Revert "Device/Driver/LX: Add small delay after baud rate change"
[xcsoar.git] / test / src / test_troute.cpp
1 /* Copyright_License {
3 XCSoar Glide Computer -
4 Copyright (C) 2000-2013 The XCSoar Project
5 A detailed list of copyright holders can be found in the file "AUTHORS".
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <fstream>
24 #include "Printing.hpp"
25 #define DO_PRINT
26 #include "TestUtil.hpp"
27 #include "Route/TerrainRoute.hpp"
28 #include "Terrain/RasterMap.hpp"
29 #include "OS/ConvertPathName.hpp"
30 #include "Compatibility/path.h"
31 #include "GlideSolvers/GlideSettings.hpp"
32 #include "GlideSolvers/GlidePolar.hpp"
33 #include "Geo/SpeedVector.hpp"
34 #include "Geo/GeoVector.hpp"
35 #include "Operation/Operation.hpp"
36 #include "OS/FileUtil.hpp"
38 #include <string.h>
40 static void
41 test_troute(const RasterMap& map, fixed mwind, fixed mc, RoughAltitude ceiling)
43 GlideSettings settings;
44 settings.SetDefaults();
45 GlidePolar polar(mc);
46 SpeedVector wind(Angle::Degrees(0), mwind);
47 TerrainRoute route;
48 route.UpdatePolar(settings, polar, polar, wind);
49 route.SetTerrain(&map);
51 GeoPoint origin(map.GetMapCenter());
53 fixed pd = map.PixelDistance(origin, 1);
54 printf("# pixel size %g\n", (double)pd);
56 bool retval= true;
59 Directory::Create(_T("output/results"));
60 std::ofstream fout ("output/results/terrain.txt");
61 unsigned nx = 100;
62 unsigned ny = 100;
63 for (unsigned i=0; i< nx; ++i) {
64 for (unsigned j=0; j< ny; ++j) {
65 fixed fx = (fixed)i / (nx - 1) * 2 - fixed(1);
66 fixed fy = (fixed)j / (ny - 1) * 2 - fixed(1);
67 GeoPoint x(origin.longitude + Angle::Degrees(fixed(0.6) * fx),
68 origin.latitude + Angle::Degrees(fixed(0.4) * fy));
69 short h = map.GetInterpolatedHeight(x);
70 fout << x.longitude.Degrees() << " " << x.latitude.Degrees() << " " << h << "\n";
72 fout << "\n";
74 fout << "\n";
77 RoutePlannerConfig config;
78 config.mode = RoutePlannerConfig::Mode::BOTH;
80 unsigned i=0;
81 for (fixed ang = fixed(0); ang < fixed_two_pi; ang += fixed(M_PI / 8)) {
82 GeoPoint dest = GeoVector(fixed(40000.0), Angle::Radians(ang)).EndPoint(origin);
84 short hdest = map.GetHeight(dest)+100;
86 retval = route.Solve(AGeoPoint(origin,
87 RoughAltitude(map.GetHeight(origin) + 100)),
88 AGeoPoint(dest,
89 RoughAltitude(positive(mc)
90 ? hdest
91 : std::max(hdest, (short)3200))),
92 config, ceiling);
93 char buffer[80];
94 sprintf(buffer,"terrain route solve, dir=%g, wind=%g, mc=%g ceiling=%d",
95 (double)ang, (double)mwind, (double)mc, (int)ceiling);
96 ok(retval, buffer, 0);
97 PrintHelper::print_route(route);
98 i++;
101 // polar.SetMC(fixed(0));
102 // route.UpdatePolar(polar, wind);
105 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
107 const char hc_path[] = "tmp/terrain";
108 const char *map_path;
109 if ((argc<2) || !strlen(argv[0])) {
110 map_path = hc_path;
111 } else {
112 map_path = argv[0];
115 TCHAR jp2_path[4096];
116 _tcscpy(jp2_path, PathName(map_path));
117 _tcscat(jp2_path, _T(DIR_SEPARATOR_S) _T("terrain.jp2"));
119 TCHAR j2w_path[4096];
120 _tcscpy(j2w_path, PathName(map_path));
121 _tcscat(j2w_path, _T(DIR_SEPARATOR_S) _T("terrain.j2w"));
123 NullOperationEnvironment operation;
124 RasterMap map(jp2_path, j2w_path, NULL, operation);
125 do {
126 map.SetViewCenter(map.GetMapCenter(), fixed(100000));
127 } while (map.IsDirty());
129 plan_tests(16*3);
130 test_troute(map, fixed(0), fixed(0.1), RoughAltitude(10000));
131 test_troute(map, fixed(0), fixed(0), RoughAltitude(10000));
132 test_troute(map, fixed(5.0), fixed(1), RoughAltitude(10000));
134 return exit_status();