[ZF-10089] Zend_Log
[zend.git] / documentation / manual / zh / module_specs / Zend_Dojo-Form-Examples.xml
1 <sect2 id="zend.dojo.form.examples">
2     <title>Dojo 表单范例</title>
4     <example id="zend.dojo.form.examples.dojoform">
5         <title>使用 Zend_Dojo_Form</title>
7         <para>
8             和 <code>Zend_Form</code> 一起使用 Dojo的最容易的办法是利用 <code>Zend_Dojo_Form</code>,
9             直接使用或继承都可以。这个范例继承 Zend_Dojo_Form,并示范了所有 dijit 元素的用法。
10             它生成了四个子表单,并装饰了表单来使用 TabContainer,把每个子表单显示在它自己的 tab 上。
11         </para>
13         <programlisting role="php"><![CDATA[
14 class My_Form_Test extends Zend_Dojo_Form
16     /**
17      * Options to use with select elements
18      */
19     protected $_selectOptions = array(
20         'red'    => 'Rouge',
21         'blue'   => 'Bleu',
22         'white'  => 'Blanc',
23         'orange' => 'Orange',
24         'black'  => 'Noir',
25         'green'  => 'Vert',
26     );
28     /**
29      * Form initialization
30      *
31      * @return void
32      */
33     public function init()
34     {
35         $this->setMethod('post');
36         $this->setAttribs(array(
37             'name'  => 'masterForm',
38         ));
39         $this->setDecorators(array(
40             'FormElements',
41             array('TabContainer', array(
42                 'id' => 'tabContainer',
43                 'style' => 'width: 600px; height: 500px;',
44                 'dijitParams' => array(
45                     'tabPosition' => 'top'
46                 ),
47             )),
48             'DijitForm',
49         ));
50         $textForm = new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm();
51         $textForm->setAttribs(array(
52             'name'   => 'textboxtab',
53             'legend' => 'Text Elements',
54             'dijitParams' => array(
55                 'title' => 'Text Elements',
56             ),
57         ));
58         $textForm->addElement(
59                 'TextBox',
60                 'textbox',
61                 array(
62                     'value'      => 'some text',
63                     'label'      => 'TextBox',
64                     'trim'       => true,
65                     'propercase' => true,
66                 )
67             )
68             ->addElement(
69                 'DateTextBox',
70                 'datebox',
71                 array(
72                     'value' => '2008-07-05',
73                     'label' => 'DateTextBox',
74                     'required'  => true,
75                 )
76             )
77             ->addElement(
78                 'TimeTextBox',
79                 'timebox',
80                 array(
81                     'label' => 'TimeTextBox',
82                     'required'  => true,
83                 )
84             )
85             ->addElement(
86                 'CurrencyTextBox',
87                 'currencybox',
88                 array(
89                     'label' => 'CurrencyTextBox',
90                     'required'  => true,
91                     // 'currency' => 'USD',
92                     'invalidMessage' => 'Invalid amount. Include dollar sign, commas, and cents.',
93                     // 'fractional' => true,
94                     // 'symbol' => 'USD',
95                     // 'type' => 'currency',
96                 )
97             )
98             ->addElement(
99                 'NumberTextBox',
100                 'numberbox',
101                 array(
102                     'label' => 'NumberTextBox',
103                     'required'  => true,
104                     'invalidMessage' => 'Invalid elevation.',
105                     'constraints' => array(
106                         'min' => -20000,
107                         'max' => 20000,
108                         'places' => 0,
109                     )
110                 )
111             )
112             ->addElement(
113                 'ValidationTextBox',
114                 'validationbox',
115                 array(
116                     'label' => 'ValidationTextBox',
117                     'required'  => true,
118                     'regExp' => '[\w]+',
119                     'invalidMessage' => 'Invalid non-space text.',
120                 )
121             )
122             ->addElement(
123                 'Textarea',
124                 'textarea',
125                 array(
126                     'label'    => 'Textarea',
127                     'required' => true,
128                     'style'    => 'width: 200px;',
129                 )
130             );
131         $toggleForm = new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm();
