Bump dawidd6/action-send-mail from 3 to 4
[yosql.git] / yosql-website / themes / metio / layouts / _default / single.html
1 {{ define "title" }}
2 {{ .Site.Title }} – {{ .Title }}
3 {{ end }}
4 {{ define "main" }}
5 <h1 class="post-titel">
6 <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">
7 {{ .Title }}
8 </a>
9 {{ if ne .Params.generated true }}
10 <a href="https://github.com/metio/yosql/commits/main/yosql-website/content/{{ .File }}">
11 <img src="{{ "/images/history.svg" | absURL }}" height="16" width="14" class="icon svgimg" alt="see history">
12 </a>
13 <a href="https://github.com/metio/yosql/edit/main/yosql-website/content/{{ .File }}">
14 <img src="{{ "/images/pencil.svg" | absURL }}" height="16" width="14" class="icon svgimg" alt="edit this page">
15 </a>
16 {{ end }}
17 </h1>
18 {{ with .Params.tags }}
19 <div class="subtitle">
20 Talks about:
21 {{ $sort := sort . }}
22 {{ $links := apply $sort "partial" "body/post-tag-link" "." }}
23 {{ $clean := apply $links "chomp" "." }}
24 {{ delimit $clean ", " ", and " }}
25 </div>
26 {{ end }}
27 <div id="post-content">
28 {{ .Content }}
29 </div>
30 {{ end }}