1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <sect3 id="zend.progressbar.adapter.jspull">
4 <title>Zend_ProgressBar_Adapter_JsPull</title>
7 <classname>Zend_ProgressBar_Adapter_JsPull</classname> is the opposite of jsPush,
8 as it requires to pull for new updates, instead of pushing updates out
9 to the browsers. Generally you should use the adapter with the
10 persistence option of the <classname>Zend_ProgressBar</classname>. On notify,
11 the adapter sends a <acronym>JSON</acronym> string to the browser, which looks exactly
12 like the <acronym>JSON</acronym> string which is send by the jsPush adapter. The only
13 difference is, that it contains an additional parameter,
14 <code>finished</code>, which is either <constant>FALSE</constant> when
15 <methodname>update()</methodname> is called or <constant>TRUE</constant>, when
16 <methodname>finish()</methodname> is called.
20 You can set the adapter options either via the <code>set*</code> methods
21 or give an array or a <classname>Zend_Config</classname> instance with options as first
22 parameter to the constructor. The available options are:
28 <code>exitAfterSend</code>: Exits the current request after the
29 data were send to the browser. Default is <constant>TRUE</constant>.