updated git and svn scripts
[xrzperl.git] / download
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # $Id$
3 ###APPNAME: download
4 ###APPAUTHOR: geek
5 ###APPDATE: Fri Sep 28 08:31:24 2007
6 ###APPVER: 0.2
7 ###APPDESC: A downloader,nothing else.
8 ###APPUSAGE: [options] URL
9 ###APPEXAMPLE: download www.google.com/index.html
10 ###APPOPTION: -v:Verbose Output|-u:URL to download|-s:Filename for output|-d:Create directories|-n:Task name|-r:Referer URL|-b:cookie file|-l:Enable Logging|-a:Auto rename if file exists|-p:Downloader - wget or curl-m:Max time for downloading|-f:Force over writting
11 use strict;
12 use lib $ENV{XR_PERL_MODULE_DIR};
14 use MyPlace::Script::Usage qw/help_required help_even_empty/;
15 use Cwd;
16 use Getopt::Std;
17 use MyPlace::Script::Message;
19 exit 0 if(help_even_empty($0,@ARGV));
21 my $proxy = '';
22 my $blocked_host = 'wretch\.cc|facebook\.com|fbcdn\.net';
23 my $BLOCKED_EXP = qr/^[^\/]+:\/\/[^\/]*(?:$blocked_host)(?:\/?|\/.*)$/;
24 my @WGET = qw{
25 wget --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 --connect-timeout 15 -q --progress bar
27 my @CURL = qw{
28 curl --fail --globoff --location --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 --progress-bar --create-dirs
30 sub log($$) {
31 my $text=shift;
32 my $fn=shift;
33 open FO,">>",$fn or return;
34 print FO $text;
35 close FO;
38 sub build_cmdline {
39 my($name,$url,$saveas,$refer,$cookie,$verbose,$maxtime) = @_;
40 return undef unless($url);
41 my @result;
42 if($name =~ /^wget$/i) {
43 push @result,@WGET;
44 push @result,"--referer",$refer ? $refer : $url;
45 push @result,"--output-document",$saveas if($saveas);
46 push @result,"--load-cookie",$cookie if(-f $cookie);
47 push @result,"--save-cookie",$cookie if($cookie);
48 push @result,'--read-timeout',$maxtime if($maxtime);
49 push @result,$url;
51 else {
52 push @result,@CURL;
53 push @result,"--url",$url;
54 push @result,"--referer",$refer ? $refer : $url;
55 push @result,"--output",$saveas if($saveas);
56 push @result,"--cookie",$cookie if(-f $cookie);
57 push @result,"--cookie-jar",$cookie if($cookie);
58 push @result,"--max-time",$maxtime if($maxtime);
59 if($url =~ $BLOCKED_EXP) {
60 app_message "USE PROXY $proxy\n";
61 push @result,"--socks5-hostname",$proxy;
64 return @result;
67 sub process {
68 my $taskname=shift;
69 my $cmdline=shift;
70 my $retry = shift || 2;
71 my $r=0;
72 while($retry) {
73 $retry--;
74 $r=system(@{$cmdline});
75 return 0 if($r==0);
76 return 2 if($r==2); #/KILL,TERM,USERINT;
77 $r = $r>>8;
78 #2 =>
79 #22 => Request Error 404,403
80 #56 => Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
81 return $r if($r == 2 or $r == 22 or $r == 56 or $r == 6);
82 app_warning "\rdownload:error($r), wait 1 second,retry $taskname\n";
83 sleep 1;
85 return 1;
89 my $OptFlag='m:lvu:s:dn:r:b:ap:f';
90 my %OPT;
91 getopts($OptFlag,\%OPT);
93 my $verbose= $OPT{"v"} ? $OPT{"v"} : 0;
94 my $url= $OPT{"u"} ? $OPT{"u"} : $ARGV[@ARGV-1];
95 my $saveas= $OPT{"s"} ? $OPT{"s"} : "";
96 my $createdir= $OPT{"d"} ? $OPT{"d"} : 0;
97 my $name= $OPT{"n"} ? $OPT{"n"} : "";
98 my $refer= $OPT{"r"} ? $OPT{"r"} : "";
99 my $cookie= $OPT{b} ? $OPT{b} : "";
100 my $logging= $OPT{l} ? $OPT{l} : "";
101 my $autorename = $OPT{a} ? $OPT{a} : "";
102 my $maxtime = $OPT{m} ? $OPT{m} : undef;
103 my $force = $OPT{f} ? $OPT{f} : undef;
104 #my $downloader = $OPT{p} ? $OPT{p} : "wget";
105 my $downloader = $OPT{p} ? $OPT{p} : "curl";
106 my $FAILLOG="download.failed";
107 my $DOWNLOADLOG="download.log";
109 if ($url !~ m/^\w+:\/\// ) {
110 app_message("invaild URL:\"",$url,"\"\n");
111 exit 1;
114 $url =~ s/\ /%20/g;
115 $refer=$url unless($refer);
116 if($createdir && !$saveas) {
117 my $filename=$url;
118 $filename =~ s/^\w+:\/+[^\/]*\/+//;
119 $filename =~ s/^[^\?]*\?[^\/]*\/+//g;
120 $saveas=$filename;
122 if(!$saveas) {
123 my $basename=$url;
124 $basename =~ s/^.*\///g;
125 $basename = "index.htm" unless($basename);
126 $saveas=$basename;
128 if($saveas =~ m/\/$/) {
129 $saveas .= "index.htm";
131 if($saveas and $autorename and -f $saveas) {
132 my $base = $saveas;
133 my $ext;
134 if($saveas =~ m/^(.*)(\.[^\.]*)$/) {
135 $base = $1;
136 $ext = $2;
138 use MyPlace::Filename qw/get_uniqname/;
139 $saveas = get_uniqname($base,$ext);
142 if($verbose) {
143 app_message(sprintf("%s\n%-8s: %s\n%-8s: %s\n%-8s: %s\n",
144 $name ? "\n$name" : "",
145 "URL",$url,
146 "SaveAs",$saveas,
147 "Refer",$refer));
149 else {
150 app_message "$name$url\t[starting]\n";
153 if ((!$force) and -f "$saveas" ) {
154 app_warning "$saveas exists\t[canceled]\n";
155 exit 0;
158 if($cookie) {
159 if(!-f $cookie) {
160 app_message "creating cookie for $url...\n";
161 my @match = $url =~ /^(http:\/\/[^\/]+)\//;
162 if(@match) {
163 my $domain=$match[0];
164 system("curl --url '$domain' -c '$cookie' -o '/dev/null'");
169 my $saveas_temp = "$saveas.downloading";
170 my @cmdline = build_cmdline($downloader,$url,$saveas_temp,$refer,$cookie,$verbose,$maxtime);
171 my $r=process("$name$url",\@cmdline,2);
173 if($r==0 and -f $saveas_temp) {
174 unlink ($saveas) if(-f $saveas);
175 rename($saveas_temp,$saveas) or die("$!\n");
176 &log("$url->$saveas\n","$DOWNLOADLOG") if($logging);;
177 app_ok "$name$saveas\t[completed]\n";
178 exit 0;
180 elsif($r==2) {
181 unlink $saveas_temp if(-f $saveas_temp);
182 app_warning "$name$url\t[killed]\n";
183 exit 2;
185 else {
186 unlink $saveas_temp if(-f $saveas_temp);
187 app_error "$name$url\t[failed]\n";
188 &log("$url->$saveas\n","$FAILLOG") if($logging);;
189 exit 0;