Add Russian translation provided by Валерий Крувялис <>
[xiph-mirror.git] / chirptest / chirp.c
1 /********************************************************************
2 * *
7 * *
8 * THE OggGhost SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 2007-2011 *
9 * by the Xiph.Org Foundation *
10 * *
11 ********************************************************************
13 function: research-grade chirp estimation code
14 last mod: $Id$
16 Provides a set of chirp estimation algorithm variants for comparison
17 and characterization. This is canned code meant for testing and
18 exploration of sinusoidal estimation. It's designed to be held still
19 and used for reference and comparison against later improvement.
20 Please, don't optimize this code. Test optimizations elsewhere in
21 code to be compared to this code. Roll new technique improvements
22 into this reference set only after they have been completed.
24 ********************************************************************/
26 #define _GNU_SOURCE
27 #include <math.h>
28 #include "chirp.h"
29 #include "scales.h"
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include <string.h>
34 static int cmp_descending_A(const void *p1, const void *p2){
35 chirp *A = (chirp *)p1;
36 chirp *B = (chirp *)p2;
38 return (A->A<B->A) - (B->A<A->A);
40 static int cmp_ascending_W(const void *p1, const void *p2){
41 chirp *A = (chirp *)p1;
42 chirp *B = (chirp *)p2;
44 return (B->W<A->W) - (A->W<B->W);
47 /* The stimators project a residue vecotr onto basis functions; the
48 results of the accumulation map directly to the parameters we're
49 interested in (A, P, W, dA, dW, ddA) and vice versa. The mapping
50 equations are broken out below. */
52 static float toA(float Ai, float Bi){
53 return hypotf(Ai,Bi);
55 static float toP(float Ai, float Bi){
56 return -atan2f(Bi, Ai);
58 static float toW(float Ai, float Bi, float Ci, float Di){
59 return (Ai*Ai || Bi*Bi) ? (Ci*Bi - Di*Ai)/(Ai*Ai + Bi*Bi) : 0;
61 static float todA(float Ai, float Bi, float Ci, float Di){
62 return (Ai*Ai || Bi*Bi) ? (Ci*Ai + Di*Bi)/hypotf(Ai,Bi) : 0;
64 static float todW(float Ai, float Bi, float Ei, float Fi){
65 return (Ai*Ai || Bi*Bi) ? (Ei*Bi - Fi*Ai)/(Ai*Ai + Bi*Bi) : 0;
67 static float toddA(float Ai, float Bi, float Ei, float Fi){
68 return (Ai*Ai || Bi*Bi) ? (Ei*Ai + Fi*Bi)/hypotf(Ai,Bi) : 0;
71 static float toAi(float A, float P){
72 return A * cosf(P);
74 static float toBi(float A, float P){
75 return A * -sinf(P);
78 static float WtoCi(float A, float P, float W){
79 return -W*A*sinf(P);
82 static float WtoDi(float A, float P, float W){
83 return -W*A*cosf(P);
86 static float dWtoEi(float A, float P, float dW){
87 return -A*dW*sinf(P);
89 static float dWtoFi(float A, float P, float dW){
90 return -A*dW*cosf(P);
93 static float dAtoCi(float P, float dA){
94 return dA*cosf(P);
96 static float dAtoDi(float P, float dA){
97 return -dA*sinf(P);
99 static float ddAtoEi(float P, float ddA){
100 return ddA*cosf(P);
102 static float ddAtoFi(float P, float ddA){
103 return -ddA*sinf(P);
106 /* fully nonlinear estimation iterator; it restarts the basis
107 functions (W and dW) and error vector for each chirp after each new
108 fit. Reconstruction (and thus error) are exact calculations. */
109 static int full_nonlinear_iterate(const float *x,
110 const float *window,
111 int len,
112 chirp *cc,
113 int n,
115 float fit_limit,
116 int iter_limit,
117 int fit_gs,
119 int fitW,
120 int fitdA,
121 int fitdW,
122 int fitddA,
123 float fit_W_alpha,
124 float fit_dW_alpha,
126 int symm_norm,
127 float E0,
