Corrected the SVG output for text characters "<" and ">" to the
[xcircuit.git] / lib / tcl / wrapper.tcl
1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # Start of xcircuit GUI configuration file.
3 # This file is sourced by "xcircuit.tcl" (".wishrc")
4 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 # This script sets up all the xcircuit windows and callback functions.
7 # The callback routines are in the shared object file
10 #-------------------------------
11 # Main xcircuit drawing window
12 #-------------------------------
14 proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
18 toplevel $name
19 wm title $name XCircuit
20 wm group $name .
21 wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
22 "xcircuit::closewindow ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.drawing"
24 # All the internal frames
26 frame ${name}.menubar
27 frame ${name}.infobar
28 frame ${name}.mainframe
30 grid propagate ${name} false
31 grid ${name}.menubar -sticky news -row 0 -column 0
32 grid ${name}.mainframe -sticky news -row 1 -columnspan 2
33 grid ${name}.infobar -sticky news -row 2 -columnspan 2
35 grid rowconfigure ${name} 0 -weight 0
36 grid rowconfigure ${name} 1 -weight 1
37 grid rowconfigure ${name} 2 -weight 0
39 grid columnconfigure ${name} 0 -weight 0
40 grid columnconfigure ${name} 1 -weight 1
42 frame ${name}.mainframe.mainarea
43 frame ${name}.mainframe.toolbar
45 pack ${name}.mainframe.toolbar -side right -fill y
46 pack ${name}.mainframe.mainarea -expand true -fill both
48 set drawing ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.drawing
49 simple $drawing -bg white -commandproc "focus $drawing ; set XCOps(focus) $name"
51 simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft -width 13
52 simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom -height 13
53 simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.corner -width 13 -height 13
55 # The drawing area and its scrollbars
57 grid ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ns
58 grid ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ew
59 grid $drawing -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news
60 grid ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.corner -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
62 grid rowconfigure ${name}.mainframe.mainarea 0 -weight 1
63 grid columnconfigure ${name}.mainframe.mainarea 1 -weight 1
65 # The top menu and message bar
67 menubutton ${name}.menubar.filebutton -text File \
68 -menu ${name}.menubar.filebutton.filemenu
69 menubutton ${name}.menubar.editbutton -text Edit \
70 -menu ${name}.menubar.editbutton.editmenu
71 menubutton ${name}.menubar.textbutton -text Text \
72 -menu ${name}.menubar.textbutton.textmenu
73 menubutton ${name}.menubar.optionsbutton -text Options \
74 -menu ${name}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu
75 menubutton ${name}.menubar.windowbutton -text Window \
76 -menu ${name}.menubar.windowbutton.windowmenu
77 menubutton ${name}.menubar.netlistbutton -text Netlist \
78 -menu ${name}.menubar.netlistbutton.netlistmenu
80 grid ${name}.menubar.filebutton ${name}.menubar.editbutton \
81 ${name}.menubar.textbutton ${name}.menubar.optionsbutton \
82 ${name}.menubar.windowbutton ${name}.menubar.netlistbutton \
83 -ipadx 10 -sticky news
85 # The top message bar
87 label ${name}.message -text \
88 "Welcome to Xcircuit v${XCIRCUIT_VERSION} rev ${XCIRCUIT_REVISION}" \
89 -justify left -anchor w
91 grid ${name}.message -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news -ipadx 10
93 button ${name}.infobar.symb -text "Symbol" -bg gray30 -fg white
94 button ${name}.infobar.schem -text "Schematic" -bg red -fg white
95 button ${name}.infobar.mode -text "Wire Mode" -bg skyblue2 -fg gray20
96 label ${name}.infobar.message1 -text "Editing: Page 1"
97 label ${name}.infobar.message2 -text "Grid 1/6 in : Snap 1/12 in" \
98 -justify left -anchor w
99 pack ${name}.infobar.symb ${name}.infobar.schem ${name}.infobar.message1 \
100 ${name}.infobar.mode -side left -ipadx 6 -fill y
101 pack ${name}.infobar.message2 -ipadx 6 -expand true -fill both
103 #-------------------------------------------------
104 # Mouse hint window (if mousehints are enabled)
105 #-------------------------------------------------
107 if {$XCOps(mousehints) == 0} {
108 bind ${name}.infobar.mode <Button-1> {xcircuit::enable_mousehints}
109 } elseif {$XCOps(mousehints) == 1} {
110 xcircuit::mousehint_create ${name}
113 #-------------------------------------------------
114 # Create the menus, toolbar and associated tools
115 #-------------------------------------------------
117 xcircuit::makemenus $name
118 xcircuit::createtoolbar $name
119 xcircuit::arrangetoolbar $name
120 xcircuit::allcolorbuttons $name
121 xcircuit::allfontbuttons $name
123 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
124 # Add key and button bindings for XCircuit commands (standard actions)
125 # These can be overridden by binding to specific keys and/or buttons.
126 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
128 bind $drawing <ButtonPress> {standardaction %b down %s}
129 bind $drawing <ButtonRelease> {standardaction %b up %s}
130 bind $drawing <KeyPress> {standardaction %k down %s}
131 bind $drawing <KeyRelease> {standardaction %k up %s}
133 # Here are some extra key functions that come with the TCL wrapper
135 bind $drawing <Key-Next> {catch {page [expr {[page] + 1}]}}
136 bind $drawing <Key-Prior> {catch {page [expr {[page] - 1}]}}
137 bind $drawing <Control-Key-p> {xcircuit::prompteditparams}
139 xcircuit::keybind <Key-bracketleft> {if {[select get] == {}} \
140 {select here; element lower; deselect} else {element lower}; \
141 refresh} $drawing
142 xcircuit::keybind <Key-bracketright> {if {[select get] == {}} \
143 {select here; element raise; deselect} else {element raise}; \
144 refresh} $drawing
146 # Bind numbers 1-9 and 0 so that they call the Tcl "page" command,
147 # and so can take advantage of the tag callback to "pageupdate".
149 xcircuit::keybind <Key-1> {page 1} $drawing
150 xcircuit::keybind <Key-2> {page 2} $drawing
151 xcircuit::keybind <Key-3> {page 3} $drawing
152 xcircuit::keybind <Key-4> {page 4} $drawing
153 xcircuit::keybind <Key-5> {page 5} $drawing
154 xcircuit::keybind <Key-6> {page 6} $drawing
155 xcircuit::keybind <Key-7> {page 7} $drawing
156 xcircuit::keybind <Key-8> {page 8} $drawing
157 xcircuit::keybind <Key-9> {page 9} $drawing
158 xcircuit::keybind <Key-0> {page 10} $drawing
160 # These are supposed to disable the scroll wheel on the scrollbars. . .
162 if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
163 bind $name <FocusIn> \
164 "catch {config focus ${drawing} ; focus ${drawing}; \
165 set XCOps(focus) ${name} ; xcircuit::updatedialog}"
167 bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <MouseWheel> {}
168 bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <MouseWheel> {}
170 } else {
171 bind $drawing <Enter> {focus %W}
172 bind $name <FocusIn> "catch {config focus $drawing ; \
173 set XCOps(focus) ${name} ; xcircuit::updatedialog}"
175 bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <Button-4> {}
176 bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <Button-5> {}
177 bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <Button-4> {}
178 bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <Button-5> {}
181 # Window-specific variable defaults (variables associated with toggle
182 # and radio buttons, etc.). Note that we really should set these
183 # defaults for the first window only, and subsequent windows should
184 # inherit values from the first window.
186 set XCWinOps(${name},button1) None
187 set XCWinOps(${name},colorval) inherit
188 set XCWinOps(${name},jhoriz) left
189 set XCWinOps(${name},jvert) bottom
190 set XCWinOps(${name},justif) left
191 set XCWinOps(${name},linestyle) solid
192 set XCWinOps(${name},fillamount) 0
193 set XCWinOps(${name},opaque) false
194 set XCWinOps(${name},polyedittype) manhattan
195 set XCWinOps(${name},pathedittype) tangents
196 set XCWinOps(${name},showgrid) true
197 set XCWinOps(${name},showsnap) true
198 set XCWinOps(${name},showaxes) true
199 set XCWinOps(${name},showbbox) false
200 set XCWinOps(${name},fontfamily) Helvetica
201 set XCWinOps(${name},fontstyle) normal
202 set XCWinOps(${name},fontencoding) ISOLatin1
203 set XCWinOps(${name},fontlining) normal
204 set XCWinOps(${name},fontscript) normal
205 set XCWinOps(${name},gridstyle) "internal units"
206 set XCWinOps(${name},flipinvariant) true
207 set XCWinOps(${name},pinvisible) false
208 set XCWinOps(${name},netlistable) true
209 set XCWinOps(${name},showclipmasks) show
210 set XCWinOps(${name},latexmode) false
211 set XCWinOps(${name},colorscheme) normal
212 set XCWinOps(${name},editinplace) true
213 set XCWinOps(${name},pinpositions) invisible
214 set XCWinOps(${name},pinattach) false
215 set XCWinOps(${name},namespaces) false
216 set XCWinOps(${name},centerobject) true
217 set XCWinOps(${name},manhattandraw) false
218 set XCWinOps(${name},polyclosed) closed
219 set XCWinOps(${name},scaleinvariant) invariant
220 set XCWinOps(${name},endcaps) round
221 set XCWinOps(${name},bboxtype) false
222 set XCWinOps(${name},clipmask) false
223 set XCWinOps(${name},substringparam) false
224 set XCWinOps(${name},numericparam) false
225 set XCWinOps(${name},expressparam) false
226 set XCWinOps(${name},xposparam) false
227 set XCWinOps(${name},yposparam) false
228 set XCWinOps(${name},styleparam) false
229 set XCWinOps(${name},anchorparam) false
230 set XCWinOps(${name},startparam) false
231 set XCWinOps(${name},endparam) false
232 set XCWinOps(${name},radiusparam) false
233 set XCWinOps(${name},minorparam) false
234 set XCWinOps(${name},rotationparam) false
235 set XCWinOps(${name},scaleparam) false
236 set XCWinOps(${name},linewidthparam) false
237 set XCWinOps(${name},colorparam) false
238 set XCWinOps(${name},sel_lab) true
239 set XCWinOps(${name},sel_inst) true
240 set XCWinOps(${name},sel_poly) true
241 set XCWinOps(${name},sel_arc) true
242 set XCWinOps(${name},sel_spline) true
243 set XCWinOps(${name},sel_graphic) true
244 set XCWinOps(${name},sel_path) true
245 set XCWinOps(${name},labeltype) Text
246 set XCWinOps(${name},labelimage) img_t
247 set XCWinOps(${name},rotateamount) 15
249 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
250 # The "catch" statement here allows "i" and "I" to have other bindings for
251 # normal mode (e.g., "I" for "make info label") when nothing is selected.
252 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
254 xcircuit::keybind i {if {[catch {xcircuit::autoincr}]} \
255 {standardaction %k down %s}} $drawing
256 xcircuit::keybind I {if {[catch {xcircuit::autoincr -1}]} \
257 {standardaction %k down %s}} $drawing
259 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
260 # Function bindings for the mouse scroll wheel.
261 # Note that Windows uses MouseWheel and direction passed as %D,
262 # while Linux uses Button-4 and Button-5.
263 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
265 if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
266 xcircuit::keybind <MouseWheel> {if { %D/120 >= 1} \
267 {pan up 0.1 ; refresh} else {pan down 0.1 ; refresh}} $drawing
268 xcircuit::keybind <Shift-MouseWheel> {if { %D/120 >= 1} \
269 {pan left 0.1 ; refresh} else {pan right 0.1 ; refresh}} $drawing
270 xcircuit::keybind <Control-MouseWheel> {if { %D/120 >= 1} \
271 {zoom in ; refresh} else {zoom out ; refresh}} $drawing
272 } else {
273 xcircuit::keybind <Button-4> { pan up 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
274 xcircuit::keybind <Button-5> { pan down 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
275 xcircuit::keybind <Shift-Button-4> { pan left 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
276 xcircuit::keybind <Shift-Button-5> { pan right 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
277 xcircuit::keybind <Control-Button-4> { zoom in ; refresh} $drawing
278 xcircuit::keybind <Control-Button-5> { zoom out ; refresh} $drawing
281 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
282 # Evaluate registered callback procedures
283 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
285 catch {eval $XCOps(callback)}
286 catch {eval $XCWinOps(${name}, callback)}
289 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
290 # Delete a window.
291 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
293 proc xcircuit::closewindow {name} {
294 global XCOps
296 set winlist [config windownames]
297 if {[llength $winlist] > 1} {
298 if {[lsearch $winlist $name] != -1} {
299 config delete $name
300 set newwin [lindex [config windownames] 0]
301 destroy [winfo top $name]
302 config focus $newwin
303 set XCOps(focus) [winfo top $newwin]
305 } else {
306 quit
310 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
311 # Create a new window, and set it to the same page as the current one.
312 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
314 proc xcircuit::forkwindow {} {
315 set suffix [llength [config windownames]]
316 set newname .xcircuit${suffix}
317 xcircuit::new_window $newname
318 config init $newname
321 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
322 # Find the geometry position that centers a window on the cursor
323 # position
324 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
326 proc xcircuit::centerwin {wname} {
327 set xmax [expr {[winfo screenwidth $wname] - 10}]
328 set ymax [expr {[winfo screenheight $wname] - 35}] ;# allow for titlebar height
329 set x [winfo pointerx $wname]
330 set y [winfo pointery $wname]
331 tkwait visibility $wname
332 set w [winfo width $wname]
333 set h [winfo height $wname]
334 set x [expr $x - $w / 2]
335 set y [expr $y - $h / 2]
336 if {$x < 10} {set x 10}
337 if {$y < 10} {set y 10}
338 if {[expr {$x + $w}] > $xmax} {set x [expr {$xmax - $w}]}
339 if {[expr {$y + $h}] > $ymax} {set y [expr {$ymax - $h}]}
340 if {$x > 0} {set x "+$x"}
341 if {$y > 0} {set y "+$y"}
342 wm geometry $wname $x$y
345 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
346 # Message handling. Assumes that windows are named
347 # 1) "pagename" where the page name is printed
348 # 2) "coordinates" where the coordinates are printed
349 # 3) "status" the general-purpose status and message line.
350 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
352 proc xcircuit::print {wname string} {
353 global XCOps
354 set window $XCOps(focus)
356 switch -glob ${wname} {
357 page* {
358 ${window}.infobar.message1 configure -text ${string}
360 coord* {
361 ${window}.message configure -text ${string}
363 mes* -
364 stat* {
365 ${window}.infobar.message2 configure -text ${string}
370 proc xcircuit::getinitstate {wname} {
371 if [winfo exists $wname] {
372 set wstate [wm state $wname]
373 } else {
374 set wstate "none"
376 return $wstate
379 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
380 # Support procedures for tag callbacks
381 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
383 proc xcircuit::popupdialog {{w .dialog}} {
384 set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate ${w}]
385 xcircuit::removelists ${w}
386 wm deiconify ${w}
387 if {"$wstate" != "normal"} {centerwin ${w}}
388 raise ${w}
389 focus ${w}.textent.txt
392 proc xcircuit::popupfilelist {{w .filelist}} {
393 set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate ${w}]
394 xcircuit::removelists ${w}
395 wm deiconify ${w}
396 centerwin ${w}
397 raise ${w}
398 focus ${w}.textent.txt
401 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
402 # A refined "page size" that keeps a lid on the numerical precision
403 # out of Tcl. . .
