temp->q1 < min1->q1) ||
2316 ((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(*minC1) == FALSE)) ||
2317 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(*minC1) == FALSE)))
2319 min1 = temp;
2320 if (((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(cl->this) == TRUE)) ||
2321 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(cl->this) == TRUE)))
2322 *minC1 = cl->this;
2325 for(cl = r2->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2327 temp = (orient == HORZ) ? cl->this->cx->sr : cl->this->cy->sr;
2328 if ((temp->q1 < min2->q1) ||
2329 ((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(*minC2) == FALSE)) ||
2330 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(*minC2) == FALSE)))
2332 min2 = temp;
2333 if (((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(cl->this) == TRUE)) ||
2334 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(cl->this) == TRUE)))
2335 *minC2 = cl->this;
2338 return(1);
2340 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2341 int find_highest_exits(r1, r2, maxC1, maxC2)
2342 range *r1, *r2;
2343 corner **maxC1, **maxC2; /* Untested */
2345 /* As a useful side-effect, return the pointers to the corners which exit the
2346 right/top side at the largest (highest/right-most)points. */
2347 crnlist *cl;
2348 srange *max1, *max2, *temp;
2349 int orient = r1->sr->orient;
2351 max1 = (orient == HORZ) ? r1->corners->this->cx->sr : r1->corners->this->cy->sr;
2352 max2 = (orient == HORZ) ? r2->corners->this->cx->sr : r2->corners->this->cy->sr;
2354 *maxC1 = r1->corners->this;
2355 *maxC2 = r2->corners->this;
2357 for(cl = r1->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2359 temp = (orient == HORZ) ? cl->this->cx->sr : cl->this->cy->sr;
2360 if ((temp->q1 > max1->q1) ||
2361 ((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(*maxC1) == FALSE)) ||
2362 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(*maxC1) == FALSE)))
2364 max1 = temp;
2365 if (((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(cl->this) == TRUE)) ||
2366 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(cl->this) == TRUE)))
2367 *maxC1 = cl->this;
2370 for(cl = r2->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2372 temp = (orient == HORZ) ? cl->this->cx->sr : cl->this->cy->sr;
2373 if ((temp->q1 > max2->q1) ||
2374 ((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(*maxC2) == FALSE)) ||
2375 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(*maxC2) == FALSE)))
2377 max2 = temp;
2378 if (((orient == HORZ) && (exits_top_p(cl->this) == TRUE)) ||
2379 ((orient == VERT) && (exits_right_p(cl->this) == TRUE)))
2380 *maxC2 = cl->this;
2383 return(1);
2385 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2386 corner *greatest_corner(r)
2387 range *r;
2389 /* Return TRUE if the given <r> has no connected corners lower/left of it */
2391 corner *greatest = r->corners->this;
2392 crnlist *cl;
2393 int orient = r->sr->orient;
2394 int max, temp;
2396 max = (orient == VERT) ? greatest->cy->sr->q2 : greatest->cx->sr->q2;
2397 for (cl = r->corners->next; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2399 temp = (orient == VERT) ? cl->this->cy->sr->q2 : cl->this->cx->sr->q2;
2400 if (temp > max) greatest = cl->this;
2402 return(greatest);
2404 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2405 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2406 corner *least_corner(r)
2407 range *r;
2409 /* Return TRUE if the given <r> has no connected corners above/right of it */
2411 corner *least = r->corners->this;
2412 crnlist *cl;
2413 int orient = r->sr->orient;
2414 int min, temp;
2416 min = (orient == VERT) ? least->cy->sr->q1 : least->cx->sr->q1;
2417 for (cl = r->corners->next; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2419 temp = (orient == VERT) ? cl->this->cy->sr->q1 : cl->this->cx->sr->q1;
2420 if (temp < min) least = cl->this;
2422 return(least);
2424 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2425 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2426 int internal_horz_ordering(c1, c2)
2427 corner *c1, *c2;
2429 range *r1 = c1->cx, *r2 = c2->cx;
2430 int min, max, r1Extent, r2Extent, temp;
2431 int result;
2433 /* return TRUE if <r1> should be placed to the left of <r2>: */
2435 if (natural_break_p(r1, r2) == TRUE) result = follow_natural_break(r1, r2);
2437 else if ((r1->use == NULL) || (r2->use == NULL))
2439 fprintf(stderr, "error in internal_horz_ordering; NULL ->use assignment\n");
2440 result = TRUE;
2443 else
2445 switch(r1->use)
2447 case UL_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2448 if (r2->use != UL_CORNER) result = TRUE;
2449 else
2451 /* Ye who exits to the left uppermost is left-most */
2452 result = form_vertical_ordering(c1, c2);
2454 break;
2457 case LL_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2458 if (r2->use == UL_CORNER) result = FALSE;
2459 else if (r2->use == LL_CORNER)
2461 /* Ye who exit to the left lower-most is left-most */
2462 result = form_vertical_ordering(c2, c1);
2464 else result = TRUE;
2465 break;
2468 case LEFT_U: /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2469 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LL_CORNER)) result = FALSE;
2470 else if (r2->use == LEFT_U)
2472 /* place the shortest vertical segment left-most */
2473 perpendicular_expanse(c1->cx, &min, &max);
2474 r1Extent = max - min;
2475 perpendicular_expanse(c2->cx, &min, &max);
2476 r2Extent = max - min;
2478 if (r1Extent >= r2Extent) result = FALSE;
2479 else result = TRUE;
2481 else result = TRUE;
2482 break;
2485 case VERT_LT: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2486 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LL_CORNER) ||
2487 (r2->use == LEFT_U)) result = FALSE;
2488 else if (r2->use == VERT_LT)
2490 /* Ye who exits to the left uppermost is left-most */
2491 temp = form_vertical_ordering(c1, c2);
2492 result = temp;
2494 else result = TRUE;
2495 break;
2498 case HORZ_JOG:
2499 case HORZ_UT:
2500 case HORZ_DT:
2501 case UPWARD_U:
2502 case DOWNWARD_U:/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2503 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LL_CORNER) ||
2504 (r2->use == LEFT_U) || (r2->use == VERT_LT)) result = FALSE;
2505 else if ((r2->use == UR_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER) ||
2506 (r2->use == RIGHT_U) || (r2->use == VERT_RT)) result = TRUE;
2507 else if ((r2->use == X) || (r2->use == VERT_JOG)) result = TRUE;
2508 else
2510 /* These are a bit tricky: Follow the external restrictions; */
2511 temp = form_horizontal_ordering(c1, c2);
2512 result = temp;
2514 break;
2516 case X_CORNER:
2517 case VERT_JOG: /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2518 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LL_CORNER) ||
2519 (r2->use == LEFT_U) || (r2->use == VERT_LT)) result = FALSE;
2520 else if ((r2->use == UR_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER) ||
2521 (r2->use == RIGHT_U) || (r2->use == VERT_RT)) result = TRUE;
2522 else if ((r2->use == HORZ_JOG) || (r2->use == HORZ_UT) ||
2523 (r2->use == HORZ_DT) || (r2->use == UPWARD_U) ||
2524 (r2->use == DOWNWARD_U)) result = FALSE;
2525 else
2527 /* ye who exits to the right the lowest is left-most, except where there
2528 are restrictions on the y-segment overlaps...*/
2529 if (share_bound_p(r1, r2, &c1, &c2) == TRUE)
2530 temp = exits_right_p(c2);
2531 else if ((find_lowest_exits(r1, r2, &c1, &c2)) &&
2532 ((c1 == least_corner(r1)) || (c2 == least_corner(r2))))
2533 { /* True, if thing are generally turning downward */
2534 temp = form_vertical_ordering(c2, c1);
2536 else /* Things are turning generally upward */
2538 find_highest_exits(r1, r2, &c1, &c2);
2539 temp = form_vertical_ordering(c1, c2);
2541 result = temp;
2543 break;
2545 case VERT_RT: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2546 if ((r2->use == UR_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER) ||
2547 (r2->use == RIGHT_U)) result = TRUE;
2548 else if (r2->use == VERT_RT)
2550 /* Ye who exit to the right lower-most is right-most */
2551 temp = form_vertical_ordering(c1, c2);
2552 result = temp;
2554 else result = FALSE;
2555 break;
2557 case RIGHT_U: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2558 if ((r2->use == UR_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER)) result = TRUE;
2559 else if (r2->use == RIGHT_U)
2561 /* place the shortest vertical segment right-most */
2562 perpendicular_expanse(c1->cx, &min, &max);
2563 r1Extent = max - min;
2564 perpendicular_expanse(c2->cx, &min, &max);
2565 r2Extent = max - min;
2567 if (r1Extent >= r2Extent) result = TRUE;
2568 else result = FALSE;
2570 else result = FALSE;
2571 break;
2574 case UR_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2575 if (r2->use == LR_CORNER) result = TRUE;
2576 else if (r2->use == UR_CORNER)
2578 /* Ye who exit to the right lower-most is right-most */
2579 result = form_vertical_ordering(c1, c2);
2581 else result = FALSE;
2582 break;
2585 case LR_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2586 if (r2->use == LR_CORNER)
2588 /* Ye who exit to the right upper-most is right-most */
2589 result = form_vertical_ordering(c2, c1);
2591 else result = FALSE;
2592 break;
2595 default: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2596 fprintf(stderr, "error in internal_horz_ordering; unknown ->use assignment\n");
2597 result = TRUE;
2598 break;
2602 /* Now check to see if there are any constraint problems: */
2603 if ((result == TRUE) && (constrained_in_x(r1, c2) == TRUE)) result = FALSE;
2604 else if ((result == FALSE) && (constrained_in_x(r2, c1) == TRUE)) result = TRUE;
2606 return(result);
2608 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2609 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2610 int internal_vert_ordering(c1, c2)
2611 corner *c1, *c2;
2613 range *r1 = c1->cy, *r2 = c2->cy;
2614 int min, max, r1Extent, r2Extent, temp;
2616 /* return TRUE if <r1> should be placed on top of <r2>: */
2618 if (natural_break_p(r1, r2) == TRUE) return(follow_natural_break(r2, r1));
2620 if ((r1->use == NULL) || (r2->use == NULL))
2622 fprintf(stderr, "error in internal_vert_ordering; NULL ->use assignment\n");
2623 return(TRUE);
2626 switch(r1->use)
2628 case UL_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2629 if (r2->use != UL_CORNER) return(TRUE);
2630 else
2632 /* Ye who exits to the left-most is upper-most */
2633 return(form_horizontal_ordering(c1, c2));
2635 break;
2638 case UR_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2639 if (r2->use == UL_CORNER) return(FALSE);
2640 else if (r2->use == UR_CORNER)
2642 /* Ye who exit to the right-most is upper-most */
2643 return(form_horizontal_ordering(c2, c1));
2645 else return(TRUE);
2646 break;
2649 case UPWARD_U: /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2650 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == UR_CORNER)) return (FALSE);
2651 else if (r2->use == UPWARD_U)
2653 /* place the shortest horizontal segment upper-most */
2654 perpendicular_expanse(c1->cy, &min, &max);
2655 r1Extent = max - min;
2656 perpendicular_expanse(c2->cy, &min, &max);
2657 r2Extent = max - min;
2659 if (r1Extent >= r2Extent) return(FALSE);
2660 else return(TRUE);
2662 else return(TRUE);
2663 break;
2666 case HORZ_UT: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2667 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == UR_CORNER) ||
2668 (r2->use == UPWARD_U)) return (FALSE);
2669 else if (r2->use == HORZ_UT)
2671 /* Ye who exits to the left-most is upper-most */
2672 temp = form_horizontal_ordering(c1, c2);
2673 return(temp);
2675 else return(TRUE);
2676 break;
2679 case VERT_JOG:
2680 case VERT_LT:
2681 case VERT_RT:
2682 case LEFT_U:
2683 case RIGHT_U:/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2684 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == UR_CORNER) ||
2685 (r2->use == UPWARD_U) || (r2->use == HORZ_UT)) return (FALSE);
2686 else if ((r2->use == LL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER) ||
2687 (r2->use == DOWNWARD_U) || (r2->use == HORZ_DT)) return(TRUE);
2688 else if ((r2->use == X) || (r2->use == HORZ_JOG)) return (TRUE);
2689 else
2691 /* These are a bit tricky: Follow the external restrictions; */
2692 temp = form_vertical_ordering(c1, c2);
2693 return(temp);
2695 break;
2697 case X_CORNER:
2698 case HORZ_JOG: /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2699 if ((r2->use == UL_CORNER) || (r2->use == UR_CORNER) ||
2700 (r2->use == UPWARD_U) || (r2->use == HORZ_UT)) return (FALSE);
2701 else if ((r2->use == LL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER) ||
2702 (r2->use == DOWNWARD_U) || (r2->use == HORZ_DT)) return(TRUE);
2703 else if ((r2->use == VERT_JOG) || (r2->use == VERT_LT) ||
2704 (r2->use == VERT_RT) || (r2->use == LEFT_U) ||
2705 (r2->use == RIGHT_U)) return(FALSE);
2706 else
2708 /* ye who enters the top right-most is lower-most. This rule applies
2709 unless there is interference that may lead the router to step on itself.*/
2710 if (share_bound_p(r1, r2, &c1, &c2) == TRUE)
2711 temp = exits_top_p(c2);
2712 else if ((find_lowest_exits(r1, r2, &c1, &c2)) &&
2713 ((c1 == least_corner(r1)) || (c2 == least_corner(r2))))
2714 { /* True, if thing are generally turning downward */
2715 temp = form_horizontal_ordering(c2, c1);
2717 else /* Things are turning generally upward */
2719 find_highest_exits(r1, r2, &c1, &c2);
2720 temp = form_horizontal_ordering(c1, c2);
2722 return(temp);
2724 break;
2726 case HORZ_DT: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2727 if ((r2->use == LL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER) ||
2728 (r2->use == DOWNWARD_U)) return(TRUE);
2729 else if (r2->use == HORZ_DT)
2731 /* Ye who exit to the right-most is lower-most */
2732 temp = form_horizontal_ordering(c1, c2);
2733 return(temp);
2735 else return(FALSE);
2736 break;
2738 case DOWNWARD_U: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2739 if ((r2->use == LL_CORNER) || (r2->use == LR_CORNER)) return(TRUE);
2740 else if (r2->use == DOWNWARD_U)
2742 /* place the shortest horizontal segment lower-most */
2743 perpendicular_expanse(c1->cy, &min, &max);
2744 r1Extent = max - min;
2745 perpendicular_expanse(c2->cy, &min, &max);
2746 r2Extent = max - min;
2748 if (r1Extent >= r2Extent) return(TRUE);
2749 else return(FALSE);
2751 else return(FALSE);
2752 break;
2755 case LL_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2756 if (r2->use == LR_CORNER) return(FALSE);
2757 else if (r2->use == LL_CORNER)
2759 /* Ye who exit to the left-most is lower-most */
2760 return(form_horizontal_ordering(c2, c1));
2762 else return(TRUE);
2763 break;
2766 case LR_CORNER: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2767 if (r2->use == LR_CORNER)
2769 /* Ye who exit to the right-most is lower-most */
2770 return(form_horizontal_ordering(c1, c2));
2772 else return(FALSE);
2773 break;
2776 default: /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
2777 fprintf(stderr, "error in internal_vert_ordering; unknown ->use assignment\n");
2778 return(TRUE);
2779 break;
2782 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2783 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2784 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2785 void separate_corners_for_jog(c, middleC, nextC, a)
2786 corner *c;
2787 corner **middleC, **nextC;
2788 asg_arc *a;
2790 /* This takes a corner belonging to a completely connected net, and breaks it,
2791 duplicating an X or Y range (HORZ or VERT arc). All corners below <middleC>
2792 will be connected via the duplicate range, all those above by the original
2793 <linkRange>. */
2794 int i, len = 0;
2795 range *linkRange, *newLink;
2796 crnlist *cl, *newCornerList = NULL;
2798 if (a->page == VERT)
2800 linkRange = c->cx;
2801 sort_list(linkRange->corners, in_x_order); /* left-right ordering */
2803 else
2805 linkRange = c->cy;
2806 sort_list(linkRange->corners, in_y_order); /* bottom-top ordering */
2809 /* find the <middleC> */
2810 len = list_length(linkRange->corners);
2811 for (cl = linkRange->corners, i = 1; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next, i++)
2813 /* Insure that <c> becomes either <middleC> or <nextC>: */
2814 if ( ((cl->this == c) && (i <= len/2)) || /* <c> -> <middleC> */
2815 (cl->next->this == c) ) /* <c> -> <nextC> */
2817 *middleC = cl->this;
2818 *nextC = cl->next->this;
2819 newLink = copy_range(linkRange); /* Make the new range */
2820 newLink->corners = newCornerList = cl->next;
2821 cl->next = NULL; /* Clip the old corner list */
2822 break;
2825 for (cl = newLink->corners, i = 1; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next, i++)
2827 /* make the attachments for the remaining ranges: */
2828 if (a->page == VERT) cl->this->cx = newLink;
2829 else cl->this->cy = newLink;
2832 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2833 range *set_horz_constraints(c1, c2, a)
2834 corner *c1, *c2;
2835 asg_arc *a;
2837 range *r1 = c1->cx, *r2 = c2->cx;
2838 range *newRange = NULL, *insert_jog();
2839 corner *leftJogC, *rightJogC;
2840 crnlist *cl, *cll;
2842 /* This function assigns pointers to corners attached to <c1> and <c2>
2843 that constrain their placement in the horizontal direction, that is
2844 when <c1> MUST be placed to the right or left of <c2> and vv.. */
2846 /* If such a condition exists, AND it causes a cycle, that is an overly-
2847 constrained placement problem, then an undesired (meaning otherwise
2848 unnecessary) jog MUST be introduced to enable the problem to be solved. */
2850 /* Loop through all of the important corners of <r1>: */
2851 for (cl = r1->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2853 /* Loop through all of the important corners of <r2>: */
2854 for (cll = r2->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
2856 if ((cl->this->cx->n != cll->this->cx->n) &&
2857 (fixed_point_p(cl->this->cy) == TRUE) &&
2858 (repeated_srange_p(cl->this->cy, cll->this->cy) == TRUE))
2860 if ((exits_right_p(cl->this) == TRUE) &&
2861 (exits_right_p(cll->this) == FALSE))
2863 /* There's a problem... */
2864 pushnew(c2, &r1->dep); /* Record the dependency */
2866 /* lookahead one step for the nasty 'completely constrained'
2867 problem, which is recognized as a simple cycle in the
2868 ->dep pointer-graph: */
2869 if (member_p(c1, c2->cx->dep, identity) == TRUE)
2871 /* BIG Problem - now the cycle needs to be broken, and a jog
2872 arbitrarily inserted. This will cause all sorts of problems.
