3 ================================================
8 Here you will find some data about theora hardware and implementation
12 This is the webpage that describe step by step the theora-hardware integration
13 You can acess on http://www.students.ic.unicamp.br/~ra031198/theora_hardware/
15 ================================================
20 Linux driver for theora hardware
24 The VHDL modified files of LEON3
28 Kernel versions that I am using is the linux- for MMU system
30 leon3/quartus_config_EP2S60
32 Quartus configuration for FPGA ALTERA EP2s60 like pins locations and logiclock especifications
34 leon3/theora_amba_interface
36 Hardware that is plug on AMBA/APB bus and do the interface between libtheora and theora_hardware
38 leon3/vga_amba_interface
40 Hardware that is plug on AMBA/APB bus and is used with the full libtheora and just for show the video on monitor
42 leon3/libtheora_fpga/full
44 Libtheora-1.0alpha6 that will send the datas to vga_amba_interface. If you want to use this on linux you need to do some changes, see on doc/leon3_integration
46 leon3/libtheora_fpga/cut
48 Libtheora-1.0alpha6 that is cut to send the datas to theora hardware. If you want to use this on linux you need to do some changes, see on doc/leon3_integration
50 leon3/libtheora_fpga/ogg2inputvector.c
52 It is used when you want to put the Theora on FPGA without a LINUX. It will generate a vector of inputs of a ogg file in order to compile this with the dump_video software
54 ================================================
60 ================================================
63 testbenchs/expandblock
67 testbenchs/reconrefframes
68 testbenchs/vga_controller
70 These are all the testbench of theora hardware
72 testbenchs/libtheora_tb
74 This is the libtheora that will generate the inputs and outputs (golden files) for the modules under test
76 ================================================
81 Here you can find the finals theora hardware modules