redraw each frame, or driver (system?) will decrease our priority, and we won't get...
[xreader.git] / xlayouter.d
1 /* Written by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
2 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
4 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 module xlayouter;
19 import arsd.image;
21 import iv.nanovg;
22 import iv.nanovg.oui.blendish;
23 import iv.utfutil;
24 import iv.vfs;
25 import;
27 import booktext;
29 version(laytest) import iv.encoding;
30 version(aliced) {} else private alias usize = size_t;
31 version(Windows) {
32 private int lrintf (float f) { pragma(inline, true); return cast(int)(f+0.5); }
33 } else {
34 import core.stdc.math : lrintf;
37 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
38 abstract class LayObject {
39 abstract int width ();
40 abstract int spacewidth ();
41 abstract int height ();
42 abstract int ascent (); // should be positive
43 abstract int descent (); // should be negative
44 abstract bool canbreak ();
45 abstract bool spaced ();
46 // y is at baseline
47 abstract void draw (NVGContext ctx, float x, float y);
51 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
52 // this needs such fonts in stash:
53 // text -- normal
54 // texti -- italic
55 // textb -- bold
56 // textz -- italic and bold
57 // mono -- normal
58 // monoi -- italic
59 // monob -- bold
60 // monoz -- italic and bold
61 final class LayFontStash {
62 public:
63 FONScontext* fs;
64 // list of known font faces, should be filled by caller when this object created
66 int[string] fontfaces;
67 string[int] fontfaceids;
69 private:
70 bool killFontStash;
71 bool fontWasSet; // to ensure that first call to `setFont()` will do it's work
72 LayFontStyle lastStyle;
74 public:
75 this () {
76 // create new fontstash
77 FONSparams fontParams;
78 fontParams.width = 1024/*NVG_INIT_FONTIMAGE_SIZE*/;
79 fontParams.height = 1024/*NVG_INIT_FONTIMAGE_SIZE*/;
80 fontParams.flags = FONS_ZERO_TOPLEFT;
81 fs = fonsCreateInternal(&fontParams);
82 if (fs is null) throw new Exception("error creating font stash");
83 killFontStash = true;
84 fs.fonsResetAtlas(1024, 1024);
85 fonsSetSpacing(fs, 0);
86 fonsSetBlur(fs, 0);
87 fonsSetAlign(fs, NVGTextAlign(NVGTextAlign.H.Left, NVGTextAlign.V.Baseline));
90 ~this () { freeFontStash(); }
92 void freeFontStash () {
93 if (killFontStash && fs !is null) {
94 fs.fonsDeleteInternal();
96 killFontStash = false;
97 fs = null;
100 void addFont(T : const(char)[], TP : const(char)[]) (T name, TP path) {
101 static if (is(T == typeof(null))) {
102 throw new Exception("invalid font face name");
103 } else {
104 if (name.length == 0) throw new Exception("invalid font face name");
105 if (name in fontfaces) throw new Exception("duplicate font '"~name.idup~"'");
106 int fid = fs.fonsAddFont(name, path);
107 if (fid < 0) throw new Exception("font '"~name~"' is not found at '"~path.idup~"'");
108 static if (is(T == string)) {
109 fontfaces[name] = fid;
110 fontfaceids[fid] = name;
111 } else {
112 string n = name.idup;
113 fontfaces[n] = fid;
114 fontfaceids[fid] = n;
119 // returns "font id" which can be used in `fontFace()`
120 @property int fontFaceId (const(char)[] name) {
121 if (auto fid = name in fontfaces) return *fid;
122 return -1;
125 @property string fontFace (int fid) {
126 if (auto ff = fid in fontfaceids) return *ff;
127 return null;
130 void setFont() (in auto ref LayFontStyle style) {
131 int fsz = style.fontsize;
132 if (fsz < 1) fsz = 1;
133 if (!fontWasSet || fsz != lastStyle.fontsize || style.fontface != lastStyle.fontface) {
134 if (style.fontface != lastStyle.fontface) fonsSetFont(fs, style.fontface);
135 if (fsz != lastStyle.fontsize) fonsSetSize(fs, fsz);
136 lastStyle = style;
137 lastStyle.fontsize = fsz;
141 int textWidth(T) (const(T)[] str) if (is(T == char) || is(T == dchar)) {
142 import std.algorithm : max;
143 float[4] b = void;
144 float adv = fs.fonsTextBounds(0, 0, str, b[]);
145 float w = b[2]-b[0];
146 return lrintf(max(adv, w));
149 int spacesWidth (int count) {
150 if (count < 1) return 0;
151 auto it = FonsTextBoundsIterator(fs, 0, 0);
152 it.put(' ');
153 return lrintf(it.advance*count);
156 // this returns "width", "width with trailing whitespace", and "width with trailing hypen"
157 // all `*` args can be omited
158 void textWidth2(T) (const(T)[] str, int* w=null, int* wsp=null, int* whyph=null) if (is(T == char) || is(T == dchar)) {
159 import std.algorithm : max;
160 if (w is null && wsp is null && whyph is null) return;
161 float minx, maxx;
162 auto it = FonsTextBoundsIterator(fs, 0, 0);
163 it.put(str);
164 if (w !is null) {
165 it.getHBounds(minx, maxx);
166 *w = lrintf(max(it.advance, maxx-minx));
168 if (wsp !is null && whyph is null) {
169 it.put(" ");
170 it.getHBounds(minx, maxx);
171 *wsp = lrintf(max(it.advance, maxx-minx));
172 } else if (wsp is null && whyph !is null) {
173 it.put(cast(dchar)45);
174 it.getHBounds(minx, maxx);