2874 rem_item(c1, &r2->dep); /* Break the cycle... */
2875 if (debug_level > 0)
2876 fprintf(stderr,"Nets %s and %s completely constrainted in X.\n",
2877 r1->n->name, r2->n->name);
2878 separate_corners_for_jog(cl->this, &leftJogC, &rightJogC, a);
2879 newRange = insert_jog(leftJogC, rightJogC, a, TRUE);
2882 else if ((exits_right_p(cl->this) == FALSE) &&
2883 (exits_right_p(cll->this) == TRUE))
2885 /* There is a known dependency, but things are ok. */
2886 pushnew(c1, &r2->dep);
2888 /* lookahead one step for the nasty 'completely constrained'
2889 problem, which is recognized as a simple cycle in the
2890 ->dep pointer-graph: */
2891 if (member_p(c2, c1->cx->dep, identity) == TRUE)
2893 /* BIG Problem - now the cycle needs to be broken, and a jog
2894 arbitrarily inserted. This will cause all sorts of problems.
2896 rem_item(c2, &r1->dep); /* Break the cycle... */
2897 if (debug_level > 0)
2898 fprintf(stderr,"Nets %s and %s completely constrainted in X.\n",
2899 r1->n->name, r2->n->name);
2900 separate_corners_for_jog(cl->this, &leftJogC, &rightJogC, a);
2901 newRange = insert_jog(leftJogC, rightJogC, a, TRUE);
2905 /* Otherwise, we don't care. */
2908 return(newRange);
2911 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2912 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2913 range *set_vert_constraints(c1, c2, a)
2914 corner *c1, *c2;
2915 asg_arc *a;
2917 range *r1 = c1->cy, *r2 = c2->cy;
2918 range *newRange = NULL, *insert_jog();
2919 corner *botJogC, *topJogC;
2920 crnlist *cl, *cll;
2922 /* This function assigns pointers to corners attached to <c1> and <c2>
2923 that constrain their placement in the vertical direction, that is
2924 when <c1> MUST be placed to the right or left of <c2> and vv.. */
2926 /* If such a condition exists, AND it causes a cycle, that is an overly-
2927 constrained placement problem, then an undesired (meaning otherwise
2928 unnecessary) jog MUST be introduced to enable the problem to be solved. */
2930 /* Loop through all of the important corners of <r1>: */
2931 for (cl = r1->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
2933 /* Loop through all of the important corners of <r2>: */
2934 for (cll = r2->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
2936 if ((cl->this->cx->n != cll->this->cx->n) &&
2937 (fixed_point_p(cl->this->cx) == TRUE) &&
2938 (repeated_srange_p(cl->this->cx, cll->this->cx) == TRUE))
2940 if ((exits_top_p(cl->this) == FALSE) &&
2941 (exits_top_p(cll->this) == TRUE))
2943 /* There's a problem... */
2944 pushnew(c2, &r1->dep); /* Record the dependency */
2946 /* lookahead one step for the nasty 'completely constrained'
2947 problem, which is recognized as a simple cycle in the ->dep
2948 pointer-graph: */
2949 if (member_p(c1, c2->cy->dep, identity) == TRUE)
2951 /* BIG Problem - now the cycle needs to be broken, and a jog
2952 arbitrarily inserted. This will cause all sorts of problems.
2954 rem_item(c1, &r2->dep);
2955 if (debug_level > 0)
2956 fprintf(stderr,"Nets %s and %s completely constrainted in Y.\n",
2957 r1->n->name, r2->n->name);
2958 separate_corners_for_jog(cl->this, &botJogC, &topJogC, a);
2959 newRange = insert_jog(botJogC, topJogC, a, TRUE);
2962 else if ((exits_top_p(cl->this) == FALSE) &&
2963 (exits_top_p(cll->this) == TRUE))
2965 /* There is a known dependency, but things are ok. */
2966 pushnew(c1, &r2->dep); /* Record the dependency */
2968 /* lookahead one step for the nasty 'completely constrained'
2969 problem, which is recognized as a simple cycle in the ->dep
2970 pointer-graph: */
2971 if (member_p(c2, c1->cy->dep, identity) == TRUE)
2973 /* BIG Problem - now the cycle needs to be broken, and a jog
2974 arbitrarily inserted. This will cause all sorts of problems.
2976 rem_item(c2, &r1->dep);
2977 if (debug_level > 0)
2978 fprintf(stderr,"Nets %s and %s completely constrainted in Y.\n",
2979 r2->n->name, r1->n->name);
2980 separate_corners_for_jog(cl->this, &botJogC, &topJogC, a);
2981 newRange = insert_jog(botJogC, topJogC, a, TRUE);
2986 /* Otherwise, we don't care. */
2989 return(newRange);
2992 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2993 int constrained_in_x(r, c)
2994 range *r;
2995 corner *c;
2997 /* return TRUE if the corner <c> appears anywhere along the dependency chain
2998 of <r>. */
2999 /* This had better be an acyclic graph. */
3000 crnlist *cl;
3002 for (cl = r->dep; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3004 if (cl->this == c) return(TRUE);
3005 if (constrained_in_x(cl->this->cx, c) != FALSE) return(TRUE);
3007 return(FALSE);
3009 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3010 int constrained_in_y(r, c)
3011 range *r;
3012 corner *c;
3014 /* return TRUE if the corner <c> appears anywhere along the dependency chain
3015 of <r>. */
3016 /* This had better be an acyclic graph. */
3017 crnlist *cl;
3019 for (cl = r->dep; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3021 if (cl->this == c) return(TRUE);
3022 if (constrained_in_y(cl->this->cy, c) != FALSE) return(TRUE);
3024 return(FALSE);
3026 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3027 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3028 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3029 void evaluate_corner_placement_constraints(cornersOfNote, a)
3030 crnlist **cornersOfNote;
3031 asg_arc *a;
3033 range *r = NULL;
3034 rnglist *rl, *jogList = NULL;
3035 corner *c = (*cornersOfNote)->this;
3036 crnlist *cl, *cll;
3038 r = (a->page == VERT) ? c->cx : c->cy;
3040 /* Record the physical constraints on the ranges: */
3042 for(cl = *cornersOfNote; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3044 if (cl->next != NULL)
3046 for(cll = cl->next; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
3048 r = (a->page == VERT) ?
3049 set_horz_constraints(cl->this, cll->this, a):
3050 set_vert_constraints(cl->this, cll->this, a);
3051 if (r != NULL)
3053 /* Somehow add this range into the set being considered */
3054 push(r, &jogList);
3059 /* For each range located (there is one per jog introduced), add the
3060 corresponding corner to the <cornersOfNote> list: */
3061 for(rl = jogList; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
3063 for(cl = rl->this->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3064 if (member_p(cl->this, *cornersOfNote, identity) != TRUE)
3066 push(cl->this, cornersOfNote);
3067 break;
3072 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3073 void horz_decouple_corners(a)
3074 asg_arc *a;
3076 /* This function decouples the given set of corners in the vertical
3077 dimension. All of these corners are in the same arc and need decoupling.
3078 This function aims at decoupling all of the vertical segments in the
3079 given set of corners, which is the unique set of x ranges.
3081 This is accomplished by forming a list of all horizontal ranges that exit on
3082 the left side of the box, and those that exit on the right. These are ordered
3083 (bottom to top) based on their external connections.
3085 Given this ordering, a given vertical segment can be ordered based on the
3086 following set of rules aimed at optimizing the internal characteristics of
3087 the box:
3089 Looking from the right-side of the box:
3090 The segment that is part of a uturn with the shortest y extent is right most,
3091 followed in turn by all other uturns. All segments that form an L (angle)
3092 through the top and right are ordered in order of their top-bottom ordering
3093 (top-most -> right-most). Then the segments that form Z or bottom L turns are
3094 ordered left to right as per their top-bottom ordering (top-most -> left-most).
3095 The process is then repeated for the left-side.
3097 NOTE: the only special case is with T formations, which are considered as
3098 Z arangements as opposed to their U or L arrangements.
3101 crnlist *cl, *cll, *temp, *cornersOfNote = NULL;
3102 range *r, *set_horz_constraints();
3103 rnglist *unique, *uniqueRanges = NULL;
3104 list *nonOverlap, *l;
3105 int horzIndex = 0, maxIndex = list_length(a->corners);
3107 /* exit quickly if there's nothing to do... */
3108 if (a->corners == NULL) return;
3110 /* Form the ordering that defines how the ranges are to be decoupled: */
3111 /* Start by characterizing the usage of the vertical segments in the tile: */
3112 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3114 /* Each unique x-range represents a segment that runs parallel to the
3115 Y-Axis, and probably two corners in the box (most formations are Z,
3116 rather than L arrangements).
3117 By the way, these are the segements that we need to decouple.*/
3119 cl->this->horzOrder = maxIndex; /* Need to insure that the ordering scheme
3120 used by "in_reasonable_horz_orderR"
3121 works */
3122 unique = (rnglist *) member(cl->this->cx->sr, uniqueRanges, check_sranges);
3123 if (unique == NULL)
3125 r = cl->this->cx;
3126 r->use = 0;
3128 push(cl->this, &cornersOfNote);
3129 push(r, &uniqueRanges);
3130 if (range_exits_bottom(r, a) == TRUE) r->use += BOT_EDGE;
3131 if (range_exits_top(r, a) == TRUE) r->use += TOP_EDGE;
3132 if (range_exits_left(cl->this->cy, a) == TRUE) r->use += LEFT_EDGE;
3133 if (range_exits_right(cl->this->cy, a) == TRUE) r->use += RIGHT_EDGE;
3135 else /* treat Jog/ U combinations as U's: (gives better aesthetics) */
3137 r = unique->this;
3138 if (range_exits_left(cl->this->cy, a) == TRUE)
3140 if (r->use == RIGHT_U) r->use += LEFT_EDGE;
3141 else if (r->use == LEFT_EDGE + RIGHT_EDGE) r->use -= RIGHT_EDGE;
3143 else if (range_exits_right(cl->this->cy, a) == TRUE)
3145 if (r->use == LEFT_U) r->use += RIGHT_EDGE;
3146 else if (r->use == LEFT_EDGE + RIGHT_EDGE) r->use -= LEFT_EDGE;
3149 if (r->use == NULL)
3151 r->use = VERT_JOG;
3155 /* Setup constraints, and add jogs as required: */
3156 evaluate_corner_placement_constraints(&cornersOfNote, a);
3159 /* Now each range of interest is listed in <uniqueRanges> and has been characterized
3160 for its usage within the given arc. Given this arrangement, the ranges are
3161 ordered, first for aesthetics, and then for physical constraints. */
3162 merge_sort_list(&cornersOfNote, internal_horz_ordering);
3163 uniqueRanges = (rnglist *)free_list(uniqueRanges);
3165 /* Now map this corner list into the all-important range list: */
3166 for (cl = cornersOfNote; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3168 queue(cl->this->cx, &uniqueRanges); /* Use queue to preserve order... */
3169 cl->this->horzOrder = horzIndex++; /* Mark the ordering for the sorter */
3173 /* There are several problems to be resolved - the first of which is the
3174 column reuse problem - If permitted, then there are subsets of ranges that
3175 do not interfere with each other. To solve this, the ordered set of corners
3176 is broken into a set of ordered ranges; The longest set of these (interfering)
3177 ranges is then decoupled, and then the next longest, until all ranges have
3178 been checked. */
3180 /* First - form sets of non-overlapping ranges: That is, to be part of a set,
3181 the given corner must overlapp with ALL of the corners in the set; From
3182 this set use the L->R ordering to form a dependency graph.. */
3184 /* From this list of ranges, develop a dependency graph: */
3185 nonOverlap = form_dependency_graph(uniqueRanges);
3187 /* OK - Now the dependency graph has been made - so use it... */
3188 for(l = sort_list(nonOverlap, in_length_order); l != NULL; l = l->next)
3190 unique = (rnglist *)slow_sort_list(rcopy_list(l->this), in_reasonable_horz_orderR);
3191 decouple_ordered_ranges(unique);
3192 free_list(l->this);
3193 free_list(unique);
3196 free_list(uniqueRanges);
3197 free_list(nonOverlap);
3199 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3200 void vert_decouple_corners(a)
3201 asg_arc *a;
3203 /* This function decouples the given set of corners in the vertical
3204 dimension. All of these corners are in the same asg_arc and need decoupling.