404 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
406 proc xcircuit::getpagesize {} {
407 set slist [xcircuit::page size]
408 set coordstyle [lindex $slist 3]
409 if {$coordstyle == "cm"} {
410 # Round centimeter coords to the nearest 0.1
411 set xcm [lindex $slist 0]
412 set xcm [expr {round($xcm * 10.0) / 10.0}]
413 set slist [lreplace $slist 0 0 $xcm]
414 set ycm [lindex $slist 2]
415 set ycm [expr {round($ycm * 10.0) / 10.0}]
416 set slist [lreplace $slist 2 2 $ycm]
417 } elseif {$coordstyle == "in"} {
418 # Round inch coords to the nearest 1/8
419 set xin [lindex $slist 0]
420 set xin [expr {round($xin * 8.0) / 8.0}]
421 set slist [lreplace $slist 0 0 $xin]
422 set yin [lindex $slist 2]
423 set yin [expr {round($yin * 8.0) / 8.0}]
424 set slist [lreplace $slist 2 2 $yin]
426 return $slist
429 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
430 # This procedure configures the sheet size according to the page
431 # dimensions (if they match, within reason)
432 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
434 proc xcircuit::setsheetsize {} {
435 global XCOps
437 set slist [xcircuit::getpagesize]
438 set coordstyle [lindex $slist 3]
439 if {$coordstyle == "cm"} {
440 set xcm [lindex $slist 0]
441 set ycm [lindex $slist 2]
443 if {$xcm == 21.0 && $ycm == 29.7} {
444 set XCOps(sheetsize) a4
445 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A4"
446 } elseif {$xcm == 29.7 && $ycm == 42.0} {
447 set XCOps(sheetsize) a3
448 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A3"
449 } elseif {$xcm == 14.8 && $ycm == 18.4} {
450 set XCOps(sheetsize) a5
451 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A5"
452 } elseif {$xcm == 25.7 && $ycm == 36.4} {
453 set XCOps(sheetsize) b4
454 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "B4"
455 } elseif {$xcm == 18.2 && $ycm == 25.7} {
456 set XCOps(sheetsize) b5
457 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "B5"
458 } else {
459 set XCOps(sheetsize) special
460 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "Special"
462 } elseif {$coordstyle == "in"} {
463 set xin [lindex $slist 0]
464 set yin [lindex $slist 2]
466 if {$xin == 8.5 && $yin == 11.0} {
467 set XCOps(sheetsize) letter
468 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Letter
469 } elseif {$xin == 8.5 && $yin == 14.0} {
470 set XCOps(sheetsize) legal
471 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Legal
472 } elseif {$xin == 5.5 && $yin == 8.5} {
473 set XCOps(sheetsize) statement
474 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Statement
475 } elseif {$xin == 11.0 && $yin == 17.0} {
476 set XCOps(sheetsize) tabloid
477 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Tabloid
478 } elseif {$xin == 17.0 && $yin == 11.0} {
479 set XCOps(sheetsize) ledger
480 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Ledger
481 } elseif {$xin == 8.5 && $yin == 13.0} {
482 set XCOps(sheetsize) folio
483 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Folio
484 } elseif {$xin == 10.0 && $yin == 14.0} {
485 set XCOps(sheetsize) tenfourteen
486 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text 10x14
487 } elseif {$xin == 7.5 && $yin == 10.0} {
488 set XCOps(sheetsize) executive
489 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Executive
490 } elseif {$xin == 17.0 && $yin == 22.0} {
491 set XCOps(sheetsize) ansic
492 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI C"
493 } elseif {$xin == 22.0 && $yin == 34.0} {
494 set XCOps(sheetsize) ansid
495 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI D"
496 } elseif {$xin == 34.0 && $yin == 44.0} {
497 set XCOps(sheetsize) ansie
498 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI E"
499 } else {
500 set XCOps(sheetsize) special
501 .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "Special"
506 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
507 # This procedure configures the output properties window according to
508 # the page mode (full or encapsulated)
509 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
511 proc xcircuit::setpstype {mode} {
512 global XCOps
513 switch -- $mode {
514 {eps} { .output.textent.butp configure -text "Embedded (EPS)"
515 grid remove .output.textent.but7
516 grid remove .output.textent.butf
517 grid remove .output.textent.txtf
519 {full} {.output.textent.butp configure -text "Full Page"
520 grid .output.textent.but7 -row 6 -column 3 -pady 5 -ipadx 10
521 grid .output.textent.butf -row 5 -column 2 -padx 10
522 grid .output.textent.txtf -row 6 -column 2 -sticky ew -padx 10
525 set XCOps(pstype) $mode
526 xcircuit::page encapsulation $mode
529 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
531 proc xcircuit::dolinks {} {
532 global XCOps
533 set ilinks [xcircuit::page links independent]
534 if {$ilinks > 1} {
535 set XCOps(imultiple) 1
536 } else {
537 set XCOps(imultiple) 0
539 if {$ilinks == 1} { set plural ""} else { set plural "s"}
540 .output.title.imulti configure -text "$ilinks schematic$plural"
542 if {$XCOps(dmultiple) == 1} {
543 set dlinks [xcircuit::page links dependent]
544 } else {
545 set dlinks 0
547 if {$dlinks == 1} { set plural ""} else { set plural "s"}
548 .output.title.dmulti configure -text "$dlinks subcircuit$plural"
551 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
553 proc xcircuit::setlinksmenu {} {
554 set m .output.textent.butl.linksmenu
555 $m delete 0 end
556 $m add radio -label "None" -variable XCOps(links) -command \
557 {.output.textent.butl configure -text None ; \
558 xcircuit::page filename {}}
559 if {![catch {set plist [xcircuit::page list]}]} {
560 set fnames {}
561 foreach p $plist {
562 set pfile [xcircuit::page $p filename]
563 if {"$pfile" != ""} {
564 lappend fnames $pfile
567 foreach f [lsort -uniq $fnames] {
568 $m add radio -label $f -variable XCOps(links) \
569 -command ".output.textent.butl configure -text $f ; \
570 xcircuit::page filename $f"
573 .output.textent.butl configure -text "(change)"
576 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
578 proc xcircuit::pageupdate { {subcommand "none"} } {
579 global XCOps
580 if {[info level] <= 1} {
581 switch -- $subcommand {
582 save {
583 .output.bbar.okay configure -text "Done"
584 .output.bbar.okay configure -command {wm withdraw .output}
586 make {
587 xcircuit::newpagebutton [xcircuit::page label]
589 default {
590 .output.title.field configure -text \
591 "PostScript output properties (Page [xcircuit::page])"
592 set fname [xcircuit::page filename]
593 .output.textent.but1 configure -text Apply
594 .output.textent.but2 configure -text Apply
595 .output.textent.but3 configure -text Apply
596 .output.textent.but4 configure -text Apply
597 .output.textent.but5 configure -text Apply
598 .output.textent.but7 configure -text Apply
599 .output.textent.txt1 delete 0 end
600 .output.textent.txt1 insert 0 $fname
601 .output.textent.txt2 delete 0 end
602 .output.textent.txt2 insert 0 [xcircuit::page label]
603 .output.textent.txt3 delete 0 end
604 set stext [format "%g" [xcircuit::page scale]]
605 .output.textent.txt3 insert 0 $stext
606 .output.textent.txt4 delete 0 end
607 set wtext [format "%g" [xcircuit::page width]]
608 .output.textent.txt4 insert 0 $wtext
609 .output.textent.txt4 insert end " "
610 .output.textent.txt4 insert end [xcircuit::coordstyle get]
611 .output.textent.txt5 delete 0 end
612 set htext [format "%g" [xcircuit::page height]]
613 .output.textent.txt5 insert 0 $htext
614 .output.textent.txt5 insert end " "
615 .output.textent.txt5 insert end [xcircuit::coordstyle get]
616 .output.textent.txtf.txtp delete 0 end
617 .output.textent.txtf.txtp insert 0 [xcircuit::getpagesize]
618 xcircuit::setpstype [xcircuit::page encapsulation]
619 set XCOps(orient) [xcircuit::page orientation]
620 if {$XCOps(orient) == 0} {
621 .output.textent.buto configure -text Portrait
622 } else {
623 .output.textent.buto configure -text Landscape
625 xcircuit::dolinks
626 xcircuit::setlinksmenu
627 xcircuit::setsheetsize
629 set XCOps(autofit) [xcircuit::page fit]
630 if {[string match *.* $fname] == 0} {append fname .ps}
631 if {[glob -nocomplain ${fname}] == {}} {
632 .output.bbar.okay configure -text "Write File"
633 } else {
634 .output.bbar.okay configure -text "Overwrite File"
636 .output.bbar.okay configure -command \
637 {.output.textent.but1 invoke; \
638 .output.textent.but2 invoke; \
639 if {$XCOps(autofit)} {xcircuit::page fit true}; \
640 if {$XCOps(dmultiple) == 1} {xcircuit::page save} else { \
641 xcircuit::page saveonly }; wm withdraw .output}
647 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
648 # Update the GUI based on the schematic class of the current page
649 # This is called internally from the xcircuit code and the function
650 # must be defined, even if it is a null proc.
651 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
653 proc xcircuit::setsymschem {} {
654 global XCOps
655 set window $XCOps(focus)
657 if {[info level] <= 1} {
658 set schemtype [xcircuit::schematic type]
659 set symschem [xcircuit::schematic get]
660 set m ${window}.menubar.netlistbutton.netlistmenu
661 switch -- $schemtype {
662 primary -
663 secondary -
664 schematic {
665 ${window}.infobar.schem configure -background red -foreground white
666 if {$symschem == {}} {
667 ${window}.infobar.symb configure -background gray70 \
668 -foreground gray40
669 $m entryconfigure 6 -label "Make Matching Symbol" \
670 -command {xcircuit::promptmakesymbol [page label]}
671 $m entryconfigure 7 -label "Associate With Symbol" \
672 -command {xcircuit::symbol associate}
673 } else {
674 ${window}.infobar.symb configure -background white -foreground black
675 $m entryconfigure 6 -label "Go To Symbol" \
676 -command {xcircuit::symbol go}
677 $m entryconfigure 7 -label "Disassociate Symbol" \
678 -command {xcircuit::symbol disassociate}
681 symbol -
682 fundamental -
683 trivial {
684 ${window}.infobar.symb configure -foreground white
685 if {$symschem == {}} {
686 ${window}.infobar.schem configure -background gray70 -foreground \
687 gray40
688 $m entryconfigure 6 -label "Make Matching Schematic" \
689 -command {xcircuit::schematic make}
690 $m entryconfigure 7 -label "Associate With Schematic" \
691 -command {xcircuit::schematic associate}
692 } else {
693 ${window}.infobar.schem configure -background white -foreground black
694 $m entryconfigure 6 -label "Go To Schematic" \
695 -command {xcircuit::schematic go}
696 $m entryconfigure 7 -label "Disassociate Schematic" \
697 -command {xcircuit::schematic disassociate}
701 switch -- $schemtype {
702 trivial {
703 ${window}.infobar.symb configure -background red
705 fundamental {
706 ${window}.infobar.symb configure -background green4 ;# bboxcolor
708 symbol {
709 ${window}.infobar.symb configure -background blue2
715 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
716 # Set the coordinate style to inches from cm and vice versa.
717 # This routine avoids switching from fractional to decimal inches
718 # and vice versa if we are already in one of the two inches modes.
720 # with no argument, or argument "get", returns the "short" name
721 # ("cm" or "in") of the style.
722 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
724 proc xcircuit::coordstyle { { mode get } } {
725 global XCOps XCWinOps
726 set curstyle [xcircuit::config coordstyle]
727 switch -- $mode {
728 inches {
729 switch -- $curstyle {
730 centimeters {
731 xcircuit::config coordstyle "decimal inches"
732 xcircuit::pageupdate
736 centimeters -
737 cm {
738 switch -- $curstyle {
739 centimeters {
741 default {
742 xcircuit::config coordstyle "centimeters"
743 xcircuit::pageupdate
747 get {
748 switch -- $curstyle {
749 centimeters {
750 return "cm"
752 default {
753 return "in"
760 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
762 proc xcircuit::raiseconsole {} {
763 global XCOps
764 set window $XCOps(focus)
766 xcircuit::consoleup
767 xcircuit::consoleontop
768 set cidx [${window}.menubar.filebutton.filemenu index *Console]
769 ${window}.menubar.filebutton.filemenu entryconfigure \
770 $cidx -label "No Console" -command {xcircuit::lowerconsole}
773 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
775 proc xcircuit::lowerconsole {} {
776 global XCOps
777 set window $XCOps(focus)
779 xcircuit::consoledown
780 set cidx [${window}.menubar.filebutton.filemenu index *Console]
781 ${window}.menubar.filebutton.filemenu entryconfigure \
782 $cidx -label "Tcl Console" -command {xcircuit::raiseconsole}
785 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
786 # Command tags---these let the command-line entry functions update the
787 # Tk windows, so that the Tk window structure doesn't need to be hard-
788 # coded into the source.
789 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
791 xcircuit::tag page {xcircuit::pageupdate %1 ; xcircuit::updateparams}
792 xcircuit::tag promptsavepage {xcircuit::pageupdate ;
793 set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate .output] ; wm deiconify .output ;
794 if {"$wstate" != "normal"} {xcircuit::centerwin .output} ; raise .output}
795 xcircuit::tag loadfont {xcircuit::newfontbutton %r}
796 xcircuit::tag color { if {"%1" == "set"} {
797 set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),colorval) %2; set iname img_co;
798 if {"%2" != "inherit"} {append iname l%2} ;
799 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bco configure -image $iname} }
800 xcircuit::tag border {if {%# == 2} {
801 switch -- %1 {
802 dashed { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),linestyle) dashed}
803 dotted { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),linestyle) dotted}
804 unbordered { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),linestyle) unbordered}
805 solid { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),linestyle) solid}
806 square { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),endcaps) square}
807 round { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),endcaps) round}
808 closed { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),polyclosed) closed}
809 unclosed { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),polyclosed) unclosed}
810 }} elseif {%# == 3} {
811 switch -- %1 {
812 bbox { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),bboxtype) %2}
813 clipmask { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),clipmask) %2}
815 xcircuit::tag fill { foreach i %N { switch -- "$i" {
816 opaque { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),opaque) true }
817 transparent { set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),opaque) false } 0 - unfilled
818 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fillamount) 0;
819 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bfi configure -image img_fi}
820 solid {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fillamount) 100;
821 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bfi configure -image img_stip100}
822 default {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fillamount) $i;
823 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bfi configure -image img_stip$i} } } }
825 xcircuit::tag select {if {%N > 1} {xcircuit::updateparams; xcircuit::updatedialog}}
826 xcircuit::tag unselect {xcircuit::updateparams; xcircuit::updatedialog}
827 xcircuit::tag schematic {xcircuit::setsymschem}
828 xcircuit::tag symbol {xcircuit::setsymschem}
830 xcircuit::tag parameter { if {"%1" == "make"} {set cond true} else {set cond false}
831 switch %1 {
832 set -
833 forget -
834 delete {xcircuit::updateparams}
835 make -
836 replace {switch -- "%2" {
837 "x position" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),xposparam) $cond}
838 "y position" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),yposparam) $cond}
839 style {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),styleparam) $cond}
840 "start angle" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),startparam) $cond}
841 "end angle" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),endparam) $cond}
842 anchoring {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),anchorparam) $cond}
843 radius {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),radiusparam) $cond}
844 "minor axis" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),minorparam) $cond}
845 rotation {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotationparam) $cond}
846 scale {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),scaleparam) $cond}
847 linewidth {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),linewidthparam) $cond}
848 color {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),colorparam) $cond}
849 default {xcircuit::updateparams}
851 default {if {%# == 4} {xcircuit::updateparams}}
854 xcircuit::tag config {if {%# == 3} {
855 switch -- %1 {
856 colorscheme {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),colorscheme) [config colorscheme];
857 refresh}
858 bbox {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showbbox) [config bbox]}
859 editinplace {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),editinplace) [config editinplace]}
860 pinpositions {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pinpositions) [config pinpositions]}
861 pinattach {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pinattach) [config pinattach]}
862 technologies {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),namespaces) [config technologies]}
863 hold {set XCOps(hold) [config hold]}
864 grid {catch {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showgrid) [config grid]}}
865 snap {catch {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showsnap) [config snap]}}
866 axes {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showaxes) [config axes]}
867 centering {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),centerobject) [config centering]}
868 manhattan {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),manhattandraw) [config manhattan]}
869 coordstyle {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),gridstyle) [config coordstyle]}
870 boxedit {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),polyedittype) [config boxedit]}
871 pathedit {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pathedittype) [config pathedit]}
872 technologies {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showtech) [config technologies]}
873 }} elseif {(%# == 4) && ("%1" == "filter")} {
874 set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_%2) [config filter %2]
877 xcircuit::tag label {if {%# == 3} {
878 switch -- %1 {
879 encoding {
880 set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fontencoding) %2
881 xcircuit::newencodingbutton %2
883 family {if {"%2" != "-all"} {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fontfamily) %2}}
884 style {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fontstyle) %2}
885 anchor {
886 switch -- %2 {
887 top -
888 bottom -
889 middle {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),jvert) %2}
890 default {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),jhoriz) %2}
893 justify {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),justif) %2}
894 flipinvariant {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),flipinvariant) %2}
895 visible {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pinvisible) %2}
896 latex {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),latexmode) %2}
897 }} elseif {(%# == 4) && ("%1" == "anchor")} {
898 switch -- %2 {
899 top -
900 bottom -
901 middle {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),jvert) %2 ;
902 set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),jhoriz) %3}
903 default {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),jhoriz) %2 ;
904 set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),jvert) %3}
908 #------------------------------
909 # Create the file-list window
910 #------------------------------
912 # First, set the variables associated with toggle and radio buttons
913 set XCOps(filter) 1
915 toplevel .filelist -bg beige
916 wm title .filelist "File List Window"
917 wm group .filelist .