128 float E1,
129 float E2,
131 int bound_edges){
132 int i,j;
133 int flag=1;
134 float r[len];
135 float y[len];
137 /* Build a starting reconstruction based on the passed-in initial
138 chirp estimates */
139 memset(y,0,sizeof(*y)*len);
140 for(i=0;i<n;i++){
141 for(j=0;j<len;j++){
142 double jj = j-len*.5+.5;
143 float a = cc[i].A + (cc[i].dA + cc[i].ddA*jj)*jj;
144 y[j] += a*cos((cc[i].W + cc[i].dW*jj)*jj + cc[i].P);
148 /* outer fit iteration */
149 while(flag && iter_limit>0){
150 flag=0;
152 /* precompute the portion of the projection/fit estimate shared by
153 the zero, first and second order fits. Subtracts the current
154 best fits from the input signal and windows the result. */
155 for(j=0;j<len;j++)
156 r[j]=(x[j]-y[j])*window[j];
157 memset(y,0,sizeof(*y)*len);
159 /* Sort chirps by descending amplitude */
160 qsort(cc, n, sizeof(*cc), cmp_descending_A);
162 for(i=0;i<n;i++){
163 chirp *c = cc+i;
164 float aP=0, bP=0;
165 float cP=0, dP=0;
166 float eP=0, fP=0;
167 float cP2=0, dP2=0;
168 float eP2=0, fP2=0;
169 float eP3=0, fP3=0;
170 float aE=0, bE=0;
171 float cE=0, dE=0;
172 float eE=0, fE=0;
173 float aC = cos(c->P);
174 float aS = sin(c->P);
175 float move;
177 if(c->A==-1) continue;
179 for(j=0;j<len;j++){
181 /* no part of the nonlinear algorithm requires double
182 precision, however the largest source of noise will be from
183 a naive computation of the instantaneous basis or
184 reconstruction chirp phase. Because dW is usually very
185 small compared to W (especially c->W*jj), (W + dW*jj)*jj
186 quickly becomes noticably short of significant bits.
188 We can either calculate everything mod 2PI, use a double
189 for just this calculation (and passing the result to
190 sincos) or decide we don't care. In the production code we
191 will probably not care as most of the depth in the
192 estimator isn't needed. Here we'll take the easiest route
193 to have a deep reference and just use doubles. */
195 double jj = j-len*.5+.5;
196 float jj2 = jj*jj;
197 double co,si;
198 float c2,s2;
199 float yy=r[j];
201 sincos((c->W + c->dW*jj)*jj,&si,&co);
203 si*=window[j];
204 co*=window[j];
206 /* add the current estimate back to the residue vector */
207 r[j] += (aC*co-aS*si) * (c->A + (c->dA + c->ddA*jj)*jj);
209 c2 = co*co*jj;
210 s2 = si*si*jj;
212 /* zero order projection */
213 aP += co*yy;
214 bP += si*yy;
215 /* first order projection */
216 cP += co*yy*jj;
217 dP += si*yy*jj;
218 /* second order projection */
219 eP += co*yy*jj2;
220 fP += si*yy*jj2;
222 if(fit_gs){
223 /* subtract zero order estimate from first */
224 cP2 += c2;
225 dP2 += s2;
226 /* subtract zero order estimate from second */
227 eP2 += c2*jj;
228 fP2 += s2*jj;
229 /* subtract first order estimate from second */
230 eP3 += c2*jj2;
231 fP3 += s2*jj2;
234 if(!symm_norm){
235 /* accumulate per-basis energy for normalization */
236 aE += co*co;
237 bE += si*si;
238 cE += c2*jj;
239 dE += s2*jj;
240 eE += c2*jj*jj2;
241 fE += s2*jj*jj2;
245 /* normalize, complete projections */
246 if(symm_norm){
247 aP *= E0;
248 bP *= E0;
249 cP = (cP-aP*cP2)*E1;
250 dP = (dP-bP*dP2)*E1;
251 eP = (eP-aP*eP2-cP*eP3)*E2;
252 fP = (fP-bP*fP2-dP*fP3)*E2;
253 }else{
254 aP = (aE>1e-20f?aP/aE:0.f);
255 bP = (bE>1e-20f?bP/bE:0.f);
256 cP = (cE>1e-20f?(cP-aP*cP2)/cE:0.f);
257 dP = (dE>1e-20f?(dP-bP*dP2)/dE:0.f);
258 eP = (eE>1e-20f?(eP-aP*eP2-cP*eP3)/eE:0.f);
259 fP = (fE>1e-20f?(fP-bP*fP2-dP*fP3)/fE:0.f);
262 if(!fitW && !fitdA)
263 cP=dP=0;
264 if(!fitdW && !fitddA)
265 eP=fP=0;
267 move = aP*aP + bP*bP;
269 /* we're fitting to the remaining error; add the fit to date
