[MANUAL] English:
[zend.git] / documentation / manual / en / module_specs / Zend_Application-QuickStart.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- Reviewed: no -->
3 <sect1 id="zend.application.quick-start">
4     <title>Zend_Application Quick Start</title>
6     <para>
7         There are two paths to getting started with
8         <classname>Zend_Application</classname>, and they depend on how you start your
9         project. In each case, you always start with creating a
10         <classname>Bootstrap</classname> class, and a related configuration file.
11     </para>
13     <para>
14         If you plan on using <classname>Zend_Tool</classname> to create your project,
15         continue reading below. If you will be adding
16         <classname>Zend_Application</classname> to an existing project, you'll want to
17         <link linkend="zend.application.quick-start.manual">skip ahead</link>.
18     </para>
20     <sect2 id="zend.application.quick-start.zend-tool">
21         <title>Using Zend_Tool</title>
23         <para>
24             The quickest way to start using <classname>Zend_Application</classname> is to use
25             <classname>Zend_Tool</classname> to generate your project. This will also create
26             your <classname>Bootstrap</classname> class and file.
27         </para>
29         <para>
30             To create a project, execute the <command>zf</command> command (on *nix systems):
31         </para>
33         <programlisting language="sh"><![CDATA[
34 % zf create project newproject
35 ]]></programlisting>
37         <para>
38             Or the Windows <filename>zf.bat</filename> command:
39         </para>
41         <programlisting language="dos"><![CDATA[
42 C:> zf.bat create project newproject
43 ]]></programlisting>
45         <para>
46             Both will create a project structure that looks like the following:
47         </para>
49         <programlisting language="text"><![CDATA[
50 newproject
51 |-- application
52 |   |-- Bootstrap.php
53 |   |-- configs
54 |   |   `-- application.ini
55 |   |-- controllers
56 |   |   |-- ErrorController.php
57 |   |   `-- IndexController.php
58 |   |-- models
59 |   `-- views
60 |       |-- helpers
61 |       `-- scripts
62 |           |-- error
63 |           |   `-- error.phtml
64 |           `-- index
65 |               `-- index.phtml
66 |-- library
67 |-- public
68 |   `-- index.php
69 `-- tests
70     |-- application
71     |   `-- bootstrap.php
72     |-- library
73     |   `-- bootstrap.php
74     `-- phpunit.xml
75 ]]></programlisting>
77         <para>
78             In the above diagram, your bootstrap is in
79             <filename>newproject/application/Bootstrap.php</filename>, and looks like
80             the following at first:
81         </para>
83         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
84 class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
87 ]]></programlisting>
89         <para>
90             You'll also note that a configuration file,
91             <filename>newproject/application/configs/application.ini</filename>, is
92             created. It has the following contents:
93         </para>
95         <programlisting language="dosini"><![CDATA[
96 [production]
97 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
98 phpSettings.display_errors = 0
99 includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
100 bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
101 bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
102 resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
104 [staging : production]
106 [testing : production]
107 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
108 phpSettings.display_errors = 1
110 [development : production]
111 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
112 phpSettings.display_errors = 1
113 ]]></programlisting>
115         <para>
116             All settings in this configuration file are for use with
117             <classname>Zend_Application</classname> and your bootstrap.
118         </para>
120         <para>
121             Another file of interest is the
122             <filename>newproject/public/index.php</filename> file, which invokes
123             <classname>Zend_Application</classname> and dispatches it.
124         </para>
126         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
127 // Define path to application directory
128 defined('APPLICATION_PATH')
129     || define('APPLICATION_PATH',
130               realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../application'));
132 // Define application environment
133 defined('APPLICATION_ENV')
134     || define('APPLICATION_ENV',
135               (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV')
136                                          : 'production'));
138 /** Zend_Application */
139 require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
141 // Create application, bootstrap, and run
142 $application = new Zend_Application(
144     APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
146 $application->bootstrap()
147             ->run();
148 ]]></programlisting>
150         <para>
151             To continue the quick start, please <link
152             linkend="zend.application.quick-start.resources">skip to the
153             Resources section</link>.
154         </para>
155     </sect2>
157     <sect2 id="zend.application.quick-start.manual">
158         <title>Adding Zend_Application to your application</title>
160         <para>
161             The basics of <classname>Zend_Application</classname> are fairly simple:
162         </para>
164         <itemizedlist>
165             <listitem>
166                 <para>
167                     Create an <filename>application/Bootstrap.php</filename> file, with the
168                     class <classname>Bootstrap</classname>.
169                 </para>
170             </listitem>
172             <listitem>
173                 <para>
174                     Create an <filename>application/configs/application.ini</filename>
175                     configuration file with the base configuration necessary for
176                     <classname>Zend_Application</classname>.
177                 </para>
178             </listitem>
180             <listitem>
181                 <para>
182                     Modify your <filename>public/index.php</filename> to utilize
183                     <classname>Zend_Application</classname>.