175 *whyph = lrintf(max(it.advance, maxx-minx));
176 } else if (wsp !is null && whyph !is null) {
177 auto sit = it;
178 it.put(" ");
179 it.getHBounds(minx, maxx);
180 *wsp = lrintf(max(it.advance, maxx-minx));
181 sit.put(cast(dchar)45);
182 sit.getHBounds(minx, maxx);
183 *whyph = lrintf(max(sit.advance, maxx-minx));
187 int textHeight () {
188 // use line bounds for height
189 float y0 = void, y1 = void;
190 fs.fonsLineBounds(0, &y0, &y1);
191 return lrintf(y1-y0);
194 void textMetrics (int* asc, int* desc, int* lineh) {
195 float a = void, d = void, h = void;
196 fs.fonsVertMetrics(&a, &d, &h);
197 if (asc !is null) *asc = lrintf(a);
198 if (desc !is null) *desc = lrintf(d);
199 if (lineh !is null) *lineh = lrintf(h);
204 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
205 // generic text style
206 align(1) struct LayFontStyle {
207 align(1):
208 enum Flag : uint {
209 Italic = 1<<0,
210 Bold = 1<<1,
211 Strike = 1<<2,
212 Underline = 1<<3,
213 Overline = 1<<4,
214 Href = 1<<5, // this is cross-reference (not actually a style flag, but it somewhat fits here)
216 ubyte flags; // see above
217 int fontface = -1; // i can't use strings here, as this struct inside LayWord will not be GC-scanned
218 int fontsize;
219 uint color = 0xff000000; // AABBGGRR; AA usually ignored by renderer, but i'll keep it anyway
220 string toString () const {
221 import std.format : format;
222 string res = "font:%s;size:%s;color:0x%08X".format(fontface, fontsize, color);
223 if (flags&Flag.Italic) res ~= ";italic";
224 if (flags&Flag.Bold) res ~= ";bold";
225 if (flags&Flag.Strike) res ~= ";strike";
226 if (flags&Flag.Underline) res ~= ";under";
227 if (flags&Flag.Overline) res ~= ";over";
228 return res;
230 mixin({
231 import std.conv : to;
232 import std.ascii : toLower;
233 string res;
234 foreach (string s; __traits(allMembers, Flag)) {
235 //pragma(msg, s);
236 res ~= "@property bool "~s[0].toLower~s[1..$]~" () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&Flag."~s~") != 0); }\n";
237 res ~= "@property void "~s[0].toLower~s[1..$]~" (bool v) pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); if (v) flags |= Flag."~s~"; else flags &= ~Flag."~s~"; }\n";
239 return res;
240 }());
241 void resetAttrs () pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); flags = 0; }
242 bool opEquals() (in auto ref LayFontStyle s) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (flags == s.flags && fontface == s.fontface && color == s.color && fontsize == s.fontsize); }
246 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
247 // line align style
248 align(1) struct LayLineStyle {
249 align(1):
250 enum Justify : ubyte {
251 Left,
252 Right,
253 Center,
254 Justify,
256 Justify mode = Justify.Left;
257 short lpad, rpad, tpad, bpad; // paddings; left and right can be negative
258 ubyte paraIndent; // in spaces
259 string toString () const {
260 import std.format : format;
261 string res;
262 final switch (mode) {
263 case Justify.Left: res = "left"; break;
264 case Justify.Right: res = "right"; break;
265 case Justify.Center: res = "center"; break;
266 case Justify.Justify: res = "justify"; break;
268 if (lpad) res ~= ";lpad:%s".format(lpad);
269 if (rpad) res ~= ";rpad:%s".format(rpad);
270 if (tpad) res ~= ";tpad:%s".format(tpad);
271 if (bpad) res ~= ";bpad:%s".format(bpad);
272 return res;
274 mixin({
275 import std.conv : to;
276 import std.ascii : toLower;
277 string res;
278 foreach (string s; __traits(allMembers, Justify)) {
279 //pragma(msg, s);
280 res ~= "@property bool "~s[0].toLower~s[1..$]~" () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (mode == Justify."~s~"); }\n";
281 res ~= "ref LayLineStyle set"~s~" () pure nothrow @safe @nogc { mode = Justify."~s~"; return this; }\n";
283 return res;
284 }());
285 //bool opEquals() (in auto ref LayLineStyle s) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (mode == s.mode && lpad == s.lpad); }
286 @property pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
287 int leftpad () const { pragma(inline, true); return lpad; }
288 void leftpad (int v) { pragma(inline, true); lpad = (v < short.min ? short.min : v > short.max ? short.max : cast(short)v); }
289 int rightpad () const { pragma(inline, true); return rpad; }
290 void rightpad (int v) { pragma(inline, true); rpad = (v < short.min ? short.min : v > short.max ? short.max : cast(short)v); }
291 int toppad () const { pragma(inline, true); return tpad; }
292 void toppad (int v) { pragma(inline, true); tpad = (v < 0 ? 0 : v > short.max ? short.max : cast(short)v); }
293 int bottompad () const { pragma(inline, true); return bpad; }
294 void bottompad (int v) { pragma(inline, true); bpad = (v < 0 ? 0 : v > short.max ? short.max : cast(short)v); }
299 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
300 // layouted text word
301 align(1) struct LayWord {
302 align(1):
303 static align(1) struct Props {
304 align(1):