918 wm protocol .filelist WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .filelist}
919 wm withdraw .filelist
921 frame .filelist.listwin
922 frame .filelist.textent -bg beige
923 frame .filelist.bbar -bg beige
925 pack .filelist.listwin -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -expand true -fill both
926 pack .filelist.textent -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
927 pack .filelist.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
929 simple -bg white
930 simple -width 13 -bg beige
932 grid -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1
933 grid -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns -padx 1 -pady 1
935 grid columnconfigure .filelist.listwin 0 -weight 1 -minsize 100
936 grid rowconfigure .filelist.listwin 0 -weight 1 -minsize 100
938 frame .filelist.textent.title -bg beige
939 pack .filelist.textent.title -side top -fill x
941 label .filelist.textent.title.field -text "Select file to load:" -bg beige
942 label .filelist.textent.title.chklabel -text "Filter" -bg beige
943 checkbutton .filelist.textent.title.filter -bg beige -variable XCOps(filter) \
944 -command {event generate <ButtonPress> -button 3 ; \
945 event generate <ButtonRelease> -button 3}
947 entry .filelist.textent.txt -bg white -relief sunken -width 50
949 pack .filelist.textent.title.filter -side right
950 pack .filelist.textent.title.chklabel -side right
951 pack .filelist.textent.title.field -side left
952 pack .filelist.textent.txt -side bottom -fill x -expand true
954 button .filelist.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige
955 button .filelist.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command {wm withdraw .filelist}
957 pack .filelist.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
958 pack .filelist.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
960 # Allow <return> to update or accept entry
961 bind .filelist.textent.txt <Return> \
962 {event generate <ButtonPress> -button 2 ; \
963 event generate <ButtonRelease> -button 2}
965 #--------------------------------------
966 # Create the output generating window
967 #--------------------------------------
969 # First, set the variables associated with toggle and radio buttons
970 set XCOps(autofit) 0
971 set XCOps(imultiple) 0
972 set XCOps(dmultiple) 0 ;# don't save subcircuits with different filenames
973 if {[catch {set XCOps(technology)}]} {set XCOps(technology) "(user)"}
974 if {[catch {set XCOps(library)}]} {set XCOps(library) "User Library"}
976 toplevel .output -bg beige
977 wm title .output "PostScript Output Properties"
978 wm group .output .
979 wm protocol .output WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .output}
980 wm withdraw .output
982 frame .output.title -bg beige
983 frame .output.textent -bg beige
984 frame .output.bbar -bg beige
986 pack .output.title -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
987 pack .output.textent -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
988 pack .output.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
990 label .output.title.field -text "PostScript output properties (Page 1):" -bg tan
991 checkbutton .output.title.imulti -text "1 schematic" -bg beige \
992 -variable XCOps(imultiple) \
993 -command {xcircuit::dolinks ; \
994 if {$XCOps(imultiple) == 1} {.output.textent.txt1 \
995 delete 0 end; .output.textent.but1 configure -text Apply; xcircuit::page \
996 filename {}; focus .output.textent.txt1 ; xcircuit::dolinks }}
997 checkbutton .output.title.dmulti -text "0 subcircuits" -bg beige \
998 -variable XCOps(dmultiple) \
999 -command {xcircuit::dolinks ; .output.textent.but1 configure -text Apply; \
1000 if {$XCOps(dmultiple) == 1} {xcircuit::page filename {}; \
1001 .output.textent.txt1 delete 0 end; focus .output.textent.txt1 }; \
1002 xcircuit::dolinks }
1004 pack .output.title.dmulti -side right -padx 5
1005 pack .output.title.imulti -side right -padx 5
1007 pack .output.title.field -side left
1009 label .output.textent.lab1 -text "Filename:" -bg beige
1010 label .output.textent.lab2 -text "Page label:" -bg beige
1011 label .output.textent.lab3 -text "Scale:" -bg beige
1012 label .output.textent.lab4 -text "Width:" -bg beige
1013 label .output.textent.lab5 -text "Height:" -bg beige
1014 label .output.textent.lab6 -text "Orientation:" -bg beige
1015 label .output.textent.lab7 -text "Mode:" -bg beige
1016 label .output.textent.lab8 -text "Link to:" -bg beige
1018 entry .output.textent.txt1 -bg white -relief sunken -width 20
1019 entry .output.textent.txt2 -bg white -relief sunken -width 20
1020 entry .output.textent.txt3 -bg white -relief sunken -width 20
1021 entry .output.textent.txt4 -bg white -relief sunken -width 20
1022 entry .output.textent.txt5 -bg white -relief sunken -width 20
1024 menubutton .output.textent.buto -text Portrait -bg beige \
1025 -menu .output.textent.buto.orientmenu
1026 menubutton .output.textent.butp -text "Embedded (EPS)" -bg beige \
1027 -menu .output.textent.butp.psmenu
1028 menubutton .output.textent.butl -text "(change)" -bg beige \
1029 -menu .output.textent.butl.linksmenu
1031 checkbutton .output.textent.butf -text "Auto-fit" -bg beige \
1032 -variable XCOps(autofit) -onvalue true -offvalue false \
1033 -command {xcircuit::page fit $XCOps(autofit)}
1034 frame .output.textent.txtf -bg beige
1035 menubutton .output.textent.txtf.sizb -text "Sizes" -bg beige \
1036 -menu .output.textent.txtf.sizb.sizemenu
1037 entry .output.textent.txtf.txtp -bg white -relief sunken -width 14
1039 pack .output.textent.txtf.txtp -side left -fill y
1040 pack .output.textent.txtf.sizb -side left
1042 button .output.textent.but1 -text Apply -bg beige \
1043 -command {xcircuit::page filename [.output.textent.txt1 get]
1044 if {[llength [xcircuit::page label]] > 1} {
1045 xcircuit::page label [file root [.output.textent.txt1 get]]};\
1046 .output.textent.but1 configure -text Okay}
1047 button .output.textent.but2 -text Apply -bg beige \
1048 -command {xcircuit::page label [.output.textent.txt2 get];\
1049 .output.textent.but2 configure -text Okay}
1050 button .output.textent.but3 -text Apply -bg beige \
1051 -command {xcircuit::page scale [.output.textent.txt3 get];\
1052 .output.textent.but3 configure -text Okay}
1053 button .output.textent.but4 -text Apply -bg beige \
1054 -command {xcircuit::page width [.output.textent.txt4 get];\
1055 .output.textent.but4 configure -text Okay}
1056 button .output.textent.but5 -text Apply -bg beige \
1057 -command {xcircuit::page height [.output.textent.txt5 get];\
1058 .output.textent.but5 configure -text Okay}
1059 button .output.textent.but7 -text Apply -bg beige \
1060 -command {xcircuit::page size [.output.textent.txtf.txtp get];\
1061 .output.textent.but7 configure -text Okay}
1063 bind .output.textent.txt1 <Return> {.output.textent.but1 invoke}
1064 bind .output.textent.txt2 <Return> {.output.textent.but2 invoke}
1065 bind .output.textent.txt3 <Return> {.output.textent.but3 invoke}
1066 bind .output.textent.txt4 <Return> {.output.textent.but4 invoke}
1067 bind .output.textent.txt5 <Return> {.output.textent.but5 invoke}
1069 grid .output.textent.lab1 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
1070 grid .output.textent.lab2 -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
1071 grid .output.textent.lab3 -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
1072 grid .output.textent.lab4 -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
1073 grid .output.textent.lab5 -row 4 -column 0 -sticky w
1074 grid .output.textent.lab6 -row 5 -column 0 -sticky w
1075 grid .output.textent.lab7 -row 6 -column 0 -sticky w
1076 grid .output.textent.lab8 -row 7 -column 0 -sticky w
1078 grid .output.textent.txt1 -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew -padx 10
1079 grid .output.textent.txt2 -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew -padx 10
1080 grid .output.textent.txt3 -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew -padx 10
1081 grid .output.textent.txt4 -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew -padx 10
1082 grid .output.textent.txt5 -row 4 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew -padx 10
1083 grid .output.textent.buto -row 5 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 10
1084 grid .output.textent.butp -row 6 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 10
1085 grid .output.textent.butl -row 7 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 10
1087 grid .output.textent.but1 -row 0 -column 3 -pady 5 -ipadx 10
1088 grid .output.textent.but2 -row 1 -column 3 -pady 5 -ipadx 10
1089 grid .output.textent.but3 -row 2 -column 3 -pady 5 -ipadx 10
1090 grid .output.textent.but4 -row 3 -column 3 -pady 5 -ipadx 10
1091 grid .output.textent.but5 -row 4 -column 3 -pady 5 -ipadx 10
1093 grid columnconfigure .output.textent 2 -weight 1
1095 button .output.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige -command {xcircuit::page save; \
1096 wm withdraw .output}
1097 button .output.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command {wm withdraw .output}
1099 # Setup simple choice menus for page type and orientation
1100 # First, set the variables associated with the radio buttons. . .
1101 set XCOps(orient) 0
1102 set XCOps(pstype) eps
1104 set m [menu .output.textent.buto.orientmenu -tearoff 0]
1105 $m add radio -label "Portrait" -variable XCOps(orient) -value 0 -command \
1106 {.output.textent.buto configure -text Portrait ; \
1107 xcircuit::page orientation 0}
1108 $m add radio -label "Landscape" -variable XCOps(orient) -value 90 -command \
1109 {.output.textent.buto configure -text Landscape ; \
1110 xcircuit::page orientation 90}
1112 set m [menu .output.textent.butp.psmenu -tearoff 0]
1113 $m add radio -label "Embedded (EPS)" -variable XCOps(pstype) -value eps -command \
1114 {xcircuit::setpstype eps}
1115 $m add radio -label "Full Page" -variable XCOps(pstype) -value full -command \
1116 {xcircuit::setpstype full}
1118 menu .output.textent.butl.linksmenu -tearoff 0
1119 xcircuit::setlinksmenu
1121 pack .output.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
1122 pack .output.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
1124 set m [menu .output.textent.txtf.sizb.sizemenu -tearoff 0]
1125 $m add radio -label "Letter (ANSI A)" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) \
1126 -value letter -command \
1127 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "8.5 x 11.0 in"}
1128 $m add radio -label "Legal" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value legal -command \
1129 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "8.5 x 14.0 in"}
1130 $m add radio -label "Statement" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value statement \
1131 -command \
1132 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "5.5 x 8.5 in"}
1133 $m add radio -label "Tabloid (ANSI B)" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) \
1134 -value tabloid -command \
1135 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "11.0 x 17.0 in"}
1136 $m add radio -label "Ledger" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value ledger -command \
1137 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "17.0 x 11.0 in"}
1138 $m add radio -label "Folio" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value folio -command \
1139 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "8.5 x 13.0 in"}
1140 $m add radio -label "Quarto" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value quarto -command \
1141 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "8.472 x 10.833 in"}
1142 $m add radio -label "10x14" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value tenfourteen -command \
1143 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "10.0 x 14.0 in"}
1144 $m add radio -label "Executive" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value executive -command \
1145 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "7.5 x 10.0 in"}
1146 $m add radio -label "ANSI C" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value ansic -command \
1147 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "17.0 x 22.0 in"}
1148 $m add radio -label "ANSI D" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value ansid -command \
1149 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "22.0 x 34.0 in"}
1150 $m add radio -label "ANSI E" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value ansie -command \
1151 { xcircuit::coordstyle inches; xcircuit::page size "34.0 x 44.0 in"}
1152 $m add radio -label "A3" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value a3 -command \
1153 { xcircuit::coordstyle centimeters; xcircuit::page size "29.7 x 42.0 cm"}
1154 $m add radio -label "A4" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value a4 -command \
1155 { xcircuit::coordstyle centimeters; xcircuit::page size "21.0 x 29.7 cm"}
1156 $m add radio -label "A5" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value a5 -command \
1157 { xcircuit::coordstyle centimeters; xcircuit::page size "14.82 x 18.43 cm"}
1158 $m add radio -label "B4" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value b4 -command \
1159 { xcircuit::coordstyle centimeters; xcircuit::page size "25.7 x 36.4 cm"}
1160 $m add radio -label "B5" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value b5 -command \
1161 { xcircuit::coordstyle centimeters; xcircuit::page size "18.2 x 25.7 cm"}
1162 $m add radio -label "Special" -variable XCOps(sheetsize) -value special}
1164 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
1165 # Clear the selection listbox. Create it if it does not exist.
1166 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
1168 proc xcircuit::make_parameter_listbox {} {
1169 if {[catch {wm state .parameter}]} {
1170 toplevel .parameter -bg beige
1171 wm group .parameter .
1172 wm withdraw .parameter
1174 label .parameter.title -text "Parameters" -bg beige
1175 label .parameter.keytitle -text "Key" -bg beige
1176 label .parameter.valtitle -text "Value" -bg beige
1178 listbox .parameter.keylist -bg white
1179 listbox .parameter.vallist -bg white
1180 listbox .parameter.parvals -bg white
1182 # Code to get the listboxes to scroll in synchrony
1183 bind .parameter.keylist <Button-4> {xcircuit::paramscroll -1}
1184 bind .parameter.keylist <Button-5> {xcircuit::paramscroll 1}
1185 bind .parameter.vallist <Button-4> {xcircuit::paramscroll -1}
1186 bind .parameter.vallist <Button-5> {xcircuit::paramscroll 1}
1187 bind .parameter.parvals <Button-4> {xcircuit::paramscroll -1}
1188 bind .parameter.parvals <Button-5> {xcircuit::paramscroll 1}
1189 # Also bind to the mouse wheel (Windows-specific, generally)
1190 bind .parameter.keylist <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::paramscroll %D}
1191 bind .parameter.vallist <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::paramscroll %D}
1192 bind .parameter.parvals <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::paramscroll %D}
1194 button .parameter.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -bg beige \
1195 -command {wm withdraw .parameter}
1197 menubutton .parameter.delete -text "Delete..." -bg beige \
1198 -menu .parameter.delete.deleteparam
1199 menu .parameter.delete.deleteparam -tearoff 0
1201 menubutton .parameter.create -text "New..." -bg beige \
1202 -menu .parameter.create.newparam
1203 menu .parameter.create.newparam -tearoff 0
1204 .parameter.create.newparam add command -label "Substring" -command \
1205 "xcircuit::promptmakeparam substring"
1206 .parameter.create.newparam add command -label "Numeric" -command \
1207 "xcircuit::promptmakeparam numeric"
1208 .parameter.create.newparam add command -label "Expression" -command \
1209 "xcircuit::promptmakeparam expression"
1211 labelframe .parameter.valedit -text "Edit value" -bg beige
1212 entry .parameter.valedit.entry -textvariable new_paramval -bg white
1213 button .parameter.valedit.apply -text "Apply" -bg beige
1215 pack .parameter.valedit.entry -side left -fill x -expand true -padx 2
1216 pack .parameter.valedit.apply -side top
1218 grid .parameter.title -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
1219 grid .parameter.keytitle -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
1220 grid .parameter.keylist -row 2 -column 0 -sticky news
1221 grid .parameter.valtitle -row 1 -column 1 -sticky news
1222 grid .parameter.vallist -row 2 -column 1 -sticky news
1223 grid .parameter.parvals -row 2 -column 1 -sticky news
1225 grid .parameter.valedit -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -padx 2 \
1226 -pady 2 -sticky ew
1228 grid .parameter.create -row 4 -column 1 -sticky ns
1229 grid .parameter.delete -row 4 -column 0 -sticky ns
1230 grid .parameter.dismiss -row 5 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ns
1232 grid rowconfigure .parameter 2 -weight 1
1233 grid columnconfigure .parameter 0 -weight 1
1234 grid columnconfigure .parameter 1 -weight 2
1236 raise .parameter.vallist
1238 bind .parameter <Escape> {wm withdraw .parameter}
1239 bind .parameter.valedit.entry <Return> {.parameter.valedit.apply invoke}
1243 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
1244 # Scroll all listboxes in the .parameter window at the same
1245 # time, in reponse to any one of them receiving a scroll event.
