3 > YT metadata extractor inspired by [`youtube-ma` by _CorentinB_][youtube-ma]
5 __Warning: Very WIP!__ Only `channel dumpurls` and `video detail` work rn
9 Install and compile the Go project with `go get github.com/terorie/yt-mango`!
11 If you don't have a Go toolchain, grab an executable from the Releases tab
13 ##### Project structure
15 - _/data_: Data definitions
16 - _/api_: Abstract API definitions
17 - _/apiclassic_: HTML API implementation (parsing using [goquery][goquery])
18 - _/apijson_: JSON API implementation (parsing using [fastjson][fastjson])
19 - _/net_: HTTP utilities (asnyc HTTP implementation)
21 - _/util_: I don't have a better place for these
23 - _/pretty_: (not yet used) Terminal color utilities
24 - _/controller_: (not yet implemented) worker management
25 - _/db_: (not yet implemented) MongoDB connection
26 - _???_: (not yet implemented) Redis queue
28 [youtube-ma]: https://github.com/CorentinB/youtube-ma
29 [goquery]: https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery
30 [fastjson]: https://github.com/valyala/fastjson
31 [cobra]: https://github.com/spf13/cobra