305 enum Flag : uint {
306 CanBreak = 1<<0, // can i break line at this word?
307 Spaced = 1<<1, // should this word be whitespaced at the end?
308 Hypen = 1<<2, // if i'll break at this word, should i add hyphen mark?
309 LineEnd = 1<<3, // this word ends current line
310 ParaEnd = 1<<4, // this word ends current paragraph (and, implicitly, line)
311 Object = 1<<5, // wstart is actually object index in object array
313 // note that if word is softhyphen candidate, i have hyphen mark at [wend]
314 // if props.hyphen is set, wend is including that mark, otherwise it isn't
315 ubyte flags; // see above
316 @property pure nothrow @safe @nogc:
317 bool canbreak () const { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&Flag.CanBreak) != 0); }
318 void canbreak (bool v) { pragma(inline, true); if (v) flags |= Flag.CanBreak; else flags &= ~Flag.CanBreak; }
319 bool spaced () const { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&Flag.Spaced) != 0); }
320 void spaced (bool v) { pragma(inline, true); if (v) flags |= Flag.Spaced; else flags &= ~Flag.Spaced; }
321 bool hyphen () const { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&Flag.Hypen) != 0); }
322 void hyphen (bool v) { pragma(inline, true); if (v) flags |= Flag.Hypen; else flags &= ~Flag.Hypen; }
323 bool lineend () const { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&Flag.LineEnd) != 0); }
324 void lineend (bool v) { pragma(inline, true); if (v) flags |= Flag.LineEnd; else flags &= ~Flag.LineEnd; }
325 bool paraend () const { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&Flag.ParaEnd) != 0); }
326 void paraend (bool v) { pragma(inline, true); if (v) flags |= Flag.ParaEnd; else flags &= ~Flag.ParaEnd; }
327 bool someend () const { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&(Flag.ParaEnd|Flag.LineEnd)) != 0); }
328 bool object () const { pragma(inline, true); return ((flags&Flag.Object) != 0); }
329 void object (bool v) { pragma(inline, true); if (v) flags |= Flag.Object; else flags &= ~Flag.Object; }
331 uint wstart, wend; // in LayText text buffer
332 LayFontStyle style; // font style
333 uint wordNum; // word number (index in LayText word array)
334 Props propsOrig; // original properties, used for relayouting
335 // calculated values
336 Props props; // effective props after layouting
337 short x; // horizontal word position in line
338 short h; // word height (full)
339 short asc; // ascent (positive)
340 short desc; // descent (negative)
341 short w; // word width, without hyphen and spacing
342 short wsp; // word width with spacing (i.e. with space added at the end)
343 short whyph; // word width with hyphen (i.e. with hyphen mark added at the end)
344 @property short width () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (props.hyphen ? whyph : w); }
345 // width with spacing/hyphen
346 @property short fullwidth () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (props.hyphen ? whyph : props.spaced ? wsp : w); }
347 // space width based on original props
348 @property short spacewidth () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return cast(short)(propsOrig.spaced ? wsp-w : 0); }
349 //FIXME: find better place for this! keep that in separate pool, or something, and look there with word index
350 LayLineStyle just;
351 short paraPad; // to not recalcuate it on each relayouting; set to -1 to recalculate ;-)
352 @property int objectIdx () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (propsOrig.object ? wstart : -1); }
353 //int userTag;
357 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
358 // layouted text line
359 struct LayLine {
360 uint wstart, wend; // indicies in word array
361 LayLineStyle just; // line style
362 // calculated properties
363 int x, y, w; // starting x and y positions, width
364 // on finish, layouter will calculate minimal ('cause it is negative) descent
365 int h, desc; // height, descent (negative)
366 @property int wordCount () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return cast(int)(wend-wstart); }
370 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
371 alias LayText = LayTextImpl!char;
373 // layouted text
374 final class LayTextImpl(TBT=char) if (is(TBT == char) || is(TBT == dchar)) {
375 public:
376 // special control characters
377 enum dchar EndLineCh = 0x2028; // 0x0085 is treated like whitespace
378 enum dchar EndParaCh = 0x2029;
380 private:
381 void ensurePool(ubyte pow2, bool clear, T) (uint want, ref T* ptr, ref uint used, ref uint alloced) {
382 if (want == 0) return;
383 static assert(pow2 < 24, "wtf?!");
384 uint cursz = used*cast(uint)T.sizeof;
385 if (cursz >= int.max/2) throw new Exception("pool overflow");
386 auto lsz = cast(ulong)want*T.sizeof;
387 if (lsz >= int.max/2 || lsz+cursz >= int.max/2) throw new Exception("pool overflow");
388 want = cast(uint)lsz;
389 uint cural = alloced*cast(uint)T.sizeof;
390 if (cursz+want > cural) {
391 import core.stdc.stdlib : realloc;
392 // grow it
393 uint newsz = ((cursz+want)|((1<<pow2)-1))+1;
394 if (newsz >= int.max/2) throw new Exception("pool overflow");
395 auto np = cast(T*)realloc(ptr, newsz);
396 if (np is null) throw new Exception("out of memory for pool");
397 static if (clear) {
398 import core.stdc.string : memset;
399 memset(np+used, 0, newsz-cursz);
401 ptr = np;
402 alloced = newsz/cast(uint)T.sizeof;
406 TBT* ltext;
407 uint charsUsed, charsAllocated;
409 static if (is(TBT == char)) {
410 void putChars (const(dchar)[] str...) {
411 import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
412 //if (str.length >= int.max/2) throw new Exception("string too long");
413 char[4] buf = void;
414 foreach (dchar ch; str[]) {
415 //auto len = utf8Encode(buf[], ch);
416 //if (len < 0) { buf.ptr[0] = '?'; len = 1; }
417 if (!Utf8Decoder.isValidDC(ch)) ch = Utf8Decoder.replacement;
419 if (ch <= 0x7F) {
