Makefile: remove spurious tab
[xcsoar.git] / src / MapWindow / MapWindowTask.cpp
1 /*
2 Copyright_License {
4 XCSoar Glide Computer -
5 Copyright (C) 2000-2013 The XCSoar Project
6 A detailed list of copyright holders can be found in the file "AUTHORS".
8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 #include "MapWindow.hpp"
25 #include "Screen/Icon.hpp"
26 #include "Look/Fonts.hpp"
27 #include "Geo/Math.hpp"
28 #include "Task/ProtectedTaskManager.hpp"
29 #include "Engine/Task/Ordered/OrderedTask.hpp"
30 #include "Renderer/TaskRenderer.hpp"
31 #include "Renderer/TaskPointRenderer.hpp"
32 #include "Renderer/OZRenderer.hpp"
33 #include "Screen/Layout.hpp"
34 #include "Math/Screen.hpp"
35 #include "Look/MapLook.hpp"
37 #include <stdio.h>
38 #include <math.h>
40 void
41 MapWindow::DrawTask(Canvas &canvas)
43 if (task == NULL)
44 return;
46 /* RLD bearing is invalid if GPS not connected and in non-sim mode,
47 but we can still draw targets */
48 bool draw_bearing = Basic().track_available;
49 bool draw_route = draw_bearing;
51 if (draw_bearing) {
52 if (Calculated().planned_route.size()>2) {
53 draw_bearing = false;
54 } else {
55 draw_route = false;
59 ProtectedTaskManager::Lease task_manager(*task);
60 const AbstractTask *task = task_manager->GetActiveTask();
61 if (task && task->CheckTask()) {
62 TaskPointRenderer::TargetVisibility target_visibility =
63 IsNearSelf() ? TaskPointRenderer::ACTIVE : TaskPointRenderer::ALL;
65 OZRenderer ozv(look.task, airspace_renderer.GetLook(),
66 GetMapSettings().airspace);
67 TaskPointRenderer tpv(canvas, render_projection, look.task,
68 /* we're accessing the OrderedTask here,
69 which may be invalid at this point, but it
70 will be used only if active, so it's ok */
71 task_manager->GetOrderedTask().GetTaskProjection(),
72 ozv, draw_bearing, target_visibility,
73 Basic().location_available, Basic().location);
74 TaskRenderer dv(tpv, render_projection.GetScreenBounds());
75 dv.Draw(*task);
78 if (draw_route)
79 DrawRoute(canvas);
82 void
83 MapWindow::DrawRoute(Canvas &canvas)
85 const auto &route = Calculated().planned_route;
87 const auto r_size = route.size();
88 RasterPoint p[r_size], *pp = &p[0];
89 for (auto i = route.begin(), end = route.end(); i != end; ++i, ++pp)
90 *pp = render_projection.GeoToScreen(*i);
92 ScreenClosestPoint(p[r_size-1], p[r_size-2], p[r_size-1], &p[r_size-1], Layout::Scale(20));
94 canvas.Select(look.task.bearing_pen);
95 canvas.DrawPolyline(p, r_size);
98 void
99 MapWindow::DrawTaskOffTrackIndicator(Canvas &canvas)
101 if (Calculated().circling
102 || !Basic().location_available
103 || !Basic().track_available
104 || !GetMapSettings().detour_cost_markers_enabled)
105 return;
107 const TaskStats &task_stats = Calculated().task_stats;
108 const ElementStat &current_leg = task_stats.current_leg;
110 if (!task_stats.task_valid || !current_leg.location_remaining.IsValid())
111 return;
113 const GeoPoint target = current_leg.location_remaining;
114 GeoVector vec(Basic().location, target);
116 if ((Basic().track - vec.bearing).AsDelta().AbsoluteDegrees() < fixed(10))
117 // insignificant error
118 return;
120 fixed distance_max =
121 std::min(vec.distance,
122 render_projection.GetScreenDistanceMeters() * fixed(0.7));
124 // too short to bother
125 if (distance_max < fixed(5000))
126 return;
128 GeoPoint start = Basic().location;
130 canvas.Select(Fonts::map_bold);
131 canvas.SetTextColor(COLOR_BLACK);
132 canvas.SetBackgroundTransparent();
134 GeoPoint dloc;
135 int ilast = 0;
136 for (fixed d = fixed(1) / 4; d <= fixed(1); d += fixed(1) / 4) {
137 dloc = FindLatitudeLongitude(start, Basic().track, distance_max * d);
139 fixed distance0 = start.Distance(dloc);
140 fixed distance1 = target.Distance(dloc);
141 fixed distance = fixed(distance0 + distance1) / vec.distance;
142 int idist = iround((distance - fixed(1)) * 100);
144 if ((idist != ilast) && (idist > 0) && (idist < 1000)) {
145 TCHAR Buffer[5];
146 _stprintf(Buffer, _T("%d"), idist);
147 RasterPoint sc = render_projection.GeoToScreen(dloc);
148 PixelSize tsize = canvas.CalcTextSize(Buffer);
149 canvas.DrawText(sc.x - / 2, sc.y - / 2, Buffer);
150 ilast = idist;