3205 This function aims at decoupling all of the vertical segments in the
3206 given set of corners, which is the unique set of x ranges.
3208 This is accomplished by forming a list of all horizontal ranges that exit on
3209 the left side of the box, and those that exit on the right. These are ordered
3210 (bottom to top) based on their external connections.
3212 Given this ordering, a given vertical segment can be ordered based on the
3213 following set of rules aimed at optimizing the internal characteristics of
3214 the box:
3216 Looking from the right-side of the box:
3217 The segment that is part of a uturn with the shortest y extent is right most,
3218 followed in turn by all other uturns. All segments that form an L (angle)
3219 through the top and right are ordered in order of their top-bottom ordering
3220 (top-most -> right-most). Then the segments that form Z or bottom L turns are
3221 ordered left to right as per their top-bottom ordering (top-most -> left-most).
3222 The process is then repeated for the left-side.
3224 NOTE: the only special case is with T formations, which are considered as
3225 Z arangements as opposed to their U or L arrangements.
3228 crnlist *cl, *cll, *cornersOfNote = NULL;
3229 range *r, *set_vert_constraints();
3230 rnglist *unique, *uniqueRanges = NULL;
3231 list *nonOverlap, *l;
3232 int vertIndex = 0, maxIndex = list_length(a->corners);
3234 /* exit quickly if there's nothing to do... */
3235 if (a->corners == NULL) return;
3237 /* Form the ordering that defines how the ranges are to be decoupled: */
3238 /* Start by characterizing the usage of the vertical segments in the tile: */
3239 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3241 /* Each unique x-range represents a segment that runs parallel to the
3242 Y-Axis, and probably two corners in the box (most formations are Z,
3243 rather than L arrangements).
3244 By the way, these are the segements that we need to decouple.*/
3246 cl->this->vertOrder = maxIndex; /* Need to insure that the ordering scheme
3247 used by "in_reasonable_vert_orderR"
3248 works */
3249 unique = (rnglist *) member(cl->this->cy->sr, uniqueRanges, check_sranges);
3250 if (unique == NULL)
3252 r = cl->this->cy;
3253 r->use = 0;
3255 push(cl->this, &cornersOfNote);
3256 push(r, &uniqueRanges);
3257 if (range_exits_bottom(cl->this->cx, a) == TRUE) r->use += BOT_EDGE;
3258 if (range_exits_top(cl->this->cx, a) == TRUE) r->use += TOP_EDGE;
3259 if (range_exits_left(r, a) == TRUE) r->use += LEFT_EDGE;
3260 if (range_exits_right(r, a) == TRUE) r->use += RIGHT_EDGE;
3262 else /* Classify Jog/U combinations as U's: (gives better aesthetics) */
3264 r = unique->this;
3265 if (range_exits_bottom(cl->this->cx, a) == TRUE)
3267 if (r->use == UPWARD_U) r->use += BOT_EDGE;
3268 else if (r->use == BOT_EDGE + TOP_EDGE) r->use -= TOP_EDGE;
3270 else if (range_exits_top(cl->this->cx, a) == TRUE)
3272 if (r->use == DOWNWARD_U) r->use += TOP_EDGE;
3273 else if (r->use == BOT_EDGE + TOP_EDGE) r->use -= BOT_EDGE;
3276 if (r->use == NULL)
3278 r->use = HORZ_JOG;
3282 /* Setup constraints, and add jogs as required: */
3283 evaluate_corner_placement_constraints(&cornersOfNote, a);
3286 /* Now each range of interest is listed in <uniqueRanges> and has been characterized
3287 for its usage within the given asg_arc. Given this arrangement, the ranges are
3288 ordered, first for aesthetics, then for physical constraints. */
3289 merge_sort_list(&cornersOfNote, internal_vert_ordering);
3290 uniqueRanges = (rnglist *)free_list(uniqueRanges);
3292 /* Now map this corner list into the all-important range list: */
3293 for (cl = cornersOfNote; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3295 queue(cl->this->cy, &uniqueRanges); /* Use queue to preserve order... */
3296 cl->this->vertOrder = vertIndex++; /* Mark the ordering for the sorter */
3300 /* There are several problems to be resolved - the first of which is the
3301 column reuse problem - If permitted, then there are subsets of ranges that
3302 do not interfere with each other. To solve this, the ordered set of corners
3303 is broken into a set of ordered ranges; The longest set of these (interfering)
3304 ranges is then decoupled, and then the next longest, until all ranges have
3305 been checked. */
3307 /* First - form sets of non-overlapping ranges: That is, to be part of a set,
3308 the given corner must overlapp with ALL of the corners in the set; From
3309 this set use the L->R ordering to form a dependency graph.. */
3311 /* From this list of ranges, develop a dependency graph: */
3312 nonOverlap = form_dependency_graph(uniqueRanges);
3314 /* OK - Now the dependency graph has been made - so use it... */
3315 for(l = sort_list(nonOverlap, in_length_order); l != NULL; l = l->next)
3317 unique = (rnglist *)slow_sort_list(l->this, in_reasonable_vert_orderR);
3318 decouple_ordered_ranges(unique);
3319 free_list(l->this);
3322 free_list(uniqueRanges);
3323 free_list(nonOverlap);
3325 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3326 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3327 void form_into_nonoverlapping_ranges(tl)
3328 tilist *tl;
3330 tilist *tll;
3331 asg_arc *a;
3332 crnlist *cl;
3334 int x1, y1, x2, y2;
3336 for (tll = tl; tll != NULL; tll = tll->next)
3338 /* Walk down this ordered list of asg_arcs, resolving the overlapped ranges */
3339 a = (asg_arc *)tll->this->this;
3341 /* Divide the ranges listed in the corner structures into two lists, so they can
3342 be compared to each other: */
3344 if (debug_level == 4)
3346 if (a->page == VERT)
3348 x1 = tll->this->y_pos; y1 = tll->this->x_pos;
3349 x2 = x1 + tll->this->y_len; y2 = y1 + tll->this->x_len;
3351 else
3353 x1 = tll->this->x_pos; y1 = tll->this->y_pos;
3354 x2 = x1 + tll->this->x_len; y2 = y1 + tll->this->y_len;
3357 fprintf(stderr, "\nExamining box at (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)[%s]\n",
3358 x1, y1, x2, y2, (a->page == VERT) ? "v" : "h");
3361 if (a->page == VERT) horz_decouple_corners(a);
3362 else vert_decouple_corners(a);
3365 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3366 int link_value(r)
3367 range *r;
3369 if (r != NULL) return (r->sr->q2 - r->sr->q1);
3370 else return (HASH_SIZE * 10); /* Some big number */
3372 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3373 trail *locate_parent_trail(n, c)
3374 net *n;
3375 corner *c;
3377 /* given a corner, and the net to which it belongs, locate the expansion that
3378 contains the corner (VERY SPECIAL -> depends on the trail->used pointers) */
3380 expn *ex = (expn *)n->done->this;
3381 trlist *trl;
3382 crnlist *cl;
3384 for (trl = ex->connections; trl != NULL; trl = trl->next)
3386 for (cl = trl->this->used; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3388 if (cl->this == c) return(trl->this);
3391 return(NULL);
3394 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3395 tile *locate_for_corner(ts, x, y)
3396 tile * ts;
3397 int x, y;
3399 /* Locate a tile in the tilespace dentoed by <ts> at the given point.
3400 Because this is used for locating a corner, the boundry conditions for
3401 location are modified from those given in "locate" as defined in cstitch.c. */
3403 tile *t = locate(ts, x, y);
3404 asg_arc *a = (t != NULL) ? (asg_arc *)t->this : NULL;
3406 if (a->mod != NULL)
3408 if (t->x_pos + t->x_len == x) return(locate(t, ++x, y));
3409 if (t->x_pos == x) return(locate(t, --x, y));
3410 if (t->y_pos + t->y_len == y) return(locate(t, x, ++y));
3411 if (t->y_pos == y) return(locate(t, x, --y));
3413 return(t);
3416 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3417 corner* create_linkage_between(c1, c2, linkRange, a, forcedJog)
3418 corner *c1, *c2;
3419 range *linkRange;
3420 asg_arc *a;
3421 int forcedJog;
3423 int orient = a->page;
3424 corner *link1, *link2;
3425 tile *newTile1, *newTile2;
3426 asg_arc *newArc;
3427 arclist *al;
3428 net *n = c1->cx->n;
3429 trail *tr = locate_parent_trail(n, c1);
3431 if (a->page == VERT)
3433 link1 = create_corner(c1->cx, linkRange, c1->al->this, NULL);
3434 newTile1 = locate_for_corner(routingRoot[HORZ][0], midpoint(c1->cx),
3435 midpoint(linkRange));
3436 add_corner_to_arc(link1, newTile1->this);
3437 for (al = c1->al->next; al != NULL; al = al->next)
3438 add_corner_to_arc(link1, al->this);
3440 link2 = create_corner(c2->cx, linkRange, c2->al->this, NULL);
3441 newTile2 = locate_for_corner(routingRoot[HORZ][0], midpoint(c2->cx),
3442 midpoint(linkRange));
3443 add_corner_to_arc(link2, newTile2->this);
3444 for (al = c2->al->next; al != NULL; al = al->next)
3445 add_corner_to_arc(link2, al->this);
3448 else /* (a->Page == HORZ) */
3450 link1 = create_corner(linkRange, c1->cy, c1->al->this, NULL);
3451 newTile1 = locate_for_corner(routingRoot[VERT][0], midpoint(c1->cy),
3452 midpoint(linkRange));
3453 add_corner_to_arc(link1, newTile1->this);
3454 for (al = c1->al->next; al != NULL; al = al->next)
3455 add_corner_to_arc(link1, al->this);
3457 link2 = create_corner(linkRange, c2->cy, c2->al->this, NULL);
3458 newTile2 = locate_for_corner(routingRoot[VERT][0], midpoint(c2->cy),
3459 midpoint(linkRange));
3460 add_corner_to_arc(link2, newTile2->this);
3461 for (al = c2->al->next; al != NULL; al = al->next)
3462 add_corner_to_arc(link2, al->this);
3464 if (tr != NULL) /* At a later stage of the local router (this is a hack) */
3466 push(link1, &tr->used);
3467 pushnew(newTile1, &n->route);
3468 push(link2, &tr->used);
3469 pushnew(newTile2, &n->route);
3471 else if (forcedJog == TRUE) /* When the jog has been forced... */
3473 push(link1, &n->route);
3474 push(link2, &n->route);
3477 if (debug_level > 0)
3478 if (tr != NULL)
3479 fprintf(stderr, "Adding jog to <%s>{%s %s} from ([%d,%d],[%d,%d]) to ([%d,%d],[%d,%d]) \n",
3480 n->name, tr->ex->t->name, tr->ex->t->mod->name,
3481 link1->cx->sr->q1, link1->cx->sr->q2, link1->cy->sr->q1, link1->cy->sr->q2,
3482 link2->cx->sr->q1, link2->cx->sr->q2, link2->cy->sr->q1, link2->cy->sr->q2);
3483 else
3484 fprintf(stderr, "Adding jog to <%s> from ([%d,%d],[%d,%d]) to ([%d,%d],[%d,%d]) \n",
3485 n->name,
3486 link1->cx->sr->q1, link1->cx->sr->q2, link1->cy->sr->q1, link1->cy->sr->q2,
3487 link2->cx->sr->q1, link2->cx->sr->q2, link2->cy->sr->q1, link2->cy->sr->q2);
3489 return(link1);
3491 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3492 range *insert_jog(c, linkC, a, forcedJog)
3493 corner *c, *linkC;
3494 asg_arc *a;
3495 int forcedJog; /* Flag */
3497 /* This adds the corners necessary to <a> (if any) to connect <c> to <c2>. */
3499 /* There are two cases: either a contains a range that can be exploited to link the
3500 two, or it doesn't. */
3502 corner *link = NULL;
3503 crnlist *cl;
3504 range *linkRange;
3505 int min, max;
3507 for (cl = a->corners; ((cl != NULL) && (forcedJog == FALSE)); cl = cl->next)
3509 if ((cl->this->cx->n == c->cx->n) && /* Only unique corners of */
3510 ((cl->this != c) && (cl->this != linkC))) /* the same net qualify. */
3512 if (a->page == VERT)
3514 if ((overlapped_p(cl->this->cx->sr, c->cx->sr) == TRUE) &&
3515 (overlapped_p(cl->this->cx->sr, linkC->cx->sr) == TRUE))
3517 link = create_linkage_between(c, linkC, cl->this->cy, a, forcedJog);
3518 break;
3521 else /* (a->Page == HORZ) */
3523 if ((overlapped_p(cl->this->cy->sr, c->cy->sr) == TRUE) &&
3524 (overlapped_p(cl->this->cy->sr, linkC->cy->sr) == TRUE))
3526 link = create_linkage_between(c, linkC, cl->this->cx, a, forcedJog);
3527 break;
3533 /* OK - There's nothing to leverage from... */
3534 if (link == NULL)
3536 if (a->page == VERT)
3538 min = MIN(linkC->cy->sr->q1, c->cy->sr->q1);
3539 max = MAX(linkC->cy->sr->q2, c->cy->sr->q2);
3541 if (min != max)
3543 linkRange = create_range(create_srange(min, max, HORZ), c->cx->n);
3545 else
3547 /* There is the odd case of where a U needs to be formed, in which case
3548 the link range min/max is determined by the tile that the corners
3549 fall into. */
3551 if (a->t->x_pos == min) /* Left-side U */
3553 linkRange = create_range
3554 (create_srange(min, a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len, HORZ), c->cx->n);
3556 else if (a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len == max) /* Right-side U */
3558 linkRange = create_range
3559 (create_srange(min, a->t->x_pos, HORZ), c->cx->n);
3561 else /* NO CLUE! */
3563 linkRange = create_range(create_srange(min, max, HORZ), c->cx->n);
3566 create_linkage_between(c, linkC, linkRange, a, forcedJog);
3568 else
3570 min = MIN(linkC->cx->sr->q1, c->cx->sr->q1);
3571 max = MAX(linkC->cx->sr->q2, c->cx->sr->q2);
3573 if (min != max)
3575 linkRange = create_range(create_srange(min, max, VERT), c->cx->n);
3577 else
3579 /* There is the odd case of where a U needs to be formed */
3580 if (a->t->x_pos == min) /* Left-side U */
3582 linkRange = create_range
3583 (create_srange(min, a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len, VERT), c->cx->n);
3585 else if (a->t->x_pos + a->t->x_len == max) /* Right-side U */
3587 linkRange = create_range
3588 (create_srange(min, a->t->x_pos, VERT), c->cx->n);
3590 else /* NO CLUE! */
3592 linkRange = create_range(create_srange(min, max, VERT), c->cx->n);
3595 create_linkage_between(c, linkC, linkRange, a, forcedJog);
3598 return(linkRange);
3600 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3601 corner *choose_best_link(n, a, setJogsP)
3602 net *n;
3603 asg_arc *a;
3604 int setJogsP;
3606 /* find the best link in the given direction among the ranges given */
3607 /* This is done by running through the candidates for the best link, and
3608 counting the number of jogs that they require. the one with the lowest
3609 count wins. (This is still pretty arbitrary)
3612 /* There is a difficult problem to catch in the determination of the need for
3613 a jog - that is when there is a corner that two (or more) other corners
3614 can jog to, but if one jogs to it, the ensuing constraint does not
3615 permit the successive corners from being able to jog.