270 back in to relate our newest incremental results to the
271 global fit so far. Note that this does not include W (or dW
272 if it is also recentered), as they're already 'subtracted'
273 when the bases are recentered each iteration */
274 aP += toAi(c->A, c->P);
275 bP += toBi(c->A, c->P);
276 cP += dAtoCi(c->P,c->dA);
277 dP += dAtoDi(c->P,c->dA);
278 eP += ddAtoEi(c->P,c->ddA);
279 fP += ddAtoFi(c->P,c->ddA);
281 /* guard overflow */
282 if((aP*aP + bP*bP)>1e10 ||
283 (cP*cP + dP*dP)>1e10 ||
284 (eP*eP + fP*fP)>1e10){
285 /* mark this chirp inactive */
286 c->A=-1;
287 continue;
291 chirp old = *c;
292 float cc=0,dd=0;
293 float ee=0,ff=0;
295 /* save new estimate */
296 c->A = toA(aP,bP);
297 c->P = toP(aP,bP);
298 c->W += fit_W_alpha*(fitW ? toW(aP,bP,cP,dP) : 0);
299 c->dA = (fitdA ? todA(aP,bP,cP,dP) : 0);
300 c->dW += fit_dW_alpha*(fitdW ? todW(aP,bP,eP,fP) : 0);
301 c->ddA = (fitddA ? toddA(aP,bP,eP,fP) : 0);
303 /* base convergence on basis projection movement this
304 iteration, but only consider the contribution of terms we fit. */
306 if(fitW){
307 float W = c->W - old.W;
308 cc += WtoCi(c->A,c->P,W);
309 dd += WtoDi(c->A,c->P,W);
311 if(fitdA){
312 float dA = c->dA - old.dA;
313 cc += dAtoCi(c->P,dA);
314 dd += dAtoDi(c->P,dA);
316 if(fitdW){
317 float dW = c->dW - old.dW;
318 ee += dWtoEi(c->A,c->P,dW);
319 ff += dWtoFi(c->A,c->P,dW);
321 if(fitddA){
322 float ddA = c->ddA - old.ddA;
323 ee += ddAtoEi(c->P,ddA);
324 ff += ddAtoFi(c->P,ddA);
326 move = move + cc*cc + dd*dd + ee*ee + ff*ff;
327 if(fit_limit>0 && move>fit_limit*fit_limit)flag=1;
328 if(fit_limit<0 && move>1e-14)flag=1;
331 if(bound_edges){
332 /* do not allow negative or trans-Nyquist center frequencies */
333 if(c->W<0){
334 c->W = 0; /* clamp frequency to 0 (DC) */
335 c->dW = 0; /* if W is 0, the chirp rate must also be 0 to
336 avoid negative frequencies */
338 if(c->W>M_PI){
339 c->W = M_PI; /* clamp frequency to Nyquist */
340 c->dW = 0; /* if W is at Nyquist, the chirp rate must
341 also be 0 to avoid trans-Nyquist
342 frequencies */
344 /* Just like with the center frequency, don't allow the
345 chirp rate (dW) parameter to cross over to a negative
346 instantaneous frequency */
347 if(c->W+c->dW*len < 0)
348 c->dW = -c->W/len;
349 if(c->W-c->dW*len < 0)
350 c->dW = c->W/len;
351 /* ...or exceed Nyquist */
352 if(c->W + c->dW*len > M_PI)
353 c->dW = M_PI/len - c->W/len;
354 if(c->W - c->dW*len > M_PI)
355 c->dW = c->W/len - M_PI/len;
358 /* update the reconstruction/residue vectors with new fit */
360 for(j=0;j<len;j++){
361 double jj = j-len*.5+.5;
362 float a = c->A + (c->dA + c->ddA*jj)*jj;
363 float v = a*cos(c->P + (c->W + c->dW*jj)*jj);
364 r[j] -= v*window[j];
365 y[j] += v;
369 if(flag)iter_limit--;
371 return iter_limit;
375 /* partial-nonlinear estimation iterator; it restarts the basis
376 functions (W only). Reconstruction and error are approximated from
377 basis (as done in the original paper). Basis function is not
378 chirped, regardless of initial dW estimate */
379 static int partial_nonlinear_iterate(const float *x,
380 const float *window,
381 int len,
382 chirp *ch,
383 int n,
385 float fit_limit,
386 int iter_limit,
387 int fit_gs,
389 int fitW,
390 int fitdA,
391 int fitdW,
392 int fitddA,
393 float fit_W_alpha,
395 int symm_norm,
396 float E0,
397 float E1,
398 float E2){
399 int i,j;
400 float y[len];
401 int flag=1;
403 float *cos_table[n];
404 float *sin_table[n];
405 float *tcos_table[n];
406 float *tsin_table[n];
407 float *ttcos_table[n];
408 float *ttsin_table[n];
409 float cosE[n], sinE[n];