1246 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
1248 proc xcircuit::paramscroll {value} {
1249 global tcl_platform
1250 set idx [.parameter.keylist nearest 0]
1252 if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
1253 set idx [expr {$idx + $value / 120}]
1254 } else {
1255 set idx [expr {$idx + $value}]
1258 .parameter.keylist yview $idx
1259 .parameter.vallist yview $idx
1260 .parameter.parvals yview $idx
1262 # Important! This prohibits the default binding actions.
1263 return -code break
1266 # Update the dialog box, if it has been left visible
1267 # (Corrected 2/4/12: Don't delete contents except in these specific cases!)
1269 proc xcircuit::updatedialog {{w dialog}} {
1270 global XCOps
1271 if {[xcircuit::getinitstate .${w}] == "normal"} {
1272 switch -- $XCOps(${w}) {
1273 linewidth {
1274 set btext [format "%g" [lindex [xcircuit::border get] 0]]
1275 .${w}.textent.txt delete 0 end
1276 .${w}.textent.txt insert 0 $btext
1278 textscale {
1279 set cscale [xcircuit::label scale]
1280 .${w}.textent.txt delete 0 end
1281 .${w}.textent.txt insert 0 $cscale
1283 elementscale {
1284 set selects [xcircuit::select]
1285 if {$selects > 0} {
1286 set cscale [xcircuit::element scale]
1287 .${w}.textent.txt delete 0 end
1288 .${w}.textent.txt insert 0 $cscale
1295 proc xcircuit::makedialogline {dframe textline {w dialog}} {
1296 if {[catch {frame .${w}.${dframe} -bg beige}]} {
1297 .${w}.${dframe}.title.field configure -text ${textline}
1298 } else {
1299 pack .${w}.${dframe} -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
1301 frame .${w}.${dframe}.title -bg beige
1302 entry .${w}.${dframe}.txt -bg white -relief sunken -width 50
1304 pack .${w}.${dframe}.title -side top -fill x
1305 pack .${w}.${dframe}.txt -side bottom -fill x -expand true
1307 label .${w}.${dframe}.title.field -text ${textline} -bg beige
1308 pack .${w}.${dframe}.title.field -side left
1312 proc xcircuit::removedialogline {dframe {w dialog}} {
1313 global XCOps
1314 pack forget .${w}.${dframe}
1315 destroy .${w}.${dframe}
1316 set XCOps(${w}) 0
1319 #--------------------------------------------
1320 # Create a simple popup prompt window
1321 # With "Apply", "Okay", and "Cancel" buttons
1322 #--------------------------------------------
1324 proc make_simple_dialog {name} {
1325 set window .${name}
1326 toplevel ${window} -bg beige
1327 wm title ${window} "Dialog Box"
1328 wm group ${window} .
1329 wm protocol ${window} WM_DELETE_WINDOW [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
1330 wm withdraw ${window}
1331 set XCOps(${name}) 0
1333 xcircuit::makedialogline textent "Select file to load:" ${name}
1335 frame ${window}.bbar -bg beige
1336 pack ${window}.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
1338 button ${window}.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige \
1339 -command [subst {${window}.bbar.apply invoke ;\
1340 wm withdraw ${window}}]
1341 button ${window}.bbar.apply -text Apply -bg beige
1342 button ${window}.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command \
1343 [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
1345 bind ${window}.textent.txt <Return> [subst {${window}.bbar.apply invoke}]
1347 pack ${window}.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
1348 pack ${window}.bbar.apply -side left -ipadx 10
1349 pack ${window}.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
1352 #--------------------------------------
1353 # Create a query prompt window with
1354 # "Okay" and "Cancel" buttons, and a
1355 # "Select:" title message
1356 #--------------------------------------
1358 proc make_query_dialog {name} {
1359 set window .${name}
1360 toplevel ${window} -bg beige
1361 wm title ${window} "Query Dialog Box"
1362 wm group ${window} .
1363 wm protocol ${window} WM_DELETE_WINDOW [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
1364 wm withdraw ${window}
1366 frame ${window}.title -bg beige
1367 frame ${window}.bbar -bg beige
1369 pack ${window}.title -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
1370 pack ${window}.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
1372 label ${window}.title.field -text "Select:" -bg beige
1373 pack ${window}.title.field -side left
1375 button ${window}.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige
1376 button ${window}.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command \
1377 [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
1379 pack ${window}.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
1380 pack ${window}.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
1383 make_query_dialog query
1384 make_simple_dialog dialog
1385 make_simple_dialog savetech
1386 make_simple_dialog makesymbol
1388 #--------------------------------------------------------
1389 # Generate all of the menu cascades
1390 # Most commands reference XCircuit internal routines
1391 #--------------------------------------------------------
1393 # Supporting procedures
1395 proc xcircuit::printstring {stringlist} {
1396 set p ""
1397 foreach i $stringlist {
1398 switch -- [lindex $i 0] {
1399 Text {append p [lindex $i 1]}
1400 Half -
1401 Quarter {append p " "}
1404 return $p
1407 proc xcircuit::printanchor {anchor} {
1408 switch [expr {$anchor & 3}] {
1409 0 {set p "left"}
1410 1 {set p "center"}
1411 3 {set p "right"}
1413 switch [expr {$anchor & 12}] {
1414 0 {append p " bottom"}
1415 4 {append p " middle"}
1416 12 {append p " top"}
1418 return $p
1421 proc xcircuit::labelmakeparam {} {
1422 global XCOps
1423 if {[xcircuit::select] > 0} { ;# this should be true. . .
1424 set XCOps(dialog) paramname
1425 xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 dialog ;# default is the selected text
1426 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1427 [subst {xcircuit::parameter make substring \[.dialog.textent.txt get\];\
1428 xcircuit::updateparams substring}]
1429 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Parameter name:"
1430 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1431 xcircuit::popupdialog
1435 proc xcircuit::promptmakeparam {{mode substring}} {
1436 global XCOps
1438 set XCOps(dialog) paramdefault
1439 if {$mode == "label"} {set mode substring}
1440 xcircuit::makedialogline textent2 "Default value:" dialog
1441 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1442 [subst {xcircuit::parameter make $mode \
1443 \[.dialog.textent.txt get\] \[.dialog.textent2.txt get\] -forward; \
1444 xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 dialog; \
1445 xcircuit::updateparams $mode}]
1446 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text \
1447 "Parameter name:"
1448 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1449 xcircuit::popupdialog
1452 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1453 # This procedure generates a new index number for list selection
1454 # inside a parameter, using "regsub" and "subst" to replace the
1455 # old index with the new one. This procedure depends on the
1456 # existance of the listbox widget ".paramlist.plist".
1457 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1459 proc xcircuit::renewparam {key y args} {
1460 set newidx [.parameter.parvals nearest $y]
1461 set current [join [xcircuit::parameter get $key ${args} -verbatim]]
1462 regsub {(.*lindex +{.*} +)([0-9]+)(.*)} $current {\1$newidx\3} tmpkey
1463 set newkey [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes "$tmpkey"]
1464 xcircuit::parameter set $key $newkey $args
1467 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1468 # Prompt for a new value of a parameter. Do some sophisticated checking
1469 # for parameters that declare a list of possible options, and handle
1470 # that situation separately.
1471 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1473 proc xcircuit::changeparamvalue {key current args} {
1475 .parameter.valedit.entry delete 0 end
1476 if {[xcircuit::parameter type $key -forward] == "expression"} {
1478 # Use regexp processing to find if there is some part of the expression
1479 # that chooses a single fixed value from a list. If so, generate a
1480 # listbox to present the choices in the list.
1482 set loccurnt [join [xcircuit::parameter get $key ${args} -verbatim]]
1483 if {[regexp {.*lindex +{(.*)} +[0-9]+.*} $loccurnt qall sellist] > 0} {
1484 .parameter.parvals delete 0 end
1485 raise .parameter.parvals
1487 foreach item $sellist {
1488 .parameter.parvals insert end $item
1491 #Abort the parameter value selection
1492 bind .parameter.parvals <ButtonRelease-3> {raise .parameter.vallist}
1494 bind .parameter.parvals <ButtonRelease-1> [subst {xcircuit::renewparam \
1495 $key %y $args ;\
1496 .parameter.keylist configure -state normal ;\
1497 xcircuit::updateparams ;\
1498 raise .parameter.vallist}]
1500 .parameter.valedit.entry delete 0 end
1501 .parameter.valedit.entry insert 0 $loccurnt
1503 } else {
1504 # If the parameter is an expression but not a choice-list type, then
1505 # we had better print the verbatim entry, or people will just get
1506 # confused when the value becomes "invalid result:..."
1507 .parameter.valedit.entry insert 0 $loccurnt
1509 } else {
1510 .parameter.valedit.entry insert 0 $current
1512 focus .parameter.valedit.entry
1513 .parameter.valedit.apply configure \
1514 -command [subst {xcircuit::parameter set \
1515 $key \[.parameter.valedit.entry get\] \
1516 ${args}; xcircuit::updateparams}]
1519 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1521 proc xcircuit::updateparams { {mode {substring numeric expression}} } {
1523 if {[catch {wm state .parameter}]} {return}
1525 # Avoid infinite recursion if a parameter invokes updateparams
1526 # (e.g., any "page" command in a parameter will do this!)
1528 if {$mode != "force"} {
1529 if {[info level] > 1} {return}
1530 } else {
1531 set mode {substring numeric expression}
1534 while {[.parameter.keylist size] > 0} {.parameter.keylist delete 0}
1535 while {[.parameter.vallist size] > 0} {.parameter.vallist delete 0}
1537 .parameter.delete.deleteparam delete 0 last
1539 if {$mode == "none"} {
1540 set dlist [xcircuit::parameter get -forward]
1541 } else {
1542 set dlist {}
1543 foreach i $mode {
1544 set dlist [concat $dlist [parameter get $i -forward]]
1548 # Ensure that the parvals list is not present
1549 if {[select] == 0} { lower .parameter.parvals }
1551 # All selections will be lost, so make sure that the value field is clear
1552 .parameter.valedit.entry delete 0 end
1553 .parameter.valedit.apply configure -command {}
1555 bind .parameter.vallist <ButtonRelease-1> {
1556 set kidx [.parameter.keylist nearest %y]; \
1557 xcircuit::changeparamvalue \
1558 [.parameter.keylist get $kidx] [.parameter.vallist get $kidx] \
1559 -forward}
1561 ;#The insertion of parameters should only be applicable in "text" mode
1562 bind .parameter.keylist <ButtonRelease-1> {
1563 set kidx [.parameter.keylist nearest %y]; \
1564 if {[string last "text" [xcircuit::eventmode]] >= 0} {
1565 label insert parameter [.parameter.keylist get $kidx]
1569 if {[catch {set oname [xcircuit::object name]}]} {
1570 .parameter.title configure -text "Parameters"
1571 } else {
1572 .parameter.title configure -text "Parameters of $oname"
1574 foreach i $dlist {
1575 set p_name [lindex $i 0]
1576 set p_val [lindex $i 1]
1577 .parameter.delete.deleteparam add command -label $p_name -command \
1578 "xcircuit::parameter delete $p_name -forward"
1579 .parameter.keylist insert end $p_name
1580 switch -- [xcircuit::parameter type $p_name -forward] {
1581 "substring" {
1582 .parameter.vallist insert end [xcircuit::printstring $p_val]
1584 "anchoring" {
1585 .parameter.vallist insert end [xcircuit::printanchor $p_val]
1587 default {
1588 .parameter.vallist insert end $p_val
1594 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1596 proc xcircuit::prompteditparams {} {
1597 set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate .parameter]
1598 xcircuit::make_parameter_listbox
1599 xcircuit::updateparams force
1600 if {"$wstate" != "normal"} {
1601 wm deiconify .parameter
1602 xcircuit::centerwin .parameter
1604 raise .parameter
1607 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1609 proc xcircuit::promptmakesymbol {{name ""}} {
1610 global XCOps
1612 set XCOps(dialog) makeobject
1613 .makesymbol.bbar.apply configure -command \
1614 {if {[string first "Page " [page label]] >= 0} { \
1615 page label [.makesymbol.textent.txt get]}; \
1616 xcircuit::symbol make [.makesymbol.textent.txt get] $XCOps(library)}
1617 xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 makesymbol
1618 .makesymbol.textent.title.field configure -text "Name for new object:"
1619 .makesymbol.textent.txt delete 0 end
1620 .makesymbol.textent.txt insert 0 $name
1621 xcircuit::popupdialog .makesymbol
1622 xcircuit::addliblist .makesymbol Place in: "
1625 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1627 proc xcircuit::prompttargettech {{name ""}} {
1628 global XCOps
1630 set XCOps(dialog) targettech
1631 .savetech.bbar.apply configure -command { \
1632 set selects [xcircuit::select]; \
1633 if {$selects > 0} { \
1634 if {[catch {set techname [.savetech.textent2.txt get]}]} {\
1635 set techname $XCOps(technology)}; \
1636 technology objects $techname [.savetech.textent.txt get]}\
1638 xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 savetech
1639 .savetech.textent.title.field configure -text "Objects to move:"
1640 .savetech.textent.txt delete 0 end
1641 .savetech.textent.txt insert 0 $name
1642 xcircuit::popupdialog
1643 xcircuit::addtechlist .savetech "Target technology: "
1645 # Add an additional selection to the tech menu for adding a new
1646 # technology namespace. This is relevant only to "prompttargettech".
