[cleanup] Misc (#8968)
[yt-dlp.git] / yt_dlp / extractor / pluralsight.py
1 import collections
2 import json
3 import os
4 import random
5 import re
7 from .common import InfoExtractor
8 from ..compat import (
9 compat_str,
10 compat_urlparse,
12 from ..utils import (
13 dict_get,
14 ExtractorError,
15 float_or_none,
16 int_or_none,
17 parse_duration,
18 parse_qs,
19 qualities,
20 srt_subtitles_timecode,
21 try_get,
22 update_url_query,
23 urlencode_postdata,
27 class PluralsightBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
28 _API_BASE = 'https://app.pluralsight.com'
30 _GRAPHQL_EP = '%s/player/api/graphql' % _API_BASE
32 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
35 query BootstrapPlayer {
36 rpc {
37 bootstrapPlayer {
38 profile {
39 firstName
40 lastName
41 email
42 username
43 userHandle
44 authed
45 isAuthed
46 plan
48 course(courseId: "%s") {
49 name
50 title
51 courseHasCaptions
52 translationLanguages {
53 code
54 name
56 supportsWideScreenVideoFormats
57 timestamp
58 modules {
59 name
60 title
61 duration
62 formattedDuration
63 author
64 authorized
65 clips {
66 authorized
67 clipId
68 duration
69 formattedDuration
71 index
72 moduleIndex
73 moduleTitle
74 name
75 title
76 watched
82 }'''
84 def _download_course(self, course_id, url, display_id):
85 try:
86 return self._download_course_rpc(course_id, url, display_id)
87 except ExtractorError:
88 # Old API fallback
89 return self._download_json(
90 'https://app.pluralsight.com/player/user/api/v1/player/payload',
91 display_id, data=urlencode_postdata({'courseId': course_id}),
92 headers={'Referer': url})
94 def _download_course_rpc(self, course_id, url, display_id):
95 response = self._download_json(
96 self._GRAPHQL_EP, display_id, data=json.dumps({
97 'query': self._GRAPHQL_COURSE_TMPL % course_id,
98 'variables': {}
99 }).encode('utf-8'), headers=self._GRAPHQL_HEADERS)
101 course = try_get(
102 response, lambda x: x['data']['rpc']['bootstrapPlayer']['course'],
103 dict)
104 if course:
105 return course
107 raise ExtractorError(
108 '%s said: %s' % (self.IE_NAME, response['error']['message']),
109 expected=True)
112 class PluralsightIE(PluralsightBaseIE):
113 IE_NAME = 'pluralsight'
114 _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|app)\.)?pluralsight\.com/(?:training/)?player\?'
115 _LOGIN_URL = 'https://app.pluralsight.com/id/'
117 _NETRC_MACHINE = 'pluralsight'
119 _TESTS = [{
120 'url': 'http://www.pluralsight.com/training/player?author=mike-mckeown&name=hosting-sql-server-windows-azure-iaas-m7-mgmt&mode=live&clip=3&course=hosting-sql-server-windows-azure-iaas',
121 'md5': '4d458cf5cf4c593788672419a8dd4cf8',
122 'info_dict': {
123 'id': 'hosting-sql-server-windows-azure-iaas-m7-mgmt-04',
124 'ext': 'mp4',
125 'title': 'Demo Monitoring',
126 'duration': 338,
128 'skip': 'Requires pluralsight account credentials',
129 }, {
130 'url': 'https://app.pluralsight.com/training/player?course=angularjs-get-started&author=scott-allen&name=angularjs-get-started-m1-introduction&clip=0&mode=live',
131 'only_matching': True,
132 }, {
133 # available without pluralsight account
134 'url': 'http://app.pluralsight.com/training/player?author=scott-allen&name=angularjs-get-started-m1-introduction&mode=live&clip=0&course=angularjs-get-started',
135 'only_matching': True,
136 }, {
137 'url': 'https://app.pluralsight.com/player?course=ccna-intro-networking&author=ross-bagurdes&name=ccna-intro-networking-m06&clip=0',
138 'only_matching': True,
142 query viewClip {
143 viewClip(input: {
144 author: "%(author)s",
145 clipIndex: %(clipIndex)d,
146 courseName: "%(courseName)s",
147 includeCaptions: %(includeCaptions)s,
148 locale: "%(locale)s",
149 mediaType: "%(mediaType)s",
150 moduleName: "%(moduleName)s",
151 quality: "%(quality)s"
152 }) {
153 urls {
156 rank