410 float tcosE[n], tsinE[n];
411 float ttcosE[n], ttsinE[n];
412 float tcosC2[n], tsinC2[n];
413 float ttcosC2[n], ttsinC2[n];
414 float ttcosC3[n], ttsinC3[n];
416 float ai[n], bi[n];
417 float ci[n], di[n];
418 float ei[n], fi[n];
420 for (i=0;i<n;i++){
421 cos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**cos_table));
422 sin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**sin_table));
423 tcos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**tcos_table));
424 tsin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**tsin_table));
425 ttcos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**ttcos_table));
426 ttsin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**ttsin_table));
429 /* outer fit iteration */
430 while(flag && iter_limit>0){
431 flag=0;
432 memset(y,0,sizeof(y));
434 /* Sort chirps by descending amplitude */
435 qsort(ch, n, sizeof(*ch), cmp_descending_A);
437 /* Calculate new basis functions */
438 for (i=0;i<n;i++){
439 float tmpa=0;
440 float tmpb=0;
441 float tmpc=0;
442 float tmpd=0;
443 float tmpe=0;
444 float tmpf=0;
446 float tmpc2=0;
447 float tmpd2=0;
448 float tmpe3=0;
449 float tmpf3=0;
451 if(ch[i].A==-1) continue;
453 /* chirp param -> basis acc */
454 ai[i] = toAi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P);
455 bi[i] = toBi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P);
456 ci[i] = dAtoCi(ch[i].P, ch[i].dA);
457 di[i] = dAtoDi(ch[i].P, ch[i].dA);
458 ei[i] = ddAtoEi(ch[i].P, ch[i].ddA) + dWtoEi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P, ch[i].dW);
459 fi[i] = ddAtoFi(ch[i].P, ch[i].ddA) + dWtoFi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P, ch[i].dW);
461 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
462 double jj = j-len/2.+.5;
463 double c,s;
464 sincos(ch[i].W*jj,&s,&c);
466 /* save basis funcs */
467 /* calc reconstruction vector */
468 y[j] +=
469 ai[i]*(cos_table[i][j] = c) +
470 bi[i]*(sin_table[i][j] = s) +
471 ci[i]*(tcos_table[i][j] = jj*c) +
472 di[i]*(tsin_table[i][j] = jj*s) +
473 ei[i]*(ttcos_table[i][j] = jj*jj*c) +
474 fi[i]*(ttsin_table[i][j] = jj*jj*s);
476 /* The modulation terms */
477 tmpc += tcos_table[i][j]*tcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
478 tmpd += tsin_table[i][j]*tsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
480 if(!symm_norm){
481 /* The sinusoidal terms */
482 tmpa += cos_table[i][j]*cos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
483 tmpb += sin_table[i][j]*sin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
485 /* The second order modulations */
486 tmpe += ttcos_table[i][j]*ttcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
487 tmpf += ttsin_table[i][j]*ttsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
490 /* gs fit terms */
491 if(fit_gs){
492 tmpc2 += cos_table[i][j]*tcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
493 tmpd2 += sin_table[i][j]*tsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
494 tmpe3 += tcos_table[i][j]*ttcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
495 tmpf3 += tsin_table[i][j]*ttsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
499 /* Set basis normalizations */
500 if(symm_norm){
501 cosE[i] = sinE[i] = E0;
502 tcosE[i] = tsinE[i] = E1;
503 ttcosE[i] = ttsinE[i] = E2;
504 }else{
505 cosE[i] = (tmpa>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpa : 0);
506 sinE[i] = (tmpb>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpb : 0);
507 tcosE[i] = (tmpc>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpc : 0);