132         $toggleForm->setAttribs(array(
133             'name'   => 'toggletab',
134             'legend' => 'Toggle Elements',
135         ));
136         $toggleForm->addElement(
137                 'NumberSpinner',
138                 'ns',
139                 array(
140                     'value'             => '7',
141                     'label'             => 'NumberSpinner',
142                     'smallDelta'        => 5,
143                     'largeDelta'        => 25,
144                     'defaultTimeout'    => 1000,
145                     'timeoutChangeRate' => 100,
146                     'min'               => 9,
147                     'max'               => 1550,
148                     'places'            => 0,
149                     'maxlength'         => 20,
150                 )
151             )
152             ->addElement(
153                 'Button',
154                 'dijitButton',
155                 array(
156                     'label' => 'Button',
157                 )
158             )
159             ->addElement(
160                 'CheckBox',
161                 'checkbox',
162                 array(
163                     'label' => 'CheckBox',
164                     'checkedValue'  => 'foo',
165                     'uncheckedValue'  => 'bar',
166                     'checked' => true,
167                 )
168             )
169             ->addElement(
170                 'RadioButton',
171                 'radiobutton',
172                 array(
173                     'label' => 'RadioButton',
174                     'multiOptions'  => array(
175                         'foo' => 'Foo',
176                         'bar' => 'Bar',
177                         'baz' => 'Baz',
178                     ),
179                     'value' => 'bar',
180                 )
181             );
182         $selectForm = new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm();
183         $selectForm->setAttribs(array(
184             'name'   => 'selecttab',
185             'legend' => 'Select Elements',
186         ));
187         $selectForm->addElement(
188                 'ComboBox',
189                 'comboboxselect',
190                 array(
191                     'label' => 'ComboBox (select)',
192                     'value' => 'blue',
193                     'autocomplete' => false,
194                     'multiOptions' => $this->_selectOptions,
195                 )
196             )
197             ->addElement(
198                 'ComboBox',
199                 'comboboxremote',
200                 array(
201                     'label' => 'ComboBox (remoter)',
202                     'storeId' => 'stateStore',
203                     'storeType' => 'dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore',
204                     'storeParams' => array(
205                         'url' => '/js/states.txt',
206                     ),
207                     'dijitParams' => array(
208                         'searchAttr' => 'name',
209                     ),
210                 )
211             )
212             ->addElement(
213                 'FilteringSelect',
214                 'filterselect',
215                 array(
216                     'label' => 'FilteringSelect (select)',
217                     'value' => 'blue',
218                     'autocomplete' => false,
219                     'multiOptions' => $this->_selectOptions,
220                 )
221             )
222             ->addElement(
223                 'FilteringSelect',
224                 'filterselectremote',
225                 array(
226                     'label' => 'FilteringSelect (remoter)',
227                     'storeId' => 'stateStore',
228                     'storeType' => 'dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore',
229                     'storeParams' => array(
230                         'url' => '/js/states.txt',
231                     ),
232                     'dijitParams' => array(
233                         'searchAttr' => 'name',
234                     ),
235                 )
236             );
237         $sliderForm = new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm();
238         $sliderForm->setAttribs(array(
239             'name'   => 'slidertab',
240             'legend' => 'Slider Elements',
241         ));
242         $sliderForm->addElement(
243                 'HorizontalSlider',
244                 'horizontal',
245                 array(
246                     'label' => 'HorizontalSlider',
247                     'value' => 5,
248                     'minimum' => -10,