1648 add \
1649 command -label "Add New Tech" -command \
1650 "xcircuit::makedialogline textent2 {New tech name:}" savetech
1653 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1655 proc xcircuit::promptelementsize {} {
1656 global XCOps
1657 if {![catch {set cscale [xcircuit::element scale]}]} {
1658 set XCOps(dialog) elementscale
1659 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1660 {xcircuit::element scale [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
1661 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Element scale:"
1662 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1663 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $cscale
1664 xcircuit::popupdialog
1668 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1670 proc xcircuit::promptborderwidth {} {
1671 global XCOps
1672 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1673 set XCOps(dialog) linewidth
1674 set elist [xcircuit::select get]
1675 if {[llength $elist] == 0} {
1676 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1677 [subst {config focus [config focus] ;\
1678 xcircuit::border set \[.dialog.textent.txt get\]}]
1679 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Default linewidth scale:"
1680 set btext [format "%g" [xcircuit::border get]]
1681 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $btext
1682 } else {
1683 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1684 [subst {config focus [config focus] ;\
1685 xcircuit::border set \[.dialog.textent.txt get \]}]
1686 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Element linewidth:"
1687 set btext [format "%g" [lindex [xcircuit::border get] 0]]
1688 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $btext
1690 xcircuit::popupdialog
1693 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1695 proc xcircuit::promptlinewidth {} {
1696 global XCOps
1697 set XCOps(dialog) linescale
1698 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1699 [subst {config focus [config focus] ;\
1700 xcircuit::config linewidth \[.dialog.textent.txt get \]}]
1701 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Page linewidth scaling:"
1702 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1703 set ltext [format "%g" [xcircuit::config linewidth]]
1704 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $ltext
1705 xcircuit::popupdialog
1708 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1710 proc xcircuit::promptdrawingscale {} {
1711 global XCOps
1712 set XCOps(dialog) drawingscale
1713 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1714 {xcircuit::config drawingscale [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
1715 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Drawing scale:"
1716 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1717 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 [xcircuit::config drawingscale]
1718 xcircuit::popupdialog
1721 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1723 proc xcircuit::promptgridspace {} {
1724 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1725 {xcircuit::config grid spacing [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
1726 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Grid spacing:"
1727 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1728 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 [xcircuit::config grid space]
1729 xcircuit::popupdialog
1732 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1734 proc xcircuit::promptsnapspace {} {
1735 global XCOps
1736 set XCOps(dialog) snapspace
1737 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1738 {xcircuit::config snap spacing [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
1739 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Snap spacing:"
1740 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1741 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 [xcircuit::config snap space]
1742 xcircuit::popupdialog
1745 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1747 proc xcircuit::promptmakeobject {} {
1748 global XCOps
1749 if {[xcircuit::select] > 0} {
1750 set XCOps(dialog) makeobject
1751 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1752 {if {[select get] != {}} {\
1753 if {[.dialog.textent.txt get] == ""} {\
1754 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Please enter a name" }\
1755 elseif {[catch {xcircuit::object handle [.dialog.textent.txt get]}]} {\
1756 xcircuit::object make [.dialog.textent.txt get] $XCOps(library)}\
1757 else {.dialog.textent.title.field configure -text \
1758 "Name already used. Choose another name" ; .dialog.textent.txt \
1759 delete 0 end}}}
1760 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Name for new object"
1761 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1762 if {$XCOps(technology) != "(user)"} {
1763 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 "${XCOps(technology)}::"
1765 xcircuit::popupdialog
1766 xcircuit::addtechlist .dialog "Technology: " {(user)} prefix
1767 xcircuit::addliblist .dialog "Place in: "
1772 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1774 proc xcircuit::promptreplaceobject {} {
1775 global XCOps
1776 if {[xcircuit::select] > 0} {
1777 set XCOps(dialog) replaceobject
1778 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1779 {xcircuit::element selected object [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
1780 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Name of replacement object"
1781 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1782 xcircuit::popupdialog
1786 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1788 proc xcircuit::promptloadlibrary {} {
1789 global XCOps
1791 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1792 {xcircuit::library [.filelist.libself.libselect cget -text] load \
1793 [.filelist.textent.txt get]; wm withdraw .filelist}
1794 configure -data "lps"
1795 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select technology file to load:"
1796 .filelist.textent.txt delete 0 end
1797 xcircuit::popupfilelist
1798 xcircuit::addliblist .filelist "Load to which library page: "
1801 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1803 proc xcircuit::promptsavetech {} {
1804 global XCOps
1806 set XCOps(dialog) techname
1807 .savetech.bbar.apply configure -command \
1808 {xcircuit::technology save [.savetech.techself.techselect cget -text] \
1809 [.savetech.textent.txt get]}
1810 .savetech.textent.title.field configure -text "Filename to save technology as:"
1811 .savetech.textent.txt delete 0 end
1812 xcircuit::popupdialog .savetech
1813 xcircuit::addtechlist .savetech "Save which technology: " {(user)} true
1814 set fname ""
1815 catch {set fname [technology filename $XCOps(technology)]}
1816 if {$fname == "(no associated file)"} {
1817 set fname $XCOps(technology).lps
1819 .savetech.textent.txt insert 0 $fname
1822 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1824 proc xcircuit::promptaddlibrary {} {
1825 global XCOps
1826 set XCOps(dialog) libname
1827 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1828 {xcircuit::library make [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
1829 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Name of new library page:"
1830 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1831 xcircuit::popupdialog
1834 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1836 proc xcircuit::promptloadfile {} {
1837 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1838 {xcircuit::page load [.filelist.textent.txt get] -replace \
1839 [.filelist.techself.techselect cget -text] \
1840 -target $XCOps(library); wm withdraw .filelist}
1841 configure -data "ps eps"
1842 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select file to load:"
1843 .filelist.textent.txt delete 0 end
1844 xcircuit::popupfilelist
1845 xcircuit::addtechlist .filelist "Replace from: " {(user) all none}
1846 xcircuit::addliblist .filelist "Target library: "
1849 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1851 proc xcircuit::promptimportspice {} {
1852 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1853 {xcircuit::page import spice \
1854 [.filelist.textent.txt get]; wm withdraw .filelist}
1855 configure -data "spice spc spi ckt sp"
1856 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select SPICE file to import:"
1857 .filelist.textent.txt delete 0 end
1858 xcircuit::popupfilelist
1861 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1863 proc xcircuit::promptimportfile {} {
1864 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1865 {xcircuit::page import xcircuit \
1866 [.filelist.textent.txt get]; wm withdraw .filelist}
1867 configure -data "ps eps"
1868 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select file to import:"
1869 xcircuit::popupfilelist
1872 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1874 proc xcircuit::promptimportbackground {} {
1875 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1876 {xcircuit::page import background \
1877 [.filelist.textent.txt get]; wm withdraw .filelist}
1878 configure -data "ps eps"
1879 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select file to use as background:"
1880 .filelist.textent.txt delete 0 end
1881 xcircuit::popupfilelist
1884 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1885 # Convert a graphic image using ImageMagick "convert" (if available)
1886 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1888 proc xcircuit::convertgraphic {filename} {
1889 set fileext [file extension $filename]
1890 set fileroot [file rootname $filename]
1891 set temp true
1892 switch -- $fileext {
1893 .gif -
1894 .jpg -
1895 .png -
1896 .pnm {
1897 exec convert $filename ${fileroot}.ppm
1899 .ppm {
1900 set temp false
1902 .ps -
1903 .pdf {
1904 exec convert -density 300x300 $filename ${fileroot}.ppm
1907 xcircuit::graphic make ${fileroot}.ppm {0 0} 1;
1908 if {$temp == true} {
1909 file delete ${fileroot}.ppm
1913 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1915 proc xcircuit::promptimportgraphic {} {
1916 if {![catch {exec convert -version}]} {
1917 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1918 {xcircuit::convertgraphic [.filelist.textent.txt get];
1919 refresh; wm withdraw .filelist}
1920 configure -data "pnm ppm gif jpg png"
1921 } else {
1922 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1923 {xcircuit::graphic make [.filelist.textent.txt get] {0 0} 1;
1924 refresh; wm withdraw .filelist}
1925 configure -data "pnm ppm"
1927 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select graphic image file:"
1928 .filelist.textent.txt delete 0 end
1929 xcircuit::popupfilelist
1932 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1934 proc xcircuit::promptexecscript {} {
1935 .filelist.bbar.okay configure -command \
1936 {source [.filelist.textent.txt get]; wm withdraw .filelist}
1937 configure -data "tcl xcircuitrc"
1938 .filelist.textent.title.field configure -text "Select script to execute:"
1939 xcircuit::popupfilelist
1942 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1944 proc xcircuit::prompttextsize {} {
1945 global XCOps
1946 set XCOps(dialog) textscale
1947 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
1948 {xcircuit::label scale [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
1949 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Text scale:"
1950 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
1951 set stext [format "%g" [xcircuit::label scale]]
1952 .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $stext
1953 xcircuit::popupdialog
1956 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1957 # add a library list widget to a dialog box
1958 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1960 proc xcircuit::addliblist {w {prompt "Target: "}} {
1961 global XCOps
1963 frame ${w}.libself
1964 label ${w}.libself.title -text $prompt -bg beige
1966 set liblist [library directory list]
1968 menubutton ${w}.libself.libselect -menu ${w} -relief groove
1969 menu ${w} -tearoff 0
1970 foreach j $liblist {
1971 ${w} add \
1972 radio -label "$j" -variable XCOps(library) -value \
1973 "$j" -command "${w}.libself.libselect configure -text {$j}"
1975 ${w}.libself.libselect configure -text $XCOps(library)
1977 pack ${w}.libself.title -side left
1978 pack ${w}.libself.libselect -side left
1979 pack ${w}.libself -side top -anchor w -padx 20
1982 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1983 # Add a technology list widget to a dialog box
1985 # If "update" is "true", then a selection of a technology in the list
1986 # will update the text entry window contents with the corresponding
1987 # filename. If "update" is "prefix", then a selection of a technology
1988 # in the list will update the text entry window contents with the
1989 # technology namespace prefix corresponding to the selected technology.
1990 # If "update" is "false", then selecting the technology will set the
1991 # global variable XCOps(technology) but will not alter the window
1992 # contents.
1993 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1995 proc xcircuit::addtechlist {w {prompt "Technology: "} {endlist {}} {update {false}}} {
1996 global XCOps
1998 frame ${w}.techself
1999 label ${w}.techself.title -text $prompt -bg beige
2001 set techlist [technology list]
2002 foreach j $endlist { lappend techlist $j }
2004 menubutton ${w}.techself.techselect -menu ${w} -relief groove
2005 menu ${w} -tearoff 0
2006 foreach j $techlist {
2007 if {$update == true} {
2008 set fname ""
2009 catch {set fname [technology filename "$j"]}
2011 ${w} add \
2012 radio -label "$j" -variable XCOps(technology) -value \
2013 "$j" -command "${w}.techself.techselect configure -text {$j} ; \
2014 ${w}.textent.txt delete 0 end ; ${w}.textent.txt insert 0 {$fname}"
2015 } elseif {$update == "prefix"} {
2016 if {$j != {} && $j != "(user)"} {
2017 set tpfix "${j}::"
2018 } else {
2019 set tpfix {}
2021 ${w} add \
2022 radio -label "$j" -variable XCOps(technology) -value \
2023 "$j" -command [subst {${w}.techself.techselect configure -text {$j} ; \
2024 set pfixend \[string last :: \[${w}.textent.txt get\]\] ; \
2025 if {\$pfixend < 0} {set pfixend 0} else {incr pfixend 2} ; \
2026 ${w}.textent.txt delete 0 \$pfixend ; \
2027 ${w}.textent.txt insert 0 {$tpfix}}]
2028 } else {
2029 ${w} add \
2030 radio -label "$j" -variable XCOps(technology) -value \
2031 "$j" -command "${w}.techself.techselect configure -text {$j}"
2034 ${w}.techself.techselect configure -text $XCOps(technology)
2036 pack ${w}.techself.title -side left
2037 pack ${w}.techself.techselect -side left
2038 pack ${w}.techself -side right -anchor w -padx 20
2041 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2043 proc xcircuit::removelists {w} {
2044 global XCOps
2046 catch {
2047 pack forget ${w}.libself
2048 destroy ${w}.libself
2050 catch {
2051 pack forget ${w}.techself
2052 destroy ${w}.techself
2056 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2057 # newcolorbutton is called internally to xcircuit---don't mess with it!
2058 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2060 proc xcircuit::newcolorbutton {r g b idx} {
2061 global XCWinOps XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR
2063 set colorrgb [format "#%04X%04X%04X" $r $g $b]
2064 image create bitmap img_col$idx -foreground $colorrgb -file \
2065 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/solid.xbm
2067 foreach window [config windownames] {
2068 set frame [winfo top $window]
2069 ${frame}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu.elementsmenu.colormenu \
2070 add radio -image img_col$idx -activebackground $colorrgb \
2071 -variable XCWinOps(${frame},colorval) -value $idx -command \
2072 "xcircuit::color set $idx"
2076 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2077 # Regenerate the list of color buttons for a new window
2078 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2080 proc xcircuit::allcolorbuttons {window} {
2081 global XCWinOps
2083 set colorlist [color get -all]
2084 set frame [winfo top $window]
2085 set idx 18 ;# NUMBER_OF_COLORS in colordefs.h
2086 foreach colorrgb $colorlist {
2087 ${frame}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu.elementsmenu.colormenu \
2088 add radio -image img_col$idx -activebackground $colorrgb \
2089 -variable XCWinOps(${frame},colorval) -value $idx -command \
2090 "xcircuit::color set $idx"
2091 incr idx
2095 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2097 proc xcircuit::picknewcolor {} {
2098 if {[catch {set colorrgb [tk_chooseColor]}]} {
2099 set colorrgb [tkColorDialog]
2101 xcircuit::color add $colorrgb
2104 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2106 proc xcircuit::newencodingbutton {encodingname} {
2107 global XCWinOps
2109 foreach window [config windownames] {
2110 set frame [winfo top $window]
2111 if {[catch {${frame}.menubar.textbutton.textmenu.encodingmenu \
2112 index $encodingname} result]} {
2113 ${frame}.menubar.textbutton.textmenu.encodingmenu add radio -label \
2114 $encodingname -command "xcircuit::label encoding $encodingname" \
2115 -variable XCWinOps(${frame},fontencoding) -value $encodingname
2120 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2122 proc xcircuit::newfontbutton {familyname} {
2123 global XCWinOps
2125 foreach window [config windownames] {
2126 set frame [winfo top $window]
2127 if {[catch {${frame}.menubar.textbutton.textmenu.fontmenu \
2128 index $familyname} result]} {
2129 ${frame}.menubar.textbutton.textmenu.fontmenu add radio -label \
2130 $familyname -command "xcircuit::label family $familyname" \
2131 -variable XCWinOps(${frame},fontfamily) -value $familyname
2136 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2137 # Regenerate the list of known font families for a new window
2138 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2140 proc xcircuit::allfontbuttons {window} {
2141 global XCWinOps
2143 set familylist [label family -all]
2144 set frame [winfo top $window]
2145 while {$familylist != {}} {
2146 set familyname [lindex $familylist 0]
2147 ${frame}.menubar.textbutton.textmenu.fontmenu add radio -label \
2148 $familyname -command "xcircuit::label family $familyname" \
2149 -variable XCWinOps(${frame},fontfamily) -value $familyname
2150 # Remove all such entries (this works like "lsort -unique" but doesn't
2151 # scramble the list entries).