508 tsinE[i] = (tmpd>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpd : 0);
509 ttcosE[i] = (tmpe>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpe : 0);
510 ttsinE[i] = (tmpf>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpf : 0);
513 if(fit_gs){
514 /* set gs fit terms */
515 tcosC2[i] = tmpc2;
516 tsinC2[i] = tmpd2;
517 ttcosC2[i] = tmpc;
518 ttsinC2[i] = tmpd;
519 ttcosC3[i] = tmpe3;
520 ttsinC3[i] = tmpf3;
524 for (i=0;i<n;i++){
526 float tmpa=0, tmpb=0;
527 float tmpc=0, tmpd=0;
528 float tmpe=0, tmpf=0;
530 /* (Sort of) project the residual on the four basis functions */
531 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
532 float r = (x[j]-y[j])*window[j]*window[j];
533 tmpa += r*cos_table[i][j];
534 tmpb += r*sin_table[i][j];
535 tmpc += r*tcos_table[i][j];
536 tmpd += r*tsin_table[i][j];
537 tmpe += r*ttcos_table[i][j];
538 tmpf += r*ttsin_table[i][j];
541 tmpa*=cosE[i];
542 tmpb*=sinE[i];
544 if(fit_gs){
545 tmpc -= tmpa*tcosC2[i];
546 tmpd -= tmpb*tsinC2[i];
549 tmpc*=tcosE[i];
550 tmpd*=tsinE[i];
552 if(fit_gs){
553 tmpe -= tmpa*ttcosC2[i] + tmpc*ttcosC3[i];
554 tmpf -= tmpb*ttsinC2[i] + tmpd*ttsinC3[i];
557 tmpe*=ttcosE[i];
558 tmpf*=ttsinE[i];
560 if(!fitW && !fitdA)
561 tmpc=tmpd=0;
562 if(!fitdW && !fitddA)
563 tmpe=tmpf=0;
565 /* Update the signal approximation for the next iteration */
566 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
567 y[j] +=
568 tmpa*cos_table[i][j]+
569 tmpb*sin_table[i][j]+
570 tmpc*tcos_table[i][j]+
571 tmpd*tsin_table[i][j]+
572 tmpe*ttcos_table[i][j]+
573 tmpf*ttsin_table[i][j];
576 ai[i] += tmpa;
577 bi[i] += tmpb;
578 ci[i] += tmpc;
579 di[i] += tmpd;
580 ei[i] += tmpe;
581 fi[i] += tmpf;
583 /* guard overflow */
584 if((ai[i]*ai[i] + bi[i]*bi[i])>1e10 ||
585 (ci[i]*ci[i] + di[i]*di[i])>1e10 ||
586 (ei[i]*ei[i] + fi[i]*fi[i])>1e10){
587 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
588 y[j] +=
589 ai[i]*cos_table[i][j]+
590 bi[i]*sin_table[i][j]+
591 ci[i]*tcos_table[i][j]+
592 di[i]*tsin_table[i][j]+
593 ei[i]*ttcos_table[i][j]+
594 fi[i]*ttsin_table[i][j];
596 ch[i].A=-1;
597 continue;
600 /* save new estimate */
601 ch[i].A = toA(ai[i],bi[i]);
602 ch[i].P = toP(ai[i],bi[i]);
603 ch[i].W += fit_W_alpha*(fitW ? toW(ai[i],bi[i],ci[i],di[i]) : 0);
604 ch[i].dA = (fitdA ? todA(ai[i],bi[i],ci[i],di[i]) : 0);
605 ch[i].dW = (fitdW ? todW(ai[i],bi[i],ei[i],fi[i]) : 0);
606 ch[i].ddA = (fitddA ? toddA(ai[i],bi[i],ei[i],fi[i]) : 0);
608 /* base convergence on basis projection movement this
609 iteration, but only consider the contribution of terms we fit. */
611 float move;
612 float cc=0,dd=0;
613 float ee=0,ff=0;
614 if(fitW){
615 float W = toW(ai[i],bi[i],ci[i],di[i]);
616 cc += WtoCi(ch[i].A,ch[i].P,W);
617 dd += WtoDi(ch[i].A,ch[i].P,W);
619 if(fitdA){
620 float dA = todA(ai[i],bi[i],tmpc,tmpd);
621 cc += dAtoCi(ch[i].P,dA);
622 dd += dAtoDi(ch[i].P,dA);
624 if(fitdW){
625 float dW = todW(ai[i],bi[i],tmpe,tmpf);
626 ee += dWtoEi(ch[i].A,ch[i].P,dW);
627 ff += dWtoFi(ch[i].A,ch[i].P,dW);
629 if(fitddA){
630 float ddA = toddA(ai[i],bi[i],tmpe,tmpf);
631 ee += ddAtoEi(ch[i].P,ddA);
632 ff += ddAtoFi(ch[i].P,ddA);
634 move = tmpa*tmpa + tmpb*tmpb + cc*cc + dd*dd + ee*ee + ff*ff;
635 if(fit_limit>0 && move>fit_limit*fit_limit)flag=1;
636 if(fit_limit<0 && move>1e-14)flag=1;
639 if(flag)iter_limit--;
642 for(i=0;i<n;i++){
643 free(cos_table[i]);
644 free(sin_table[i]);
645 free(tcos_table[i]);
646 free(tsin_table[i]);
647 free(ttcos_table[i]);
648 free(ttsin_table[i]);
651 return iter_limit;
654 /* linear estimation iterator; sets fixed basis functions for each
