1 SVN 0.2 PECL Extension for PHP <http://pecl.php.net/package/svn/0.2>
2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 It took me two days to figure out how to compile the PECL extension
5 'svn' for PHP5 on Dreamhost. It's not difficult, but it's not a walk
6 in the park. There are lots of dependencies.
8 These instructions can be applied to other hosting environments where
9 shell is allowed, although the dependencies will change. Be sure to
10 do the necessary research before plowing ahead. The instructions here
11 are specific to Dreamhost's server configurations.
15 Before you embark, you'll want to add $HOME/bin to your $PATH variable
20 If you've previously installed your own libraries or executables, this
21 step may have already been done. You may also want to consider using
22 a prefix directory that is not your $HOME directory, in that case,
23 specify the directory in some other variable and replace all instances
24 of $HOME below with that variable.
26 === Autoconf (2.61) ===
28 A very useful tool, and also one that Dreamhost doesn't have. This
29 particular PECL package will need it, so download the source
30 code from GNU's website, unpack it, and then install.
32 wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.61.tar.gz
33 tar -xzf autoconf-2.61.tar.gz
35 ./configure --prefix=$HOME
39 === Subversion (1.4.3) ===
41 Dreamhost comes with `svn` installed, however, it does not provide the
42 necessary includes and headers necessary to compile our extension. Best
43 to install your own version.
45 Subversion, itself, has oodles of dependencies, but the Subversion
46 developers have been so kind to provide an subversion-deps-x.y.z.tar.gz
47 file on the downloads page. Download this file and the main source
48 code file. Run in the newly created subversion-x.y.z/ directory:
50 wget http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-1.4.3.tar.gz
51 wget http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-deps-1.4.3.tar.gz
52 tar -xzf subversion-1.4.3.tar.gz
53 tar -xzf subversion-deps-1.4.3.tar.gz
55 ./configure --prefix=$HOME
59 This should do the installation, with all the dependencies. Subversion
60 will recursively configure and make all of Subversion's dependencies.
64 Once again, Dreamhost comes with `php` installed. It even has `php5`
65 installed. However, the `phpize` it has installed is out-of-date and
66 will not work for PHP5 websites, so you'll need to install your own
67 local copy. (If you're using PHP4, using the default may work).
69 Download the PHP source code that synchronizes with the version
70 Dreamhost is running (for my case, it was 5.2.1, you can check using
71 `php -v` or `php5 -v`). Do the standard kaboodle:
73 wget http://us3.php.net/get/php-5.2.1.tar.gz/from/this/mirror
74 tar -xzf php-5.2.1.tar.gz
77 ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local-php
81 We don't care about compiling the extensions because all we're after is
82 phpize. Furthermore, we're not installing it into a directory that's
83 in our path ($HOME/bin v. $HOME/local-php/bin) because we don't want
84 this installation to supplant Dreamhost's own version of PHP (you may
85 have command line scripts that rely on Dreamhost's specific version.)
86 If you're using an alias:
88 alias php="/usr/local/dh/cgi-system/php5.cgi"
90 In order to overload calls to `php` with the PHP5 binary, this procedure
91 is not strictly necessary, but it doesn't hurt to play it safe.
95 Finally, we can install the PECL extension. We will download the source
96 code, set up the environment with phpize, run autoconf to set up the
97 configuration, and then do the standard configuration kaboodle, but
98 without `make install`. Sound confusing? It is.
100 wget http://pecl.php.net/get/svn-0.2.tgz
104 Standard procedures. No surprises here.
108 The developers of svn have been so kind not to provide a configure.sh
109 script. So we'll use autoconf to generate it. `phpize` also seems to
110 have trouble finding the autoconf binary, so lets make life easy for
113 $HOME/local-php/bin/phpize
115 Alright, we're calling phpize to setup the environment. However, you'll
116 notice that we didn't call `phpize`, but we called the full path. This
117 is essential to make sure we're calling the *right* binary. For PHP 5.2.1,
118 you should see this in the output:
121 PHP Api Version: 20041225
122 Zend Module Api No: 20060613
123 Zend Extension Api No: 220060519
125 If you went against my advice and added $HOME/local-php/bin to the path,
126 you might be able to get away with calling only `phpize`. Be sure to
127 check the numbers though.
129 ./configure --with-svn=$HOME
131 This little gem took me two hours to figure out. Accept my hard-earned
132 knowledge gratefully! The config.m4 file will not check your PATH for
133 the necessary Subversion includes, so you will need to tell the configure
134 script explicitly where to find your locally installed copy of Subversion
135 (remember, Dreamhost's version does not contain the proper includes!)
136 Also, although config.m4 seems to check the $PHP_SVN environment variable,
137 it really doesn't. So don't try to use it.
139 Note that we didn't specify a prefix, that's because we're not going
144 Compile the extension. The prized 'svn.so' file will be in a newly
145 created modules folder. Copy it over to somewhere easily accessible.
146 You can now use your extension via:
148 dl('/path/to/svn.so');
154 Documentation for the SVN extension is woefully lame. Try these
157 * http://www.edoceo.com/intmain/20060808-pecl-svn-package.php - lists
158 the available functions, and some usage info.
159 * http://cvs.php.net/viewvc.cgi/pecl/svn/svn.php?view=markup - test script
160 for the extension, it offers some concrete usage examples. Don't run it
162 * http://cvs.php.net/viewvc.cgi/pecl/svn/examples/ - more example scripts
163 * http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.2/svn.developer.usingapi.html -
164 The Subversion Book's explanations of the APIs. Not PHP specific, but
165 should give you some ideas for experimentation.
167 Some common pitfalls:
169 * To specify a repository URL on a local filesystem, you'll need to use
171 * If the SVN extension errors out, it will often result in an internal
172 server error. I suspect the developers will want to rectify this sometime.
176 * http://www.akbkhome.com/blog.php/View/86/FlexySvn_A_subversion_browser_using_the_php_svn_bindings.html -
177 The authors of the SVN extension also have hacked together FlexySVN,
178 which is an XUL/Javascript/PHP based Subversion repository browser.
180 Credits (won't help you, but certainly helped me):
182 * http://livedocs.phpdoc.info/index.php?l=en&q=install.pecl - Contains
183 instructions on how to install PECL extensions manually. I suppose
184 this could have all been automated using `pecl`, but I didn't want
186 * http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2005-06/0383.shtml - The mailing list
187 post that got things working for me.
189 I'll be working on more indepth documentation for the SVN extension as
190 I stumble my way through it. Thanks for reading!