[cleanup] Misc (#8968)
[yt-dlp.git] / yt_dlp / extractor / mainstreaming.py
1 import re
3 from .common import InfoExtractor
5 from ..utils import (
6 int_or_none,
7 js_to_json,
8 parse_duration,
9 traverse_obj,
10 try_get,
11 urljoin
15 class MainStreamingIE(InfoExtractor):
16 _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:webtools-?)?(?P<host>[A-Za-z0-9-]*\.msvdn\.net)/(?:embed|amp_embed|content)/(?P<id>\w+)'
17 _EMBED_REGEX = [rf'<iframe[^>]+?src=["\']?(?P<url>{_VALID_URL})["\']?']
18 IE_DESC = 'MainStreaming Player'
20 _TESTS = [
22 # Live stream offline, has alternative content id
23 'url': 'https://webtools-e18da6642b684f8aa9ae449862783a56.msvdn.net/embed/53EN6GxbWaJC',
24 'info_dict': {
25 'id': '53EN6GxbWaJC',
26 'title': 'Diretta homepage 2021-12-31 12:00',
27 'description': '',
28 'live_status': 'was_live',
29 'ext': 'mp4',
30 'thumbnail': r're:https?://[A-Za-z0-9-]*\.msvdn.net/image/\w+/poster',
32 'expected_warnings': [
33 'Ignoring alternative content ID: WDAF1KOWUpH3',
34 'MainStreaming said: Live event is OFFLINE'
36 'skip': 'live stream offline'
37 }, {
38 # playlist
39 'url': 'https://webtools-e18da6642b684f8aa9ae449862783a56.msvdn.net/embed/WDAF1KOWUpH3',
40 'info_dict': {
41 'id': 'WDAF1KOWUpH3',
42 'title': 'Playlist homepage',
44 'playlist_mincount': 2
45 }, {
46 # livestream
47 'url': 'https://webtools-859c1818ed614cc5b0047439470927b0.msvdn.net/embed/tDoFkZD3T1Lw',
48 'info_dict': {
49 'id': 'tDoFkZD3T1Lw',
50 'title': r're:Class CNBC Live \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}$',
51 'live_status': 'is_live',
52 'ext': 'mp4',
53 'thumbnail': r're:https?://[A-Za-z0-9-]*\.msvdn.net/image/\w+/poster',
55 'skip': 'live stream'
56 }, {
57 'url': 'https://webtools-f5842579ff984c1c98d63b8d789673eb.msvdn.net/embed/EUlZfGWkGpOd?autoPlay=false',
58 'info_dict': {
59 'id': 'EUlZfGWkGpOd',
60 'title': 'La Settimana ',
61 'description': '03 Ottobre ore 02:00',
62 'ext': 'mp4',
63 'live_status': 'not_live',
64 'thumbnail': r're:https?://[A-Za-z0-9-]*\.msvdn.net/image/\w+/poster',
65 'duration': 1512
67 }, {
68 # video without webtools- prefix
69 'url': 'https://f5842579ff984c1c98d63b8d789673eb.msvdn.net/embed/MfuWmzL2lGkA?autoplay=false&T=1635860445',
70 'info_dict': {
71 'id': 'MfuWmzL2lGkA',
72 'title': 'TG Mattina',
73 'description': '06 Ottobre ore 08:00',
74 'ext': 'mp4',
75 'live_status': 'not_live',
76 'thumbnail': r're:https?://[A-Za-z0-9-]*\.msvdn.net/image/\w+/poster',
77 'duration': 789.04
79 }, {
80 # always-on livestream with DVR
81 'url': 'https://webtools-f5842579ff984c1c98d63b8d789673eb.msvdn.net/embed/HVvPMzy',
82 'info_dict': {
83 'id': 'HVvPMzy',
84 'title': r're:^Diretta LaC News24 \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}$',
85 'description': 'canale all news',
86 'live_status': 'is_live',
87 'ext': 'mp4',
88 'thumbnail': r're:https?://[A-Za-z0-9-]*\.msvdn.net/image/\w+/poster',
90 'params': {
91 'skip_download': True,
93 }, {
94 # no host
95 'url': 'https://webtools.msvdn.net/embed/MfuWmzL2lGkA',
96 'only_matching': True
97 }, {
98 'url': 'https://859c1818ed614cc5b0047439470927b0.msvdn.net/amp_embed/tDoFkZD3T1Lw',
99 'only_matching': True
100 }, {
101 'url': 'https://859c1818ed614cc5b0047439470927b0.msvdn.net/content/tDoFkZD3T1Lw#',
102 'only_matching': True
106 def _playlist_entries(self, host, playlist_content):
107 for entry in playlist_content:
108 content_id = entry.get('contentID')
109 yield {
110 '_type': 'url',
111 'ie_key': MainStreamingIE.ie_key(),
112 'id': content_id,
113 'duration': int_or_none(traverse_obj(entry, ('duration', 'totalSeconds'))),
114 'title': entry.get('title'),
115 'url': f'https://{host}/embed/{content_id}'
118 @staticmethod
119 def _get_webtools_host(host):
120 if not host.startswith('webtools'):
121 host = 'webtools' + ('-' if not host.startswith('.') else '') + host
122 return host
124 def _get_webtools_base_url(self, host):
125 return f'{self.http_scheme()}//{self._get_webtools_host(host)}'
127 def _call_api(self, host: str, path: str, item_id: str, query=None, note='Downloading API JSON', fatal=False):
128 # JSON API, does not appear to be documented
129 return self._call_webtools_api(host, '/api/v2/' + path, item_id, query, note, fatal)
131 def _call_webtools_api(self, host: str, path: str, item_id: str, query=None, note='Downloading webtools API JSON', fatal=False):
132 # webtools docs: https://webtools.msvdn.net/
133 return self._download_json(
134 urljoin(self._get_webtools_base_url(host), path), item_id, query=query, note=note, fatal=fatal)
136 def _real_extract(self, url):
137 host, video_id = self._match_valid_url(url).groups()
138 content_info = try_get(
139 self._call_api(
140 host, f'content/{video_id}', video_id, note='Downloading content info API JSON'), lambda x: x['playerContentInfo'])
141 # Fallback
142 if not content_info:
143 webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
144 player_config = self._parse_json(
145 self._search_regex(
146 r'config\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;', webpage, 'mainstreaming player config',
147 default='{}', flags=re.DOTALL),
148 video_id, transform_source=js_to_json, fatal=False) or {}
149 content_info = player_config['contentInfo']
151 host = content_info.get('host') or host
152 video_id = content_info.get('contentID') or video_id
153 title = content_info.get('title')
154 description = traverse_obj(content_info, 'longDescription', 'shortDescription', expected_type=str)
155 live_status = 'not_live'
156 if content_info.get('drmEnabled'):
157 self.report_drm(video_id)
159 alternative_content_id = content_info.get('alternativeContentID')
160 if alternative_content_id:
161 self.report_warning(f'Ignoring alternative content ID: {alternative_content_id}')
163 content_type = int_or_none(content_info.get('contentType'))
164 format_base_url = None
165 formats = []
166 subtitles = {}
167 # Live content
168 if content_type == 20:
169 dvr_enabled = traverse_obj(content_info, ('playerSettings', 'dvrEnabled'), expected_type=bool)
170 format_base_url = f"https://{host}/live/{content_info['liveSourceID']}/{video_id}/%s{'?DVR' if dvr_enabled else ''}"
171 live_status = 'is_live'
172 heartbeat = self._call_api(host, f'heartbeat/{video_id}', video_id, note='Checking stream status') or {}
173 if heartbeat.get('heartBeatUp') is False:
174 self.raise_no_formats(f'MainStreaming said: {heartbeat.get("responseMessage")}', expected=True)
175 live_status = 'was_live'
177 # Playlist
178 elif content_type == 31:
179 return self.playlist_result(
180 self._playlist_entries(host, content_info.get('playlistContents')), video_id, title, description)
181 # Normal video content?
182 elif content_type == 10:
183 format_base_url = f'https://{host}/vod/{video_id}/%s'
184 # Progressive format
185 # Note: in https://webtools.msvdn.net/loader/playerV2.js there is mention of original.mp3 format,
186 # however it seems to be the same as original.mp4?
187 formats.append({'url': format_base_url % 'original.mp4', 'format_note': 'original', 'quality': 1})
188 else:
189 self.raise_no_formats(f'Unknown content type {content_type}')
191 if format_base_url:
192 m3u8_formats, m3u8_subs = self._extract_m3u8_formats_and_subtitles(
193 format_base_url % 'playlist.m3u8', video_id=video_id, fatal=False)
194 mpd_formats, mpd_subs = self._extract_mpd_formats_and_subtitles(
195 format_base_url % 'manifest.mpd', video_id=video_id, fatal=False)
197 subtitles = self._merge_subtitles(m3u8_subs, mpd_subs)
198 formats.extend(m3u8_formats + mpd_formats)
200 return {
201 'id': video_id,
202 'title': title,
203 'description': description,
204 'formats': formats,
205 'live_status': live_status,
206 'duration': parse_duration(content_info.get('duration')),
207 'tags': content_info.get('tags'),
208 'subtitles': subtitles,
209 'thumbnail': urljoin(self._get_webtools_base_url(host), f'image/{video_id}/poster')