655 chirp according to the passed in initial estimates. This code
656 follows the paper as exactly as possible (reconstruction is
657 estimated from basis, basis is not chirped regardless of initial
658 estimate, etc). */
659 static int linear_iterate(const float *x,
660 const float *window,
661 int len,
662 chirp *ch,
663 int n,
665 float fit_limit,
666 int iter_limit,
667 int fit_gs,
669 int fitW,
670 int fitdA,
671 int fitdW,
672 int fitddA,
673 int symm_norm,
674 float E0,
675 float E1,
676 float E2){
678 float *cos_table[n];
679 float *sin_table[n];
680 float *tcos_table[n];
681 float *tsin_table[n];
682 float *ttcos_table[n];
683 float *ttsin_table[n];
684 float cosE[n], sinE[n];
685 float tcosE[n], tsinE[n];
686 float ttcosE[n], ttsinE[n];
687 float tcosC2[n], tsinC2[n];
688 float ttcosC2[n], ttsinC2[n];
689 float ttcosC3[n], ttsinC3[n];
691 float ai[n], bi[n];
692 float ci[n], di[n];
693 float ei[n], fi[n];
694 int i,j;
695 int flag=1;
696 float y[len];
698 memset(y,0,sizeof(y));
700 for (i=0;i<n;i++){
701 float tmpa=0;
702 float tmpb=0;
703 float tmpc=0;
704 float tmpd=0;
705 float tmpe=0;
706 float tmpf=0;
708 float tmpc2=0;
709 float tmpd2=0;
710 float tmpe3=0;
711 float tmpf3=0;
713 if(ch[i].A==-1)continue;
715 /* seed the basis accumulators from our passed in estimated parameters */
716 /* Don't add in W; this is already included by the basis */
717 ai[i] = toAi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P);
718 bi[i] = toBi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P);
719 ci[i] = dAtoCi(ch[i].P,ch[i].dA);
720 di[i] = dAtoDi(ch[i].P,ch[i].dA);
721 ei[i] = ddAtoEi(ch[i].P, ch[i].ddA) + dWtoEi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P, ch[i].dW);
722 fi[i] = ddAtoFi(ch[i].P, ch[i].ddA) + dWtoFi(ch[i].A, ch[i].P, ch[i].dW);
724 /* Build a table for the basis functions at each frequency */
725 cos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**cos_table));
726 sin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**sin_table));
727 tcos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**tcos_table));
728 tsin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**tsin_table));
729 ttcos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**ttcos_table));
730 ttsin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**ttsin_table));
732 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
733 double jj = j-len/2.+.5;
734 double c,s;
735 sincos(ch[i].W*jj,&s,&c);
737 /* save basis funcs */
738 /* initial reconstruction */
739 y[j] +=
740 ai[i]*(cos_table[i][j] = c) +
741 bi[i]*(sin_table[i][j] = s) +
742 ci[i]*(tcos_table[i][j] = jj*c) +
743 di[i]*(tsin_table[i][j] = jj*s) +
744 ei[i]*(ttcos_table[i][j] = jj*jj*c) +
745 fi[i]*(ttsin_table[i][j] = jj*jj*s);
747 /* The sinusoidal terms */
748 tmpa += cos_table[i][j]*cos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
749 tmpb += sin_table[i][j]*sin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
751 /* The modulation terms */
752 tmpc += tcos_table[i][j]*tcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
753 tmpd += tsin_table[i][j]*tsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
755 /* The second order modulations */
756 tmpe += ttcos_table[i][j]*ttcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
757 tmpf += ttsin_table[i][j]*ttsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
759 /* gs fit terms */
760 tmpc2 += cos_table[i][j]*tcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
761 tmpd2 += sin_table[i][j]*tsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