2152 set familylist [lsearch -all -inline -not $familylist $familyname]
2156 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2158 proc xcircuit::newlibrarybutton {libname} {
2159 if {[catch {.librarymenu index $libname} result]} {
2160 set libidx [.librarymenu index end]
2161 if {$libidx <= 1} {set libidx [expr $libidx + 1]}
2162 .librarymenu insert $libidx command -label $libname -command \
2163 "xcircuit::library \"$libname\" goto"
2167 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2169 proc xcircuit::newpagebutton {pagename {pageno 0}} {
2170 if {[catch {.pagemenu index $pagename} result]} {
2171 set target $pagename
2172 if {$pageno > 0} { set target $pageno }
2173 .pagemenu add command -label $pagename -command \
2174 "xcircuit::page \"$target\" goto"
2178 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2180 proc xcircuit::renamelib {libno libname} {
2181 set target [expr $libno + 1]
2182 .librarymenu entryconfigure $target -label $libname -command \
2183 "xcircuit::library \"$libname\" goto"
2186 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2188 proc xcircuit::renamepage {pageno pagename} {
2189 set target [expr $pageno + 1]
2190 .pagemenu entryconfigure $target -label $pagename -command \
2191 "xcircuit::page \"$pagename\" goto"
2194 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2196 proc xcircuit::promptnewfont {} {
2197 global XCOps
2198 set XCOps(dialog) fontname
2199 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
2200 {xcircuit::loadfont [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
2201 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Font name:"
2202 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
2203 xcircuit::popupdialog
2206 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2208 proc xcircuit::promptkern {} {
2209 global XCOps
2210 set XCOps(dialog) kernamount
2211 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
2212 {xcircuit::label insert kern [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
2213 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Kern amount:"
2214 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
2215 xcircuit::popupdialog
2218 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2220 proc xcircuit::promptmargin {} {
2221 global XCOps
2222 set XCOps(dialog) marginamount
2223 .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
2224 {xcircuit::label insert margin [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
2225 .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Margin amount:"
2226 .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
2227 xcircuit::popupdialog
2230 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2232 set XCOps(tools) [list pn w b a s t mv cp e d2 cw ccw fx fy r pu2 po2 mk pz \
2233 uj co bd fi pm pa li yp pl z4 z5 i]
2235 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XCOps(tools)]} {incr i 1} {
2236 set bname [lindex $XCOps(tools) $i]
2237 image create photo img_${bname} -file ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/${bname}.gif
2240 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2242 proc xcircuit::modebutton {widget} {
2243 global XCOps XCWinOps
2244 set window $XCOps(focus)
2246 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XCOps(tools)]} {incr i 1} {
2247 set bname [lindex $XCOps(tools) $i]
2248 ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname} configure -relief raised \
2249 -highlightbackground gray90 -background gray90
2251 $widget configure -relief solid -highlightbackground green3 -background green3
2252 if {$XCWinOps(${window},button1) == "Rotate"} {
2253 ${window}.infobar.mode configure -text "$XCWinOps(${window},button1) \
2254 $XCWinOps(${window},rotateamount) Mode"
2255 } else {
2256 ${window}.infobar.mode configure -text "$XCWinOps(${window},button1) Mode"
2260 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2262 proc xcircuit::button1action {button cursor action {value {}}} {
2263 global XCOps XCWinOps
2265 set window $XCOps(focus).mainframe.mainarea.drawing
2266 catch {bindkey $window Button1 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),button1) forget}
2268 if {$value == {}} {
2269 bindkey $window Button1 $action
2270 } else {
2271 bindkey $window Button1 $action $value
2273 set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),button1) $action
2274 xcircuit::modebutton $button
2275 catch {cursor $cursor}
2276 catch {xcircuit::automousehint $window}
2279 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2281 proc xcircuit::createtoolbar {window} {
2282 global XCOps XCWinOps XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR
2284 set tooltips [list "pan window" "draw wire" "draw box" \
2285 "draw arc" "draw spline" "enter text" \
2286 "move element" "copy element" "edit element" "delete element" \
2287 "rotate 15 degrees clockwise" "rotate 15 degrees counterclockwise" \
2288 "flip horizontal" "flip vertical" "rescale" "push (edit object)" \
2289 "pop (return from object edit)" "make an object from selection" \
2290 "join elements into polygon or path" "separate path into elements" \
2291 "set color" "set border and line properties" "set fill properties" \
2292 "parameterize properties" "parameter selection" \
2293 "go to next library" "go to library directory" \
2294 "go to page directory" "zoom in" "zoom out" "pop up help window"]
2295 set toolactions [list \
2296 {xcircuit::button1action %W hand Pan 6} \
2297 {xcircuit::button1action %W cross Wire} \
2298 {xcircuit::button1action %W cross Box} \
2299 {xcircuit::button1action %W circle Arc} \
2300 {if {[select]} {spline make} else { \
2301 xcircuit::button1action %W arrow Spline}} \
2302 {xcircuit::button1action %W text $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labeltype) ; \
2303 $XCOps(focus) configure -image \
2304 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labelimage)} \
2305 {if {[select]} {move selected} else { \
2306 xcircuit::button1action %W arrow Move}} \
2307 {if {[select]} {copy selected} else { \
2308 xcircuit::button1action %W copy Copy}} \
2309 {if {[select] == 1} {edit selected} else { \
2310 xcircuit::button1action %W edit Edit}} \
2311 {if {[select]} {delete selected} else { \
2312 xcircuit::button1action %W scissors Delete}} \
2313 {if {[select]} {rotate $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount)} else {\
2314 xcircuit::button1action %W rotate Rotate \
2315 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount)}} \
2316 {if {[select]} {rotate -$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount)} else {\
2317 xcircuit::button1action %W rotate Rotate \
2318 -$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount)}} \
2319 {if {[select]} {flip horizontal} else { \
2320 xcircuit::button1action %W rotate "Flip X"}} \
2321 {if {[select]} {flip vertical} else { \
2322 xcircuit::button1action %W rotate "Flip Y"}} \
2323 {if {[select]} {xcircuit::promptelementsize} else { \
2324 xcircuit::button1action %W arrow Rescale}} \
2325 {if {[select] == 1} {push selected} else { \
2326 xcircuit::button1action %W question Push}} \
2327 {pop} \
2328 {if {[select]} {xcircuit::promptmakeobject} else { \
2329 xcircuit::button1action %W question "Select Save"}} \
2330 {if {[select]} {path join selected} else { \
2331 xcircuit::button1action %W arrow Join}} \
2332 {if {[select] == 1} {path unjoin selected} else { \
2333 xcircuit::button1action %W arrow Unjoin}} \
2334 {tk_popup $XCOps(focus).colormenu [expr {[winfo rootx \
2335 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bco] \
2336 - [winfo width $XCOps(focus).colormenu]}] \
2337 [expr {[winfo rooty $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bco] \
2338 - [winfo height $XCOps(focus).colormenu] / 2}] } \
2339 {tk_popup $XCOps(focus).bordermenu [expr {[winfo rootx \
2340 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bbd] \
2341 - [winfo width $XCOps(focus).bordermenu]}] \
2342 [expr {[winfo rooty $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bbd] \
2343 - [winfo height $XCOps(focus).bordermenu] / 2}] } \
2344 {tk_popup $XCOps(focus).fillmenu [expr {[winfo rootx \
2345 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bfi] \
2346 - [winfo width $XCOps(focus).fillmenu]}] \
2347 [expr {[winfo rooty $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bfi] \
2348 - [winfo height $XCOps(focus).fillmenu] / 2}] } \
2349 {tk_popup $XCOps(focus).parammenu [expr {[winfo rootx \
2350 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bpm] \
2351 - [winfo width $XCOps(focus).parammenu]}] \
2352 [expr {[winfo rooty $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bpm] \
2353 - [winfo height $XCOps(focus).parammenu] / 2}] } \
2354 {xcircuit::prompteditparams} \
2355 {library next} \
2356 {library directory} {page directory} \
2357 {zoom 1.5; refresh} {zoom [expr {1 / 1.5}]; refresh} \
2358 {xcircuit::helpwindow} ]
2360 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XCOps(tools)]} {incr i 1} {
2361 set bname [lindex $XCOps(tools) $i]
2362 set btip [lindex $tooltips $i]
2363 regsub -all -- %W [lindex $toolactions $i] \
2364 ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname} bcmd
2365 button ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname} -image img_${bname} -command \
2366 "$bcmd"
2367 bind ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname} <Enter> \
2368 [subst {${window}.infobar.message2 configure -text "$btip"}]
2369 bind ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname} <Leave> \
2370 [subst {${window}.infobar.message2 configure -text ""}]
2373 # pack the first button so we can query its height for arrangement.
2374 # this assumes that the height of each button is the same!
2375 set bname [lindex $XCOps(tools) 0]
2376 place ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname} -x 0 -y 0
2377 update idletasks
2380 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2382 proc xcircuit::arrangetoolbar {window} {
2383 global XCOps
2385 set numtools [llength $XCOps(tools)]
2386 for {set i 0} {$i < $numtools} {incr i 1} {
2387 set bname [lindex $XCOps(tools) $i]
2388 place forget ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname}
2390 set bname [lindex $XCOps(tools) 0]
2391 set bheight [winfo height ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname}]
2392 set bwidth [winfo width ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname}]
2393 set wheight [winfo height ${window}.mainframe]
2394 set nrows [expr {$wheight / $bheight}]
2395 ${window}.mainframe.toolbar configure -width [expr {$bwidth}]
2396 set j 0
2397 set k 0
2398 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XCOps(tools)]} {incr i; incr j} {
2399 if {$j == $nrows} {
2400 set j 0
2401 incr k
2402 ${window}.mainframe.toolbar configure -width [expr {($k + 1) * $bwidth}]
2404 set bname [lindex $XCOps(tools) $i]
2405 place ${window}.mainframe.toolbar.b${bname} \
2406 -x [expr {$k * $bwidth}] \
2407 -y [expr {$j * $bheight}]
2411 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2413 proc xcircuit::toolbar {value} {
2414 global XCOps
2415 set window $XCOps(focus)
2417 switch -- $value {
2418 true -
2419 enable {
2420 pack forget ${window}.mainframe.mainarea
2421 pack ${window}.mainframe.toolbar -side right -fill y -padx 2
2422 pack ${window}.mainframe.mainarea -expand true -fill both
2423 set midx [${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu \
2424 index "Enable Toolbar"]
2425 ${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu entryconfigure $midx \
2426 -command {xcircuit::toolbar disable} -label \
2427 "Disable Toolbar"
2429 false -
2430 disable {
2431 pack forget ${window}.mainframe.toolbar
2432 set midx [${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu \
2433 index "Disable Toolbar"]
2434 ${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu entryconfigure $midx \
2435 -command {xcircuit::toolbar enable} -label \
2436 "Enable Toolbar"
2441 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2442 # These variables are associated with toggle and radio buttons
2443 # but must be the same for all windows.
2444 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2446 set XCOps(sheetsize) letter
2447 set XCOps(spiceend) true
2448 set XCOps(forcenets) true
2449 set XCOps(hold) true
2451 set XCOps(focus) .xcircuit
2453 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2454 # Create stipple images
2455 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2457 image create bitmap img_stip0 -foreground white -background black -file \
2458 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/solid.xbm
2459 image create bitmap img_stip12 -foreground black -background white -file \
2460 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/stip12.xbm
2461 image create bitmap img_stip25 -foreground black -background white -file \
2462 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/stip25.xbm
2463 image create bitmap img_stip38 -foreground black -background white -file \
2464 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/stip38.xbm
2465 image create bitmap img_stip50 -foreground black -background white -file \
2466 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/stip50.xbm
2467 image create bitmap img_stip62 -foreground black -background white -file \
2468 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/stip62.xbm
2469 image create bitmap img_stip75 -foreground black -background white -file \
2470 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/stip75.xbm
2471 image create bitmap img_stip88 -foreground black -background white -file \
2472 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/stip88.xbm
2473 image create bitmap img_stip100 -foreground black -background white -file \
2474 ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/solid.xbm
2476 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2477 # alternate label type images (info, global, and pin labels)
2478 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2480 image create photo img_ti -file ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/ti.gif
2481 image create photo img_tg -file ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/tg.gif
2482 image create photo img_tp -file ${XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR}/pixmaps/tp.gif
2484 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2486 proc xcircuit::makemenus {window} {
2487 global XCOps
2489 set m [menu ${window}.menubar.filebutton.filemenu -tearoff 0]
2490 $m add command -label "New Window" -command {xcircuit::forkwindow}
2491 $m add command -label "Close Window" -command \
2492 "xcircuit::closewindow ${window}.mainframe.mainarea.drawing"
2493 $m add separator
2494 $m add command -label "Read XCircuit File" -command {xcircuit::promptloadfile}
2495 if {![catch {set XCOps(module,files)}]} {
2496 $m add command -label "Write All..." -command {xcircuit::promptwriteall}
2498 $m add command -label "Format Page Output" -command {xcircuit::promptsavepage}
2499 $m add separator
2500 $m add command -label "Load Dependencies" -command \
2501 {while {[page links load -replace $XCOps(technology) \
2502 -target $XCOps(library)]} {}}
2503 $m add cascade -label "Import" -menu $m.importmenu
2504 $m add cascade -label "Export" -menu $m.exportmenu
2506 $m add command -label "Execute Script" -command {xcircuit::promptexecscript}
2507 if {[file tail [info nameofexecutable]] != "xcircexec"} {
2508 $m add command -label "Tcl Console" -command {xcircuit::raiseconsole}
2510 $m add separator
2511 if {![catch {set XCOps(module,library)}]} {
2512 $m add command -label "Library Manager" -command {xcircuit::raisemanager}
2514 $m add command -label "New Library Page" -command {xcircuit::promptaddlibrary}
2515 $m add command -label "Load Technology (.lps)" -command {xcircuit::promptloadlibrary}
2516 $m add command -label "Save Technology (.lps)" -command {xcircuit::promptsavetech}
2518 $m add separator
2519 $m add command -label "Clear Page" -command {xcircuit::page reset}
2520 $m add separator
2521 $m add command -label "Quit" -command {quit}
2523 # Sub-menu for Import functions
2525 set m2 [menu $m.importmenu -tearoff 0]
2526 $m2 add command -label "Import XCircuit File" -command {xcircuit::promptimportfile}
2527 $m2 add command -label "Import background PS" -command \
2528 {xcircuit::promptimportbackground}
2529 $m2 add command -label "Import graphic image" -command \
2530 {xcircuit::promptimportgraphic}
2531 if {![catch {set XCOps(module,edif)}]} {
2532 $m2 add command -label "Read EDIF file" -command {xcircuit::promptreadedif}
2534 if {![catch {set XCOps(module,synopsys)}]} {
2535 $m2 add command -label "Read Synopsys library" -command {xcircuit::promptreadsynopsys}
2537 if {![catch {set XCOps(module,matgen)}]} {
2538 $m2 add command -label "Import Matlab PS" -command {xcircuit::promptimportmatlab}
2540 if {![catch {set XCIRCUIT_ASG}]} {
2541 $m2 add command -label "Import SPICE Deck" -command \
2542 {xcircuit::promptimportspice}
2544 if {![catch {set XCOps(module,text)}]} {
2545 $m2 add command -label "Import text" -command {xcircuit::promptimporttext}
2548 # Sub-menu for Export functions
2550 set m2 [menu $m.exportmenu -tearoff 0]
2551 $m2 add command -label "Export SVG" -command {svg -fullscale}
2553 set m [menu ${window}.menubar.editbutton.editmenu -tearoff 0]
2554 $m add command -label "Undo" -command {undo}
2555 $m add command -label "Redo" -command {redo}
2556 $m add separator
2557 $m add command -label "Delete" -command \
2558 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.bd2 invoke"
2559 $m add command -label "Copy" -command \
2560 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.bcp invoke"
2561 $m add command -label "Move" -command \
2562 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.bmv invoke"
2563 $m add command -label "Edit" -command \
2564 "${window} invoke"
2565 $m add cascade -label "Rotate/Flip" -menu $m.rotmenu
2566 $m add command -label "Deselect" -command {deselect selected}
2567 $m add cascade -label "Select Filter" -menu $m.selmenu
2568 $m add command -label "Push Selected" -command \
2569 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.pu2 invoke"
2570 $m add command -label "Pop Hierarchy" -command {pop}
2571 $m add separator
2572 $m add command -label "Change Technology" -command \
2573 {xcircuit::prompttargettech [element selected object]}
2574 $m add separator
2575 $m add command -label "Make User Object" -command \
2576 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.bmk invoke"
2577 $m add command -label "Make Arc" -command \
2578 "${window} invoke"
2579 $m add command -label "Make Box" -command \
2580 "${window} invoke"
2581 $m add command -label "Make Spline" -command \
2582 "${window} invoke"
2583 $m add command -label "Make Wire" -command \
2584 "${window} invoke"
2585 $m add command -label "Replace" -command {xcircuit::promptreplaceobject}
2586 $m add command -label "Join" -command \
2587 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.bpz invoke"
2588 $m add command -label "Unjoin" -command \
2589 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.buj invoke"
2590 $m add command -label "Raise/Lower" -command {element exchange}
2592 set m2 [menu $m.rotmenu -tearoff 0]
2593 $m2 add command -label "Flip Horizontal" -command \
2594 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.bfx invoke"
2595 $m2 add command -label "Flip Vertical" -command \
2596 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.bfy invoke"
2597 $m2 add command -label "Rescale" -command \
2598 "${window}.mainframe.toolbar.r invoke"
2599 $m2 add separator
2600 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CW 90" -command \
2601 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 90; \
2602 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bcw invoke}
2603 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CW 45" -command \
2604 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 45; \
2605 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bcw invoke}
