[ZF-10089] Zend_Log
[zend.git] / documentation / manual / en / module_specs / Zend_Service_StrikeIron-AdvancedUses.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- Reviewed: no -->
3 <sect1 id="zend.service.strikeiron.advanced-uses">
4     <title>Zend_Service_StrikeIron: Advanced Uses</title>
6     <para>
7         This section describes the more advanced uses of
8         <classname>Zend_Service_StrikeIron</classname>.
9     </para>
11     <sect2 id="zend.service.strikeiron.advanced-uses.services-by-wsdl">
12         <title>Using Services by WSDL</title>
14         <para>
15             Some StrikeIron services may have a <acronym>PHP</acronym> wrapper class available,
16             such as those described in
17             <link linkend="zend.service.strikeiron.bundled-services">Bundled Services</link>.
18             However, StrikeIron offers hundreds of services and many of these
19             may be usable even without creating a special wrapper class.
20         </para>
22         <para>
23             To try a StrikeIron service that does not have a wrapper class available,
24             give the <code>wsdl</code> option to <methodname>getService()</methodname>
25             instead of the <code>class</code> option:
26         </para>
28         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
29 $strikeIron = new Zend_Service_StrikeIron(array('username' => 'your-username',
30                                                 'password' => 'your-password'));
32 // Get a generic client to the Reverse Phone Lookup service
33 $phone = $strikeIron->getService(
34     array('wsdl' => 'http://ws.strikeiron.com/ReversePhoneLookup?WSDL')
37 $result = $phone->lookup(array('Number' => '(408) 253-8800'));
38 echo $result->listingName;
40 // Zend Technologies USA Inc
41 ]]></programlisting>
43         <para>
44             Using StrikeIron services from the WSDL will require at least some understanding
45             of the WSDL files. StrikeIron has many resources on its site to help with this. Also,
46             <ulink url="http://janschneider.de">Jan Schneider</ulink> from the <ulink
47                 url="http://horde.org">Horde project</ulink> has written a <ulink
48                 url="http://janschneider.de/news/25/268">small <acronym>PHP</acronym>
49                 routine</ulink> that will format a WSDL file into more readable
50             <acronym>HTML</acronym>.
51         </para>
53         <para>
54             Please note that only the services described in the <link
55                 linkend="zend.service.strikeiron.bundled-services">Bundled Services</link>
56             section are officially supported.
57         </para>
58     </sect2>
60     <sect2 id="zend.service.strikeiron.viewing-soap-transactions">
61         <title>Viewing SOAP Transactions</title>
63         <para>
64             All communication with StrikeIron is done using the <acronym>SOAP</acronym> extension.
65             It is sometimes useful to view the <acronym>XML</acronym> exchanged with StrikeIron for
66             debug purposes.
67         </para>
69         <para>
70             Every StrikeIron client (subclass of
71             <classname>Zend_Service_StrikeIron_Base</classname>) contains a
72             <methodname>getSoapClient()</methodname> method to return the underlying instance of
73             <code>SOAPClient</code> used to communicate with StrikeIron.
74         </para>
76         <para>
77             <acronym>PHP</acronym>' <ulink
78                 url="http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.soap-soapclient-construct.php">SOAPClient</ulink>
79             has a <code>trace</code> option that causes it to remember the <acronym>XML</acronym>
80             exchanged during the last transaction. <classname>Zend_Service_StrikeIron</classname>
81             does not enable the <code>trace</code> option by default but this can easily by changed
82             by specifying the options that will be passed to the <code>SOAPClient</code>
83             constructor.
84         </para>
86         <para>
87             To view a SOAP transaction, call the <methodname>getSoapClient()</methodname> method
88             to get the <code>SOAPClient</code> instance and then call the appropriate methods like
89             <ulink
90                 url="http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.soap-soapclient-getlastrequest.php"><methodname>__getLastRequest()</methodname></ulink>
91             and <ulink
92                 url="http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.soap-soapclient-getlastresponse.php"><methodname>__getLastRequest()</methodname></ulink>:
93         </para>
95         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
96 $strikeIron =
97     new Zend_Service_StrikeIron(array('username' => 'your-username',
98                                       'password' => 'your-password',
99                                       'options'  => array('trace' => true)));
101 // Get a client for the Sales & Use Tax Basic service
102 $taxBasic = $strikeIron->getService(array('class' => 'SalesUseTaxBasic'));
104 // Perform a method call
105 $taxBasic->getTaxRateCanada(array('province' => 'ontario'));
107 // Get SOAPClient instance and view XML
108 $soapClient = $taxBasic->getSoapClient();
109 echo $soapClient->__getLastRequest();
110 echo $soapClient->__getLastResponse();
111 ]]></programlisting>
112     </sect2>
113 </sect1>