1 So far just really ad-hoc and manual instructions on how to get this working on my own workstation
5 Choose an existing XMLTV grabber already installed in your system (i.e.: tv_grab_es). Note
6 that all grabbers are installed in /usr/bin/tv_grab_*.
8 Rename this grabber to *.old. i.e.: sudo mv /usr/bin/tv_grab_es /usr/bin/tv_grab_es.old
10 Create a link to the xmltv_ar_rtv grabber with the name of the chosen (and moved) grabber:
12 sudo ln -s <full-path-where-you-put-it>/tv_grab_ar_rtv /usr/bin/tv_grab_es
14 Now you can use the rtv_ar grabber as if it was the one you replaced
18 Just run manually, from wherever you want, after each mythfilldatabase run