420 ensurePool!(16, false)(1, ltext, charsUsed, charsAllocated);
421 ltext[charsUsed++] = cast(char)ch;
422 } else {
423 ubyte len;
424 if (ch <= 0x7FF) {
425 buf.ptr[0] = cast(char)(0xC0|(ch>>6));
426 buf.ptr[1] = cast(char)(0x80|(ch&0x3F));
427 len = 2;
428 } else if (ch <= 0xFFFF) {
429 buf.ptr[0] = cast(char)(0xE0|(ch>>12));
430 buf.ptr[1] = cast(char)(0x80|((ch>>6)&0x3F));
431 buf.ptr[2] = cast(char)(0x80|(ch&0x3F));
432 len = 3;
433 } else if (ch <= 0x10FFFF) {
434 buf.ptr[0] = cast(char)(0xF0|(ch>>18));
435 buf.ptr[1] = cast(char)(0x80|((ch>>12)&0x3F));
436 buf.ptr[2] = cast(char)(0x80|((ch>>6)&0x3F));
437 buf.ptr[3] = cast(char)(0x80|(ch&0x3F));
438 len = 4;
439 } else {
440 assert(0, "wtf?!");
442 ensurePool!(16, false)(len, ltext, charsUsed, charsAllocated);
443 memcpy(ltext+charsUsed, buf.ptr, len);
444 charsUsed += len;
449 } else {
450 void putChars (const(dchar)[] str...) {
451 import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
452 if (str.length == 0) return;
453 if (str.length >= int.max/2/dchar.sizeof) throw new Exception("string too long");
454 ensurePool!(16, false)(cast(uint)str.length, ltext, charsUsed, charsAllocated);
455 memcpy(ltext+charsUsed, str.ptr, cast(uint)str.length*dchar.sizeof);
456 charsUsed += cast(uint)str.length;
460 LayWord* words;
461 uint wordsUsed, wordsAllocated;
463 LayWord* allocWord(bool clear=false) () {
464 ensurePool!(16, true)(1, words, wordsUsed, wordsAllocated);
465 auto res = words+wordsUsed;
466 static if (clear) {
467 import core.stdc.string : memset;
468 memset(res, 0, (*res).sizeof);
470 res.wordNum = wordsUsed++;
471 //res.userTag = wordTag;
472 return res;
475 LayLine* lines;
476 uint linesUsed, linesAllocated;
478 LayLine* allocLine(bool clear=false) () {
479 ensurePool!(16, true)(1, lines, linesUsed, linesAllocated);
480 static if (clear) {
481 import core.stdc.string : memset;
482 auto res = lines+(linesUsed++);
483 memset(res, 0, (*res).sizeof);
484 return res;
485 } else {
486 return lines+(linesUsed++);
490 LayLine* lastLine () { pragma(inline, true); return (linesUsed > 0 ? lines+linesUsed-1 : null); }
492 bool lastLineHasWords () { pragma(inline, true); return (linesUsed > 0 ? (lines[linesUsed-1].wend > lines[linesUsed-1].wstart) : false); }
494 // should not be called when there are no lines, or no words in last line
495 LayWord* lastLineLastWord () { pragma(inline, true); return words+lastLine.wend-1; }
497 static struct StyleStackItem {
498 LayFontStyle fs;
499 LayLineStyle ls;
501 StyleStackItem* styleStack;
502 uint ststackUsed, ststackAllocated;
504 public void pushStyles () {
505 ensurePool!(4, false)(1, styleStack, ststackUsed, ststackAllocated);
506 auto si = styleStack+(ststackUsed++);
507 si.fs = newStyle;
508 = newJust;
511 public void popStyles () {
512 if (ststackUsed == 0) throw new Exception("style stack underflow");
513 auto si = styleStack+(--ststackUsed);
514 newStyle = si.fs;
515 newJust =;
518 private:
519 bool firstParaLine = true;
520 uint lastWordStart; // in fulltext
521 uint firstWordNotFlushed;
523 @property bool hasWordChars () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (lastWordStart < charsUsed); }
525 private:
526 // current attributes
527 LayLineStyle just; // for current paragraph
528 LayFontStyle style;
529 // user can change this alot, so don't apply that immediately
530 LayFontStyle newStyle;
531 LayLineStyle newJust;
533 private:
534 Utf8Decoder dec;
535 bool lastWasUtf;
536 bool lastWasSoftHypen;
537 int maxWidth; // maximum text width
538 LayFontStash laf;
540 public:
541 int textHeight = 0; // total text height
542 int textWidth = 0; // maximum text width
544 public:
545 // compare function should return (roughly): key-l
546 alias CmpFn = int delegate (LayLine* l) nothrow @nogc;
548 int findLineBinary (scope CmpFn cmpfn) {
549 if (linesUsed == 0) return -1;
550 int bot = 0, i = cast(int)linesUsed-1;
551 while (bot != i) {
552 int mid = i-(i-bot)/2;
553 int cmp = cmpfn(lines+mid);
554 if (cmp < 0) i = mid-1;
555 else if (cmp > 0) bot = mid;
556 else return mid;
558 return (cmpfn(lines+i) == 0 ? i : -1);
561 // find line with this word index
562 int findLineWithWord (uint idx) {
563 return findLineBinary((LayLine* l) {
564 if (idx < l.wstart) return -1;
565 if (idx >= l.wend) return 1;
566 return 0;
570 // find line which contains this coordinate
571 int findLineAtY (int y) {
572 if (linesUsed == 0) return 0;
573 if (y < 0) return 0;
574 if (y >= textHeight) return cast(int)linesUsed-1;
575 auto res = findLineBinary((LayLine* l) {
576 if (y < l.y) return -1;
577 if (y >= l.y+l.h) return 1;
578 return 0;
580 assert(res != -1);
581 return res;
584 // find word at given coordinate in the given line
585 int findWordAtX (LayLine* ln, int x) {
586 int wcmp (int wnum) {
587 auto w = words+ln.wstart+wnum;
588 if (x < w.x) return -1;
589 return (x >= (wnum+1 < ln.wordCount ? w[1].x : w.x+w.w) ? 1 : 0);
591 if (ln is null || ln.wordCount == 0) return -1;
592 int bot = 0, i = ln.wordCount-1;
593 while (bot != i) {
594 int mid = i-(i-bot)/2;
595 switch (wcmp(mid)) {
596 case -1: i = mid-1; break;
597 case 1: bot = mid; break;
598 default: return ln.wstart+mid;
601 return (wcmp(i) == 0 ? ln.wstart+i : -1);
604 // find word at the given coordinates
605 int wordAtXY (int x, int y) {
606 auto lidx = findLineAtY(y);
607 if (lidx < 0) return -1;
608 auto ln = lines+lidx;
609 if (y < ln.y || y >= ln.y+ln.h || ln.wordCount == 0) return -1;
610 return findWordAtX(ln, x);
613 LayWord* wordByIndex (uint idx) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (idx < wordsUsed ? words+idx : null); }
615 @property const(TBT)[] wordText (in ref LayWord w) const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (w.wstart <= w.wend ? ltext[w.wstart..w.wend] : null); }
617 @property int lineCount () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return cast(int)linesUsed; }