157 source
159 status
161 }'''
163 def _perform_login(self, username, password):
164 login_page = self._download_webpage(
165 self._LOGIN_URL, None, 'Downloading login page')
167 login_form = self._hidden_inputs(login_page)
169 login_form.update({
170 'Username': username,
171 'Password': password,
174 post_url = self._search_regex(
175 r'<form[^>]+action=(["\'])(?P<url>.+?)\1', login_page,
176 'post url', default=self._LOGIN_URL, group='url')
178 if not post_url.startswith('http'):
179 post_url = compat_urlparse.urljoin(self._LOGIN_URL, post_url)
181 response = self._download_webpage(
182 post_url, None, 'Logging in',
183 data=urlencode_postdata(login_form),
184 headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})
186 error = self._search_regex(
187 r'<span[^>]+class="field-validation-error"[^>]*>([^<]+)</span>',
188 response, 'error message', default=None)
189 if error:
190 raise ExtractorError('Unable to login: %s' % error, expected=True)
192 if all(not re.search(p, response) for p in (
193 r'__INITIAL_STATE__', r'["\']currentUser["\']',
194 # new layout?
195 r'>\s*Sign out\s*<')):
196 BLOCKED = 'Your account has been blocked due to suspicious activity'
197 if BLOCKED in response:
198 raise ExtractorError(
199 'Unable to login: %s' % BLOCKED, expected=True)
200 MUST_AGREE = 'To continue using Pluralsight, you must agree to'
201 if any(p in response for p in (MUST_AGREE, '>Disagree<', '>Agree<')):
202 raise ExtractorError(
203 'Unable to login: %s some documents. Go to pluralsight.com, '
204 'log in and agree with what Pluralsight requires.'
205 % MUST_AGREE, expected=True)
207 raise ExtractorError('Unable to log in')
209 def _get_subtitles(self, author, clip_idx, clip_id, lang, name, duration, video_id):
210 captions = None
211 if clip_id:
212 captions = self._download_json(
213 '%s/transcript/api/v1/caption/json/%s/%s'
214 % (self._API_BASE, clip_id, lang), video_id,
215 'Downloading captions JSON', 'Unable to download captions JSON',
216 fatal=False)
217 if not captions:
218 captions_post = {
219 'a': author,
220 'cn': int(clip_idx),
221 'lc': lang,
222 'm': name,
224 captions = self._download_json(
225 '%s/player/retrieve-captions' % self._API_BASE, video_id,
226 'Downloading captions JSON', 'Unable to download captions JSON',
227 fatal=False, data=json.dumps(captions_post).encode('utf-8'),
228 headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'})
229 if captions:
230 return {
231 lang: [{
232 'ext': 'json',
233 'data': json.dumps(captions),
234 }, {
235 'ext': 'srt',
236 'data': self._convert_subtitles(duration, captions),
240 @staticmethod
241 def _convert_subtitles(duration, subs):
242 srt = ''
243 TIME_OFFSET_KEYS = ('displayTimeOffset', 'DisplayTimeOffset')
244 TEXT_KEYS = ('text', 'Text')
245 for num, current in enumerate(subs):
246 current = subs[num]
247 start, text = (
248 float_or_none(dict_get(current, TIME_OFFSET_KEYS, skip_false_values=False)),
249 dict_get(current, TEXT_KEYS))
250 if start is None or text is None:
251 continue
252 end = duration if num == len(subs) - 1 else float_or_none(
253 dict_get(subs[num + 1], TIME_OFFSET_KEYS, skip_false_values=False))
254 if end is None:
255 continue
256 srt += os.linesep.join(
258 '%d' % num,
259 '%s --> %s' % (
260 srt_subtitles_timecode(start),
261 srt_subtitles_timecode(end)),
262 text,
263 os.linesep,
265 return srt
267 def _real_extract(self, url):
268 qs = parse_qs(url)
270 author = qs.get('author', [None])[0]
271 name = qs.get('name', [None])[0]
272 clip_idx = qs.get('clip', [None])[0]
273 course_name = qs.get('course', [None])[0]
275 if any(not f for f in (author, name, clip_idx, course_name,)):
276 raise ExtractorError('Invalid URL', expected=True)
278 display_id = '%s-%s' % (name, clip_idx)
280 course = self._download_course(course_name, url, display_id)