249                     'maximum' => 10,
250                     'discreteValues' => 11,
251                     'intermediateChanges' => true,
252                     'showButtons' => true,
253                     'topDecorationDijit' => 'HorizontalRuleLabels',
254                     'topDecorationContainer' => 'topContainer',
255                     'topDecorationLabels' => array(
256                             ' ',
257                             '20%',
258                             '40%',
259                             '60%',
260                             '80%',
261                             ' ',
262                     ),
263                     'topDecorationParams' => array(
264                         'container' => array(
265                             'style' => 'height:1.2em; font-size=75%;color:gray;',
266                         ),
267                         'list' => array(
268                             'style' => 'height:1em; font-size=75%;color:gray;',
269                         ),
270                     ),
271                     'bottomDecorationDijit' => 'HorizontalRule',
272                     'bottomDecorationContainer' => 'bottomContainer',
273                     'bottomDecorationLabels' => array(
274                             '0%',
275                             '50%',
276                             '100%',
277                     ),
278                     'bottomDecorationParams' => array(
279                         'list' => array(
280                             'style' => 'height:1em; font-size=75%;color:gray;',
281                         ),
282                     ),
283                 )
284             )
285             ->addElement(
286                 'VerticalSlider',
287                 'vertical',
288                 array(
289                     'label' => 'VerticalSlider',
290                     'value' => 5,
291                     'style' => 'height: 200px; width: 3em;',
292                     'minimum' => -10,
293                     'maximum' => 10,
294                     'discreteValues' => 11,
295                     'intermediateChanges' => true,
296                     'showButtons' => true,
297                     'leftDecorationDijit' => 'VerticalRuleLabels',
298                     'leftDecorationContainer' => 'leftContainer',
299                     'leftDecorationLabels' => array(
300                             ' ',
301                             '20%',
302                             '40%',
303                             '60%',
304                             '80%',
305                             ' ',
306                     ),
307                     'rightDecorationDijit' => 'VerticalRule',
308                     'rightDecorationContainer' => 'rightContainer',
309                     'rightDecorationLabels' => array(
310                             '0%',
311                             '50%',
312                             '100%',
313                     ),
314                 )
315             );
317         $this->addSubForm($textForm, 'textboxtab')
318              ->addSubForm($toggleForm, 'toggletab')
319              ->addSubForm($selectForm, 'selecttab')
320              ->addSubForm($sliderForm, 'slidertab');
321     }
323 ]]></programlisting>
324     </example>
326     <example id="zend.dojo.form.examples.decorating">
327         <title> 修改已存在的表单来使用 Dojo </title>
329         <para>
330             通过使用 <code>Zend_Dojo::enableForm()</code> 静态方法,已存在的表单也可以使用 Dojo。
331         </para>
333         <para>
334             第一个范例示范装饰已存在的表单实例:
335         </para>
337         <programlisting role="php"><![CDATA[
338 $form = new My_Custom_Form();
339 Zend_Dojo::enableForm($form);
340 $form->addElement(
341 'ComboBox',
342 'query',
343 array(
344     'label'        => 'Color:',
345     'value'        => 'blue',
346     'autocomplete' => false,
347     'multiOptions' => array(
348         'red'    => 'Rouge',
349         'blue'   => 'Bleu',
350         'white'  => 'Blanc',
351         'orange' => 'Orange',
352         'black'  => 'Noir',
353         'green'  => 'Vert',
354     ),
357 ]]></programlisting>
359         <para>
360             另外,你可以在表单初始化上做点小文章:
361         </para>
363         <programlisting role="php"><![CDATA[
364 class My_Custom_Form extends Zend_Form
366     public function init()
367     {
368         Zend_Dojo::enableForm($this);
370         // ...
371     }
373 ]]></programlisting>
375         <para>
376             当然,如果你可以那样做 ... 你可以并应该简单地修改类来继承 Zend_Dojo_Form,
377             它可以随时替换已经 Dojo-enabled 的 Zend_Form ...
378         </para>
379     </example>
380 </sect2>
381 <!--
382 vim:se ts=4 sw=4 et: