Add Russian translation provided by Валерий Крувялис <>
[xiph-mirror.git] / theora-fpga / theora_hardware / divider.vhd
1 library std;
2 library ieee;
3 library work;
5 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
6 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
7 use work.all;
10 entity divider is
11 generic (
12 WIDTH : positive := 32);
13 port (Clk,
14 Reset_n : in std_logic;
16 in_request : out std_logic;
17 in_valid : in std_logic;
18 dividend : in unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
19 divisor : in unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
21 out_requested : in std_logic;
22 out_valid : out std_logic;
23 quotient : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
24 remainder : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0)
26 end entity divider;
28 architecture a_divider of divider is
29 type state_t is (stt_readIn, stt_divide, stt_writeOut);
30 signal state : state_t;
33 signal s_divisor : unsigned(WIDTH*2-1 downto 0);
34 signal s_quotient : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
35 signal s_remainder : unsigned(WIDTH*2-1 downto 0);
37 signal s_in_request : std_logic;
38 signal s_out_valid : std_logic;
39 signal s_repetition : integer range 0 to WIDTH+1;
41 begin -- a_divider
43 in_request <= s_in_request;
44 out_valid <= s_out_valid;
46 process (clk)
48 procedure ReadIn is
49 begin
50 s_out_valid <= '0'; -- came from WriteOut, out_valid must be 0
51 s_in_request <= '1';
52 if( s_in_request = '1' and in_valid = '1' )then
53 s_remainder <= resize("00", WIDTH) & dividend;
54 s_divisor <= divisor & resize("00", WIDTH);
55 s_quotient <= resize("00", WIDTH);
56 s_repetition <= 0;
57 s_in_request <= '0';
58 state <= stt_divide;
59 end if;
60 end procedure ReadIn;
62 procedure Divide is
63 variable v_subtractor : unsigned(WIDTH*2-1 downto 0);
64 begin
65 v_subtractor := s_remainder - s_divisor;
67 s_divisor <= SHIFT_RIGHT(s_divisor, 1);
68 s_quotient <= SHIFT_LEFT(s_quotient, 1);
69 if (v_subtractor(WIDTH*2-1) = '0') then -- positive
70 s_quotient(0) <= '1';
71 s_remainder <= v_subtractor;
72 else
73 s_quotient(0) <= '0';
74 end if;
75 s_repetition <= s_repetition + 1;
76 if (s_repetition = WIDTH) then
77 state <= stt_writeOut;
78 s_repetition <= 0;
79 end if;
80 end procedure Divide;
83 procedure WriteOut is
84 begin
85 s_out_valid <= '1';
86 quotient <= s_quotient;
87 remainder <= s_remainder(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
88 if (out_requested = '1') then
89 state <= stt_readIn;
90 end if;
91 end procedure WriteOut;
93 begin
94 if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
95 if (Reset_n = '0') then
96 s_in_request <= '0';
97 s_out_valid <= '0';
99 s_repetition <= 0;
100 state <= stt_readIn;
102 else
103 case state is
104 when stt_readIn => ReadIn;
105 when stt_divide => Divide;
106 when stt_writeOut => WriteOut;
107 when others => ReadIn; state <= stt_readIn;
108 end case;
109 end if;
110 end if;
111 end process;
113 end a_divider;