282 collection = course['modules']
284 clip = None
286 for module_ in collection:
287 if name in (module_.get('moduleName'), module_.get('name')):
288 for clip_ in module_.get('clips', []):
289 clip_index = clip_.get('clipIndex')
290 if clip_index is None:
291 clip_index = clip_.get('index')
292 if clip_index is None:
293 continue
294 if compat_str(clip_index) == clip_idx:
295 clip = clip_
296 break
298 if not clip:
299 raise ExtractorError('Unable to resolve clip')
301 title = clip['title']
302 clip_id = clip.get('clipName') or clip.get('name') or clip['clipId']
305 'low': {'width': 640, 'height': 480},
306 'medium': {'width': 848, 'height': 640},
307 'high': {'width': 1024, 'height': 768},
308 'high-widescreen': {'width': 1280, 'height': 720},
311 QUALITIES_PREFERENCE = ('low', 'medium', 'high', 'high-widescreen',)
312 quality_key = qualities(QUALITIES_PREFERENCE)
314 AllowedQuality = collections.namedtuple('AllowedQuality', ['ext', 'qualities'])
317 AllowedQuality('webm', ['high', ]),
318 AllowedQuality('mp4', ['low', 'medium', 'high', ]),
321 # Some courses also offer widescreen resolution for high quality (see
322 # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/7766)
323 widescreen = course.get('supportsWideScreenVideoFormats') is True
324 best_quality = 'high-widescreen' if widescreen else 'high'
325 if widescreen:
326 for allowed_quality in ALLOWED_QUALITIES:
327 allowed_quality.qualities.append(best_quality)
329 # In order to minimize the number of calls to ViewClip API and reduce
330 # the probability of being throttled or banned by Pluralsight we will request
331 # only single format until formats listing was explicitly requested.
332 if self.get_param('listformats', False):
333 allowed_qualities = ALLOWED_QUALITIES
334 else:
335 def guess_allowed_qualities():
336 req_format = self.get_param('format') or 'best'
337 req_format_split = req_format.split('-', 1)
338 if len(req_format_split) > 1:
339 req_ext, req_quality = req_format_split
340 req_quality = '-'.join(req_quality.split('-')[:2])
341 for allowed_quality in ALLOWED_QUALITIES:
342 if req_ext == allowed_quality.ext and req_quality in allowed_quality.qualities:
343 return (AllowedQuality(req_ext, (req_quality, )), )
344 req_ext = 'webm' if self.get_param('prefer_free_formats') else 'mp4'
345 return (AllowedQuality(req_ext, (best_quality, )), )
346 allowed_qualities = guess_allowed_qualities()
348 formats = []
349 for ext, qualities_ in allowed_qualities:
350 for quality in qualities_:
351 f = QUALITIES[quality].copy()
352 clip_post = {
353 'author': author,
354 'includeCaptions': 'false',
355 'clipIndex': int(clip_idx),
356 'courseName': course_name,
357 'locale': 'en',
358 'moduleName': name,
359 'mediaType': ext,
360 'quality': '%dx%d' % (f['width'], f['height']),
362 format_id = '%s-%s' % (ext, quality)
364 try:
365 viewclip = self._download_json(
366 self._GRAPHQL_EP, display_id,
367 'Downloading %s viewclip graphql' % format_id,
368 data=json.dumps({
369 'query': self.GRAPHQL_VIEWCLIP_TMPL % clip_post,
370 'variables': {}
371 }).encode('utf-8'),
372 headers=self._GRAPHQL_HEADERS)['data']['viewClip']
373 except ExtractorError:
374 # Still works but most likely will go soon
375 viewclip = self._download_json(
376 '%s/video/clips/viewclip' % self._API_BASE, display_id,
377 'Downloading %s viewclip JSON' % format_id, fatal=False,
378 data=json.dumps(clip_post).encode('utf-8'),
379 headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'})
381 # Pluralsight tracks multiple sequential calls to ViewClip API and start
382 # to return 429 HTTP errors after some time (see
383 # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/pull/6989). Moreover it may even lead
384 # to account ban (see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/6842).