2606 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CW 30" -command \
2607 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 30; \
2608 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bcw invoke}
2609 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CW 15" -command \
2610 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 15; \
2611 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bcw invoke}
2612 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CW 5" -command \
2613 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 5; \
2614 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bcw invoke}
2615 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CW 1" -command \
2616 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 1; \
2617 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bcw invoke}
2618 $m2 add separator
2619 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CCW 90" -command \
2620 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 90; \
2621 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bccw invoke}
2622 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CCW 45" -command \
2623 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 45; \
2624 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bccw invoke}
2625 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CCW 30" -command \
2626 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 30; \
2627 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bccw invoke}
2628 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CCW 15" -command \
2629 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 15; \
2630 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bccw invoke}
2631 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CCW 5" -command \
2632 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 5; \
2633 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bccw invoke}
2634 $m2 add command -label "Rotate CCW 1" -command \
2635 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotateamount) 1; \
2636 $XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bccw invoke}
2638 set m2 [menu $m.selmenu -tearoff 0]
2639 $m2 add command -label "Disable selection" -command {element select hide}
2640 $m2 add command -label "Remove all disabled" -command {element select allow}
2641 $m2 add separator
2642 $m2 add check -label "Labels" -variable XCWinOps(${window},sel_lab) \
2643 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2644 {xcircuit::config filter label $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_lab)}
2645 $m2 add check -label "Objects" -variable XCWinOps(${window},sel_inst) \
2646 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2647 {xcircuit::config filter instance $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_inst)}
2648 $m2 add check -label "Polygons" -variable XCWinOps(${window},sel_poly) \
2649 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2650 {xcircuit::config filter polygon $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_poly)}
2651 $m2 add check -label "Arcs" -variable XCWinOps(${window},sel_arc) \
2652 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2653 {xcircuit::config filter arc $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_arc)}
2654 $m2 add check -label "Splines" -variable XCWinOps(${window},sel_spline) \
2655 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2656 {xcircuit::config filter spline $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_spline)}
2657 $m2 add check -label "Paths" -variable XCWinOps(${window},sel_path) \
2658 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2659 {xcircuit::config filter path $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_path)}
2660 $m2 add check -label "Graphic Images" -variable XCWinOps(${window},sel_graphic) \
2661 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2662 {xcircuit::config filter graphic $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),sel_graphic)}
2664 set m [menu ${window}.menubar.textbutton.textmenu -tearoff 0]
2665 $m add command -label "Text Size" -command {xcircuit::prompttextsize}
2666 $m add cascade -label "Font" -menu $m.fontmenu
2667 $m add cascade -label "Style" -menu $m.stylemenu
2668 $m add cascade -label "Encoding" -menu $m.encodingmenu
2669 $m add cascade -label "Insert" -menu $m.insertmenu
2670 $m add cascade -label "Anchoring" -menu $m.anchormenu
2671 $m add command -label "Parameterize" \
2672 -command {xcircuit::labelmakeparam}
2673 $m add command -label "Unparameterize" \
2674 -command {xcircuit::parameter replace substring}
2675 $m add separator
2676 $m add check -label "LaTeX mode" -variable XCWinOps(${window},latexmode) \
2677 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::label latex \
2678 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),latexmode)}
2679 if {![catch {set XCOps(module,text)}]} {
2680 $m add separator
2681 $m add command -label "Modify Text..." -command {xcircuit::textmod}
2683 $m add separator
2684 $m add command -label "Make Text" -command \
2685 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labeltype) "Text"; set \
2686 XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labelimage) img_t; \
2687 $XCOps(focus) invoke}
2689 set m2 [menu $m.fontmenu -tearoff 0]
2690 $m2 add command -label "Add New Font" -command {xcircuit::promptnewfont}
2691 $m2 add separator
2693 set m2 [menu $m.stylemenu -tearoff 0]
2694 $m2 add radio -label "Normal" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontstyle) \
2695 -value normal -command "xcircuit::label style normal"
2696 $m2 add radio -label "Bold" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontstyle) \
2697 -value bold -command "xcircuit::label style bold"
2698 $m2 add radio -label "Italic" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontstyle) \
2699 -value italic -command "xcircuit::label style italic"
2700 $m2 add radio -label "BoldItalic" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontstyle) \
2701 -value bolditalic -command "xcircuit::label style bolditalic"
2702 $m2 add separator
2703 $m2 add radio -label "Subscript" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontscript) \
2704 -value subscript -command "xcircuit::label insert subscript"
2705 $m2 add radio -label "Superscript" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontscript) \
2706 -value superscript -command "xcircuit::label insert superscript"
2707 $m2 add radio -label "Normalscript" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontscript) \
2708 -value normal -command "xcircuit::label insert normalscript"
2709 $m2 add separator
2710 $m2 add radio -label "Underline" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontlining) \
2711 -value underline -command "xcircuit::label insert underline"
2712 $m2 add radio -label "Overline" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontlining) \
2713 -value overline -command "xcircuit::label insert overline"
2714 $m2 add radio -label "No Line" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontlining) \
2715 -value normal -command "xcircuit::label insert noline"
2717 set m2 [menu $m.encodingmenu -tearoff 0]
2718 $m2 add radio -label "Standard" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontencoding) \
2719 -value Standard -command "xcircuit::label encoding Standard"
2720 $m2 add radio -label "ISOLatin1" -variable XCWinOps(${window},fontencoding) \
2721 -value ISOLatin1 -command "xcircuit::label encoding ISOLatin1"
2723 set m2 [menu $m.insertmenu -tearoff 0]
2724 $m2 add command -label "Tab stop" -command "xcircuit::label insert stop"
2725 $m2 add command -label "Tab forward" -command "xcircuit::label insert forward"
2726 $m2 add command -label "Tab backward" -command "xcircuit::label insert backward"
2727 $m2 add command -label "Margin stop" -command {if {[lindex [xcircuit::label \
2728 substring] 1] <= 1} {xcircuit::promptmargin} else \
2729 {xcircuit::label insert margin}}
2730 $m2 add command -label "Carriage Return" -command "xcircuit::label insert return"
2731 $m2 add command -label "1/2 space" -command "xcircuit::label insert halfspace"
2732 $m2 add command -label "1/4 space" -command "xcircuit::label insert quarterspace"
2733 $m2 add command -label "Kern" -command "xcircuit::promptkern"
2734 $m2 add command -label "Character" -command "xcircuit::label insert special"
2735 $m2 add command -label "Parameter" -command "xcircuit::prompteditparams"
2737 set m2 [menu $m.anchormenu -tearoff 0]
2738 $m2 add radio -label "Left Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
2739 -value left -command "xcircuit::label anchor left"
2740 $m2 add radio -label "Center Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
2741 -value center -command "xcircuit::label anchor center"
2742 $m2 add radio -label "Right Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
2743 -value right -command "xcircuit::label anchor right"
2744 $m2 add separator
2745 $m2 add radio -label "Top Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
2746 -value top -command "xcircuit::label anchor top"
2747 $m2 add radio -label "Middle Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
2748 -value middle -command "xcircuit::label anchor middle"
2749 $m2 add radio -label "Bottom Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
2750 -value bottom -command "xcircuit::label anchor bottom"
2751 $m2 add separator
2752 $m2 add radio -label "Left Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},justif) \
2753 -value left -command "xcircuit::label justify left"
2754 $m2 add radio -label "Center Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},justif) \
2755 -value center -command "xcircuit::label justify center"
2756 $m2 add radio -label "Right Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},justif) \
2757 -value right -command "xcircuit::label justify right"
2758 $m2 add separator
2759 $m2 add check -label "Flip Invariant" \
2760 -variable XCWinOps(${window},flipinvariant) \
2761 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::label flipinvariant \
2762 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),flipinvariant)}
2764 set m [menu ${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu -tearoff 0]
2765 $m add check -label "Alt Colors" -variable XCWinOps(${window},colorscheme) \
2766 -onvalue inverse -offvalue normal -command {xcircuit::config \
2767 colorscheme $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),colorscheme)}
2768 $m add check -label "Show Bounding Box" -variable XCWinOps(${window},showbbox) \
2769 -onvalue visible -offvalue invisible -command \
2770 {xcircuit::config bbox $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showbbox)}
2771 $m add check -label "Edit In Place" -variable XCWinOps(${window},editinplace) \
2772 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::config editinplace \
2773 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),editinplace)}
2774 $m add check -label "Show Pin Positions" \
2775 -variable XCWinOps(${window},pinpositions) \
2776 -onvalue visible -offvalue invisible -command \
2777 {xcircuit::config pinpositions $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pinpositions)}
2778 $m add check -label "Wires Stay Attached to Pins" \
2779 -variable XCWinOps(${window},pinattach) \
2780 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2781 {xcircuit::config pinattach $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pinattach)}
2782 $m add check -label "Show Clipmask Outlines" \
2783 -variable XCWinOps(${window},showclipmasks) \
2784 -onvalue show -offvalue hide -command \
2785 {xcircuit::config clipmasks $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showclipmasks)}
2786 $m add check -label "Show Technology Namespaces" \
2787 -variable XCWinOps(${window},namespaces) \
2788 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2789 {xcircuit::config technologies $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),namespaces)}
2791 $m add command -label "Disable Toolbar" -command {xcircuit::toolbar disable}
2792 $m add check -label "Allow HOLD Mode" -variable XCOps(hold) -onvalue true \
2793 -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::config hold $XCOps(hold)}
2794 $m add cascade -label "Grid" -menu $m.gridmenu
2795 $m add cascade -label "Snap-to" -menu $m.snapmenu
2796 $m add cascade -label "Linewidth" -menu $m.linemenu
2797 $m add cascade -label "Elements" -menu $m.elementsmenu
2798 $m add separator
2799 $m add command -label "Help!" -command {xcircuit::helpwindow}
2801 set m2 [menu $m.gridmenu -tearoff 0]
2802 $m2 add check -label "Grid" -variable XCWinOps(${window},showgrid) \
2803 -onvalue true -offvalue false \
2804 -command {xcircuit::config grid $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showgrid); refresh}
2805 $m2 add check -label "Axes" -variable XCWinOps(${window},showaxes) \
2806 -onvalue true -offvalue false \
2807 -command {xcircuit::config axes $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showaxes); refresh}
2808 $m2 add command -label "Grid Spacing" -command {xcircuit::promptgridspace}
2809 $m2 add cascade -label "Grid type/display" -menu $m2.gridsubmenu
2811 set m3 [menu $m2.gridsubmenu -tearoff 0]
2812 $m3 add radio -label "Decimal Inches" -variable XCWinOps(${window},gridstyle) \
2813 -value "decimal inches" \
2814 -command {xcircuit::config coordstyle "decimal inches"}
2815 $m3 add radio -label "Fractional Inches" -variable XCWinOps(${window},gridstyle) \
2816 -value "fractional inches" \
2817 -command {xcircuit::config coordstyle "fractional inches"}
2818 $m3 add radio -label "Centimeters" -variable XCWinOps(${window},gridstyle) \
2819 -value "centimeters" -command {xcircuit::config coordstyle "centimeters"}
2820 $m3 add radio -label "Internal Units" -variable XCWinOps(${window},gridstyle) \
2821 -value "internal units" -command \
2822 {xcircuit::config coordstyle "internal units"}
2823 $m3 add separator
2824 $m3 add command -label "Drawing Scale" -command {xcircuit::promptdrawingscale}
2826 set m2 [menu $m.snapmenu -tearoff 0]
2827 $m2 add check -label "Snap-to" -variable XCWinOps(${window},showsnap) \
2828 -onvalue true \
2829 -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::config snap \
2830 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),showsnap); refresh}
2831 $m2 add command -label "Snap Spacing" -command {xcircuit::promptsnapspace}
2833 set m2 [menu $m.linemenu -tearoff 0]
2834 $m2 add command -label "Wire Linewidth" -command {xcircuit::promptborderwidth}
2835 $m2 add command -label "Global Linewidth" -command {xcircuit::promptlinewidth}
2837 set m2 [menu $m.elementsmenu -tearoff 0]
2838 $m2 add cascade -label "Border" -menu $m2.bordermenu
2839 $m2 add cascade -label "Fill" -menu $m2.fillmenu
2840 $m2 add cascade -label "Color" -menu $m2.colormenu
2841 $m2 add separator
2842 $m2 add cascade -label "Parameters" -menu $m2.parammenu
2843 $m2 add command -label "Scale" -command {xcircuit::promptelementsize}
2844 $m2 add check -label "Center Object" -variable XCWinOps(${window},centerobject) \
2845 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::config centering \
2846 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),centerobject)}
2847 $m2 add check -label "Instance Scale-invariant Linewidth" \
2848 -variable XCWinOps(${window},scaleinvariant) \
2849 -onvalue invariant -offvalue variant -command {xcircuit::instance linewidth \
2850 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),scaleinvariant)}
2851 $m2 add check -label "Manhattan Draw" \
2852 -variable XCWinOps(${window},manhattandraw) \
2853 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::config manhattan \
2854 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),manhattandraw)}
2855 $m2 add check -label "Link Curve Tangents" \
2856 -variable XCWinOps(${window},pathedittype) \
2857 -onvalue tangents -offvalue normal -command {xcircuit::config pathedit \
2858 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pathedittype)}
2859 $m2 add cascade -label "Polygon Edit" -menu $m2.polyeditmenu
2861 set m3 [menu $m2.bordermenu -tearoff 0]
2862 $m3 add command -label "Linewidth" -command {xcircuit::promptborderwidth}
2863 $m3 add separator
2864 $m3 add radio -label "Solid" -variable XCWinOps(${window},linestyle) \
2865 -value solid -command {xcircuit::border solid}
2866 $m3 add radio -label "Dashed" -variable XCWinOps(${window},linestyle) \
2867 -value dashed -command {xcircuit::border dashed}
2868 $m3 add radio -label "Dotted" -variable XCWinOps(${window},linestyle) \
2869 -value dotted -command {xcircuit::border dotted}
2870 $m3 add radio -label "Unbordered" -variable XCWinOps(${window},linestyle) \
2871 -value unbordered -command {xcircuit::border unbordered}
2872 $m3 add separator
2873 $m3 add check -label "Closed" -variable XCWinOps(${window},polyclosed) \
2874 -onvalue closed -offvalue unclosed -command \
2875 {xcircuit::border $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),polyclosed)}
2876 $m3 add check -label "Square Endcaps" -variable XCWinOps(${window},endcaps) \
2877 -onvalue square -offvalue round -command {xcircuit::border \
2878 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),endcaps)}
2879 $m3 add check -label "Bounding Box" -variable XCWinOps(${window},bboxtype) \
2880 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::border bbox \
2881 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),bboxtype)}
2882 $m3 add check -label "Clipmask" -variable XCWinOps(${window},clipmask) \
2883 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::border clipmask \
2884 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),clipmask)}
2885 $m3 add check -label "Manhattan Draw" -variable XCWinOps(${window},manhattandraw) \
2886 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::config manhattan \
2887 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),manhattandraw)}
2888 $m3 add check -label "Manhattan Edit" \
2889 -variable XCWinOps(${window},polyedittype) \
2890 -onvalue manhattan -offvalue normal \
2891 -command {xcircuit::config boxedit \
2892 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),polyedittype)}
2894 set m3 [menu $m2.fillmenu -tearoff 0]
2895 $m3 add radio -image img_stip100 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2896 -value 100 -command {xcircuit::fill 100 opaque}
2897 $m3 add radio -image img_stip88 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2898 -value 88 -command {xcircuit::fill 88 opaque}
2899 $m3 add radio -image img_stip75 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2900 -value 75 -command {xcircuit::fill 75 opaque}
2901 $m3 add radio -image img_stip62 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2902 -value 62 -command {xcircuit::fill 62 opaque}
2903 $m3 add radio -image img_stip50 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2904 -value 50 -command {xcircuit::fill 50 opaque}
2905 $m3 add radio -image img_stip38 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2906 -value 38 -command {xcircuit::fill 38 opaque}
2907 $m3 add radio -image img_stip25 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2908 -value 25 -command {xcircuit::fill 25 opaque}
2909 $m3 add radio -image img_stip12 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2910 -value 12 -command {xcircuit::fill 12 opaque}
2911 $m3 add radio -image img_stip0 -variable XCWinOps(${window},fillamount) \
2912 -value 0 -command {xcircuit::fill 0 transparent}
2913 $m3 add separator
2914 $m3 add radio -label "Opaque" -variable XCWinOps(${window},opaque) \
2915 -value true -command {xcircuit::fill opaque}
2916 $m3 add radio -label "Transparent" -variable XCWinOps(${window},opaque) \
2917 -value false -command {xcircuit::fill transparent}
2919 set m3 [menu $m2.colormenu -tearoff 0]
2920 $m3 add command -label "Add New Color" -command {xcircuit::picknewcolor}
2921 $m3 add separator
2922 $m3 add radio -label "Inherit Color" -variable XCWinOps(${window},colorval) \
2923 -value inherit -command {color set inherit}