3617 To avoid this problem, temp ranges are maintained and used to indicate
3618 where added jogs will be required due to dependencies among the
3619 links saught.
3622 crnlist *cl, *cll;
3623 corner *linkCorner = NULL;
3624 int orientation = a->page;
3625 range *bestLink = NULL, *testLink = NULL;
3626 range *testLinkCopy, *copy, *r;
3627 int count, bestCount = (HASH_SIZE * 50) - 1; /* Some big number */
3629 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3631 /* Try cl->this as the <testLink> corner: */
3632 /* Only pay attention to corners belonging to the given net: */
3633 if ((cl->this->cy != NULL) && (cl->this->cy->n == n))
3635 count = 0;
3636 testLink = (orientation == VERT) ? cl->this->cx : cl->this->cy;
3637 testLinkCopy = quick_copy_range(testLink);
3639 for (cll = a->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
3641 /* Only pay attention to corners belonging to the given net: */
3642 if ((cll != cl) &&
3643 ((cll->this->cy != NULL) && (cll->this->cy->n == n)))
3645 if (orientation == VERT)
3647 r = cl->this->cx; /* Used for debugging */
3648 if (overlapped_p(cll->this->cx->sr, testLinkCopy->sr) != TRUE)
3650 /* need to insert a jog of some sort.... */
3651 count++;
3653 else /* Restrict the <testLinkCopy> */
3655 copy = quick_copy_range(cll->this->cx);
3656 reduce_to_least_common_range(testLinkCopy->sr, copy->sr);
3657 free(copy);
3660 else
3662 r = cl->this->cy;
3663 if (overlapped_p(cll->this->cy->sr, testLinkCopy->sr) != TRUE)
3665 /* time to insert a jog of some sort.... */
3666 count++;
3668 else /* Restrict the <testLinkCopy> */
3670 copy = quick_copy_range(cll->this->cy);
3671 reduce_to_least_common_range(testLinkCopy->sr, copy->sr);
3672 free(copy);
3675 if (count > bestCount) break;
3677 } /* end inner loop */
3680 /* Now check and conditionally update the bestLink...*/
3681 if ((count <= bestCount) &&
3682 ((bestLink == NULL) ||(link_value(testLink) >= link_value(bestLink))))
3684 linkCorner = cl->this;
3685 bestLink = quick_copy_range(testLinkCopy);
3686 bestCount = count;
3689 free(testLinkCopy); /* Collect Garbage... */
3691 } /* end IF right net...*/
3692 } /* end outer loop */
3694 /* Hopefully, the best link corner has now been discovered, so use it <linkCorner>.
3695 See if any jogs need to be calculated: */
3697 if (setJogsP == TRUE)
3699 /* cleanup requested, so do it... */
3700 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3702 /* Only pay attention to corners belonging to the given net: */
3703 if ((cl->this != linkCorner) &&
3704 (cl->this->cx != NULL) && (cl->this->cx->n == n))
3706 if (orientation == VERT)
3708 if (overlapped_p(cl->this->cx->sr, bestLink->sr) != TRUE)
3710 insert_jog(cl->this, linkCorner, a, FALSE);
3713 else
3715 if (overlapped_p(cl->this->cy->sr, bestLink->sr) != TRUE)
3717 insert_jog(cl->this, linkCorner, a, FALSE);
3723 free(bestLink); /* Garbage */
3725 return(linkCorner);
3727 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3728 corner *old_choose_best_link(n, a, setJogsP)
3729 net *n;
3730 asg_arc *a;
3731 int setJogsP;
3733 /* find the best link in the given direction among the ranges given */
3735 crnlist *cl, *cll;
3736 corner *linkCorner = NULL;
3737 int orientation = a->page;
3738 range *bestLink = NULL;
3739 int linkVal = (HASH_SIZE * 50) - 1; /* Some big number */;
3741 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3743 /* Only pay attention to corners belonging to the given net: */
3744 if ((cl->this->cy != NULL) && (cl->this->cy->n == n))
3746 if (orientation == VERT)
3748 if ((bestLink == NULL) ||
3749 (link_value(cl->this->cx) <= linkVal))
3751 if ((bestLink != NULL) && (setJogsP == TRUE) &&
3752 (overlapped_p(cl->this->cx->sr, bestLink->sr) != TRUE))
3754 /* time to insert a jog of some sort.... */
3755 insert_jog(cl->this, linkCorner, a, FALSE);
3757 linkCorner = cl->this;
3758 bestLink = cl->this->cx;
3759 linkVal = link_value(bestLink); /* BUGG ??? */
3763 else
3765 if ((bestLink == NULL) ||
3766 (link_value(cl->this->cy) <= linkVal))
3768 if ((bestLink != NULL) && (setJogsP == TRUE) &&
3769 (overlapped_p(cl->this->cy->sr, bestLink->sr) != TRUE))
3771 /* time to insert a jog of some sort.... */
3772 insert_jog(cl->this, linkCorner, a, FALSE);
3774 linkCorner = cl->this;
3775 bestLink = cl->this->cy;
3776 linkVal = link_value(bestLink);
3781 return(linkCorner);
3783 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3784 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3785 int adjacent_p(t1, t2, axis)
3786 tile *t1, *t2;
3787 int axis;
3789 if ((axis == X) &&
3790 ((t1->x_pos == t2->x_pos + t2->x_len) ||
3791 (t2->x_pos == t1->x_pos + t1->x_len))) return(TRUE);
3792 else if ((axis == Y) &&
3793 ((t1->y_pos == t2->y_pos + t2->y_len) ||
3794 (t2->y_pos == t1->y_pos + t1->y_len))) return(TRUE);
3795 else return(FALSE);
3797 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3798 int free_to_include_p(t)
3799 tile *t;
3801 /* Returns TRUE if the tile is free for routing, and completly contains the
3802 spanRange (global)... */
3804 asg_arc *a = (t != NULL) ? (asg_arc *)t->this : NULL;
3805 int x1, x2;
3807 x1 = t->x_pos; x2 = x1 + t->x_len;
3809 if ((a != NULL) && (a->mod == NULL))
3811 /* Look for overlap */
3812 if ((x1 <= spanRange.q1) && (x2 >= spanRange.q2)) return(TRUE);
3815 return(FALSE);
3817 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3818 tilist *valid_slivers(root, x1, y1, x2, y2, min, max)
3819 tile *root;
3820 int x1, y1, x2, y2;
3821 int *min, *max;
3823 int started = FALSE, foundRoot = FALSE;
3824 tile *t;
3825 tilist *tl, *temp = NULL, *valid = NULL;
3827 spanRange.q1 = x1;
3828 spanRange.q2 = x2;
3830 temp = area_enumerate(root, &temp, free_to_include_p, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
3832 /* Now evaluate for continuity, and set the *min, *max values: */
3833 for (tl = (tilist *)sort_list(temp, most_down); tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
3835 t = tl->this;
3837 /* Should contain some of y, and all of x: */
3838 if ((t == root) ||
3839 ((t->x_pos <= x1) && (t->x_pos + t->x_len >= x2) &&
3840 (t->y_pos <= y2) && (t->y_pos + t->y_len >= y1)))
3842 if (valid == NULL) push(t, &valid);
3843 /* Be sure to include <root> in the list... (Otherwise, start over...) */
3844 else if (adjacent_p(t, valid->this, Y) == TRUE) push(t, &valid);
3845 else if (foundRoot == FALSE)
3847 valid = (tilist *)free_list(valid);
3848 push(t, &valid);
3849 *min = MAX(y1, t->y_pos);
3851 else break;
3853 if (t == root) foundRoot = TRUE;
3854 if (started == FALSE)
3856 *min = MAX(y1, t->y_pos);
3857 started = TRUE;
3862 *max = (valid != NULL) ? MIN(y2, valid->this->y_pos + valid->this->y_len) : FALSE;
3864 free_list(temp);
3865 return(valid);
3867 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3868 find_and_merge_slivers(a, n)
3869 asg_arc *a;
3870 net *n;
3872 /* Look to see if there are other adjacent asg_arcs/tiles that can be used.
3873 If so, then modify the corner limits, and do the book keeping for the
3874 asg_arc/corner structures...*/
3876 /* All such slivers located are added to the n->route list */
3878 int contRangeMin, contRangeMax;
3879 int minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
3880 tilist *tl, *sliverSet;
3881 asg_arc *ar;
3882 srange *xSR, *ySR, *x1SR, *y1SR, *x2SR, *y2SR;
3883 corner *prev, *next;
3884 crnlist *cl, *cll;
3886 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
3888 /* Only look at corners belonging to this net: */
3889 if (((cl->this->cy != NULL) && (cl->this->cy->n == n)) ||
3890 ((cl->this->cx != NULL) && (cl->this->cx->n == n)))
3892 ySR = cl->this->cy->sr; xSR = cl->this->cx->sr;
3894 if ((a->page == VERT) && (fixed_point_p(cl->this->cx) == FALSE))
3896 /* Find the corners of the legal routing space: (mega-tile) */
3897 next = next_horz_corner(most_vert_corner(cl->this));
3898 y1SR = next->cy->sr; x1SR = next->cx->sr;
3899 prev = next_horz_corner(least_vert_corner(cl->this));
3900 y2SR = prev->cy->sr; x2SR = prev->cx->sr;
3902 minX = MIN(xSR->q1, MIN(x1SR->q1, x2SR->q1));
3903 minY = MIN(ySR->q1, MIN(y1SR->q1, y2SR->q1));
3904 maxX = MAX(xSR->q2, MAX(x1SR->q2, x2SR->q2));
3905 maxY = MAX(ySR->q2, MAX(y1SR->q2, y2SR->q2));
3907 /* Special case to detect vertical U's: */
3908 if ((x1SR->q2 <= xSR->q1) && (x2SR->q2 <= xSR->q1))
3910 /* left-pointing U */
3911 maxX += WHITE_SPACE;
3912 if (debug_level > 0) fprintf(stderr," left-pointing U for net %s\n", n->name);
3915 else if ((x1SR->q1 >= xSR->q2) && (x2SR->q2 >= xSR->q2))
3917 /* right-pointing U */
3918 minX -= WHITE_SPACE;
3919 if (debug_level > 0) fprintf(stderr," right-pointing U for net %s\n", n->name);
3922 sliverSet = valid_slivers(a->t, minY, minX, maxY, maxX,
3923 &contRangeMin, &contRangeMax);
3925 if (member_p(a->t, sliverSet, identity) == FALSE)
3927 /* Major Problem... */
3928 fprintf(stderr, "(v) sliver detector screwed {(%d,%d) & (%d,%d)}\n",
3929 minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
3930 fprintf(stderr, "given %d tiles, couldn't find @(%d, %d) for net %s\n",
3931 list_length(sliverSet), a->t->y_pos + (a->t->y_len/2),
3932 a->t->x_pos + (a->t->x_len/2), n->name);
3934 return(NULL);
3936 else
3938 if ((cl->this->cx->sr->q1 > contRangeMin) ||
3939 (cl->this->cx->sr->q2 < contRangeMax))
3941 if ((debug_level >= 2) && (sliverSet->next != NULL))
3943 fprintf(stderr, "<%s> expanding from x = [%d,%d] to [%d,%d] (%d slivers added)\n",
3944 cl->this->cx->n->name, cl->this->cx->sr->q1,
3945 cl->this->cx->sr->q2, contRangeMin, contRangeMax,
3946 list_length(sliverSet) - 1);
3949 /* Expand the range: */
3950 cl->this->cx->sr->q1 = MIN(contRangeMin, cl->this->cx->sr->q1);
3951 cl->this->cx->sr->q2 = MAX(contRangeMax, cl->this->cx->sr->q2);
3953 /* Add the expanded corners to all tiles that it uses. */
3954 for(tl = sliverSet; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
3956 ar = (asg_arc *)tl->this->this;
3957 for(cll = cl->this->cx->corners;cll != NULL;cll = cll->next)
3959 if (corner_falls_in_arc_p(cll->this,ar) == TRUE)
3961 add_corner_to_arc(cll->this, ar);
3964 pushnew(tl->this, &n->route);
3969 else if ((a->page == HORZ) && (fixed_point_p(cl->this->cy) == FALSE))
3971 /* Find the corners of the legal routing space: (mega-tile) */
3973 next = next_vert_corner(most_horz_corner(cl->this));
3974 y1SR = next->cy->sr; x1SR = next->cx->sr;
3975 prev = next_vert_corner(least_horz_corner(cl->this));
3976 y2SR = prev->cy->sr; x2SR = prev->cx->sr;
3978 minX = MIN(xSR->q1, MIN(x1SR->q1, x2SR->q1));
3979 minY = MIN(ySR->q1, MIN(y1SR->q1, y2SR->q1));
3980 maxX = MAX(xSR->q2, MAX(x1SR->q2, x2SR->q2));
3981 maxY = MAX(ySR->q2, MAX(y1SR->q2, y2SR->q2));
3983 sliverSet = valid_slivers(a->t, minX, minY, maxX, maxY,
3984 &contRangeMin, &contRangeMax);
3986 if (member_p(a->t, sliverSet, identity) == FALSE)
3988 /* Major Problem... */
3989 fprintf(stderr, "(h) sliver detector screwed {(%d,%d) & (%d,%d)}\n",
3990 minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
3991 fprintf(stderr, "given %d tiles, couldn't find @(%d, %d)for net %s\n",
3992 list_length(sliverSet), a->t->x_pos + (a->t->x_len/2),
3993 a->t->y_pos + (a->t->y_len/2), n->name);
3995 return(NULL);
3997 else
3999 if ((cl->this->cy->sr->q1 > contRangeMin) ||
4000 (cl->this->cy->sr->q2 < contRangeMax))
4002 if ((debug_level >= 2) && (sliverSet->next != NULL))
4004 fprintf(stderr, "<%s> expanding from y = [%d,%d] to [%d,%d] (%d slivers added)\n",
4005 cl->this->cy->n->name, cl->this->cy->sr->q1,
4006 cl->this->cy->sr->q2, contRangeMin, contRangeMax,
4007 list_length(sliverSet) - 1);
4010 /* Expand the range: */
4011 cl->this->cy->sr->q1 = MIN(contRangeMin, cl->this->cy->sr->q1);
4012 cl->this->cy->sr->q2 = MAX(contRangeMax, cl->this->cy->sr->q2);
4014 /* Add the expanded corners to all tiles that it uses. */
4015 for(tl = sliverSet; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
4017 ar = (asg_arc *)tl->this->this;
4018 for(cll = cl->this->cy->corners;cll != NULL;cll = cll->next)
4020 if (corner_falls_in_arc_p(cll->this,ar) == TRUE)
4022 add_corner_to_arc(cll->this, ar);
4025 pushnew(tl->this, &n->route);
4033 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4034 expand_slivers(tilesUsed, n)
4035 tilist *tilesUsed;
4036 net *n;
4038 tilist *tl;
4039 asg_arc *a;
4041 for (tl = tilesUsed; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
4043 a = (asg_arc *)tl->this->this;
4045 /* Merge/expand slivered tiles for this net: */
4046 find_and_merge_slivers(a, n);
4049 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4050 o_complete_linkages(n, setJogsP)
4051 net *n;
4052 int setJogsP;
4054 old_complete_linkages(n->route, n, setJogsP);
4056 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4057 old_complete_linkages(usedTiles, n, setJogsP)
4058 tilist *usedTiles;
4059 net *n;
4060 int setJogsP;
4062 /* This walks through the list of tiles, and completes the links among the
4063 corner structures for the given net. */
4064 /* This is very vicious - it introduces links at EVERY point where they can be
4065 made (common use of a tile by two pieces of the global route for the same
4066 net */
4068 tilist *tl;
4069 asg_arc *a;
4070 corner *linkCorner;
4071 crnlist *cl, *cll;
4072 range *link;
4074 for (tl = usedTiles; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
4076 a = (asg_arc *)tl->this->this;
4078 linkCorner = choose_best_link(n, a, setJogsP);
4079 if (linkCorner == NULL) break;
4081 link = (a->page == VERT) ? linkCorner->cx : linkCorner->cy;
4083 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4085 /* Only look at corners belonging to this net: */
4086 if (((cl->this->cy != NULL) && (cl->this->cy->n == n)) ||
4087 ((cl->this->cx != NULL) && (cl->this->cx->n == n)))
4089 /* Set everybody's ylink to the same range */
4090 if (a->page == VERT)
4092 if (cl->this->cx != link) /* Skip the link; it should be OK */
4094 if (overlapped_p(cl->this->cx->sr, link->sr) == TRUE)
4096 reduce_to_least_common_range(link->sr, cl->this->cx->sr);
4097 replace_range_instance(cl->this, linkCorner, X);
4099 else
4101 a = a;
4105 else /* Horizontal Tile */
4107 if (cl->this->cy != link) /* Skip the link; it should be OK */
4109 if (overlapped_p(cl->this->cy->sr, link->sr) == TRUE)
4111 reduce_to_least_common_range(link->sr, cl->this->cy->sr);
4112 replace_range_instance(cl->this, linkCorner, Y);
4114 else
4116 a = a;
4124 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4125 complete_linkages(n, setJogsP)
4126 net *n;
4127 int setJogsP;
4129 /* This walks through the list of tiles, and completes the links among the
4130 corner structures for the given net. */
4131 /* This function is intended to do this linking only in the designated
4132 linkage tiles (where the global routes for two expansions meet).