619 // word iterator
620 @property auto lineWords (int lidx) {
621 static struct Range {
622 private:
623 LayWord* w;
624 int wordsLeft; // not including current
625 nothrow @trusted @nogc:
626 private:
627 this(LT) (LT lay, int lidx) {
628 if (lidx >= 0 && lidx < lay.linesUsed) {
629 auto ln = lay.lines+lidx;
630 if (ln.wend > ln.wstart) {
631 w = lay.words+ln.wstart;
632 wordsLeft = ln.wend-ln.wstart-1;
636 public:
637 @property bool empty () const pure { pragma(inline, true); return (w is null); }
638 @property ref LayWord front () pure { pragma(inline, true); assert(w !is null); return *w; }
639 void popFront () { if (wordsLeft) { ++w; --wordsLeft; } else w = null; }
640 Range save () { Range res = void; res.w = w; res.wordsLeft = wordsLeft; return res; }
641 @property int length () const pure { pragma(inline, true); return (w !is null ? wordsLeft+1 : 0); }
642 alias opDollar = length;
643 @property LayWord[] opSlice () { return (w !is null ? w[0..wordsLeft+1] : null); }
644 @property LayWord[] opSlice (int lo, int hi) {
645 if (lo < 0) lo = 0;
646 if (w is null || hi <= lo || lo > wordsLeft) return null;
647 if (hi > wordsLeft+1) hi = wordsLeft+1;
648 return w[lo..hi];
651 return Range(this, lidx);
654 LayLine* line (int lidx) { pragma(inline, true); return (lidx >= 0 && lidx < linesUsed ? lines+lidx : null); }
656 public:
657 LayObject[] objects;
659 public:
660 this (LayFontStash alaf, int awidth) {
661 if (alaf is null) assert(0, "no layout fonts");
662 if (awidth < 1) awidth = 1;
663 laf = alaf;
664 maxWidth = awidth;
667 ~this () { freeMemory(); }
669 void freeMemory () {
670 import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
671 if (lines !is null) { free(lines); lines = null; }
672 if (words !is null) { free(words); words = null; }
673 if (ltext !is null) { free(ltext); ltext = null; }
674 wordsUsed = wordsAllocated = linesUsed = linesAllocated = charsUsed = charsAllocated = 0;
677 @property int width () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return maxWidth; }
679 // last flushed word index
680 @property uint lastWordIndex () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (wordsUsed ? wordsUsed-1 : 0); }
682 // current word index
683 @property uint nextWordIndex () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return wordsUsed+hasWordChars; }
685 // use those to change current style. font style will take an effect on next char, line style on next line
686 @property ref LayFontStyle fontStyle () pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return newStyle; }
687 @property ref LayLineStyle lineStyle () pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return newJust; }
689 // return "font id" for the given font face
690 @property int fontFaceId (const(char)[] name) {
691 if (laf !is null) {
692 int fid = laf.fontFaceId(name);
693 if (fid >= 0) return fid;
695 throw new Exception("unknown font face '"~name.idup~"'");
698 // return font face for the given "font id"
699 @property string fontFace (int fid) { pragma(inline, true); return (laf !is null ? laf.fontFace(fid) : null); }
701 // end current line
702 void endLine () { put(EndLineCh); }
703 // end current paragraph
704 void endPara () { put(EndParaCh); }
706 // add "object" into text -- special thing that knows it's dimensions
707 void putObject (LayObject obj) {
708 import std.algorithm : max, min;
709 flushWord();
710 lastWasSoftHypen = false;
711 if (obj is null) return;
712 if (objects.length >= int.max/2) throw new Exception("too many objects");
713 just = newJust;
714 // create special word
715 auto w = allocWord();
716 w.wstart = cast(dchar)objects.length; // store object index
717 w.wend = 0;
718 objects ~= obj;
719 = style;
720 w.propsOrig.object = true;
721 w.propsOrig.spaced = obj.spaced;
722 w.propsOrig.canbreak = obj.canbreak;
723 w.props = w.propsOrig;
724 w.w = cast(short)min(max(0, obj.width), short.max);
725 w.whyph = w.wsp = cast(short)min(w.w+max(0, obj.spacewidth), short.max);
726 w.h = cast(short)min(max(0, obj.height), short.max);
727 w.asc = cast(short)min(max(0, obj.ascent), short.max);
728 if (w.asc < 0) throw new Exception("object ascent should be positive");
729 w.desc = cast(short)min(max(0, obj.descent), short.max);
730 if (w.desc > 0) throw new Exception("object descent should be negative");
731 w.just = just;
732 w.paraPad = -1;
735 // add text to layouter; it is ok to mix (valid) utf-8 and dchars here
736 void put(T) (const(T)[] str...) if (is(T == char) || is(T == dchar)) {
737 if (str.length == 0) return;
739 dchar curCh; // 0: no more chars
740 usize stpos;
742 static if (is(T == char)) {
743 // utf-8 stream
744 if (!lastWasUtf) { lastWasUtf = true; dec.reset; }
745 void skipCh () @trusted {
746 while (stpos < str.length) {
747 curCh = dec.decode(cast(ubyte)str.ptr[stpos++]);
748 if (curCh <= dchar.max) return;
750 curCh = 0;
752 // load first char
753 skipCh();
754 } else {
755 // dchar stream
756 void skipCh () @trusted {
757 if (stpos < str.length) {
758 curCh = str.ptr[stpos++];
759 if (curCh > dchar.max) curCh = '?';
760 } else {
761 curCh = 0;
764 // load first char
765 if (lastWasUtf) {
766 lastWasUtf = false;
767 if (!dec.complete) curCh = '?'; else skipCh();
768 } else {
769 skipCh();
773 // process stream dchars
774 if (curCh == 0) return;
775 if (!hasWordChars) style = newStyle;
776 if (wordsUsed == 0 || words[wordsUsed-1].propsOrig.someend) just = newJust;
777 while (curCh) {
778 import std.uni;
779 dchar ch = curCh;
780 skipCh();
781 if (ch == EndLineCh || ch == EndParaCh) {
782 // ignore leading empty lines
783 if (hasWordChars) flushWord(); // has some word data, flush it now
784 lastWasSoftHypen = false; // word flusher is using this flag
785 auto lw = (wordsUsed ? words+wordsUsed-1 : createEmptyWord());
786 // do i need to add empty word for attrs?