762 tmpe3 += tcos_table[i][j]*ttcos_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
763 tmpf3 += tsin_table[i][j]*ttsin_table[i][j]*window[j]*window[j];
767 /* Set basis normalizations */
768 if(symm_norm){
769 cosE[i] = sinE[i] = E0;
770 tcosE[i] = tsinE[i] = E1;
771 ttcosE[i] = ttsinE[i] = E2;
772 }else{
773 cosE[i] = (tmpa>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpa : 0);
774 sinE[i] = (tmpb>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpb : 0);
775 tcosE[i] = (tmpc>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpc : 0);
776 tsinE[i] = (tmpd>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpd : 0);
777 ttcosE[i] = (tmpe>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpe : 0);
778 ttsinE[i] = (tmpf>1e-20f ? 1.f/tmpf : 0);
781 /* set gs fit terms */
782 tcosC2[i] = tmpc2;
783 tsinC2[i] = tmpd2;
784 ttcosC2[i] = tmpc;
785 ttsinC2[i] = tmpd;
786 ttcosC3[i] = tmpe3;
787 ttsinC3[i] = tmpf3;
791 while(flag && iter_limit>0){
792 flag=0;
794 for (i=0;i<n;i++){
796 float tmpa=0, tmpb=0;
797 float tmpc=0, tmpd=0;
798 float tmpe=0, tmpf=0;
800 /* (Sort of) project the residual on the four basis functions */
801 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
802 float r = (x[j]-y[j])*window[j]*window[j];
803 tmpa += r*cos_table[i][j];
804 tmpb += r*sin_table[i][j];
805 tmpc += r*tcos_table[i][j];
806 tmpd += r*tsin_table[i][j];
807 tmpe += r*ttcos_table[i][j];
808 tmpf += r*ttsin_table[i][j];
811 tmpa*=cosE[i];
812 tmpb*=sinE[i];
814 if(fit_gs){
815 tmpc -= tmpa*tcosC2[i];
816 tmpd -= tmpb*tsinC2[i];
819 tmpc*=tcosE[i];
820 tmpd*=tsinE[i];
822 if(fit_gs){
823 tmpe -= tmpa*ttcosC2[i] + tmpc*ttcosC3[i];
824 tmpf -= tmpb*ttsinC2[i] + tmpd*ttsinC3[i];
827 tmpe*=ttcosE[i];
828 tmpf*=ttsinE[i];
830 if(!fitW && !fitdA)
831 tmpc=tmpd=0;
832 if(!fitdW && !fitddA)
833 tmpe=tmpf=0;
835 /* Update the signal approximation for the next iteration */
836 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
837 y[j] +=
838 tmpa*cos_table[i][j]+
839 tmpb*sin_table[i][j]+
840 tmpc*tcos_table[i][j]+
841 tmpd*tsin_table[i][j]+
842 tmpe*ttcos_table[i][j]+
843 tmpf*ttsin_table[i][j];
846 ai[i] += tmpa;
847 bi[i] += tmpb;
848 ci[i] += tmpc;
849 di[i] += tmpd;
850 ei[i] += tmpe;
851 fi[i] += tmpf;
853 /* guard overflow */
854 if((ai[i]*ai[i] + bi[i]*bi[i])>1e10 ||
855 (ci[i]*ci[i] + di[i]*di[i])>1e10 ||
856 (ei[i]*ei[i] + fi[i]*fi[i])>1e10){
857 for (j=0;j<len;j++){
858 y[j] +=
859 ai[i]*cos_table[i][j]+
860 bi[i]*sin_table[i][j]+
861 ci[i]*tcos_table[i][j]+
862 di[i]*tsin_table[i][j]+
863 ei[i]*ttcos_table[i][j]+
864 fi[i]*ttsin_table[i][j];
866 ch[i].A=-1;
867 continue;
870 /* base convergence on basis projection movement this
871 iteration */
873 float move = tmpa*tmpa + tmpb*tmpb +tmpc*tmpc + tmpd*tmpd + tmpe*tmpe + tmpf*tmpf;
875 if(fit_limit>0 && move>fit_limit*fit_limit)flag=1;
876 if(fit_limit<0 && move>1e-14)flag=1;
881 if(flag)iter_limit--;
884 for(i=0;i<n;i++){
885 if(ch[i].A!=-1){
886 ch[i].A = toA(ai[i],bi[i]);
887 ch[i].P = toP(ai[i],bi[i]);
888 ch[i].W += (fitW ? toW(ai[i],bi[i],ci[i],di[i]) : 0);
889 ch[i].dA = (fitdA ? todA(ai[i],bi[i],ci[i],di[i]) : 0);
890 ch[i].dW += (fitdW ? todW(ai[i],bi[i],ei[i],fi[i]) : 0);
891 ch[i].ddA = (fitddA ? toddA(ai[i],bi[i],ei[i],fi[i]) : 0);
892 }else{
893 memset(ch+i,0,sizeof(ch[i]));
894 ch[i].A=-1;
897 free(cos_table[i]);
898 free(sin_table[i]);
899 free(tcos_table[i]);
900 free(tsin_table[i]);
901 free(ttcos_table[i]);
902 free(ttsin_table[i]);
905 return iter_limit;
908 /* Performs an iterative chirp estimation using the passed
909 in chirp paramters as an initial estimate.