4133 Albiet this is a rare case, probably some consideration needs to be made
4134 for global routes that overlap each other for more than one tile. */
4136 tilist *tl, *connectionTiles = NULL;
4137 expn *ex;
4138 trlist *trl;
4139 tile *first, *last;
4141 ex = (expn *) n->done->this;
4142 for (trl = ex->connections; trl != NULL; trl = trl->next)
4144 /* Find the <first> and <last> tiles for the set of expansions that
4145 makes up the global route for this net. */
4147 last = trl->this->tr->this;
4148 for (tl = trl->this->tr; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
4150 if (tl->next == NULL) first = tl->this;
4152 pushnew(last, &connectionTiles);
4153 pushnew(first, &connectionTiles);
4156 old_complete_linkages(connectionTiles, n, setJogsP);
4157 free_list(connectionTiles);
4159 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4160 center_range_on_single_point(sr)
4161 srange *sr;
4163 /*This reduces the range of <sr> to a single point */
4164 int mid = (sr->q1 + sr->q2)/2;
4165 sr->q1 = mid;
4166 sr->q2 = mid;
4168 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4169 void center_ranges_on_points(TilesToFix)
4170 tilist *TilesToFix;
4172 /* this takes all ranges contained in all tiles on the route, and centers them. */
4173 /* This will screw-up royally if the overlap resolution is incomplete. */
4175 tilist *tl;
4176 asg_arc *a;
4177 crnlist *cl;
4179 for (tl = TilesToFix; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
4180 { /* these should only consist of one range: */
4181 a = (asg_arc *)tl->this->this;
4182 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4184 center_range_on_single_point(cl->this->cy->sr);
4185 center_range_on_single_point(cl->this->cx->sr);
4189 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4190 int reduce_to_least_common_range(target, other)
4191 srange *target, *other;
4193 /* Reduce the <target> range to the least common overlapped range between
4194 <target> and <other> */
4195 int min, max;
4197 find_intersection(target->q1, target->q2,
4198 other->q1, other->q2,
4199 &min, &max);
4200 target->q1 = min;
4201 target->q2 = max;
4204 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4205 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4206 int net_name_located_p(net_name, n)
4207 char *net_name;
4208 net *n;
4210 if (!strcmp(net_name, n->name)) return(TRUE);
4211 return(FALSE);
4213 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4214 void ps_dump_arc(f, t)
4215 FILE *f;
4216 tile *t;
4218 /* This function prints the contents of the given tile in PostScript format t file <f>. */
4219 asg_arc *a = (asg_arc *)t->this;
4220 float x1, y1, x2, y2;
4222 if (a->mod == NULL)
4224 if (a->page == HORZ)
4226 x1 = (float)a->t->x_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4227 x2 = (float)a->t->x_pos + (float)a->t->x_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4228 y1 = (float)a->t->y_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4229 y2 = (float)a->t->y_pos + (float)a->t->y_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4231 else
4233 x1 = (float)a->t->y_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4234 x2 = (float)a->t->y_pos + (float)a->t->y_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4235 y1 = (float)a->t->x_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4236 y2 = (float)a->t->x_pos + (float)a->t->x_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4239 /* print the asg_arcs that contain the <net_under_study> */
4241 if (debug_level == 1)
4243 if (member_p(net_under_study, a->nets, net_name_located_p) == TRUE)
4245 /* Fill in the area with gray, shaded to show global route */
4246 fprintf(f, "newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto ", x1, y1, x2, y1);
4247 fprintf(f, "%f %f lineto %f %f lineto ", x2, y2, x1, y2);
4248 fprintf(f, "closepath %.3f setgray fill 0 setgray\n", 0.7);
4250 /* ps_put_label(f, net_under_study, x1 + 0.9, y2 - 0.9); */
4255 else /* Print out the module icon */
4257 //ps_print_mod(f, a->mod);
4260 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4261 void ps_invert_arc(f, t)
4262 FILE *f;
4263 tile *t;
4265 /* This function prints the contents of the given tile in PostScript format to
4266 file <f>. */
4267 asg_arc *a = (asg_arc *)t->this;
4268 float x1, y1, x2, y2;
4270 if (a->mod == NULL)
4272 /* print the arcs that contain the <net_under_study> */
4274 if (member_p(net_under_study, a->nets, net_name_located_p) == TRUE)
4276 if (a->page == HORZ)
4278 x1 = (float)a->t->x_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4279 x2 = (float)a->t->x_pos + (float)a->t->x_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4280 y1 = (float)a->t->y_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4281 y2 = (float)a->t->y_pos + (float)a->t->y_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4283 else
4285 x1 = (float)a->t->y_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4286 x2 = (float)a->t->y_pos + (float)a->t->y_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4287 y1 = (float)a->t->x_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
4288 y2 = (float)a->t->x_pos + (float)a->t->x_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
4291 /* Fill in the area with gray, shaded to show global route */
4292 fprintf(f, "newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto ", x1, y1, x2, y1);
4293 fprintf(f, "%f %f lineto %f %f lineto ", x2, y2, x1, y2);
4294 fprintf(f, "closepath %.3f setgray fill 0 setgray\n", 0.9);
4296 ps_put_label(f, net_under_study, x1 + 0.9, y2 - 0.9);
4300 else /* Don't print the module icon */
4302 /* ps_print_mod(f, a->mod); */
4305 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4306 int solidp_for_printing(t)
4307 tile *t;
4309 return(TRUE);
4311 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4312 replace_range(oldR, newR, axis)
4313 range *oldR, *newR;
4314 int axis;
4316 asg_arc *a;
4317 arclist *al;
4318 crnlist *cll;
4320 for (cll = oldR->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
4322 if (axis == X) cll->this->cx = newR;
4323 else cll->this->cy = newR;
4325 push(cll->this, &newR->corners);
4327 free_list(oldR->corners);
4328 my_free(oldR);
4330 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4331 restrict_corner_usage(c, axis)
4332 corner *c;
4333 int axis;
4335 /* This function checks the corner <c> and all linked corners along the given
4336 axis for problems arising from incorrect tile inclusions (a->corners lists) */
4337 asg_arc *a;
4338 arclist *al;
4339 crnlist *cll;
4340 range *oldR = (axis == X) ? c->cx : c->cy;
4342 for (cll = oldR->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
4344 for (al = cll->this->al; al != NULL; al = al->next)
4346 if (corner_falls_in_arc_p(cll->this, al->this) == FALSE)
4348 a = al->this;
4349 rem_item(cll->this, &a->corners);
4350 rem_item(a, &cll->this->al);
4352 if (a->corners == NULL)
4354 /* Got other problems, like cleaning up the usedTiles lists */
4360 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4361 replace_range_instance(c, newC, axis)
4362 corner *c, *newC;
4363 int axis;
4365 asg_arc *a;
4366 arclist *al, *atemp;
4367 crnlist *cll;
4368 range *oldR = (axis == X) ? c->cx : c->cy;
4369 range *newR = (axis == X) ? newC->cx : newC->cy;
4371 for (cll = oldR->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
4373 if (axis == X) cll->this->cx = newR;
4374 else cll->this->cy = newR;
4376 al = cll->this->al;
4377 while (al != NULL)
4379 atemp = al->next;
4380 if (corner_falls_in_arc_p(cll->this, al->this) == FALSE)
4382 a = al->this;
4383 rem_item(cll->this, &a->corners);
4384 rem_item(a, &cll->this->al);
4386 if (a->corners == NULL)
4388 /* Got other problems, like cleaning up the usedTiles lists */
4391 al = atemp;
4394 push(cll->this, &newR->corners);
4396 my_free(oldR->sr);
4397 free_list(oldR->corners);
4398 my_free(oldR);
4400 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4401 replace_corner_instance(c, newC)
4402 corner *c, *newC;
4404 /* This function traces the usage of <c> and replaces all such occurances
4405 with <newC>. If <newC> is already referenced, then <c> is simply deleted. */
4406 /* Hunt down the little bugger in the two tile spaces, and kill it: */
4407 /* Hunt down the little bugger in it's range connections, and kill it: */
4409 tile *newTile;
4410 asg_arc *a;
4411 arclist *al;
4412 range *r;
4413 corner *e1 = NULL, *e2 = NULL, *e3 = NULL;
4415 r = c->cx;
4416 e1 = (corner *)rem_item(c, &r->corners);
4417 pushnew(newC, &r->corners);
4419 r = c->cy;
4420 e2 = (corner *)rem_item(c, &r->corners);
4421 pushnew(newC, &r->corners);
4423 /* Now yank <c> from the all arc(s) where it is referenced: */
4424 for (al = c->al; al != NULL; al = al->next)
4426 a = al->this;
4427 e3 = (corner *)rem_item(c, &a->corners);
4428 if ((e3 == NULL) && (corner_falls_in_arc_p(c, a) == TRUE))
4430 fprintf(stderr, "Screwedup corner deletion attempt...");
4431 /* exit(1); */
4432 return;
4434 add_corner_to_arc(newC, a);
4436 my_free(c);
4438 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4439 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4440 remove_corner_from_used_lists(c, a)
4441 corner *c;
4442 asg_arc *a;
4444 int i;
4445 trail *t;
4446 trailist *trl;
4448 for (i=0; i<HASH_SIZE; i++)
4450 for (trl = a->trails[i]; trl != NULL; trl = trl->next)
4452 t = trl->this;
4453 if (t->used != NULL) rem_item(c, &t->used);
4457 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4458 delete_corner(c, deadRanges)
4459 corner *c;
4460 rnglist **deadRanges;
4462 asg_arc *a;
4463 arclist *al;
4464 range *r;
4466 r = c->cx;
4467 rem_item(c, &r->corners);
4468 pushnew(r, deadRanges);
4470 r = c->cy;
4471 rem_item(c, &r->corners);
4472 pushnew(r, deadRanges);
4474 for (al = c->al; al !=NULL; al = al->next)
4476 a = al->this;
4477 rem_item(c, &a->corners);
4478 remove_corner_from_used_lists(c, a);
4480 free_list(c->al);
4481 my_free(c);
4483 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4484 int border_condition(sr1, sr2)
4485 srange *sr1, *sr2;
4487 if ((sr1->q1 == sr2->q2) || (sr1->q2 == sr2->q1)) return(TRUE);
4488 else return(FALSE);
4490 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4491 int fixed_point_p(r1)
4492 range *r1;
4494 if (r1->sr->q1 != r1->sr->q2) return(FALSE);
4495 return(TRUE);
4497 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4498 int repeated_srange_p(r1, r2)
4499 range *r1, *r2;
4501 /* This retuurns TRUE iff <r2> has the same underlying ranges as <r1>: */
4502 if ((r1->sr->q1 == r2->sr->q1) && (r1->sr->q2 == r2->sr->q2)) return (TRUE);
4503 else return(FALSE);
4505 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4506 int repeated_corner_p(c1, c2)
4507 corner *c1, *c2;
4509 /* This returns TRUE iff <c2> has the same underlying ranges as <c1>: */
4510 if ((c1->cx->sr == c2->cx->sr) && (c1->cy->sr == c2->cy->sr)) return (TRUE);
4511 else return(FALSE);
4513 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4514 crnlist *delete_duplicate_corners(cl)
4515 crnlist **cl;
4517 corner *targ;
4518 crnlist *p, *pp, *trash, *last;
4520 if (*cl == NULL)
4522 /* error: "delete_duplicate_corners passed null list" */
4523 return(NULL);
4526 for (p = *cl; ((p != NULL) && (p->next != NULL)); p = p->next)
4528 targ = p->this;
4529 last = p;
4530 for (pp = p->next; pp != NULL;)
4532 if (targ->cx->sr != pp->this->cx->sr)
4534 if ((repeated_srange_p(targ->cx, pp->this->cx) == TRUE) &&
4535 (repeated_srange_p(targ->cy, pp->this->cy) == TRUE))
4537 /* Replace pp->this->cx with targ->cx */
4538 replace_range_instance(pp->this, targ, X);
4540 else if ((overlapped_p(targ->cx->sr, pp->this->cx->sr) == TRUE) &&
4541 /* ((fixed_point_p(targ->cx) == FALSE) &&
4542 (fixed_point_p(pp->this->cx) == FALSE)) && */
4543 (border_condition(targ->cx->sr, pp->this->cx->sr) == FALSE))
4545 /* collapse these into one srange... */
4546 merge_sranges(&targ->cx->sr, &pp->this->cx->sr);
4547 /* Now check to see that the corners are in(ex)cluded in(from)
4548 the right arcs... */
4549 restrict_corner_usage(pp->this, X);
4550 restrict_corner_usage(targ, X);
4553 /* Very specific, strange condition that occurs (BUG fix) */
4554 else if((repeated_srange_p(targ->cy, pp->this->cy) == TRUE) &&
4555 (list_length(pp->this->cx->corners) <= 1) &&
4556 (pp->this->t == NULL) &&
4557 (fixed_point_p(pp->this->cx) == FALSE))
4559 /* delete the range pp->this->cx, and replace it with targ->cx */
4560 merge_sranges(&targ->cx->sr, &pp->this->cx->sr);
4561 replace_range(pp->this->cx, targ->cx, X);
4564 /* Very specific, strange condition that occurs (BUG fix continued) */
4565 else if((repeated_srange_p(targ->cy, pp->this->cy) == TRUE) &&
4566 (list_length(targ->cx->corners) <= 1) &&
4567 (targ->t == NULL) &&
4568 (fixed_point_p(targ->cx) == FALSE))
4570 /* delete the range targ->cx, and replace it with pp->this->cx */
4571 merge_sranges(&targ->cx->sr, &pp->this->cx->sr);
4572 replace_range(targ->cx, pp->this->cx, X);
