Renderer, ...: use PixelRect::GetCenter()
[xcsoar.git] / build / svg_preprocess.xsl
1 <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
2 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
3 xmlns:xsl=""
4 xmlns:svg=""
5 xmlns:inkscape="">
7 <!-- write header to output -->
8 <xsl:output
9 method="xml"
10 encoding="utf-8"
11 doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
12 doctype-system=""/>
15 <!-- default template: matches all elements e.g. <xsl:example>
16 and all attributes within elements e.g. x="foo" -->
18 <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
19 <xsl:copy>
20 <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
21 </xsl:copy>
22 </xsl:template>
24 <!-- svg preprocessing: match all svg elements (listed) and all
25 their attributes (matched by wildcard /@* ).
26 This template is called repeatedly - once for each attribute
27 matched by this search. -->
29 <xsl:template match="svg:g/@*|svg:rect/@*|svg:path/@*|svg:circle/@*|
30 svg:ellipse/@*|svg:line/@*|svg:polyline/@*|svg:polygon/@*|svg:text/@*">
31 <!-- copy current attribute's existing value -->
32 <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
33 <!-- select first 5 characters of the id= and inkscape:label fields
34 of current element -->
35 <xsl:variable name="IDPrefix" select="substring(../@id,1,5)"/>
36 <xsl:variable name="LabelPrefix" select="substring(../@inkscape:label,1,5)"/>
37 <!-- disable anti-aliasing for this element (group, path, circle etc)
38 if prefix matches list in command-line argument DisableAA_Select
39 eg. DisableAA_Select='NOAA_MASK_' - anti-aliasing will be disabled
40 for elements with ids/labels prefixed with NOAA_ or MASK_ -->
41 <xsl:if test="(contains($DisableAA_Select,$IDPrefix) and
42 string-length($IDPrefix)=5)
43 or (contains($DisableAA_Select,$LabelPrefix) and
44 string-length($LabelPrefix)=5)">
45 <xsl:attribute name="style">
46 <!-- this style attribute disables anti-aliasing in rsvg; behaviour may
47 vary according to svg renderer -->
48 <xsl:text>shape-rendering:optimizeSpeed;</xsl:text>
49 <xsl:value-of select="../@style"/>
50 </xsl:attribute>
51 </xsl:if>
52 </xsl:template>
53 </xsl:stylesheet>