787 if (lw.propsOrig.someend) lw = createEmptyWord();
788 // fix word properties
789 lw.propsOrig.canbreak = true;
790 lw.propsOrig.spaced = false;
791 lw.propsOrig.hyphen = false;
792 lw.propsOrig.lineend = (ch == EndLineCh);
793 lw.propsOrig.paraend = (ch == EndParaCh);
794 flushWord();
795 just = newJust;
796 firstParaLine = (ch == EndParaCh);
797 } else if (ch == 0x00a0) {
798 // non-breaking space
799 lastWasSoftHypen = false;
800 if (hasWordChars && style != newStyle) flushWord();
801 putChars(' ');
802 } else if (ch == 0x0ad) {
803 // soft hyphen
804 if (!lastWasSoftHypen && hasWordChars) {
805 putChars('-');
806 lastWasSoftHypen = true; // word flusher is using this flag
807 flushWord();
809 lastWasSoftHypen = true;
810 } else if (ch <= ' ' || isWhite(ch)) {
811 if (hasWordChars) {
812 flushWord();
813 auto lw = words+wordsUsed-1;
814 lw.propsOrig.canbreak = true;
815 lw.propsOrig.spaced = true;
816 } else {
817 style = newStyle;
819 lastWasSoftHypen = false;
820 } else {
821 lastWasSoftHypen = false;
822 if (ch > dchar.max || ch.isSurrogate || ch.isPrivateUse || ch.isNonCharacter || ch.isMark || ch.isFormat || ch.isControl) ch = '?';
823 if (hasWordChars && style != newStyle) flushWord();
824 putChars(ch);
825 if (isDash(ch) && charsUsed-lastWordStart > 1 && !isDash(ltext[charsUsed-2])) flushWord();
830 // "finalize" layout: calculate lines, layout words...
831 // call this after you done feeding text to this
832 void finalize () {
833 flushWord();
834 lastWasSoftHypen = false;
835 relayout(maxWidth, true);
838 // relayout everything using the existing words
839 void relayout (int newWidth, bool forced) {
840 if (newWidth < 1) newWidth = 1;
841 if (!forced && newWidth == maxWidth) return;
842 maxWidth = newWidth;
843 linesUsed = 0;
844 if (linesAllocated > 0) {
845 import core.stdc.string : memset;
846 memset(lines, 0, linesAllocated*lines[0].sizeof);
848 uint widx = 0;
849 uint wu = wordsUsed;
850 textWidth = 0;
851 textHeight = 0;
852 firstParaLine = true;
853 scope(exit) firstWordNotFlushed = wu;
854 while (widx < wu) {
855 uint lend = widx;
856 while (lend < wu) {
857 auto w = words+(lend++);
858 if (w.propsOrig.someend) break;
860 flushLines(widx, lend);
861 widx = lend;
862 firstParaLine = words[widx-1].propsOrig.paraend;
866 public:
867 // don't use
868 void save (VFile fl) {
869 fl.rawWriteExact("XLL0");
870 fl.rawWriteExact(ltext[0..charsUsed]);
871 fl.rawWriteExact(words[0..wordsUsed]);
874 public:
875 // don't use
876 void dump (VFile fl) const {
877 fl.writeln("LINES: ", linesUsed);
878 foreach (immutable idx, const ref ln; lines[0..linesUsed]) {
879 fl.writeln("LINE #", idx, ": ", ln.wordCount, " words; just=", ln.just.toString, "; jlpad=", ln.just.leftpad, "; y=", ln.y, "; h=", ln.h, "; desc=", ln.desc);
880 foreach (immutable widx, const ref w; words[ln.wstart..ln.wend]) {
881 fl.writeln(" WORD #", widx, "(", w.wordNum, ")[", w.wstart, "..", w.wend, "]: ", wordText(w));
882 fl.writeln(" wbreak=", w.props.canbreak, "; wspaced=", w.props.spaced, "; whyphen=", w.props.hyphen, "; style=",;
883 fl.writeln(" x=", w.x, "; w=", w.w, "; h=", w.h, "; asc=", w.asc, "; desc=", w.desc);
888 private:
889 static bool isDash (dchar ch) {
890 pragma(inline, true);
891 return (ch == '-' || (ch >= 0x2013 && ch == 0x2015) || ch == 0x2212);
894 LayWord* createEmptyWord () {
895 assert(!hasWordChars);
896 auto w = allocWord();
897 = style;
898 w.props = w.propsOrig;
899 // set word dimensions
900 if ( < 0) throw new Exception("invalid font face in word style");
901 laf.setFont(;
902 w.w = w.wsp = w.whyph = 0;
903 // calculate ascent, descent and height
905 int a, d, h;
906 laf.textMetrics(&a, &d, &h);
907 w.asc = cast(short)a;
908 w.desc = cast(short)d;
909 w.h = cast(short)h;
911 w.just = just;
912 w.paraPad = -1;
913 style = newStyle;
914 return w;
917 void flushWord () {