4575 else if ((targ->cx != pp->this->cx) &&
4576 (targ->cx->sr == pp->this->cx->sr))
4578 replace_range(pp->this->cx, targ->cx, X);
4581 if (targ->cy->sr != pp->this->cy->sr)
4583 if ((repeated_srange_p(targ->cy, pp->this->cy) == TRUE) &&
4584 (repeated_srange_p(targ->cx, pp->this->cx) == TRUE))
4586 /* Replace pp->this->cy with targ->cy */
4587 replace_range_instance(pp->this, targ, Y);
4589 else if ((overlapped_p(targ->cy->sr, pp->this->cy->sr) == TRUE) &&
4590 ((fixed_point_p(targ->cy) == FALSE) &&
4591 (fixed_point_p(pp->this->cy) == FALSE)) )/* &&
4592 (border_condition(targ->cx->sr, pp->this->cx->sr) == FALSE)) */
4594 /* collapse these into one srange... */
4595 merge_sranges(&targ->cy->sr, &pp->this->cy->sr);
4596 /* Now check to see that the corners are in(ex)cluded in(from)
4597 the right arcs... BUT- Don't blow away ranges, because
4598 this causes BIG problems... */
4599 /* restrict_corner_usage(pp->this, Y);
4600 restrict_corner_usage(targ, Y); */
4603 /* Very specific, strange condition that occurs (BUG fix) */
4604 else if ((repeated_srange_p(targ->cx, pp->this->cx) == TRUE) &&
4605 ((list_length(pp->this->cy->corners) <= 1) &&
4606 (pp->this->t == NULL) &&
4607 (fixed_point_p(pp->this->cy) == FALSE)))
4609 /* delete the range pp->this->cy, and replace it with targ->cy */
4610 merge_sranges(&targ->cy->sr, &pp->this->cy->sr);
4611 replace_range(pp->this->cy, targ->cy, Y);
4613 /* Bug Fix continued */
4614 else if ((repeated_srange_p(targ->cx, pp->this->cx) == TRUE) &&
4615 ((list_length(targ->cy->corners) <= 1) &&
4616 (targ->t == NULL) &&
4617 (fixed_point_p(targ->cy) == FALSE)))
4619 /* delete the range targ->cy, and replace it with pp->this->cy */
4620 merge_sranges(&targ->cy->sr, &pp->this->cy->sr);
4621 replace_range(targ->cy, pp->this->cy, Y);
4624 else if ((targ->cy != pp->this->cy) &&
4625 (targ->cy->sr == pp->this->cy->sr))
4627 replace_range(pp->this->cy, targ->cy, Y);
4630 if (repeated_corner_p(targ, pp->this) == TRUE)
4632 replace_corner_instance(pp->this, targ);
4633 last->next = pp->next;
4634 trash = pp;
4635 pp = pp->next;
4636 my_free(trash);
4638 else
4640 last = pp;
4641 pp = pp->next;
4645 return(*cl);
4647 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4648 void delete_all_corners(deadCorners)
4649 crnlist *deadCorners;
4651 rnglist *rangesToKill = NULL, *rl;
4652 crnlist *cl;
4653 for(cl = deadCorners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4655 delete_corner(cl->this, &rangesToKill);
4658 for(rl = rangesToKill; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
4660 my_free(rl->this->sr);
4661 my_free(rl->this);
4663 free_list(rangesToKill);
4665 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4666 void merge_global_subroutes(n)
4667 net *n;
4669 /* This looks at the corners that have been saved in the global sub-routes
4670 that exist in the net (ex->connections); These corner lists are merged,
4671 and all duplicates are removed. The results are stored in n->route. */
4673 expn *ex = (expn *)n->done->this;
4674 trlist *trl;
4676 n->route = free_list(n->route);
4678 for (trl = ex->connections; trl != NULL; trl = trl->next)
4680 /* Collect all of the corners used by this net: */
4681 n->route = append_list(n->route, trl->this->used);
4682 trl->this->used = NULL;
4684 delete_duplicate_corners(&n->route);
4687 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4688 void reset_arc_costs(tilesToReset)
4689 tilist *tilesToReset;
4691 /* This walks through the given set of tiles, and resets the congestion costs. */
4693 crnlist *cl;
4694 tilist *tl;
4695 asg_arc *a;
4697 for (tl = tilesToReset; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
4699 /* Paint each arc with the usage - assume VERT tiles essentially have
4700 only the vertical tracks employed, and HORZ tiles the horizontal
4701 tracks. */
4702 a =(asg_arc *)tl->this->this;
4704 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4706 pushnew(cl->this->cx->n, &a->nets); /* Mark the route used */
4708 (*set_congestion_value)(a);
4711 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4712 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4713 dump_ranges(rangesToSee)
4714 rnglist *rangesToSee;
4716 rnglist *rl;
4717 /* Dump Corner List to the screen: */
4718 if (rangesToSee == NULL) fprintf (stderr, "NONE...");
4719 for (rl = rangesToSee; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
4721 fprintf(stderr, "<%s> [%d,%d]...",
4722 rl->this->n->name, rl->this->sr->q1, rl->this->sr->q2);
4724 fprintf (stderr, "\n");
4726 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4727 dump_corners(cornersToSee)
4728 crnlist *cornersToSee;
4730 crnlist *cl;
4731 /* Dump Corner List to the screen: */
4732 if (cornersToSee == NULL) fprintf (stderr, "NONE...");
4733 for (cl = cornersToSee; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4735 fprintf(stderr, "([%d,%d],[%d,%d])...",
4736 cl->this->cx->sr->q1, cl->this->cx->sr->q2,
4737 cl->this->cy->sr->q1, cl->this->cy->sr->q2);
4739 fprintf (stderr, "\n");
4741 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4742 dump_corner_names(cornersToSee)
4743 crnlist *cornersToSee;
4745 crnlist *cl;
4746 /* Dump Corner List to the screen: */
4747 if (cornersToSee == NULL) fprintf (stderr, "NONE...");
4748 for (cl = cornersToSee; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4750 fprintf(stderr, "%s...", cl->this->cx->n->name);
4752 fprintf (stderr, "\n");
4754 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4755 void local_route(nl, page, printFlag)
4756 nlist *nl;
4757 int page, printFlag;
4759 /* Perform the local routing tasks, now that "global_route" is complete.
4760 The global route that is used consists of the collection of the 'Best Trails'
4761 contained in each of the expansions. (One expansion per terminal) */
4763 nlist *nll, *temp = NULL;
4764 tilist *tl, *TilesUsed = NULL;
4765 corner *corn;
4766 crnlist *cl;
4767 trlist *trl;
4768 expn *ex;
4769 int setupFlag = TRUE;
4771 /* Create the corner and srange structures from the best trails for each
4772 expansion of each net: */
4773 for (nll = nl; ((nll != NULL) && (setupFlag != FALSE)); nll = nll->next)
4775 if (list_length(nll->this->done) > 1) /* If there's something to local route */
4777 map_net_into_constraint_sets(nll->this);
4778 /* This creates all of the corner and srange structures, and appropriately
4779 paints the tiles used with the corners that occur within them. */
4780 /* Here also, the usage of the list pointer n->route is converted from
4781 saving all of the tiles visited, to the corners that comprise the local
4782 route for the net */
4784 complete_linkages(nll->this, TRUE);
4786 if (useSlivering == TRUE)
4788 expand_slivers(nll->this->route, nll->this);
4789 o_complete_linkages(nll->this, FALSE);
4792 for (tl = (tilist *)nll->this->route; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
4794 pushnew(tl->this, &TilesUsed);
4797 /* At this point, the global routes, which have been calculated, need to be
4798 combined and duplicates removed. The global router is very prone to give
4799 results where (to insure completion) tiles are repeated in two or more
4800 global sub-routes. [This sets up n->route as a corner list] */
4801 merge_global_subroutes(nll->this);
4805 if (debug_level == 4)
4807 fprintf(stderr, "\nGlobal Routes are as follows:\n");
4808 for (nll = nl; nll != NULL; nll = nll->next)
4810 /* Dump the local routes to the screen: */
4811 fprintf(stderr, "<%s>\t", nll->this->name);
4812 dump_corners(nll->this->route);
4814 fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");
4817 /* As the nets have now been expanded to fill the available (legal) spaces
4818 (Sliver nonsense), the congestion is now inappropriate: */
4819 reset_arc_costs(TilesUsed);
4821 /* Resolve sranges */
4822 /* This is a two-step procecess - firstly, the nets have their (currently) overlapped
4823 sranges resolved into non-overlapping ranges. Secondly, these non-overlapping
4824 sranges are resolved into points so that wires can be drawn. */
4826 TilesUsed = (tilist *)sort_list(TilesUsed, in_congestion_order);
4827 form_into_nonoverlapping_ranges(TilesUsed);
4829 if (debug_level >= 2)
4831 fprintf(stderr, "\nLocal Routes are as follows:\n");
4832 for (nll = nl; nll != NULL; nll = nll->next)
4834 /* Dump the local routes to the screen: */
4835 fprintf(stderr, "<%s>\t", nll->this->name);
4836 dump_corners(nll->this->route);
4838 fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");
4841 center_ranges_on_points(TilesUsed);
4843 /* Ready for printing, mein Herr */
4845 if (printFlag == TRUE)
4847 /* finish the dump file(s) */
4848 if (debug_level == 1)
4850 solidp = solidp_for_printing;
4851 ps_print_tile_space(routingRoot[VERT][page], df, ps_invert_arc, FALSE);
4852 ps_print_tile_space(routingRoot[HORZ][page], df, ps_dump_arc, TRUE);
4855 if (debug_level == 10) print_tile_spaces(hf, vf);
4856 else if (debug_level == 11) print_tile_spaces(hf, vf);
4859 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4860 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4861 int printed_p(m)
4862 module *m;
4864 if (m->placed == TRUE)return(TRUE);
4865 else return(FALSE);
4867 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4868 int mark_as_printed(m)
4869 module *m;
4871 m->placed = TRUE;
4873 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4874 int manhattan_p(c1, c2)
4875 corner *c1, *c2;
4877 /* Returns TRUE iff the two corners do not form a manhattan-oriented segment. */
4878 int x1 = c1->cx->sr->q1, x2 = c2->cx->sr->q1;
4879 int y1 = c1->cy->sr->q1, y2 = c2->cy->sr->q1;
4881 if ((x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2)) return(TRUE);
4882 else return(FALSE);
4884 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4885 int not_on_Net(r)
4886 range *r;
4888 if ((r->n == Net) && r->n != NULL) return(FALSE);
4889 return(FALSE);
4891 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4892 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4893 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4894 //ASG Code
4895 list *xc_extract_corner_list(cd,n)
4896 XCWindowData *cd;
4897 net *n;
4899 /* This loops through the corners from <n>->route, and builds a
4900 list of point lists (corners) that are to be exported to XCircuit.
4901 The <cd> argument allows wire intersections to be printed as they are discovered.*/
4903 crnlist *allCorners = (crnlist *)n->route;
4904 crnlist *cl, *cll, *temp;
4905 list *l, *results = NULL;
4906 int x1, y1;
4908 if (debug_level == 4)
4910 fprintf(stderr, "given corners for <%s>@ ", n->name);
4913 /* This works by copying the main segments to the (ordered) <temp>list, and then
4914 picking each corner, and adding the segments needed to fill out the lists.
4915 It is critical that points be liad in a connected (manhattan_p) order */
4917 for (cl = allCorners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4919 temp = NULL;
4921 /* look along the Y Axis: */
4922 for (cll = cl->this->cx->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
4924 if (cll->this != cl->this) push(cll->this, &temp);
4927 /* Now add the point */
4928 push(cl->this, &temp);
4930 /* look along the X axis: */
4931 for (cll = cl->this->cy->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
4933 if (cll->this != cl->this) push(cll->this, &temp);
4936 /* If this corner is a T, then print out the dot to <cd>: */
4937 if (forms_T_p(cl->this) != FALSE)
4939 x1 = cl->this->cx->sr->q1;
4940 y1 = cl->this->cy->sr->q1;
4941 // ps_print_contact(f, (float)x1, (float)y1); // Dump the "DOT" to XC at the location
4943 if (debug_level == 4) fprintf(stderr, "*");
4946 if (debug_level == 4)
4947 fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d)...", cl->this->cx->sr->q1, cl->this->cy->sr->q1);
4949 if (temp != NULL) push(temp, &results);
4952 if (debug_level == 4)
4954 fprintf(stderr, "\n printing corners for <%s> @ ",n->name);
4955 for (l =results; l != NULL; l = l->next)
4957 fprintf(stderr, " [");
4958 for (cl = (crnlist *)l->this; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4960 fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d)...", cl->this->cx->sr->q1, cl->this->cy->sr->q1);
4962 fprintf(stderr, "] ");
4964 fprintf (stderr, "\n");
4966 return(results);
4968 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4969 list *extract_corner_list(f, n)
4970 FILE *f;
4971 net *n;
4973 /* This loops through the corners from <n>->route, and builds a
4974 list of point lists (corners) that are to be printed. The <f> argument allows
4975 wire intersections to be printed as they are discovered. */
4977 crnlist *allCorners = (crnlist *)n->route;
4978 crnlist *cl, *cll, *temp;
4979 list *l, *results = NULL;
4980 int x1, y1;
4982 if (debug_level == 4)
4984 fprintf(stderr, "given corners for <%s>@ ", n->name);
4987 /* This works by copying the main segments to the (ordered) <temp>list, and then
4988 picking each corner, and adding the segments needed to fill out the lists.
