10 `YoSQL` is a [yesql](https://github.com/krisajenkins/yesql) inspired persistence solution for [Java](https://www.java.com/). It converts [SQL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL) statements into type-safe Java code with lots of configuration options for fine-tuning.
16 `YoSQL` allows you to use the full power of your database to overcome the individual challenges of your project. Re-use existing database tooling to iterate quickly by just running an SQL statement directly against your database without ever starting your JVM application. Bridge the gap between developers and DBAs by using your SQL statements as a common meeting ground and place for performance tuning.
20 `YoSQL` is a true zero dependency solution. Instead of adding a new dependency to your project, `YoSQL` is available as a build-tool that is only active during build-time. Once everything is generated, `YoSQL` is no longer required at run-time. The generated code relies only on JDK classes without any external dependencies.
22 ### developer friendly
24 No magic involved - `YoSQL` generates code that is easy to read and debug. Step-through in case you encounter an error or use the extensive logging capabilities of `YoSQL` to monitor both code generation and SQL execution. No hidden SELECT statements or opened transactions, developers using `YoSQL` are 100% in control on how their SQL statements are executed. Get started quickly in under a minute (not reading this included): Just add the appropriate plugin to your project, and you are good to go.
28 Want to try it out? Head over to the [tooling](./tooling) section to find out how you can add `YoSQL` to your project. Once the setup is done, the general approach to use `YoSQL` is always the same:
30 1. Write SQL statements or fine-tune `YoSQL` config.
31 2. Run the `YoSQL` tooling you have set up in your project to generate Java code.
32 3. Write application code that calls the repositories generated by `YoSQL` which in turn call your SQL statements.