911 x: input signal (unwindowed)
912 y: output reconstruction (unwindowed)
913 window: window to apply to input and bases during fitting process
914 len: length of x,y,r and window vectors
915 c: chirp initial estimation inputs, chirp fit outputs (sorted in frequency order)
916 n: number of chirps
917 iter_limit: maximum allowable number of iterations
918 fit_limit: desired fit quality limit
920 fitW : flag indicating that fitting should include the W parameter.
921 fitdA : flag indicating that fitting should include the dA parameter.
922 fitdW : flag indicating that fitting should include the dW parameter.
923 fitddA : flag indicating that fitting should include the ddA parameter.
924 symm_norm
925 int fit_gs
926 int bound_zero
928 Input estimates affect convergence region and speed and fit
929 quality; precise effects depend on the fit estimation algorithm
930 selected. Note that non-zero initial values for dA, dW or ddA are
931 ignored when fitdA, fitdW, fitddA are unset. An initial value for
932 W is always used even when W is left unfitted.
934 Fitting terminates when no fit parameter changes by more than
935 fit_limit in an iteration or when the fit loop reaches the
936 iteration limit. The fit parameters as checked are scaled over the
937 length of the block.
941 int estimate_chirps(const float *x,
942 const float *window,
943 int len,
944 chirp *c,
945 int n,
947 float fit_limit,
948 int iter_limit,
949 int fit_gs,
951 int fitW,
952 int fitdA,
953 int fitdW,
954 int fitddA,
955 int nonlinear,
956 float fit_W_alpha,
957 float fit_dW_alpha,
958 int symm_norm,
959 int bound_zero
962 int i;
963 float E0=0, E1=0, E2=0;
965 if(symm_norm){
966 for(i=0;i<len;i++){
967 float jj = i-len*.5+.5;
968 float w2 = window[i]*window[i];
969 float w2j2 = w2*jj*jj;
970 float w2j4 = w2j2*jj*jj;
971 E0 += w2;
972 E1 += w2j2;
973 E2 += w2j4;
975 E0=2/E0;
976 E1=2/E1;
977 E2=2/E2;
980 /* zero out initial estimates for params we'll not fit */
981 for(i=0;i<n;i++){
982 if(!fitdA) c[i].dA=0.;
983 if(!fitdW) c[i].dW=0.;
984 if(!fitddA) c[i].ddA=0.;
987 switch(nonlinear){
988 case 0:
989 iter_limit = linear_iterate(x,window,len,c,n,
990 fit_limit,iter_limit,fit_gs,
991 fitW,fitdA,fitdW,fitddA,
992 symm_norm,E0,E1,E2);
993 break;
994 case 1:
995 iter_limit = partial_nonlinear_iterate(x,window,len,c,n,
996 fit_limit,iter_limit,fit_gs,
997 fitW,fitdA,fitdW,fitddA,
998 fit_W_alpha,
999 symm_norm,E0,E1,E2);
1000 break;
1001 case 2:
1002 iter_limit = full_nonlinear_iterate(x,window,len,c,n,
1003 fit_limit,iter_limit,fit_gs,
1004 fitW,fitdA,fitdW,fitddA,
1005 fit_W_alpha,fit_dW_alpha,
1006 symm_norm,E0,E1,E2,
1007 bound_zero);
1008 break;
1011 /* Sort by ascending frequency */
1012 qsort(c, n, sizeof(*c), cmp_ascending_W);
1014 return iter_limit;
1017 /* advances/extrapolates the passed in chirps so that the params are
1018 centered forward in time by len samples. */
1020 void advance_chirps(chirp *c, int n, int len){
1021 int i;
1022 for(i=0;i<n;i++){
1023 c[i].A += c[i].dA*len;
1024 c[i].P += (c[i].W+c[i].dW*len)*len;
1025 c[i].W += c[i].dW*len*2;
1029 /* dead, but leave it around; does a slow, brute force DCFT */
1030 void slow_dcft_row(float *x, float *y, int k, int n){
1031 int i,j;
1032 for(i=0;i<n/2+1;i++){ /* frequency loop */
1033 float real=0.,imag=0.;
1034 for(j=0;j<n;j++){ /* multiply loop */
1035 float s,c;
1036 float jj = (j-n/2+.5)/n;
1037 sincosf(2.*M_PI*(i+k*jj)*jj,&s,&c);
1038 real += c*x[j];
1039 imag += s*x[j];
1041 y[i] = hypot(real,imag);