4989 It is critical that points be liad in a connected (manhattan_p) order */
4991 for (cl = allCorners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
4993 temp = NULL;
4995 /* look along the Y Axis: */
4996 for (cll = cl->this->cx->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
4998 if (cll->this != cl->this) push(cll->this, &temp);
5001 /* Now add the point */
5002 push(cl->this, &temp);
5004 /* look along the X axis: */
5005 for (cll = cl->this->cy->corners; cll != NULL; cll = cll->next)
5007 if (cll->this != cl->this) push(cll->this, &temp);
5010 /* If this corner is a T, then print out the dot to <f>: */
5011 if (forms_T_p(cl->this) != FALSE)
5013 x1 = cl->this->cx->sr->q1;
5014 y1 = cl->this->cy->sr->q1;
5015 ps_print_contact(f, (float)x1, (float)y1);
5017 if (debug_level == 4) fprintf(stderr, "*");
5020 if (debug_level == 4)
5021 fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d)...", cl->this->cx->sr->q1, cl->this->cy->sr->q1);
5023 if (temp != NULL) push(temp, &results);
5026 if (debug_level == 4)
5028 fprintf(stderr, "\n printing corners for <%s> @ ",n->name);
5029 for (l =results; l != NULL; l = l->next)
5031 fprintf(stderr, " [");
5032 for (cl = (crnlist *)l->this; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
5034 fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d)...", cl->this->cx->sr->q1, cl->this->cy->sr->q1);
5036 fprintf(stderr, "] ");
5038 fprintf (stderr, "\n");
5040 return(results);
5042 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5043 void write_local_route_to_file(f, nets)
5044 FILE *f;
5045 nlist *nets;
5047 net *n;
5048 nlist *nl;
5049 expn *ex;
5050 trlist *trl;
5051 crnlist *cl;
5052 list *l, *ll;
5053 int x1, y1, x2, y2;
5056 for (nl = nets; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next)
5058 n = nl->this;
5059 if (n->expns != NULL)
5061 ex = (expn *)n->expns->this;
5063 fprintf(f, "\n%%%% postscript code for modules associated with net <%s> %%%%\n", n->name);
5065 /* Print as much of each net as possible: */
5066 for (trl = ex->connections; trl != NULL; trl = trl->next)
5068 /* If it has been routed, print it: */
5069 if (printed_p(trl->this->ex->t->mod) == FALSE)
5071 ps_print_mod(f, trl->this->ex->t->mod);
5072 mark_as_printed(trl->this->ex->t->mod);
5076 fprintf(f, "\n%%%% postscript code for net <%s> %%%%\n", n->name);
5078 /* Arrange the corners for this expansion in printing order: */
5079 l = extract_corner_list(f, n); /* Locates and prints contacts */
5081 for (ll = l; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next)
5083 fprintf(f,"newpath ");
5084 for (cl = (crnlist *)ll->this; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
5086 if ((cl->next != NULL) &&
5087 (manhattan_p(cl->this, cl->next->this) == TRUE))
5089 x1 = cl->this->cx->sr->q1;
5090 y1 = cl->this->cy->sr->q1;
5091 x2 = cl->next->this->cx->sr->q1;
5092 y2 = cl->next->this->cy->sr->q1;
5093 fprintf(f, "%d %d moveto %d %d lineto \n", x1, y1, x2, y2);
5096 fprintf(f, "closepath stroke [] 0 setdash\n");
5097 ll->this = (int *)free_list(ll->this);
5099 free_list(l);
5104 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5105 void xc_write_local_route(areastruct, nets)
5106 XCWindowData *areastruct;
5107 nlist *nets;
5109 net *n;
5110 nlist *nl;
5111 expn *ex;
5112 trlist *trl;
5113 crnlist *cl;
5114 list *l, *ll;
5115 float scale;
5117 for (nl = nets; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next)
5119 n = nl->this;
5120 if (n->expns != NULL)
5122 ex = (expn *)n->expns->this;
5124 /* Print as much of each net as possible: */
5125 for (trl = ex->connections; trl != NULL; trl = trl->next)
5127 /* If it has been routed, print it: */
5128 if (printed_p(trl->this->ex->t->mod) == FALSE)
5130 scale = (float)(trl->this->ex->t->mod->x_size)
5131 / (float)(ICON_SIZE * ICON_SIZE / 2);
5132 xc_print_asg_module(areastruct, trl->this->ex->t->mod);
5133 mark_as_printed(trl->this->ex->t->mod);
5136 /* Arrange the corners for this expansion in printing order: */
5137 l = xc_extract_corner_list(areastruct, n); /* Locates and prints contacts */
5139 for (ll = l; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next)
5141 int *x, *y;
5142 int num_points = 0;
5144 for (cl = (crnlist *)ll->this; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
5145 num_points++;
5146 x = (int *)malloc(num_points * sizeof(int));
5147 y = (int *)malloc(num_points * sizeof(int));
5149 num_points = 0;
5150 for (cl = (crnlist *)ll->this; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
5152 /* x[num_points] = 15 * cl->this->cx->sr->q1 + X_SHIFT; */
5153 /* y[num_points] = 15 * cl->this->cy->sr->q1 + Y_SHIFT; */
5154 x[num_points] = cl->this->cx->sr->q1;
5155 y[num_points] = cl->this->cy->sr->q1;
5156 num_points++;
5159 asg_make_polygon(areastruct, num_points, x, y);
5160 free(x);
5161 free(y);
5163 ll->this = (int *)free_list(ll->this);
5165 free_list(l);
5167 calcbbox(areastruct->topinstance);
5168 centerview(areastruct->topinstance);
5173 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5175 void xc_print_local_route(areastruct, nets)
5176 XCWindowData *areastruct;
5177 nlist *nets;
5179 FILE *hfile, *fopen ();
5180 nlist *netToPrint, *nl; /* For debug == 1 stuff... */
5181 int c;
5183 /* Insert code to put useful comments on XC diagram */
5185 /* Write the local route now: */
5186 xc_write_local_route(areastruct, nets);
5188 if (debug_level == 1)
5190 /* Write the local route now: */
5191 for (nl = nets; ((nl != NULL) && (strcmp(nl->this->name, net_under_study)));
5192 nl = nl->next);
5193 if (nl != NULL)
5195 push(nl->this, &netToPrint);
5196 xc_write_local_route(areastruct, netToPrint);
5201 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5202 void print_local_route(f, nets)
5203 FILE *f;
5204 nlist *nets;
5206 FILE *hfile, *fopen ();
5207 nlist *netToPrint, *nl; /* For debug == 1 stuff... */
5208 int c;
5210 /* for date and time */
5211 long time_loc;
5212 extern long int time();
5214 /* now dump the result */
5215 time_loc = time(0L);
5217 if (latex != TRUE) /* Not in latex mode */
5219 ps_print_standard_header(f);
5220 fprintf(f,"(N2A %s %s ?? %s)\n",
5221 getenv("USER"), ctime(&time_loc),
5222 (stopAtFirstCut == TRUE) ? "(first cut only)" : "with rip-up");
5224 fprintf(f,"\n(with flags-> rule #%d s:%d c:%d part:%d dir:%d)\n",
5225 partition_rule, max_partition_size, max_partition_conn,
5226 partition_count, matrix_type);
5228 fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d init\n", xfloor, yfloor, x_sizes[0], y_sizes[0]);
5230 fprintf(f,"\n(N2A %s %s input:?? s:%d c:%d r:%-5.3f rule #%d part:%d dir:%d) %d %d %d %d init\n",
5231 getenv("USER"), ctime(&time_loc), max_partition_size,
5232 max_partition_conn, partition_ratio, partition_rule,
5233 partition_count, matrix_type, xfloor, yfloor, x_sizes[0], y_sizes[0]);
5236 else /* This stuff replaces the init for latex mode */
5238 ps_print_standard_header(f);
5239 fprintf(f,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
5240 xfloor - CHANNEL_LENGTH, yfloor - CHANNEL_HEIGHT,
5241 x_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_LENGTH, y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT);
5242 fprintf(f, "swidth setlinewidth\n/Courier findfont fwidth scalefont setfont\n");
5245 /* Write the local route now: */
5246 write_local_route_to_file(f, nets);
5248 if (latex != TRUE) fprintf(f, "showpage\n");
5251 if (debug_level == 1)
5253 /* Write the local route now: */
5254 for (nl = nets; ((nl != NULL) && (strcmp(nl->this->name, net_under_study)));
5255 nl = nl->next);
5256 if (nl != NULL)
5258 push(nl->this, &netToPrint);
5259 write_local_route_to_file(df, netToPrint);
5261 if (latex != TRUE) fprintf(df, "showpage\n");
5264 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5265 int ignore_contents(t)
5266 tile *t;
5268 return(FALSE);
5270 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5271 void ps_ignore_arc(f, t)
5272 FILE *f;
5273 tile *t;
5275 /* This function prints the statistical info for the given tile in PostScript
5276 to the file <f>. */
5277 asg_arc *a = (asg_arc *)t->this;
5278 float x1, y1, x2, y2;
5280 if (a->mod == NULL)
5282 x1 = (float)a->t->x_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
5283 x2 = (float)a->t->x_pos + (float)a->t->x_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
5284 y1 = (float)a->t->y_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
5285 y2 = (float)a->t->y_pos + (float)a->t->y_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
5287 if (member_p(net_under_study, a->nets, net_name_located_p) == TRUE)
5289 /* print fancy stuff in the arcs that contain the <net_under_study> */
5290 if (a->page == VERT)
5292 x1 = (float)a->t->y_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
5293 x2 = (float)a->t->y_pos + (float)a->t->y_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
5294 y1 = (float)a->t->x_pos + GRAY_MARGIN;
5295 y2 = (float)a->t->x_pos + (float)a->t->x_len - GRAY_MARGIN;
5298 /* Fill in the area with gray, shaded to show global route */
5299 fprintf(f, "newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto ", x1, y1, x2, y1);
5300 fprintf(f, "%f %f lineto %f %f lineto ", x2, y2, x1, y2);
5301 fprintf(f, "closepath %.3f setgray fill 0 setgray\n", 0.9);
5303 ps_put_int(f, a->local, x1, y2);
5304 ps_put_label(f, net_under_study, x1 + 2.0, y2);
5306 else
5308 ps_put_int(f, a->local, x1, y2);
5312 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5313 void print_tile_spaces(f1, f2)
5314 FILE *f1, *f2;
5316 long time_loc;
5317 extern long int time();
5319 /* Define the bounding box for the post-script code: */
5320 fprintf(f1,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
5321 xfloor - CHANNEL_LENGTH, yfloor - CHANNEL_HEIGHT,
5322 x_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_LENGTH, y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT);
5323 fprintf(f2,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
5324 yfloor - CHANNEL_HEIGHT, xfloor - CHANNEL_LENGTH,
5325 y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT, x_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_LENGTH);
5327 /* now dump the result */
5328 time_loc = time(0L);
5330 if (latex != TRUE) /* Not in latex mode */
5332 ps_print_standard_header(f1);
5333 fprintf(f1,
5334 "\n(Horizontal Tilespace for N2A %s %s input:?? s:%d rule #%d part:%d dir:%d) %d %d %d %d init\n",
5335 getenv("USER"), ctime(&time_loc),
5336 max_partition_size, partition_rule,
5337 partition_count, matrix_type,
5338 xfloor, yfloor, x_sizes[0], y_sizes[0]);
5340 ps_print_standard_header(f2);
5341 fprintf(f2,
5342 "\n(Vertical Tilespace for N2A %s %s input:?? s:%d rule #%d part:%d dir:%d) %d %d %d %d init\n",
5343 getenv("USER"), ctime(&time_loc),
5344 max_partition_size, partition_rule,
5345 partition_count, matrix_type,
5346 xfloor, yfloor, x_sizes[0], y_sizes[0]);
5348 /* Special stuff for the vertical tile space: */
5349 fprintf(f2, "%% Flip the figure, as x's and y's are reversed: %%\n");
5350 fprintf(f2, " -1 1 scale %d neg %d translate\n",
5351 y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT, xfloor - CHANNEL_LENGTH);
5352 fprintf(f2, " 180 rotate %d neg %d neg translate \n",
5353 xfloor - CHANNEL_LENGTH, y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT);
5355 else /* This stuff replaces the init for latex mode */
5357 ps_print_standard_header(f1);
5358 fprintf(f1, "swidth setlinewidth\n/Courier findfont fwidth scalefont setfont\n");
5359 fprintf(f1,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
5360 xfloor - CHANNEL_LENGTH, yfloor - CHANNEL_HEIGHT,
5361 x_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_LENGTH, y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT);
5363 ps_print_standard_header(f2);
5364 fprintf(f2, "swidth setlinewidth\n/Courier findfont fwidth scalefont setfont\n");
5365 fprintf(f2,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
5366 yfloor - CHANNEL_HEIGHT, xfloor - CHANNEL_LENGTH,
5367 y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT, x_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_LENGTH);
5369 /* Special stuff for the vertical tile space: */
5370 fprintf(f2,"%% Flip the figure, as x's and y's are reversed: %%\n");
5371 fprintf(f2," -1 1 scale %d neg 0 translate\n", y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT);
5372 fprintf(f2," 90 rotate 0 %d neg translate\n", y_sizes[0] + CHANNEL_HEIGHT);
5376 /* Write the tile spaces now: */
5377 solidp = (debug_level != 11) ? ignore_contents : solidp_for_printing;
5378 ps_print_tile_space(routingRoot[HORZ][0], f1, ps_ignore_arc, TRUE);
5379 ps_print_tile_space(routingRoot[VERT][0], f2, ps_ignore_arc, TRUE);
5381 /* write_local_route_to_file(f, nets); */
5383 if (latex != TRUE)
5385 fprintf(f1, "showpage\n");
5386 fprintf(f2, "showpage\n");
5389 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5390 /* --------------------------------------------------------------
5391 * quality_statistics
5392 * This function provides statistics on how well the routing was
5393 * done: Statistics are # modules, # nets, # terminals, #cc @ level <l>...
5394 * # cc @ level 1, # foul-ups.
5395 * A signal flow foulup is defined as any non-cc module who's child is not
5396 * in an x-position greater-than its parent.
5397 * Other useful info is the filename, date, and all of the (specified?)