385 # To somewhat reduce the probability of these consequences
386 # we will sleep random amount of time before each call to ViewClip.
387 self._sleep(
388 random.randint(5, 10), display_id,
389 '%(video_id)s: Waiting for %(timeout)s seconds to avoid throttling')
391 if not viewclip:
392 continue
394 clip_urls = viewclip.get('urls')
395 if not isinstance(clip_urls, list):
396 continue
398 for clip_url_data in clip_urls:
399 clip_url = clip_url_data.get('url')
400 if not clip_url:
401 continue
402 cdn = clip_url_data.get('cdn')
403 clip_f = f.copy()
404 clip_f.update({
405 'url': clip_url,
406 'ext': ext,
407 'format_id': '%s-%s' % (format_id, cdn) if cdn else format_id,
408 'quality': quality_key(quality),
409 'source_preference': int_or_none(clip_url_data.get('rank')),
411 formats.append(clip_f)
413 duration = int_or_none(
414 clip.get('duration')) or parse_duration(clip.get('formattedDuration'))
416 # TODO: other languages?
417 subtitles = self.extract_subtitles(
418 author, clip_idx, clip.get('clipId'), 'en', name, duration, display_id)
420 return {
421 'id': clip_id,
422 'title': title,
423 'duration': duration,
424 'creator': author,
425 'formats': formats,
426 'subtitles': subtitles,
430 class PluralsightCourseIE(PluralsightBaseIE):
431 IE_NAME = 'pluralsight:course'
432 _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|app)\.)?pluralsight\.com/(?:library/)?courses/(?P<id>[^/]+)'
433 _TESTS = [{
434 # Free course from Pluralsight Starter Subscription for Microsoft TechNet
435 # https://offers.pluralsight.com/technet?loc=zTS3z&prod=zOTprodz&tech=zOttechz&prog=zOTprogz&type=zSOz&media=zOTmediaz&country=zUSz
436 'url': 'http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/hosting-sql-server-windows-azure-iaas',
437 'info_dict': {
438 'id': 'hosting-sql-server-windows-azure-iaas',
439 'title': 'Hosting SQL Server in Microsoft Azure IaaS Fundamentals',
440 'description': 'md5:61b37e60f21c4b2f91dc621a977d0986',
442 'playlist_count': 31,
443 }, {
444 # available without pluralsight account
445 'url': 'https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/angularjs-get-started',
446 'only_matching': True,
447 }, {
448 'url': 'https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/understanding-microsoft-azure-amazon-aws/table-of-contents',
449 'only_matching': True,
452 def _real_extract(self, url):
453 course_id = self._match_id(url)
455 # TODO: PSM cookie
457 course = self._download_course(course_id, url, course_id)
459 title = course['title']
460 course_name = course['name']
461 course_data = course['modules']
462 description = course.get('description') or course.get('shortDescription')
464 entries = []
465 for num, module in enumerate(course_data, 1):
466 author = module.get('author')
467 module_name = module.get('name')
468 if not author or not module_name:
469 continue
470 for clip in module.get('clips', []):
471 clip_index = int_or_none(clip.get('index'))
472 if clip_index is None:
473 continue
474 clip_url = update_url_query(
475 '%s/player' % self._API_BASE, query={
476 'mode': 'live',
477 'course': course_name,
478 'author': author,
479 'name': module_name,
480 'clip': clip_index,
482 entries.append({
483 '_type': 'url_transparent',
484 'url': clip_url,
485 'ie_key': PluralsightIE.ie_key(),
486 'chapter': module.get('title'),
487 'chapter_number': num,
488 'chapter_id': module.get('moduleRef'),
491 return self.playlist_result(entries, course_id, title, description)