184                 </para>
185             </listitem>
186         </itemizedlist>
188         <para>
189             First, create your <classname>Bootstrap</classname> class. Create a file,
190             <filename>application/Bootstrap.php</filename>, with the following contents:
191         </para>
193         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
194 class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
197 ]]></programlisting>
199         <para>
200             Now, create your configuration. For this tutorial, we will use an
201             <acronym>INI</acronym> style configuration; you may, of course, use an
202             <acronym>XML</acronym> or <acronym>PHP</acronym> configuration file as well. Create
203             the file <filename>application/configs/application.ini</filename>, and provide the
204             following contents:
205         </para>
207         <programlisting language="dosini"><![CDATA[
208 [production]
209 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
210 phpSettings.display_errors = 0
211 includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
212 bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
213 bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
214 resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
216 [staging : production]
218 [testing : production]
219 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
220 phpSettings.display_errors = 1
222 [development : production]
223 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
224 phpSettings.display_errors = 1
225 ]]></programlisting>
227         <para>
228             Now, let's modify your gateway script,
229             <filename>public/index.php</filename>. If the file does not exist, create
230             it; otherwise, replace it with the following contents:
231         </para>
233         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
234 // Define path to application directory
235 defined('APPLICATION_PATH')
236     || define('APPLICATION_PATH',
237               realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../application'));
239 // Define application environment
240 defined('APPLICATION_ENV')
241     || define('APPLICATION_ENV',
242               (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV')
243                                          : 'production'));
245 // Typically, you will also want to add your library/ directory
246 // to the include_path, particularly if it contains your ZF installed
247 set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(
248     dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/library',
249     get_include_path(),
250 )));
252 /** Zend_Application */
253 require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
255 // Create application, bootstrap, and run
256 $application = new Zend_Application(
258     APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
260 $application->bootstrap()
261             ->run();
262 ]]></programlisting>
264         <para>
265             You may note that the application environment constant value looks
266             for an environment variable "APPLICATION_ENV". We recommend setting
267             this in your web server environment. In Apache, you can set this
268             either in your vhost definition, or in your <filename>.htaccess</filename>
269             file. We recommend the following contents for your
270             <filename>public/.htaccess</filename> file:
271         </para>
273         <programlisting language="conf"><![CDATA[
274 SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
276 RewriteEngine On
277 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
278 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
279 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
280 RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
281 RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
282 ]]></programlisting>
284         <note>
285             <title>Learn about mod_rewrite</title>
287             <para>
288                 The above rewrite rules allow access to any file under your
289                 virtual host's document root. If there are files you do not want
290                 exposed in this way, you may want to be more restrictive in your
291                 rules. Go to the Apache website to <ulink
292                     url="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html">learn
293                 more about mod_rewrite</ulink>.
294             </para>
295         </note>
297         <para>
298             At this point, you're all set to start taking advantage of
299             <classname>Zend_Application</classname>.
300         </para>
301     </sect2>
303     <sect2 id="zend.application.quick-start.resources">
304         <title>Adding and creating resources</title>
306         <para>
307             If you followed the directions above, then your bootstrap class
308             will be utilizing a front controller, and when it is run, it will
309             dispatch the front controller. However, in all likelihood, you'll
310             need a little more configuration than this.
311         </para>
313         <para>
314             In this section, we'll look at adding two resources to your
315             application. First, we'll set up your layouts, and then we'll
316             customize your view object.
317         </para>
319         <para>
320             One of the standard resources provided with
321             <classname>Zend_Application</classname> is the "layout" resource. This
322             resource expects you to define configuration values which it will
323             then use to configure your <classname>Zend_Layout</classname> instance.
324         </para>
326         <para>
327             To use it, all we need to do is update the configuration file.
328         </para>
330         <programlisting language="dosini"><![CDATA[
331 [production]
332 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
333 phpSettings.display_errors = 0
334 bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
335 bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
336 resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
338 resources.layout.layout = "layout"
339 resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH "/layouts/scripts"
341 [staging : production]
343 [testing : production]
344 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
345 phpSettings.display_errors = 1
347 [development : production]
348 phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
349 phpSettings.display_errors = 1
350 ]]></programlisting>
352         <para>
353             If you haven't already, create the directory
354             <filename>application/layouts/scripts/</filename>, and the file
355             <filename>layout.phtml</filename> within that directory. A good starting
356             layout is as follows (and ties in with the view resource covered
357             next):
358         </para>
360         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
361 <?php echo $this->doctype() ?>
362 <html>
363 <head>
364     <?php echo $this->headTitle() ?>
365     <?php echo $this->headLink() ?>
366     <?php echo $this->headStyle() ?>
367     <?php echo $this->headScript() ?>
368 </head>
369 <body>
370     <?php echo $this->layout()->content ?>
371 </body>
372 </html>
373 ]]></programlisting>
375         <para>
376             At this point, you will now have a working layout.
377         </para>
379         <para>
380             Now, we'll add a custom view resource. When initializing the view,
381             we'll want to set the <acronym>HTML</acronym> DocType and a default value for the title
382             to use in the <acronym>HTML</acronym> head. This can be accomplished by editing your
383             <classname>Bootstrap</classname> class to add a method:
384         </para>
386         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
387 class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
389     protected function _initView()
390     {
391         // Initialize view
392         $view = new Zend_View();
393         $view->doctype('XHTML1_STRICT');
394         $view->headTitle('My First Zend Framework Application');
396         // Add it to the ViewRenderer
397         $viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper(
398             'ViewRenderer'
399         );
400         $viewRenderer->setView($view);
402         // Return it, so that it can be stored by the bootstrap
403         return $view;
404     }
406 ]]></programlisting>
408         <para>
409             This method will be automatically executed when you bootstrap the
410             application, and will ensure your view is initialized according to
411             your application needs.
412         </para>
413     </sect2>
415     <sect2 id="zend.application.quick-start.next-steps">
416         <title>Next steps with Zend_Application</title>
418         <para>
419             The above should get you started with <classname>Zend_Application</classname>
420             and creating your application bootstrap. From here, you should start
421             creating resource methods, or, for maximum re-usability, resource
422             plugin classes. Continue reading to learn more!
423         </para>
424     </sect2>
425 </sect1>