5398 * command-line args. All information is printed to a file "quality_stats"
5399 *---------------------------------------------------------------
5401 void quality_statistics()
5403 int cc_count[10];
5404 int xfouls = 0, yfouls = 0, term_count = 0, lev;
5405 int out_x, in_x, out_y, in_y, possibly_screwed, also_unscrewed;
5407 mlist *ml;
5408 module *m, *last_m, *cc_m, *top_cc_mod, *bot_cc_mod;
5409 tlist *t, *tt;
5411 FILE *f = fopen("quality_stats", "a");
5413 for (lev=0; lev < cc_search_level; lev++) cc_count[lev] = 0;
5415 last_m = modules->this;
5416 last_m->placed = UNPLACED; /* for cross_coupled_p to work properly */
5418 term_count = list_length(last_m->terms);
5421 for(ml = modules->next; ml != NULL; ml = ml->next)
5423 m = cc_m = ml->this;
5424 term_count += list_length(m->terms);
5426 /* Set up all the strangeness for cross-coupled modules: */
5427 for (lev = 1; (lev <= cc_search_level) && (cc_m != NULL); lev++)
5429 cc_m->placed = UNPLACED;
5431 if (cross_coupled_p(last_m, cc_m, lev) != FALSE)
5433 top_cc_mod = last_m;
5434 bot_cc_mod = cc_m;
5435 cc_count[lev-1] += 1;
5436 break;
5438 cc_m = (ml->next != NULL) ? ml->next->this : NULL;
5441 for (t = last_m->terms; t != NULL; t = t->next)
5443 if ((t->this->type == OUT) || (t->this->type == INOUT))
5445 possibly_screwed = FALSE;
5446 also_unscrewed = FALSE;
5448 for (tt = t->this->nt->terms; tt != NULL; tt = tt->next)
5450 if ((tt->this->type == IN) || (tt->this->type == INOUT))
5452 out_x = t->this->mod->x_pos + t->this->x_pos;
5453 in_x = tt->this->mod->x_pos + tt->this->x_pos;
5454 out_y = t->this->mod->y_pos + t->this->y_pos;
5455 in_y = tt->this->mod->y_pos + tt->this->y_pos;
5457 if (((t->this->mod == top_cc_mod)&&(tt->this->mod == bot_cc_mod)) ||
5458 ((t->this->mod == bot_cc_mod)&&(tt->this->mod == top_cc_mod)))
5459 { /* Skip cc modules */
5460 also_unscrewed = TRUE;
5463 else if (out_x > in_x)
5464 { xfouls += 1; }
5466 else if (out_y < in_y)
5467 { possibly_screwed = TRUE; }
5469 else
5470 { also_unscrewed = TRUE; }
5474 if ((possibly_screwed == TRUE) && (also_unscrewed == FALSE)) yfouls += 1;
5477 /* for next iteration: */
5478 last_m = m;
5479 last_m->placed = UNPLACED;
5483 /* Done gathering statistics! */
5484 terminal_count = term_count; /* Save this quantity in the golbal */
5486 fprintf(f,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
5488 fprintf(f,"| ?? -p%d -s%d -c%d -r%-4.2f -m%d \t ||",
5489 partition_rule, max_partition_size, max_partition_conn,
5490 partition_ratio, matrix_type);
5492 fprintf(f, "\t %d \t %d \t %d \t %dx%d = %d",
5493 xfouls, yfouls, xfouls+yfouls, x_sizes[0], y_sizes[0], x_sizes[0] * y_sizes[0]);
5495 fprintf(f," |\n");
5496 fclose(f);
5500 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5501 int falls_in_tile_p(t, c)
5502 tile *t;
5503 corner *c;
5505 /* returns TRUE iff corner <c> falls in tile <t> */
5506 return(corner_falls_in_arc_p(c, t->this));
5508 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5509 int crossover_count(t)
5510 tile *t;
5512 /* Count the number of crossovers within this tile */
5513 int crossoverCount = 0;
5514 asg_arc *pa, *a = (asg_arc *)t->this;
5515 tilist *tl, *tileSet = NULL;
5516 nlist *nl, *nll;
5517 corner *inCorn, *outCorn;
5518 crnlist *cl;
5519 int minXi, maxXi, minYi, maxYi;
5520 int minXo, maxXo, minYo, maxYo;
5522 /* get the set of perpendicular tiles that cross this tile */
5523 tileSet = (tilist*)collect_tiles(t, routingRoot[toggle_direction(a->page)][0]);
5525 for(tl = tileSet; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
5527 pa = (asg_arc *)tl->this->this;
5529 for (nll = pa->nets; nll != NULL; nll = nll->next)
5531 cl = (crnlist *)member(tl->this, nll->this->route, falls_in_tile_p);
5532 if (cl == NULL) break;
5533 outCorn = cl->this;
5535 for (nl = a->nets; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next)
5537 cl = (crnlist *)member(t, nl->this->route, falls_in_tile_p);
5538 if (cl == NULL) break;
5539 inCorn = cl->this;
5541 /* NOTE: if <inCorn> and <outCorn> share a similar range,
5542 ignore them */
5543 if ((inCorn->cx != outCorn->cx) && (inCorn->cy != outCorn->cy))
5545 /* Skip it */
5547 else if (a->page == VERT)
5549 /* Find the max vertical extent and lowest position for the
5550 segment associated with <inCorn>, and compare it to the max
5551 horizontal extent and position for the segment associated
5552 with <outCorn>. If these two segments cross, count 'em. */
5553 perpendicular_expanse(inCorn->cx, &minYi, &maxYi);
5554 minXi = maxXi = inCorn->cx->sr->q1;
5555 perpendicular_expanse(outCorn->cy, &minXo, &maxXo);
5556 minYo = maxYo = outCorn->cy->sr->q1;
5558 if ((int_overlapped_p(minXi, maxXi, minXo, maxXo) == TRUE) &&
5559 (int_overlapped_p(minYi, maxYi, minYo, maxYo) == TRUE))
5561 /* There is a crossover, so count it: */
5562 crossoverCount += 1;
5565 else /* (a->page == HORZ) */
5567 /* Find the max horizontal extent and lowest position for the
5568 segment associated with <inCorn>, and compare it to the max
5569 vertical extent and position for the segment associated
5570 with <outCorn>. If these two segments cross, count 'em. */
5571 perpendicular_expanse(outCorn->cx, &minYo, &maxYo);
5572 minXo = maxXo = outCorn->cx->sr->q1;
5573 perpendicular_expanse(inCorn->cy, &minXi, &maxXi);
5574 minYi = maxYi = inCorn->cy->sr->q1;
5576 if ((int_overlapped_p(minXi, maxXi, minXo, maxXo) == TRUE) &&
5577 (int_overlapped_p(minYi, maxYi, minYo, maxYo) == TRUE))
5579 /* There is a crossover, so count it: */
5580 crossoverCount += 1;
5586 return(crossoverCount);
5588 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5589 float crossover_value(t)
5590 tile *t;
5592 static int max = 0;
5593 int count, area;
5594 asg_arc *a;
5596 if (t == NULL) return ((float)max);
5598 a = (asg_arc*)t->this;
5599 count = crossover_count(t);
5600 max = MAX(max, count);
5601 area = t->x_len * t->y_len;
5603 ordered_ilist_insert(t, count, &crossovers);
5604 a->local = area;
5606 return((float)count/(float)area);
5608 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5609 float congestion_value(t)
5610 tile *t;
5612 /* NOTE: This definition differs from that used in the global routing
5613 routines. See "congestion_cost" in file global_route.c */
5615 asg_arc *a = (asg_arc*)t->this;
5616 int count = list_length(a->corners);
5617 int area = t->x_len * t->y_len;
5619 ordered_ilist_insert(t, count, &congestion);
5620 a->local = area;
5622 return((float)count/(float)area);
5624 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5625 reset_tile_congestion(t)
5626 tile *t;
5628 asg_arc *a = (asg_arc *)t->this;
5629 crnlist *cl;
5631 free_list(a->nets); /* Scrap the old ->nets list */
5632 a->nets = NULL;
5634 for (cl = a->corners; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next) /* Build a new ->nets list */
5636 pushnew(cl->this->cx->n, &a->nets); /* Mark the route used */
5638 (*set_congestion_value)(a);
5640 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5641 void ps_print_tile_border(f, a)
5642 FILE *f; /* Where to write things */
5643 asg_arc *a; /* The asg_arc to be printed */
5645 /* This function prints a dotted line that corresponds to the border of the
5646 tile in question. */
5647 tile *t = a->t; /* The tile to be printed */
5648 int x1, y1, x2, y2;
5650 if (t != NULL)
5652 if (a->page == HORZ) /* Get the orientation straight */
5654 x1 = t->x_pos; y1 = t->y_pos;
5655 x2 = x1 + t->x_len; y2 = y1 + t->y_len;
5657 else
5659 y1 = t->x_pos; x1 = t->y_pos;
5660 y2 = y1 + t->x_len; x2 = x1 + t->y_len;
5663 fprintf(f,"%%%% Tile border for %x LLHC(%d,%d), URHC=(%d,%d) %%%%\n",
5664 t, x1, y1, x2, y2);
5665 fprintf(f,"[1 2] 0.2 setdash\n");
5666 fprintf(f, "newpath %d %d moveto %d %d lineto ", x1, y1, x1, y2); /* left edge */
5667 fprintf(f, "%d %d lineto %d %d lineto ", x2, y2, x2, y1); /* top & right edges */
5668 fprintf(f, "%d %d lineto stroke\n", x1, y1); /* bottom edge */
5669 fprintf(f, "[] 0 setdash\n");
5672 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5673 float quality_ranking(manPWS,congDenAve,congCount, termCount)
5674 float manPWS,congDenAve;
5675 int congCount, termCount;
5677 /* This returns the appropriate scaling for the relative ranking of
5678 this diagram. Ideally, among a set of diagrams, the one with the
5679 lowest value is "the best" diagram, etc.. */
5681 float PWS_const = 4.0;
5682 float CD_const = 12.0;
5683 float CC_const = 4.0;
5684 float sum;
5686 sum = (PWS_const/manPWS) + (CD_const * congDenAve) +
5687 ((float)congCount/(float)termCount/CC_const);
5688 return(sum);
5690 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5691 void collect_congestion_stats(page)
5692 int page;
5694 /* This function evaluates the route for congestion statistics information */
5695 /* The desired values are the average congestion-per-tile, the standard deviation
5696 of the congestion-per-tile, and the tile that is most congested. */
5698 tile *vRoot = routingRoot[VERT][page], *hRoot = routingRoot[HORZ][page], *t;
5699 tilist *vRoutingTiles = NULL, *hRoutingTiles = NULL, *tl;
5700 asg_arc *a, *worstCong, *worstCross;
5701 ilist *il, *ill;
5702 int area, i, congCount = 0, crossCount = 0, conge=0, cros=0;
5703 float congSum = 0.0, congSumSquared = 0.0, count = 0.0, cong;
5704 float crosSum = 0.0, crosSumSquared = 0.0, cross;
5705 float vCongSum, vCongSumSquared, vCrosSum, vCrosSumSquared, vnum;
5706 float hCongSum, hCongSumSquared, hCrosSum, hCrosSumSquared, hnum;
5708 float vCongStandardDeviation, vCongAverage, hCongStandardDeviation, hCongAverage;
5709 float vCrosStandardDeviation, vCrossAverage, hCrosStandardDeviation, hCrossAverage;
5710 float congDeviation, congAverage, crossDeviation, crossAverage;
5712 FILE *qsf = fopen("qual_stats", "a");
5714 fprintf (stderr, "Collecting Routing statistics in file qual_stats.\n");
5716 freespace(vRoot, &vRoutingTiles);
5717 freespace(hRoot, &hRoutingTiles);
5719 /* Collect congestion and crossover stats for the vertical tiles: */
5720 for (tl = vRoutingTiles; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
5722 reset_tile_congestion(tl->this);
5723 cong = congestion_value(tl->this); cross = crossover_value(tl->this);
5724 congSum += cong; crosSum += cross;
5725 congSumSquared += cong * cong; crosSumSquared += cross * cross;
5726 count += 1.0;
5729 vnum = count;
5730 vCongSum = congSum; vCrosSum = crosSum;
5731 vCongSumSquared = congSumSquared; vCrosSumSquared = crosSumSquared;
5733 vCongAverage = vCongSum/vnum;
5734 vCongStandardDeviation = sqrt(vCongSumSquared/vnum - vCongAverage * vCongAverage);
5736 vCrossAverage = vCrosSum/vnum;
5737 vCrosStandardDeviation = sqrt(vCrosSumSquared/vnum - vCrossAverage * vCrossAverage);
5739 /* Collect congestion and crossover stats for the horizontal tiles: */
5740 for (tl = hRoutingTiles; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
5742 reset_tile_congestion(tl->this);
5743 cong = congestion_value(tl->this); cross = crossover_value(tl->this);
5744 congSum += cong; crosSum += cross;
5745 congSumSquared += cong * cong; crosSumSquared += cross * cross;
5746 count += 1.0;
5749 hnum = count - vnum;
5750 hCongSum = congSum - vCongSum; hCrosSum = crosSum - vCrosSum;
5751 hCongSumSquared = congSumSquared - vCongSumSquared;
5752 hCrosSumSquared = crosSumSquared - vCrosSumSquared;
5754 hCongAverage = (float)hCongSum/(float)hnum;
5755 hCongStandardDeviation = sqrt((float)hCongSumSquared/(float)hnum -
5756 hCongAverage * hCongAverage);
5758 hCrossAverage = (float)hCrosSum/(float)hnum;
5759 hCrosStandardDeviation = sqrt((float)hCrosSumSquared/(float)hnum -
5760 hCrossAverage * hCrossAverage);
5762 /* Now do funny things to only do statistics on the worst 10% of the tiles */
5763 congSum = 0.0; crosSum = 0.0;
5764 count = (float)(int)((ilist_length(congestion) * 0.100) + 0.5);
5766 ill = reverse_copy_ilist(congestion);
5767 for (il = ill; ((il != NULL) && (il->index > 0)); il = il->next)
5769 t = (tile*)il->this;
5770 a = (asg_arc*)t->this;
5771 area = a->local;
5772 congSum += (float)il->index/(float)area;
5773 congCount += 1;
5774 conge += il->index; /* Total congestion */
5775 if (il == ill)
5777 worstCong = (asg_arc*)t->this;
5778 worstCong->congestion = ill->index;
5779 ps_print_tile_border(stdout, worstCong);
5782 free_ilist(ill);
5783 ill = reverse_copy_ilist(crossovers);
5784 for (il = ill; ((il != NULL) && (il->index > 0)); il = il->next)
5786 t = (tile*)il->this;
5787 a = (asg_arc*)t->this;
5788 area = a->local;
5789 crosSum += (float)il->index/(float)area;
5790 crossCount += 1;
5791 cros += il->index; /* Total Crossovers */
5792 if (il == ill)
5794 worstCross = (asg_arc*)t->this;
5795 worstCross->count = ill->index;
5798 free_ilist(congestion); free_ilist(crossovers);
5800 congAverage = (float)congSum/(float)congCount;
5801 congDeviation = sqrt((float)congSumSquared/(float)congCount -
5802 congAverage * congAverage);
5804 crossAverage = (float)crosSum/(float)crossCount;
5805 crossDeviation = sqrt((float)crosSumSquared/(float)crossCount -
5806 crossAverage * crossAverage);
5808 /* Now that the calculations have been done, print out the line with the info: */
5809 fprintf(qsf,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
5811 fprintf(qsf,"?? -p%d -s%d -c%d -r%-4.2f %s %s %s\t ||",
5812 partition_rule, max_partition_size, max_partition_conn,
5813 partition_ratio, (stopAtFirstCut == TRUE) ? "-f" : "--",
5814 (useSlivering == FALSE) ? "-v" : "--", (useAveraging == TRUE) ? "-w" : "--");
5816 fprintf(qsf, "\t %-6.4f \t ", congAverage);
5818 fprintf(qsf, "%d \t %d |", conge, worstCong->congestion);
5820 fprintf(qsf, "\t %-6.4f \t", crossAverage);
5822 fprintf(qsf, "%d \t %d |", cros, worstCross->count);
5824 fprintf(qsf, "\t| %-6.4f |", quality_ranking(manhattan_PWS(), congAverage,
5825 conge, terminal_count));
5827 fprintf(qsf,"\n");
5828 fclose(qsf);
5830 /* Now print the outline of the worst congested tile: */
5833 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5834 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5835 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5837 /* END OF FILE "local_route.c" */