918 if (hasWordChars) {
919 auto w = allocWord();
920 w.wstart = lastWordStart;
921 w.wend = charsUsed;
922 //{ import iv.encoding, std.conv : to; writeln("adding word: [", wordText(*w).to!string.recodeToKOI8, "]"); }
923 w.propsOrig.hyphen = lastWasSoftHypen;
924 if (lastWasSoftHypen) {
925 w.propsOrig.canbreak = true;
926 w.propsOrig.spaced = false;
927 --w.wend; // remove hyphen mark (for now)
929 = style;
930 w.props = w.propsOrig;
931 w.props.hyphen = false;
932 // set word dimensions
933 if ( < 0) throw new Exception("invalid font face in word style");
934 laf.setFont(;
935 // i may need spacing later, and anyway most words should be with spacing, so calc it unconditionally
936 if (w.wend > w.wstart) {
937 auto t = wordText(*w);
938 int ww, wsp, whyph;
939 laf.textWidth2(t, &ww, &wsp, (w.propsOrig.hyphen ? &whyph : null));
940 w.w = cast(short)ww;
941 w.wsp = cast(short)wsp;
942 if (!w.propsOrig.hyphen) w.whyph = w.w; else w.whyph = cast(short)whyph;
943 if (isDash(t[$-1])) { w.propsOrig.canbreak = true; w.props.canbreak = true; }
944 } else {
945 w.w = w.wsp = w.whyph = 0;
947 // calculate ascent, descent and height
949 int a, d, h;
950 laf.textMetrics(&a, &d, &h);
951 w.asc = cast(short)a;
952 w.desc = cast(short)d;
953 w.h = cast(short)h;
955 w.just = just;
956 w.paraPad = -1;
957 lastWordStart = charsUsed;
959 style = newStyle;
962 // [curw..endw)"
963 void flushLines (uint curw, uint endw) {
964 if (curw < endw) {
965 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln("flushing ", endw-curw, " words");
966 uint stline = linesUsed; // reformat from this
967 // fix word styles
968 foreach (ref LayWord w; words[curw..endw]) {
969 if (w.props.hyphen) --w.wend; // remove hyphen mark
970 w.props = w.propsOrig;
971 w.props.hyphen = false;
973 LayLine* ln;
974 LayWord* w = words+curw;
975 while (curw < endw) {
976 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln(" ", endw-curw, " words left");
977 if (ln is null) {
978 // add line to work with
979 ln = allocLine();
980 ln.wstart = ln.wend = curw;
981 ln.just = w.just;
982 ln.w = w.just.leftpad+w.just.rightpad;
983 // indent first line of paragraph
984 if (firstParaLine) {
985 firstParaLine = false;
986 // left-side or justified lines has paragraph indent
987 if (ln.just.paraIndent > 0 && (w.just.left || w.just.justify)) {
988 auto ind = w.paraPad;
989 if (ind < 0) {
990 laf.setFont(;
991 ind = cast(short)laf.spacesWidth(ln.just.paraIndent);
992 w.paraPad = ind;
994 ln.w += ind;
995 ln.just.leftpad = ln.just.leftpad+ind;
996 } else {
997 w.paraPad = 0;
1000 //writeln("new line; maxWidth=", maxWidth, "; starting line width=", ln.w);
1001 //writeln("* maxWidth=", maxWidth, "; ln.w=", ln.w, "; leftpad=", ln.just.leftpad, "; rightpad=", ln.just.rightpad);
1003 debug(xlay_line_flush) writefln(" (%s:0x%04x) 0x%08x : 0x%08x : 0x%08x : %s", LayLine.sizeof, LayLine.sizeof, cast(uint)lines, cast(uint)ln, cast(uint)(lines+linesUsed-1), cast(int)(ln-((lines+linesUsed-1))));
1004 // add words until i hit breaking point
1005 // if it will end beyond maximum width, and this line
1006 // has some words, flush the line and start new one
1007 uint startIndex = curw;
1008 int curwdt = ln.w, lastwsp = 0;
1009 while (curw < endw) {
1010 // add word width with spacing (i will compensate for that after loop)
1011 lastwsp = (w.propsOrig.spaced ? w.wsp-w.w : 0);
1012 curwdt += w.w+lastwsp;
1013 ++curw; // advance counter here...
1014 if (w.props.canbreak) break; // done with this span
1015 ++w; // ...and word pointer here (skipping one inc at the end ;-)
1017 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln(" ", curw-startIndex, " words processed");
1018 // can i add the span? if this is first span in line, add it unconditionally
1019 if (ln.wordCount == 0 || curwdt-lastwsp <= maxWidth) {
1020 // yay, i can!