2925 set m3 [menu $m2.parammenu -tearoff 0]
2926 $m3 add command -label "Manage Parameters" -command {xcircuit::prompteditparams}
2927 $m3 add separator
2928 $m3 add check -label "X Position" -variable XCWinOps(${window},xposparam) \
2929 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2930 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),xposparam)} \
2931 {xcircuit::parameter make "x position"} \
2932 {xcircuit::parameter replace "x position"}}
2933 $m3 add check -label "Y Position" -variable XCWinOps(${window},yposparam) \
2934 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2935 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),yposparam)} \
2936 {xcircuit::parameter make "y position"} \
2937 {xcircuit::parameter replace "y position"}}
2938 $m3 add check -label "Anchoring" -variable XCWinOps(${window},anchorparam) \
2939 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2940 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),anchorparam)} \
2941 {xcircuit::parameter make anchoring} \
2942 {xcircuit::parameter replace anchoring}}
2943 $m3 add check -label "Rotation" -variable XCWinOps(${window},rotationparam) \
2944 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2945 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotationparam)} \
2946 {xcircuit::parameter make rotation} \
2947 {xcircuit::parameter replace rotation}}
2948 $m3 add check -label "Style" -variable XCWinOps(${window},styleparam) \
2949 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2950 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),styleparam)} \
2951 {xcircuit::parameter make style} \
2952 {xcircuit::parameter replace style}}
2953 $m3 add check -label "Scale" -variable XCWinOps(${window},scaleparam) \
2954 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2955 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),scaleparam)} \
2956 {xcircuit::parameter make scale} \
2957 {xcircuit::parameter replace scale}}
2958 $m3 add check -label "Linewidth" -variable XCWinOps(${window},linewidthparam) \
2959 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2960 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),linewidthparam)} \
2961 {xcircuit::parameter make linewidth} \
2962 {xcircuit::parameter replace linewidth}}
2963 $m3 add check -label "Color" -variable XCWinOps(${window},colorparam) \
2964 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2965 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),colorparam)} \
2966 {xcircuit::parameter make color} \
2967 {xcircuit::parameter replace color}}
2968 $m3 add check -label "Start Angle" -variable XCWinOps(${window},startparam) \
2969 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2970 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),startparam)} \
2971 {xcircuit::parameter make "start angle"} \
2972 {xcircuit::parameter replace "start angle"}}
2973 $m3 add check -label "End Angle" -variable XCWinOps(${window},endparam) \
2974 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2975 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),endparam)} \
2976 {xcircuit::parameter make "end angle"} \
2977 {xcircuit::parameter replace "end angle"}}
2978 $m3 add check -label "Radius" -variable XCWinOps(${window},radiusparam) \
2979 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2980 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),radiusparam)} \
2981 {xcircuit::parameter make radius} \
2982 {xcircuit::parameter replace radius}}
2983 $m3 add check -label "Minor Axis" -variable XCWinOps(${window},minorparam) \
2984 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
2985 {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),minorparam)} \
2986 {xcircuit::parameter make "minor axis"} \
2987 {xcircuit::parameter replace "minor axis"}}
2989 set m3 [menu $m2.polyeditmenu -tearoff 0]
2990 $m3 add radio -label "Manhattan Box Edit" \
2991 -variable XCWinOps(${window},polyedittype) \
2992 -value manhattan -command {xcircuit::config boxedit manhattan}
2993 $m3 add radio -label "Rhomboid X" -variable XCWinOps(${window},polyedittype) \
2994 -value rhomboidx -command {xcircuit::config boxedit rhomboidx}
2995 $m3 add radio -label "Rhomboid Y" -variable XCWinOps(${window},polyedittype) \
2996 -value rhomboidy -command {xcircuit::config boxedit rhomboidy}
2997 $m3 add radio -label "Rhomboid A" -variable XCWinOps(${window},polyedittype) \
2998 -value rhomboida -command {xcircuit::config boxedit rhomboida}
2999 $m3 add radio -label "Normal" -variable XCWinOps(${window},polyedittype) \
3000 -value normal -command {xcircuit::config boxedit normal}
3002 set m [menu ${window}.menubar.windowbutton.windowmenu -tearoff 0]
3003 $m add command -label "Zoom In" -command {zoom 1.5; refresh}
3004 $m add command -label "Zoom Out" -command {zoom [expr {1 / 1.5}]; refresh}
3005 $m add command -label "Pan" -command {$XCOps(focus).mainframe.toolbar.bp invoke}
3006 $m add command -label "Full View" -command {zoom view; refresh}
3007 $m add command -label "Refresh" -command {refresh}
3008 $m add separator
3009 $m add command -label "Library Directory" -command {xcircuit::library directory}
3010 $m add cascade -label "Goto Library" -menu $m.librarymenu
3011 $m add separator
3012 $m add command -label "Page Directory" -command {xcircuit::page directory}
3013 $m add cascade -label "Goto Page" -menu $m.pagemenu
3015 set m [menu ${window}.menubar.netlistbutton.netlistmenu -tearoff 0]
3016 $m add command -label "Make Pin" -command \
3017 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labeltype) "Pin Label"; set \
3018 XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labelimage) img_tp; \
3019 $XCOps(focus) invoke}
3020 $m add command -label "Make Info Pin" -command \
3021 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labeltype) "Info Label"; set \
3022 XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labelimage) img_ti; \
3023 $XCOps(focus) invoke}
3024 $m add command -label "Make Global Pin" -command \
3025 {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labeltype) "Pin Global"; set \
3026 XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),labelimage) img_tg; \
3027 $XCOps(focus) invoke}
3028 $m add cascade -label "Convert Label To..." -menu $m.pinmenu
3029 $m add check -label "Pin Visibility" -variable XCWinOps(${window},pinvisible) \
3030 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::label visible \
3031 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pinvisible)}
3032 $m add check -label "Netlistable Instance" \
3033 -variable XCWinOps(${window},netlistable) \
3034 -onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::instance netlist \
3035 $XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),netlistable)}
3036 $m add command -label "Make Matching Symbol" -command \
3037 {xcircuit::promptmakesymbol [page label]}
3038 $m add command -label "Associate With Symbol" -command \
3039 {xcircuit::symbol associate}
3040 $m add command -label "Highlight Connectivity" -command \
3041 {xcircuit::netlist highlight}
3042 $m add command -label "Auto-number Components" -command \
3043 {xcircuit::netlist autonumber}
3044 $m add command -label "Un-number Components" -command \
3045 {xcircuit::netlist autonumber -forget}
3046 $m add separator
3047 $m add check -label "SPICE .end statement" -variable XCOps(spiceend) \
3048 -onvalue true -offvalue false
3049 $m add check -label "Always regenerate netlists" -variable XCOps(forcenets) \
3050 -onvalue true -offvalue false
3051 $m add separator
3052 $m add command -label "Write SPICE netlist" -command \
3053 {if {$XCOps(forcenets)} {xcircuit::netlist update}; \
3054 xcircuit::netlist write spice spc $XCOps(spiceend)}
3055 $m add command -label "Write flattened SPICE" -command \
3056 {if {$XCOps(forcenets)} {xcircuit::netlist update}; \
3057 xcircuit::netlist write flatspice fspc}
3058 $m add command -label "Write sim" -command \
3059 {if {$XCOps(forcenets)} {xcircuit::netlist update}; \
3060 xcircuit::netlist write flatsim sim}
3061 $m add command -label "Write pcb" -command \
3062 {if {$XCOps(forcenets)} {xcircuit::netlist update}; \
3063 xcircuit::netlist write pcb pcbnet}
3065 set m2 [menu $m.pinmenu -tearoff 0]
3066 $m2 add command -label "Normal label" -command {xcircuit::label type normal}
3067 $m2 add command -label "Local Pin" -command {xcircuit::label type pin}
3068 $m2 add command -label "Global Pin" -command {xcircuit::label type global}
3069 $m2 add command -label "Info label" -command {xcircuit::label type info}
3071 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3072 # Create the cloned menu links used by the toolbar
3073 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3075 ${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu.elementsmenu.parammenu \
3076 clone ${window}.parammenu
3077 ${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu.elementsmenu.colormenu \
3078 clone ${window}.colormenu
3079 ${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu.elementsmenu.bordermenu \
3080 clone ${window}.bordermenu
3081 ${window}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu.elementsmenu.fillmenu \
3082 clone ${window}.fillmenu
3084 .librarymenu clone ${window}.menubar.windowbutton.windowmenu.librarymenu
3085 .pagemenu clone ${window}.menubar.windowbutton.windowmenu.pagemenu
3088 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3089 # Wrapper procedure to (re)bind a key to a Tcl procedure (Ed Casas 9/4/03)
3090 # With no arguments, prints a list of bindings to stdout. Key
3091 # bindings should use "keyaction" to check for text mode, so that
3092 # rebinding of keys does not prevent text entry. Button bindings
3093 # do not need this restriction.
3094 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3096 proc xcircuit::keybind { {key {}} {proc {}} {window {}} } {
3097 global XCOps
3099 if { $window == {} } { set window $XCOps(focus).mainframe.mainarea.drawing }
3101 switch -glob -- $key {
3102 {} {
3103 puts stdout "XCircuit standard key bindings:"
3104 puts stdout "Key Binding"
3105 puts stdout "-------------------------------------"
3106 set kpairs [xcircuit::bindkey]
3107 foreach i $kpairs {
3108 set pkey [lindex $i 0]
3109 set pval [lindex $i 1]
3110 puts stdout "$pkey $pval"
3112 puts stdout ""
3114 <[Bb]utton-?> {
3115 bind ${window} $key $proc
3117 default {
3118 bind ${window} $key "if \{!\[xcircuit::keyaction %k %s\]\} \{ $proc \}"
3123 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3124 # Enable mouse hints in the window
3125 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3127 # James Vernon's mouse button hints
3129 if {[catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/mousehint.tcl}]} {
3130 set XCOps(mousehints) -1
3131 } else {
3132 set XCOps(mousehints) 0
3135 proc xcircuit::enable_mousehints {} {
3136 global XCOps
3138 if {$XCOps(mousehints) == 0} {
3139 set XCOps(mousehints) 1
3140 foreach window [config windownames] {
3141 set frame [winfo top $window]
3142 xcircuit::mousehint_create $frame
3147 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3148 # Final setup stuff before exiting back to interpreter
3149 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3151 # This gets rid of the original "wish", in favor of our own window
3153 if {[string range [wm title .] 0 3] == "wish"} {
3154 wm withdraw .
3157 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3158 # Library and Page menus (common to all windows)
3159 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3161 menu .librarymenu -tearoff 0
3162 .librarymenu add command -label "New Library Page" -command \
3163 {xcircuit::promptaddlibrary}
3164 .librarymenu add separator
3166 menu .pagemenu -tearoff 0
3167 .pagemenu add command -label "Add New Page" -command {xcircuit::page make}
3168 .pagemenu add separator
3170 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3171 # Source other Tcl scripts, if they exist in the $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR path
3172 # and add the capabilities to the GUI.
3173 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3175 # "Write All" feature
3177 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/files.tcl}
3179 # Library manager widget
3181 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/library.tcl}
3183 # Fancy "Make Matching Symbol" feature
3185 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/symbol.tcl}
3187 # Help window
3189 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/xchelp.tcl}
3191 # EDIF file parser
3193 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/edif.tcl}
3195 # Synopsys symbol library file parser
3197 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/synopsys.tcl}
3199 # System Clipboard paste into labels
3201 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/selection.tcl}
3203 # Regexp label substitutions and auto-increment feature
3205 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/text.tcl}
3207 # Wim Vereecken's Matlab PostScript import function
3209 catch {source $XCIRCUIT_SRC_DIR/matgen.tcl}
3211 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3212 # Create the initial window.
3213 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3215 xcircuit::new_window $XCOps(focus)
3217 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3218 # Add buttons for the pre-allocated pages
3219 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3221 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 1" 1
3222 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 2" 2
3223 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 3" 3
3224 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 4" 4
3225 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 5" 5
3226 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 6" 6
3227 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 7" 7
3228 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 8" 8
3229 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 9" 9
3230 xcircuit::newpagebutton "Page 10" 10
3232 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3233 # Add buttons for the pre-allocated libraries
3234 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3236 xcircuit::newlibrarybutton "User Library"
3238 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3239 # New key bindings should pass through this function so that key
3240 # strokes are captured correctly for label editing.
3241 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
3243 proc xcircuit::keyaction {keycode {keystate 0}} {
3244 switch -- [eventmode] {
3245 text -
3246 etext -
3247 cattext {
3248 standardaction $keycode down $keystate
3249 return true
3252 return false
3255 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3257 proc scrollboth { lists args } {
3258 foreach l $lists {
3259 eval {$l yview} $args
3263 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3264 # Procedure to generate the help window
3265 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3267 proc xcircuit::makehelpwindow {} {
3268 toplevel .help -bg beige
3269 wm group .help .
3270 wm withdraw .help
3272 frame .help.title -bg beige
3273 frame .help.listwin
3275 pack .help.title -side top -fill x
3276 pack .help.listwin -side top -fill both -expand true
3278 label .help.title.field -text "XCircuit Help" -bg beige
3279 button .help.title.dbut -text "Dismiss" -bg beige -command {wm withdraw .help}
3280 pack .help.title.field -side left -padx 10
3281 pack .help.title.dbut -side right -ipadx 10
3283 listbox .help.listwin.func -yscrollcommand " set" \
3284 -setgrid 1 -height 20
3285 listbox .help.listwin.keys -yscrollcommand " set" \
3286 -setgrid 1 -height 20
3287 scrollbar -orient vertical -command \
3288 [list scrollboth [list .help.listwin.func .help.listwin.keys]]
3289 message -width 200 -justify left -anchor n \
3290 -relief groove -text "Click on a function for help text"
3292 # Keep boxes aligned!
3293 bind .help.listwin.keys <Button-4> {xcircuit::helpscroll -1}
3294 bind .help.listwin.keys <Button-5> {xcircuit::helpscroll 1}
3295 bind .help.listwin.func <Button-4> {xcircuit::helpscroll -1}
3296 bind .help.listwin.func <Button-5> {xcircuit::helpscroll 1}
3297 # Also bind to the mouse wheel (Windows-specific, generally)
3298 bind .help.listwin.keys <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::helpscroll %D}
3299 bind .help.listwin.func <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::helpscroll %D}
3301 grid .help.listwin.func -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1
3302 grid .help.listwin.keys -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1
3303 grid -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ns -padx 1 -pady 1
3304 grid -row 0 -column 3 -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1
3306 grid columnconfigure .help.listwin 1 -weight 1 -minsize 100
3307 grid rowconfigure .help.listwin 0 -weight 1 -minsize 100
3309 bind .help.listwin.func <ButtonRelease-1> "xcircuit::printhelp"
3312 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3313 # Scroll all listboxes in the .help.listwin window at the same
3314 # time, in reponse to any one of them receiving a scroll event.
3315 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3317 proc xcircuit::helpscroll {value} {
3318 global tcl_platform
3319 set idx [.help.listwin.func nearest 0]
3321 if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
3322 set idx [expr {$idx + $value / 120}]
3323 } else {
3324 set idx [expr {$idx + $value}]
3327 .help.listwin.func yview $idx
3328 .help.listwin.keys yview $idx
3330 # Important! This prohibits the default binding actions.
3331 return -code break
3334 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3335 # Procedure to update and display the help window
3336 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3338 proc xcircuit::helpwindow {} {
3340 # Create the help window if it doesn't exist
3341 if {[catch {wm state .help}]} {
3342 xcircuit::makehelpwindow
3344 set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate .help]
3346 .help.listwin.func delete 0 end
3347 .help.listwin.keys delete 0 end
3349 set k [lsort -dictionary [xcircuit::bindkey]]
3351 .help.listwin.func insert end "Function"
3352 .help.listwin.keys insert end "Keys"
3353 .help.listwin.func insert end ""
3354 .help.listwin.keys insert end ""
3356 foreach i $k {
3357 set pkeys [xcircuit::bindkey -func $i]
3358 .help.listwin.func insert end "$i"
3359 .help.listwin.keys insert end "$pkeys"
3362 if {"$wstate" != "normal"} {
3363 wm deiconify .help
3364 xcircuit::centerwin .help
3366 raise .help
3369 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3370 # Prevent "Tab" from removing focus from the window during text edits,
3371 # but allow it to take its normal meaning at other times.
3372 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3374 bind all <Tab> {
3375 switch -- [eventmode] {
3376 text -
3377 etext -
3378 cattext {}
3379 default {tk::TabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
3383 bind all <<PrevWindow>> {
3384 switch -- [eventmode] {
3385 text -
3386 etext -
3387 cattext {}
3388 default {tk::TabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}
3392 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3393 # Wait for the drawing area to become visible, and set the focus on it.
3394 # Invoke the "wire" button so we have a default button1 action.
3395 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3397 tkwait visibility $XCOps(focus).mainframe.mainarea.drawing
3398 focus -force $XCOps(focus).mainframe.mainarea.drawing
3400 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3401 # This pops down the interpreter window, if the "console.tcl" script was run.
3402 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3404 catch xcircuit::consoledown
3406 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3407 # End of GUI configuration file. Xcircuit continues to load the xcircuit
3408 # startup configuration files.
3409 #-----------------------------------------------------------------