1021 ln.wend = curw;
1022 ln.w = curwdt;
1023 ++w; // advance to curw
1024 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln("curwdt=", curwdt, "; maxWidth=", maxWidth, "; wc=", ln.wordCount, "(", ln.wend-ln.wstart, ")");
1025 } else {
1026 // nope, start new line here
1027 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln("added line with ", ln.wordCount, " words");
1028 // last word in the line should not be spaced
1029 auto ww = words+ln.wend-1;
1030 // compensate for spacing at last word
1031 ln.w -= (ww.props.spaced ? ww.wsp-ww.w : 0);
1032 ww.props.spaced = false;
1033 // and should have hyphen mark if it is necessary
1034 if (ww.propsOrig.hyphen) {
1035 assert(!ww.props.hyphen);
1036 ww.props.hyphen = true;
1037 ++ww.wend;
1038 // fix line width (word layouter will use that)
1039 ln.w += ww.whyph-ww.w;
1041 ln = null;
1042 curw = startIndex;
1043 w = words+curw;
1046 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln("added line with ", ln.wordCount, " words; new lines range: [", stline, "..", linesUsed, "]");
1047 debug(xlay_line_flush) writefln("(%s:0x%04x) 0x%08x : 0x%08x : 0x%08x : %s", LayLine.sizeof, LayLine.sizeof, cast(uint)lines, cast(uint)ln, cast(uint)(lines+linesUsed-1), cast(int)(ln-((lines+linesUsed-1))));
1048 // last line should not be justified
1049 if (ln.just.justify) ln.just.setLeft;
1050 // do real word layouting and fix line metrics
1051 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln("added ", linesUsed-stline, " lines");
1052 foreach (uint lidx; stline..linesUsed) {
1053 debug(xlay_line_flush) writeln(": lidx=", lidx, "; wc=", lines[lidx].wordCount);
1054 layoutLine(lidx);
1059 // do word layouting and fix line metrics
1060 void layoutLine (uint lidx) {
1061 import std.algorithm : max, min;
1062 assert(lidx < linesUsed);
1063 auto ln = lines+lidx;
1064 //writeln("maxWidth=", maxWidth, "; ln.w=", ln.w, "; leftpad=", ln.just.leftpad, "; rightpad=", ln.just.rightpad);
1065 debug(xlay_line_layout) writeln("lidx=", lidx, "; wc=", ln.wordCount);
1066 // y position
1067 ln.y = (lidx ? ln[-1].y+ln[-1].h : 0);
1068 auto lwords = lineWords(lidx);
1069 assert(!lwords.empty); // i should have at least one word in each line
1070 // line width is calculated for us by `flushLines()`
1071 // calculate line metrics and number of words with spacing
1072 int lineH, lineDesc, wspCount;
1073 foreach (ref LayWord w; {
1074 lineH = max(lineH, w.h);
1075 lineDesc = min(lineDesc, w.desc);
1076 if (w.props.spaced) ++wspCount;
1078 // vertical padding; clamp it, as i can't have line over line (it will break too many things)
1079 lineH += ln.just.toppad+ln.just.bottompad;
1080 ln.h = lineH;
1081 ln.desc = lineDesc;
1082 if (ln.w >= maxWidth) {
1083 //writeln("*** ln.w=", ln.w, "; maxWidth=", maxWidth);
1084 // way too long; (almost) easy deal
1085 // calculate free space to spare in case i'll need to compensate hyphen mark
1086 int x = ln.just.leftpad, spc = 0;
1087 foreach (ref LayWord w; {
1088 w.x = cast(short)x;
1089 x += w.fullwidth;
1090 if (w.props.spaced) spc += w.wsp-w.w;
1092 // if last word ends with hyphen, try to compensate it
1093 if (words[ln.wend-1].props.hyphen) {
1094 int needspc = ln.w-maxWidth;
1095 // no more than 8 pix or 2/3 of free space
1096 if (needspc <= 8 && needspc <= spc/3*2) {
1097 // compensate (i can do fractional math here, but meh...)
1098 while (needspc > 0) {
1099 // excellence in coding!
1100 foreach_reverse (immutable widx; ln.wstart..ln.wend) {
1101 if (words[widx].props.spaced) {
1102 --ln.w;
1103 foreach (immutable c; widx+1..ln.wend) words[c].x -= 1;
1104 if (--needspc == 0) break;
1110 } else if (ln.just.justify && wspCount > 0) {
1111 // fill the whole line
1112 int spc = maxWidth-ln.w; // space left to distribute
1113 int xadvsp = spc/wspCount;
1114 int frac = spc-xadvsp*wspCount;
1115 int x = ln.just.leftpad;
1116 // no need to save range here, i'll do it in one pass
1117 foreach (ref LayWord w; lwords) {
1118 w.x = cast(short)x;
1119 x += w.fullwidth;
1120 if (w.props.spaced) {
1121 x += xadvsp;
1122 //spc -= xadvsp;
1123 if (frac-- > 0) {
1124 ++x;
1125 //--spc;
1129 //if (x != maxWidth-ln.just.rightpad) writeln("x=", x, "; but it should be ", maxWidth-ln.just.rightpad, "; spcleft=", spc, "; ln.w=", ln.w, "; maxWidth=", maxWidth-ln.w);
1130 //assert(x == maxWidth-ln.just.rightpad);
1131 } else {
1132 int x;
1133 if (ln.just.left || ln.just.justify) x = ln.just.leftpad;
1134 else if (ln.just.right) x = maxWidth-ln.w+ln.just.leftpad;
1135 else if ( x = (maxWidth-(ln.w-ln.just.leftpad-ln.just.rightpad))/2;
1136 else assert(0, "wtf?!");
1137 // no need to save range here, i'll do it in one pass
1138 foreach (ref LayWord w; lwords) {
1139 w.x = cast(short)x;
1140 x += w.fullwidth;
1143 if (ln.h < 1) ln.h = 1;
1144 textWidth = max(textWidth, ln.w);
1145 textHeight = ln.y+ln.h;
1146 debug(xlay_line_layout) writeln("lidx=", lidx, "; wc=", ln.wordCount);